extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

A redesigned, productive and pragmatic new tab alternative.

Image from store Re-newtab
Description from store Overview: This extension provides 19 desktop widgets, plus bookmarks manager, history manager, extensions manager, downloaded files manager and quick search function in your new tab page (so chrome will show you these permissions when you install it). The core idea of this extension is to help user quickly find web pages that you want to open. The home panel shows links, information and functions by different widgets. Of course, you can customize these widgets. Sometimes if you just want to see a wallpaper on new tab, there is a wallpaper mode that hide all elements on the page and only show the wallpaper and a toggle button. Version 8.0.0 (March 2023) Updates: • Remove weather widget. • Remove Chrome Apps related functions. • Upgrade to Chrome Manifest V3. 0. Quick Search You can use keyboard shortcuts to search for bookmarks, history, opened tabs and downloaded files, similar to Alfred. 1. Home Panel Home panel contains many versatile widgets(cards), like clock, calendar, recently closed tabs. You can add/remove widgets, drag and drop widget to a new position, change widget's title and color. Main widgets: • Most Visited: show default newtab most visited pages. • Bookmarks Bar: show Bookmarks. • Todo List: a simple but powerful todo(task) list. • Opened Tabs: a simple tabs manager, which shows all current opened tabs. You can jump to or close a tab by click, and more functions in context menu. • Recently Closed: recently closed tabs. • Analog clock and digital clock: highly customizable clocks. • Calendar: A month view calendar. • Calculator: A super calculator powered by math.js. • Google Drive widget: quick access recent, starred, shared drive files or search files. • Google Calendar widget: list your Google Calendar events. • Translate: a Google Translate widget. • Notepad: a simple notepad. • Search Engine: search via your browser's default search provider. • YouTube Subscriptions: list video updates for all your subscriptions. • Google Sites: top google services. • Office: ms office web apps. • Chrome Misc: chrome internal pages. 2. Bookmarks Manager Bookmarks are an important concept, because they are your own collections and what you need. This extension provides a more productive bookmarks manager. Similar to Mac Finder in columns view, you can manage and navigate bookmarks by mouse or keyboard shortcuts, for example: • Navigate all bookmarks using mouse or arrow keys. • Open a bookmark by double click or enter key. • Open all bookmarks in a folder by context menu. • Drag and Drop a bookmark to a new location. • Create, edit or delete bookmark or folder by context menu. • Select multi bookmarks to move, delete or open. • Copy/cut/paste bookmarks(except folders) by shortcuts. • Sort bookmarks by name • Support many keyboard shortcuts. 3. History Manager Search or clear browsing history by date range. 4. Downloads Manager Show your downloaded files. You can open downloaded files or open their folders, and clear download history. 5. Devices Show synced open tabs on other devices. 6. Extensions Manager Manage all extensions and apps. You can enable/disable/remove the extensions and open their options. 7. Settings • User login, logout. • Theme settings: Pure colors or Wallpapers or Custom photo. Issue feedback or feature request: https://goo.gl/forms/YOOG4TTkaY2lIbBv2 Contact author: [email protected]

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-14) Jj W: Awesome! Everything in a straight forward UI. Afew more options would be great
  • (2024-03-18) Heiner Bröcker: Perfect.
  • (2024-03-11) Sirjan Bhatt: It is good but plz optimise ui for android too its not working properly & crashing on pc icon The bookmarks does show but can't open links when I tap on bookmarked site nothing happens on kiwi android
  • (2024-02-03) attila han: Best productivity tool so far. No fancy ui or useless motivation stuff. Just great.
  • (2023-07-28) Nil Desperandum: Amazing extention. Thank you! Please never give up! Only issue that Google Calendar asks to sign in again and again.....
  • (2023-04-09) Mark J Galea: The idea is good but the execution can be better. There is no Google Weather widget, for example. This extension also lacks the functionality to add sites of your choice (instead, you have to bookmark them and go through the bookmarks' widget). It would also be great to have a bit of themeng options rather than the white (there is no dark theme!) and blue. The design is late 1990s early 2000s and pre-material design by Google! With a bit of extra effort, this can be a truly great extension.
