Description from extension meta
The extension adds a menu item so that you can try to copy the GIF image as HTML.
Image from store
Description from store
Whether or not pasting works depends on the application being pasted, not all applications can be pasted in HTML format.
## Technical details
Chrome can only copy the bitmap to the clipboard, which means that GIF animations will be copied as a single-frame image.
By looking at the results of GIF image copying from IE, Edge(not Edge based on Chromium), Firefox, I found that they used additional data formats to describe the contents of GIF images. However, this format cannot be implemented via browser-side JavaScript, if one day the Web standard does provide an advanced clipboard API, it may be possible to copy GIF images directly.
Copying a GIF as HTML is an alternative method, the clipboard content does not contain the image data, only its hyperlink, and the application that is pasted needs to fetch the GIF image.
You can also select a section of GIF image that contains text and use the browser's original copy command, which is the same thing that the extension does, with no essential difference.
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-09) Allen Nikka: This works really well for me, thanks for making it! No complaints here :)
- (2021-10-07) Cookie Cow: Microsoft Edge 版本 94.0.992.38 无效。感谢插件工作
- (2020-11-24) 杨杨林: 挺好,很方便,不需要下载就可以直接复制
- (2020-10-24) Yaşar ÇIRAK: Uzantı chroma eklendikten sonra mausun sağ klik tuşuna basıldığında açılan menüde Copy GIF olarak görülüyor görülüyor ve web sitelerinde gif formatında gömülü olup kopyalanamayan küçük resimleri kopyalamakta başarılı ancak resim tıklanarak büyütüldükten sonra kopyalama yapılamıyor veya denediğim sitede bu olmadı.
- (2020-09-07) 虚无空幻: chrome 87版本失效了 选中都不能复制了
- (2020-04-13) Jin Lian: nice 很好用 感谢 开发者
- (2019-12-02) 再见, 明奇: 无效
- (2018-12-16) lieme K: 挺好用的,能快速使用动图啦
- (2018-11-18) 冰凌宇: 非常好用,节省了拖拽GIF的时间