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Extensão que permite ao usuário alterar o tamanho do texto da fonte, tipo de fonte, cor da fonte e cor de fundo em uma página.
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Description from store
A+ Alterador de tamanho de texto
A+ Alterador de tamanho de texto é um complemento Extensão do Chrome e Edge Chromium que permite ao usuário personalizar o tamanho do texto da fonte, a cor do texto da fonte, a cor do plano de fundo e a família da fonte em uma página. Na verdade, ele muda o tamanho do texto de cada elemento, ao contrário da ação do Chrome com CTRL+ e CTRL- que amplia a página. Às vezes, você deseja aumentar o tamanho do texto sem ampliar a página para que os parágrafos não rolem além da borda da tela.
A+ Alterador de tamanho de texto funciona onde os outros falham! Mesmo em páginas com conteúdo dinâmico (ajax)! Mesmo em páginas com iFrames! Basta usar os botões para alterar o tamanho do texto ou usar os atalhos de teclado ALT+ e ALT- (ou ALT + seta para cima e ALT + seta para baixo. Você pode alterar essas teclas de atalho em chrome://extensions/shortcuts)
Alguns autores de sites usam uma cor de texto cinza em vez de preto, o que pode ser desagradável para os olhos. Com o A+ Alterador de tamanho de texto, você também pode alterar a cor do texto e do plano de fundo em uma página. Com esse recurso, você também pode criar seu próprio Modo Noturno personalizado, onde você mesmo escolhe a cor do texto e do fundo e não inverte as cores da imagem ou do vídeo para que ainda possam ser visualizadas.
Se ALT+ e ALT- não estiverem funcionando em um site, tente estas etapas:
1. Recarregue o site (tecla F5) ou reinicie o Chrome ou Edge.
2. Clique em um espaço em branco na página do site antes de usar a tecla ALT+ ou ALT-.
3. As extensões não podem funcionar na Chrome Web Store, na loja Edge Add-ons ou em uma página chrome:// ou edge://.
4. Se o site tiver desativado as teclas do teclado, clique no ícone da extensão na barra de ferramentas e use os botões lá.
5. Se ALT + Seta para cima e ALT + Seta para baixo não estão funcionando, veja se eles estão ativos na extensão em chrome://extensions/shortcuts
* Crie perfis para salvar configurações de texto e esquemas de cores.
* Salva o tipo de fonte personalizada para cada site que você visita
* Salva o tamanho do texto personalizado para cada site que você visita
* Salva a cor do texto personalizado para cada site que você visita
* Salva uma cor de fundo personalizada para cada site que você visita
10/01/2022 - Versão 1.4.7 - Adicionado o idioma português. (Português)
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-09) Александр: На каждой страницы одного сайта надо настраивать заново. И если перезагрузил страницу - тоже. Бред.
- (2023-09-15) Ellie T: Very easy to use. Helps my eye out a lot, especially as my screen is not set up close to my chair. Thank you for this.
- (2023-08-13) Jason Fuhrmann: Excellent! Works great. Being able to change not only the font size, but font color and background color is a lifesaver! Makes reading much more easy and enjoyable!
- (2023-06-24) Rachel Hagan: Shockingly hard to find a "darkroom" theme or extension (red text on black screen), which is sometimes all my eyes can handle. This app fixed THAT problem AND more...My eyes thank you...
- (2023-06-08) Diane Hofstetter: I turned 76 years old this week. Thank you for making me feel young - or at least capable - again.
- (2023-04-30) Scy master (Scymaster): neat, increase font size as prefered for each page without much effords
- (2023-02-10) Pat MySecret: Perfect! The stock chart side numbers were too tough to read.. This sizes them up right! Will also change Font and background color.. upgrade saves it to site.
- (2023-02-09) Chris Vydas: Trial for font size?! Oh wow.
- (2023-02-03) Daniel Rem.: Doesn't save my settings,after every refresh it resets to white background. No option for free use,money hungry extension.
- (2023-01-30) Dean Gladish: I loved it. How is this interactive with GMail and to what extent?
- (2022-08-07) Rocky Nelson: This extension slows down my Facebook browsing to almost un-usable annoyance. In addition, it scrambles my email server from I submitted a service ticket and the tech who investigated my problems recommended getting rid of my Chrome Extensions one by one to see what happens. I turned off A+, rebooted Chrome, and my email problems were solved, as well as being able to use Facebook again. I want my money back! This extension might have worked a decade ago, but it warps current software. Background colors change back and forth as I switch tabs. Background colors flicker as I open links. I am sorry that I spent $10 to find out .. I was offered to buy the "PRO" version, but the Chrome store link sold me "LITE".. I have no idea if there is a pro version at all. I am pleased that I can use Ariel Black for my default font, but I could have done that with other extensions for free.
- (2022-06-26) Mohamad Issa: it was good until i paid for the pro version... now its not working properly!!!!
- (2022-06-11) John Pen: its just zooming in and out absolute garbage
- (2022-04-26) Andrea Segantini: Just started using this extension, saved my eyes a bit of stress and saints from my rage
- (2022-03-16) T N: It doesn't save the settings after refreshing the page.
