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Switch between multiple bookmark bars easily! [WARNING] Update from Sep 2017: This extension is currently in beta - please back up…
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Switch between multiple bookmark bars easily!
Update from Sep 2017: This extension is currently in beta - please back up your bookmarks before installation. I've received reports from users that they have lost bookmarks. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to recover them for you - you may try to locate them among your existing bookmarks if that happens. HOWEVER, I'm keen to fix this bug, and I need your help to provide me with the steps required to reproduce the issue. If anyone encounters this issue, I would really appreciate if you could provide me (via the SUPPORT section) with the following information:
1. Chrome version number
2. OS type and version number (e.g. Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11)
3. Version number of this extension (if you're using the latest, it's 2.1 as of now)
4. Was it a fresh install?
5. What were you doing with the extension before you lost bookmarks?*
6. Any other relevant information that would help me with diagnosing the issue
*Emphasis on #5. If you could provide me step-by-step instructions on replicating the issue especially on a freshly installed Chrome, and I'm able to successfully replicate the issue from my end, I *will* be able to figure out the issue and fix the problem.
Click on the Switchmark icon to switch between bookmark bars. To create additional bookmark bars, right-click the icon and go to Options.
Version 2.1 (2014-12-09)
Bug fix for inability to identify the Bookmarks Bar folder.
Version 2.0 (2014-12-06)
Major improvements and bug fixes for bookmark folder management. Added an Options page to enable users to easily set the number of Bookmarks Bars to use.
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-04) Nahas K: The use What i expected 100%
- (2023-04-07) Hugo Fouéré: Même problème que plusieurs personnes, je l'utilise pour être connecté à google sur deux appareils différents avec deux barres de fav différentes, mais quand je change de pc les barres se mélangent souvent et il faut remettre tous les dossiers manuellement dans le switch 1 ou 2, un enfer quand on en a plein.
- (2022-08-11) Marco Büttinghausen: I used it for a few years and it worked pretty good, with the occasional collision with Chrome Sync where it duplicates your bookmarks. If you have a backup of your bookmarks (you should it's in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default) With that it's easy to restore, but the issues became more frequently recently, and since there hasn't been an update in 5 years, I think it's time to look for an alternative.
- (2022-01-27) Adrian: does exactly what you expect
- (2021-12-05) Sang Pil Lee: Very Useful utility Thank to developer very much!
- (2020-12-01) Josh Bauer: I'll give it three stars because I've been using it for 2 years, and although it's been good in the long run, it occasionally drives me crazy. Firstly, it doesn't play well with my favicon changer, and bookmarks I have that have a different favicon will sometimes disappear or teleport to a new bar. Secondly, and most recently, hence the reason I even came to the reviews, is every time I come back around the second bar is empty. I fix it, then go back around again and it's empty. I would recommend giving it a try, and I feel like it's not as buggy as when I first got it, but understand it might be hit or miss. Also, I'm sure part of the issue with syncing etc might not really be solvable, so I try to endure that.
- (2020-04-16) Stan Naspinski: One click bar switching, exaclty what I wanted!
- (2020-01-15) Deniz Demirturk: really good extension(was) but has not been working for about 10 days,when I click the icon browser freezing
- (2019-10-06) Dennys Fernandez: Genial, muy práctico y util para anejar multiples barras de favoritos
- (2019-08-29) Federal C: Very Helpfull Extension,recommended!!!
- (2019-07-25) Das ist genau das richtige für die jenigen die ihre Lesezeichen nochmal extra kategorisieren möchten! Wer seine Lesezeichenleiste etwas strukturierter und "Themenbasierter" möchte, für den ist das genau das richtige.
- (2019-06-04) Frank Hong: After multiple chrome window opened, chrome will generate duplicate all book marks.
- (2019-03-29) Disciple de Jésus-Christ: marche
- (2019-02-12) Nickolas James: It actually works, as long as you aren't trying to do it on multiple devices at the same time. I have been using this extension for the past month with links separated for work and home. I get to work, click it, and then go about my day. Get home, click it, and enjoy my social media.
- (2018-08-13) Kelvin Clark: Unfortunately it's duplicating my bookmarks. At the time of writing this it had duplicated my bookmarks to around 1.5k. I originally had less than 100. This has potential but I think the Devs are having difficulty with chrome sync.
