Description from extension meta
เล่นตอนถัดไปโดยอัตโนมัติข้ามลำดับหัวเรื่องและข้ามตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์ใน Amazon Prime Video
Image from store
Description from store
Perfect Prime is a chrome extension that improves the Amazon Prime video experience for power users. It's features include:
* Automatically skip intros
* Automatically skip ads
* Automatically skip recaps
* Automatically play the next episode OR always watch the credits!
Latest reviews
- (2022-08-23) Polo Piotr: doesn't work
- (2022-03-23) Wolf R (Wolfus): Prime-Werbung wird nicht blockiert/übersprungen.
- (2022-02-02) Wolff W: It doesn;t work. It does not skip ads on Amamazon Prime Video.
- (2021-11-23) Zoe Lavea: Doesn't work
- (2021-05-23) Damian Bradbury: still doesn't work for skipping ads on prime I didn't test it for anything else
- (2020-11-03) Alvin Johnson: Not working at all. 11/2/20
- (2020-02-22) Kilian Brümmer: it works well :)
- (2020-02-13) Booya !: doesnt work
- (2019-11-26) Leandro Diógenes: Nao funciona