- (2022-01-04) JACKY CHERNG: 為什麼都會【自動更改】我所設定的【讀寫權限】 ??? 😣
- (2021-04-28) Alan DJIGSTAR: так то работает, шрифт подменяет, но в Chrome Vivaldi и прочем всё равно после Firefox все размазаннное, что глаза болят. Оценку снимаю за платность
- (2021-02-24) Iñaki Jiménez Miranda: Ideal para personas que tiene resto de visión o para proyectar en la pared mediante el cañón proyector aumentando el tamaño de la letra.
- (2021-02-06) Mia WallaceB52: Je viens juste de l'installer, principalement pour la taille de la police et c'est nickel, mieux que d'autres que j'ai testées par le passé. Je verrai à l'usage mais à priori je la conseille.
- (2020-09-16) Bree Vwhyman: seems to work as it states.....thanks for the free EXTENSION. It is used here to increase the TEXT SIZE in the "messenger window" or the regular worldwide facebook web page page.
- (2020-07-22) Andrey Kova: Работает как надо!
- (2020-06-24) Alex S.: An extension that allows the user to increase and decrease the size of the ENTIRE web page. The key word ENTIRE is missing in the description!
- (2020-03-07) Canh Le (Jing): it helped me a lot. Thanks author.
- (2020-03-05) Brandon Lee: NExt refresh or open restore website default. (Mac latest, Chrome latest)
- (2020-02-24) King Dedede: A bit confusing but it's still ok
- (2020-02-02) Shel Buchler: I've tried most of the other extensions that claim they can change font size and this is the only one that does it in a reliable and consistent manner. It also has very easy to remember keyboard shortcuts. Highly recommend!
- (2020-01-26) Ananstracated: Like people say, it is only a trial, because it won't save settings. That is why I use advance font settings and FC on my computer. The background changing with this extension makes it easy on the eyes. Google dropped external CSS support, but there is an extension that will use one, go to ..
- (2020-01-05) Steve Z: I like the instant independent color changers for both font and background but Dark Mode extension by Grephy is faster and quicker that comes with a toggle switch for dark background that retains the setting for free even when you leave a page. The zoom-font function is also identical to (but slower than) Chrome's built-in zoom feature (accessible using Ctrl with + and - or Ctrl with the mouse scroll wheel) except that Chrome automatically remembers your setting without charging $4.99 for a Pro version... so you'd be paying that price just for the font and background COLOR settings to be retained. I'm keeping the Lite version extension for the color changers—it's nice to choose exactly what colors for long reading.
- (2019-09-22) Andrew E: Great for small text websites like Wikipedia! Now I can do research without having to strain my eyes!
- (2019-08-05) Matt Forrest: Working great so far. Many websites have white text on black background and it kills my eyes. I always set it to black text on a light coffee/cream background. Your eyes will thank you!
- (2019-02-09) Randy Knowles: doesn't work
- (2019-01-09) AloneEpic: Its Was Good Just That We Need To Pay For The App To Save The Font Color. And I Don't Want To Go Back And Forth To Change The Color
- (2018-12-29) Come On Fhqwhgads: Nice. I was getting really tired of every website I look at on my huge desktop presenting itself like a blown up mobile version of the page.
- (2018-11-25) 張廷光: 非常實用 讚
- (2018-10-14) Monica Ornelas: I like this one, it was a good way to get my feet wet, in all honesty, I really like the the Pro better, just the fact that I own it along with other things lately that I have had to buy, it hit me, like a brick to the face.
- (2018-08-29) Ting: 好用
- (2018-07-05) Alеksandr Kovalenko: Отличное решение
- (2018-07-04) mark klein: Works good just wish you could save changes.
- (2018-06-01) Handsumguy Bo: I have used other extensions to change contrast or font etc in order to read text better and this works GREAT and hits the mark perfectly for me. It also improves the text on printed pages without causing any blurry action unlike other extensions I tried. I will take a look at the paid version.
- (2018-05-06) vovx21: After 1.3.0 update, it started to messing up my new tab page. I use non-default page, which gets broken by your extension. __________ Now works well, however text color grid with bugs
- (2018-03-22) restcure: Good at what it does, though it would be better described as a "demo", like other software that works the same as the paid version except that you can't save.
- (2018-02-26) gg g: Does not work for all sites once changed. Will it work in Pro for all sites if once changed.
- (2018-02-21) Somedumb Shmoke: Using the pro makes all the difference Love it.
- (2018-02-10) Danny McCarthy: Useless product that tries to do too many things and fails miserably at all. [email protected]
- (2018-01-24) Big Japko: Color change doesn't work (Chrome 63 Windows 7)
- (2018-01-22) Deb Hickerson: Only changes background color, not font color.
- (2018-01-12) Marx Santanna: Muito bom!!
- (2017-11-10) Gersivan Oliveira: Útil para alguns casos.
- (2017-10-29) Annie .B: Such a great extension! I wish I discovered it sooner. I would love to buy the pro version, but for some reason, I can't. A "price not available" message appears in front me instead.
- (2017-10-26) Kaiou界王: useless