  • (2023-04-02) Venkat Sai Ram: please add dark theme. not the one in custom theme. proper dark theme. please
  • (2023-03-11) 幼獅: 刪除了天氣功能真的很可惜.....
  • (2023-01-18) This 8: 书签组件上面可以加搜索 汉化不是很全 隔壁浏览器没法登陆 别的都挺好的...
  • (2022-11-28) Gerrit Kruijer: Incredible extensions. Search for a solution for saving tabs/tabgroups and find this and other extensions from Guokai Han. Thanks for sharing
  • (2022-10-13) Vicen: Easy, light and smooth. I used it for a year now and it has everything that I need. Great extension.
  • (2022-10-13) 冷落繁星: 很实用。就是那个谷歌翻译用不了。希望增加单独设置代理的功能,这样就可以用翻译的功能了。
  • (2022-09-14) F FEPA: ✅No muy ligera de peso (1.5MBs), sin embargo, si es muy ligera en rendimiento (57.000KBs) para este tipo de extensiones. ✅Extensión muy bien pensada : no vas a encontrar algo inútil o excedente dentro. Tiene el equilibrio perfecto entre cantidad de opciones, usabilidad y optimización. ✅Todo en uno - Puedes ahorrar en extensiones como : bookmarks manager, extensions manager, notepad, que acaban consumiendo mucho más que re-newtab en espacio y en consumo. ✅La barra de control izquierda es realmente útil, es completa y compacta. No necesitas ir a una pestaña distinta. todo puedes hacerlo con ella. ✅fondo personalizable ✅casi todos los widgets son ajenos a los servicios privativos como google, en su mayoria son locales. ✅Igualmente puedes usar algunos servicios privados como : Google Calendar, GDrive, GSites, Google Translate, YouTube Subscriptions y Weather (dark sky) [SUGGESTIONS] 👀chart/table/board visual mode option for extension panel (like history panel) 👀Modulable width on all charts (on "possible" chart visual mode) (history and download panels) 👀On "extensions" section, add ability to "sort by update date". ❗👀Expandable (notepad) widget margins on Home section. 👀Complete dark theme (not only background) (like standalone bookmark manager extension) ❗👀Add more complex notepad like a extension called"Notepad" with tabs section (with editable titles) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/notepad/ffbhefmlcoihbjcmibbfkocmnaiacinp 👀 Option export notes to a local folder. (issues with missing notes) I'm always using this extension, thank you and Congrats for the project.
  • (2022-08-08) dan smith: had promise, but I can't stand all the widgets having a white background…
  • (2022-07-17) Jared R: Words can't describe how useful and flexible this little extension is. This is easily the best new-tab ext that I have come across.
  • (2022-06-29) WHY 弘毅 (whyjxz14): 似乎又无法登陆了
  • (2022-06-19) Menkashoo Boumaaktem: Focused on productivity!
  • (2022-04-27) lw ss: 不错, 但是希望可以自定义左侧的侧边栏.
  • (2022-02-28) Yüan-hsin HU: 我用的是BRAVE浏览器,虽说能安装上此扩展,但如涉及google类的组件就不能使用。建议完善。谢谢!
  • (2022-02-12) Лапшинов Вячеслав: Wish for night theme.
  • (2022-01-09) KT Thong: good ext
  • (2021-11-17) John Wellborn: This extension has just about everything for my browsing needs. One thing it does not have is a setting to open links in a new tab or window by default. Of course, I can always do this by right-clicking on the link.
  • (2021-10-04) Maanav Gupta: A must use extension packed with everything you need!
  • (2021-08-23) gbzorro: Only PC Manager You'll Ever Need. - powerful simple and easy to learn. - has about a dozen widgets covering everything from bookmarks, to temperature, to clock, to calendar, to notes, to do list, to history, and so much more. - fully customizable so you can just use one widget or you can use a dozen . I wish they had this extension for Apple and Windows . try it... You'll like it.
  • (2021-08-13) D PAUL: Its weird how great things often dont get deserved attention. Simple and robust awesome implementation... just use it
  • (2021-08-05) Rusalina S.: Нравится, пользуюсь, спасибо.
