Description from extension meta
The entire page will be fading to dark, so you can watch the videos as if you were in the cinema. Works for YouTube™ and beyond.
Image from store
Description from store
With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to normal.
Turn Off the Lights is a lightweight and useful add-in designed for a more comfortable watching experience.
A few great features in this browser extension:
+ Turn the lights back on, by clicking on it
+ Support multiple video sites: YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo,... and more
+ Customize your YouTube:
Auto HD: Set videos to play in HD automatically. Users can select from highres > 8K > 5K > 4K > 1080p > 720p > 480p > 360p > 240p > 144p > default
Auto Wide: Automatically plays the video on the widest mode
,... and more
+ Easter Eggs:
Shortcut key: T -> Do you like a real movie theater feeling?
+ Option to make the screen dark when the user clicks on the play button
+ Option to turn on/off the fade in and fade out effects
+ Custom colors
+ Option to Flash Detection
+ Option to Show Dimness Level Bar
+ Option Eye Protection for when it's night. And with a whitelist/blacklist filter
+ Option atmosphere lighting that shows a glow around the video player
+ Option to show the dark layer on the top of the window
+ Options to shortcut keys:
Ctrl + Shift + L to toggle the lights
Alt + F8 to restore the default opacity value
Alt + F9 to save the current opacity value
Alt + F10 to enable/disable the Eye Protection feature
Alt + (arrow up) to increase the opacity
Alt + (arrow down) to decrease the opacity
Alt + * to toggle the lights on all open tabs
+ Option Camera Motion
+ Option Speech Recognition
+ Option for Mouse Wheel Volume Control for each video player
+ Option to add a filter to the current video player (grayscale, sepia, invert, contrast, saturate, hue rotation, and brightness)
+ Option to show the Audio Visualization effect on top of the current video (Blocks, Frequency, and Music Tunnel)
+ Option to fill the video player in your whole current tab
+ Option to loop the current video player
+ Option to place the Night Mode switch to toggle YouTube in black or white theme. And with a whitelist/blacklist filter
Timestamp: Activate the Night Mode within the chosen time
Blackout: Dims the web page and activates the Night Mode
+ Option to stop YouTube and HTML5 videos from automatically playing.
+ Option Video Screen capture for YouTube and all the HTML5 video players
One frame snapshot to customize the screenshot with filters such as Invert, Blur, Saturation, Grayscale, Hue rotate, etc. And finally save the screenshot in PNG, JPEG, BMP, or WEBP image format
+ Option to Zoom in the video player
+ Option to video playback rate
+ and more...
Do not forget to Like & Follow Us:
Required Permissions:
This is to add the "Darken this page" menu item in the web browser context menu.
This is needed for the following features: to show you the welcome and guide page, detect the current playing video, take a screenshot of the video, and open the Options page.
This is to save the settings on your local computer and sync it to your web browser account.
This is to control the lamp button on all websites that include http, https, file, and ftp.
Feel free to contact us if there is any problem or suggestion.
Compatible with Adblock, AdBlock Pus, uBlock Origin Chrome extension.
Note: YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. Turn Off the Lights™ is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-27) Nono: [Edit] Deserves the 5 star : very responsive developer. The extension does what it says. Had two issues with auto-dim and context menu. Mailed the same to the developer and the issue was fixed in the new update quickly. 👍
- (2024-05-25) Tuan Bui: dung hay nen dung
- (2024-05-24) Serg Bestpalov: 👍 👍
- (2024-05-16) 明天會好: 好用
- (2024-05-09) Ridwan Aja: my youtube is now silky smooth 30 fps. my laptop does not support 60 fps, too much stuttering.
- (2024-05-05) Ivan Urszhum: хорош!!!
- (2024-04-24) Eks Mann: ! There's Nothing LIKE iT Babe ! LOVE !
- (2024-04-09) Base Is: найс
- (2024-04-09) Дмитрий Яшин: Nice!
- (2024-04-04) Rafe Goldberg: This extension works, but why does it require access to all my browsing activity just to dim a YouTube page!? And when I tried to uninstall, it throws a million annoying popups in the way to try to confuse you… Spammer vibes.
- (2024-03-27) Crystal Gambill Boss: i love this extension its awesome
- (2024-03-20) Ankit Kumar: Best
- (2024-03-09) Florian Gottwlad: The extension was recommended to me as a dark mode for GDrive. But what good is a dark mode if it covers the page and switches off as soon as you click on something. Quite useless.
- (2024-02-25) Cino: Es un buen concepto, sin embargo; es muy innecesario. Pero eso ya depende de quien se los quiera instalar. A mí me ocurrió un problema, desde la última vez que inicié la extensión el fondo de mi Google Chrome queda con el efecto de oscurecer y por más que los desinstale no se va ese efecto. Saludos.
