Description from extension meta
Easy debugging, profiling and tracing extension for Xdebug
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Description from store
A must have for everyone thats debugging, profiling and tracing PHP code with Xdebug. This extension will help you to enable/disable debugging, profiling and tracing easily, instead of juggling around with POST/GET variables or cookies.
This extension is very useful for PHP developers that are using PHP tools with Xdebug support like PHPStorm, Eclipse with PDT, Netbeans and MacGDBp or any other Xdebug compatible profiling tool like KCacheGrind, WinCacheGrind or Webgrind.
By default the extension icon will show up on all pages, but to keep your browser as clean as possible, the extension can be configured to be only visible at the pages you want in the settings panel.
- Ctrl+Shift+X (Cmd+Shift+X on Mac) opens the popup.
- Alt+Shift+X toggles the debugging state.
Feel free to submit ideas, bugs and pull request to our Github project:
Latest reviews
- (2022-10-12) Илья Ященко: Отлично работает!
- (2022-08-07) Lee McCall: The profiler works for me using xdebug 3.1.5 and PHP 8.1.9. If its not working for you, maybe you don't have your xdebug settings configured correctly.
- (2022-06-09) Jeremy Simkins: Doesn't work for xdebug 3. Can no longer turn on or off debug and it just doesn't work like it did for xdebug 2.
- (2022-06-07) Patrick Henninger: Not working in Brave Browser...
- (2022-05-30) Yunhui Deng: After installing this extension in Chrome, I could never enable the debug mode, on two different computer:(
- (2022-01-22) Manolis SX: Debugging works great. Is it possible turn on and off profiling with Xdebug 3+?
- (2021-07-08) Tayner Jhony: the best extension !!
- (2021-04-11) Giray Temel: not working
- (2021-04-09) Bartosz Telesiński: Nice tool, but can it be upgraded so it plays nice with Frontend app (Angular) with PHP API backend? Probably Chrome started to prevent something.
- (2021-03-24) Shadoweb EB: Really great plugin!
- (2021-02-04) Bernhard Fischer-Sengseis: Thanks to this extension I was finally able to get Xdebug to work (with PHPstorm). After 2 days of struggling...
- (2021-01-21) 刘小麦: 一般吧,遇到的问题就是点图标没效果,后来发现是因为里面用了Google的css还有字体什么的,大陆访问太慢造成的,我也是服了,就那几个文件就不能放本地?
- (2020-12-14) Enkh-Amar Ganbat: not working
- (2020-07-13) Williams Paredes: Funciona perfectamente gracias, todo muy bien......
- (2019-11-23) Ali “AlinuX”: Works fine with php storm... i loved it.
- (2019-11-05) Tài Trần Văn: Great plugin tool. Thanks
- (2019-09-27) Martin Svoboda: does not work anymore
- (2019-08-09) Mohammad Aghanabi: It just listens on 9000 port and doesn't allow users to change it. So if in your environment the default xdebug port is already busy, you can't utilize this extension.
- (2019-07-18) Woods: 不错,五星好评。
- (2019-06-08) Bud Manz: I depend on this extension on a daily basis at work! Excellent work!
- (2019-05-31) 御神狐: 这个插件是不支持php7.2 -7.3 了吗?php7.0 能使用,之后两个版本装了phpxdebug, 有断点没效果
- (2019-05-09) Guozhang Wu: 配合homestead,在phpstorm上顺利运行,好评!
- (2019-04-28) sevth: 非常nice
- (2019-04-15) Ivan Zaets: Кто то пробовал устанавливать в subline text v3.2.1 build 3207? Установил, но когда запускаю, то никакие переменные не отображаются, если кто то сталкивался и нашел решение отпишитесь. php-7.3-x64
- (2018-11-26) Dennis Skinner: Does exactly what you expect it to do. Nice job.
- (2018-11-05) Michael FORASTE: Does not work anymore :(
- (2018-11-01) Keith Taylor: Does not work for me
- (2018-09-04) Last update broke it.
- (2018-08-09) Jiří Pazderník: Not working anymore, debugger stays disabled no matter what you clicked on.
- (2018-06-20) Ben Huang: good
- (2018-04-23) Dadang Dana Suryana: Very helpful debugger...
- (2018-04-12) Shahfazliz Shahron: Not working anymore
- (2018-03-19) Michael Parisi: Won't turn on for some pages... No error message, no way to debug. Just Click and it wont turn on.
- (2018-03-03) grzeniufication: Great and simple tool! Thank you so much!
- (2018-02-16) Davis Peixoto: Simple and efficient. It helps me to get the work done
- (2017-10-08) 蒋敬阳: 太帅了。 very good!
- (2017-09-28) Кирилл Арутюнов: Расширение отличное, но нельзя отключить поддержку хоткея. Такое же сочетание в гугл-документах зачеркивает текст. Я чуть с ума не сошёл, пытаясь побороть это. В итоге удалил расширение :)
- (2017-09-28) Paulius Navickas: Buggy product - doesn't start - no notification, no reason
- (2017-06-28) Dmitry Alekseev: Extension does not work at all! Chrome 58.0.3029.110
- (2017-06-08) Garen Goh: 配合phpstorm,很nice
4.3681 (432 votes)
Last update / version
2016-10-24 / 1.6.1
Listing languages