  • (2021-04-06) Russ Thompson: The best Bookmark and history manager around, along with the clock, calendar, calculator, weather.... Love it.
  • (2021-01-07) xing yue: It's really easy to use. Thank you very much to the author. How can I sponsor you to make this software sustainable? Can you synchronize between different computers? 真的太好用了,非常感谢作者,如何赞助你让这个软件持续下去尼?可以在不同电脑之间进行同步吗?
  • (2021-01-05) Kavi L: 这个扩展太好用了,如果能增加RSS管理就更好了!
  • (2021-01-02) Arno Solo: 可以,很有帮助
  • (2020-12-20) Steven Etheredge: This is the way Google should have set up new tabs! This developer is a genius..
  • (2020-11-13) サトウカズマ: 完美啊!
  • (2020-10-13) dull bird: 在不经意间找到了一个最棒的Tab插件,希望能让更多人看到~
  • (2020-09-20) Uberleph Rad: It's a great app though it lacks some important things like more widget size customization, a dial widget and the rest of other google apps in the app menu, though it may be just a thing of letting the app progress over time. Excellent work Mr. Han, I applaud you for your creation.
  • (2020-08-17) Francesco Fumelli: perfect, we need sync with mobile.... otherwise really, perfect and useful. just a suggestion keep the layout more compact so we can fill more stuff
  • (2020-08-12) Jearyxia KLEANWAEL: Dommage, on peut pas déplacer les boutons dans l'ordre qu'on souhaite avoir. Par exemple les favoris, si je pouvais les mettre tout en haut, j'aurais un accès direct sur les favoris en ouvrant un nouvel onglet Marche, dernier test le 12 aout 2020
  • (2020-08-02) Andre Gas: Really useful and beautiful ! And getting better on every release. I love the notes and the translation panes, and the sync of other devices with google account works wonders. Thanks Google, Chrome and Re-newTab!
  • (2020-06-28) Lauren Mercy: I very rarely find a Chrome extension that has not just a well thought out design, but also provides enough features that I would actually categorize it as useful. Compared to most of the other garbage "new tab" and "start" pages offered in the Chrome store, you will actually want to use this one. I have only one suggestion for the developer: please add the ability to search by voice like in the original Google search page.
  • (2020-04-12) fitness Now: 很棒,很舒服
  • (2020-03-21) THEODORAKIS IOANNIS: Amazing free & light app >>> Manage your default favorites ( Chrome synchronized favorites ) plus include a fast control panel with very useful widgets - no login - no adds
  • (2020-03-02) Anthony Lepki: Finally - something simple and easy to use - thank you! Hoping to see more widgets come on board (i.e., RSS feeds, etc). The ultimate would be the ability to save sessions - session management in this nice clean format. Regardless - great work!
  • (2020-02-27) lei shi: 为什么登录不了?
  • (2020-02-25) Ms R: Fantastic. Flexible, simple, yet sophisticated. More useful widgets would always be appreciated.
  • (2020-02-17) 刘松源: 我希望书签能做成更大,或者栏目大小可调,不需要下拉就能全部显示,而且可以设置成小图标比如10*8个这样的排列。一页一目了然的排列!
  • (2020-01-16) Gd Gd: 左侧导航图标看上去大小不一致对不齐,导航栏项目无法调整顺序及是否显示,widget栏数无法设置(只能通过缩放调整),其他目前看起来还好,概念不错,支持关注,加油!
  • (2020-01-08) Stefane Guevremont: The only manager you will ever need. Tabs, Bookmarks, History. This extension is mind blowing. 2020-01-08 - Although unbelievable, this extension just keeps getting better and better.
  • (2019-12-19) 付超然: amazing!本来想找一款可以在启动页面支持Vimium的软件,进来软件后按shift+?,热泪盈眶啊!!!
  • (2019-12-10) Nico Lucas: amazing
  • (2019-11-09) guang a: 没有中文
  • (2019-10-29) Mr W: Simple, Flexible, Usable! Awesome!


3,000 history
4.75 (108 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-06 / 8.0.2
Listing languages
en zh-CN