- (2024-02-20) Семен Урванцев: гут
- (2024-02-17) Андрей Тодаев: отличное обновление
- (2024-02-15) Ben Schaefer: Utter trash. Marketed via SEO and otherwise to the top of the results as a "dark mode" method for websites that don't have it, but it doesn't accomplish even the basics of that.
- (2024-02-11) Николай Агафонов: Хорогшее расширение.
- (2024-02-08) Юрий Улыбышев: хорош
- (2024-02-01) Piotr R: VERY USEFUL
- (2024-01-25) J acked: It seems okay I'm experimenting with it again after Dark Reader. And also Chromes own default dark mode. I can't get voice activation to work at all, even after updates. What is happening here? I'd also like to display just the video center screen with black all around it and hide the rest of the browser. Can you make an option for this? Just display the video.
- (2024-01-24) WALÉKA Andruschenko: Рекомендую ВСЕМ!!!!
- (2024-01-22) Nick Brink: decent extention, just sucks that im stuck with their icon while watching full screen video. can't turn the app off on specific sites either.
- (2024-01-17) Татьяна Дубравина: supper
- (2024-01-12) R.J.K. HuSSle: podoba mi sie,extra.
- (2024-01-10) Brendan Uzi: Just darkens the screen
- (2024-01-10) Ian Lucas: excelente
- (2024-01-07) Elijah Malone: Give an option to defer Subscription and Rating for at least a week. not gonna lie having to do that evertime I go to the settings/options is a malfeasance of approachability
- (2024-01-06) Марк Элеквистов: Папичу расскажите, а то он на весь экран смотрит властелина кольца
- (2024-01-03) Brittany: does not full screen video in browser window merely dims the screen
- (2023-12-30) Roberto Garcia Duffy: Es efectiva realmente esta extencion al 30-12-23
- (2023-12-16) uJTora: Non so se un mio problema. Ho installato quest'estensione da circa 3 anni (o forse più, non ricordo di preciso, è comunque tanto) e la uso principalmente per riprodurre i video a qualità più elevata possibile (visto che secondo Youtube la mia connessione non regge, anche se regge anche troppo bene). Da qualche giorno, circa 3, sto notando che con quest'estensione attiva i video nella playlist non si riproducono automaticamente, disattivo quest'estensione e funziona tutto come dovrebbe, l'attivo e youtube non riproduce automaticamente il prossimo video. Ho provato a contattare via email l'assistenza ma ci sono talmente tanti task da fare prima di contattarli che ci ho perso le speranze, spero che leggendo questa recensione (ne dubito ma è l'ultimo tentativo che ho prima di disinstallarla) possano sistemare il problema nel minor tempo possibile.
- (2023-12-14) Genzy Roy: MANTAP
- (2023-12-06) Danial Naddour: It Helps When Watching
- (2023-12-05) SergiouSSan: Оказалось очень полезным. Все думал,как бы такое иметь. И вот кто-то сие сделал. Спасибо.
- (2023-12-05) Cúc Đặng Thị Kim: rất tuyện vời
- (2023-12-02) Joshua Posey: Garbage. Doesn't actually activate dark mode in apps and doesn't recolor the screen for low-light conditions. Just puts a dark transparency over bright screen items, a transparency which turns off the moment you click on anything.
- (2023-11-23) William Callender: useless
- (2023-11-13) Anatoli W: Очень полезное расширение! Спасибо создателям!
- (2023-11-09) Naseer Khan: You said it works with pdf files, but it doesn't. What a waste of time!
- (2023-11-09) phedofil rodrigues: esperoque de pra ver meus videos maliciosos de abused
- (2023-10-20) Eric Ketzer (Nietzschescode): not for me.
- (2023-10-17) Olivier Donnet Camaro (MusicaEPiacere): Trop génial, mais depuisquelques jours l'extension "Zoom" ne veut plus fonctionner ???
- (2023-10-14) pandele pandelea: buna .asa si asa
- (2023-10-10) A: Forced to sell your data to TOTLs partners. Tragic, used you religiously previously. Never again.
- (2023-10-09) Data Twist: I liked it. But needs some improvements. For me, it's not blending well with the YT dark.
- (2023-10-06) elite king: no funciona, no la instalen
- (2023-10-05) Bela The White (B3LAMAN): absolute worthless garbage
- (2023-09-14) K P: Too many ads, youtube channels, opening tabs for a dumb extension that can be replaced with a simple css file in Stylus lol
- (2023-09-08) kim-peter :W A G N E R: ToP ! sehhhhhhhr angenehm !!! Danke
4.5949 (33,599 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-11 / 4.5.7
Listing languages