- (2018-06-19) Aaron Popilov: life saver didn't test on mobile only desktop
- (2018-06-13) Morgan Nicol (Ichoui): Excellent. Seul problème, c'est que parfois les favoris se mélangent ...
- (2018-02-27) Geoffrey Lee: it may seem all awesome and epic at the start, then it duplicated all my bookmarks and messed everything up, DO NOT INSTALL, you will regret it.
- (2018-01-12) Duncan Hampshire: Does't work with multiple devices because of the logic of the swapping process
- (2017-11-27) Emese Lulich: I like it, but I would need more than 8 bars. Can you please add the opportunity? :) Please-please! :)
- (2017-10-12) Tomas Custer: Upon installation I lost all of my bookmarks. Very angry as I live by my bookmarks. Worst extension issue I have ever dealt with
- (2017-08-26) Miguel Galace (Guigi): This extension works great! I really just wish a shortcut key could be assigned to toggle between the different bookmark bars. It would really add an extra level of convenience. EDIT: Turns out you can assign shortcut keys to your extensions. Just go to 'chrome://extensions', scroll to the very bottom, click on 'Keyboard shortcuts', and voila! This extension becomes infinitely more useful!
- (2017-08-09) K. Chris Caldwell: Thanks, but just does not work.
- (2017-08-03) Marie Cooper: This was working great, until it wasn't. I had issues with it moving my bookmarks from one bar to the other arbitrarily and causing me more work than it saved. I will be uninstalling.
- (2017-08-01) Haichuan Duan: Exactly what I'm looking for!
- (2017-06-29) James Davis: The existence of this one extension at last inspired me to make the switch from Firefox to Chrome browser. It was Roomy bookmarks that kept me with Firefox because the Chrome version, which tried to make a multi-row of bookmarks, does not work well. I used a macro program with mouse moves to make my own hot key to toggle between the multiple rows of bookmarks and that made Switchmarks almost as useful as the Firefox version of Roomy Bookmarks.
- (2017-06-08) Jesús Miguel Cruz Cana: Lately all it does is to keep duplicating and messing up bookmarks, as well as mixing up bookmarks from different bars.
- (2017-06-02) mkl bel: Fonctionne très bien chez moi. Une petite recommandation toutefois. Serait-il possible d'avoir une fonction "Nommage" des différentes barres crées? Merci par avance et bravo pour le travail fournit.
- (2017-05-24) JASS MAMAS: awesome
- (2017-04-18) Himawan Junianto: It's good for multiple bookmark. Simple and light.
- (2017-03-21) Funciona perfecto! Es la mejor para tener varias facetas en un solo perfil, mil gracias por la extension! Usuarios: Importante desactivar la sincronizacion de marcadores. Muy recomendada :)
- (2017-01-11) Romarain Work: Ne marche absolument pas et se fout même de votre gueule en prime : 1 - L'extension crée un dossier "Switchmark" et des sous-dossiers numérotés en nombre égal au nombre de barres que vous avez définies. 2 - Lorsque vous switchez, tout le contenu du dossier "Barre de favoris" contenant l'ensemble de votre barre actuelle est déplacée instantanément dans le dossier n°1. 3 - Vous avez alors une barre neuve, et un dossier "Barre de favoris" vide. 4 - Mais si vous créez un ou plusieurs dossiers, bien qu'ils soient créés dans le dossier "Barre de favoris"... 5 - ... si vous rappuyez sur l'icône de l'extention pour revenir à la première barre, les dossiers précédemment créés ne seront pas déplacés dans le sous-dossier n°2. 6 - Du coup en rappuyant une nouvelle fois, l'étape #2 se reproduit, mais comme le dossier n°2 est vide, la barre est vide ! Tadaaaa ! Le logiciel se fout de vous ! Et vous pouvez recommencer autant de fois dans tous les sens hein, nada, tout ce que vous créerez dans la nouvelle barre ne sera jamais sauvegardé...
- (2017-01-05) Zachary Brewer: It remembers which switchmark i am on when traveling between computers, but I would like to see if remember which the computer was on last rather than switch to whichever one i used last. Thats my only complaint :)
3.7115 (104 votes)
Last update / version
2017-09-28 / 2.1
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