extension ExtPose

Unwanted Twitch

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Ausblenden von Streams, Spielen, Kategorien, Kanälen und Tags auf: twitch.tv

Image from store Unwanted Twitch
Description from store Ausblenden von Streams, Spielen, Kategorien, Kanälen und Tags auf: twitch.tv Funktionen - Kategorien ausblenden - Kanäle ausblenden - Tags ausblenden - Stream-Wiederholungen ausblenden - Streams aufgrund ihres Titels ausblenden - Filterung auf der "Du folgst"-Seite kann deaktiviert werden (unter Einstellungen) - Sichtbarkeit der "X"-Buttons umschaltbar - Sperrliste im- und exportierbar (unter Einstellungen) - Sperrliste kann sich automatisch zwischen allen Geräten synchronisieren (unter Einstellungen, erfordert Opt-in) - bequemes Ein- und Ausschalten der Erweiterung - kompatibel mit FrankerFaceZ (FFZ) und anderen populären Erweiterungen für Twitch - unterstützt Twitchs dunklen Modus - unterstützt Muster und reguläre Ausdrücke Unterstütze Seiten - Durchsuchen: Kategorien - Durchsuchen: Live-Kanäle - Kategorie: Live-Kanäle (keine Filterung der Vorschau) - Kategorie: Videos - Kategorie: Clips - Startseite/Entdecken (keine Filterung im Karussell) - Spiele/IRL/Musik/Creative (keine Filterung bei Esports) - Du folgst - Seitenleiste (nur Filterung, keine Buttons zum Sperren) - Bereiche können weiterhin via Direktlink besucht werden Hinweis bzgl. Änderungen auf twitch.tv Twitch ist bekannt dafür, Änderungen an der Website ohne weitere Ankündigungen durchzuführen, weswegen diese Erweiterung über Nacht unbrauchbar werden kann. Twitch liefert außerdem unterschiedliche Canary Builds (Vorschau potenziell zukünftiger Versionen) an bestimmte/zufällige Benutzer aus, die meist Teile der Erweiterung unbrauchbar machen. Sollte die Erweiterung nicht mehr funktionieren, bitte das Problem melden¹ und die Erweiterung bis zum nächsten Update deaktivieren. Updates könnten einige Tage benötigen, da diese erst vom jeweiligen Browser Store überprüft werden müssen. Also entweder auf GitHub vorbeischauen² oder mir auf Twitter folgen³, um über neue Versionen informiert zu bleiben. Fragen & Antworten / Fehlerbehebung Besuche die GitHub-Seite für weitere Details: https://github.com/kwaschny/unwanted-twitch/blob/master/README.md Zu diesem Projekt beitragen Egal ob du regulärer Nutzer oder selbst Entwickler bist, schau bei GitHub vorbei, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, wie du dem Projekt helfen kannst⁴. ¹ https://github.com/kwaschny/unwanted-twitch/issues ² https://github.com/kwaschny/unwanted-twitch/commits/master ³ https://twitter.com/Kwaschnyhttps://github.com/kwaschny/unwanted-twitch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-07) Hayato Jin: I wish i had found this sooner, being able to block a lot of annoying streamers and games from showing up has made Twitch so much better, to the creator of this addon, i wish only good things for you! Year later, could not enjoy Twitch without it :)
  • (2024-05-19) myUser: EDIT: anyone there? Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Adding a channel to blacklist does not seem to do anything. Thanks.
  • (2024-03-25) archzilla: works like a charm
  • (2024-03-02) AI Enjoyer: Won't save info typed in. Useless!
  • (2023-11-23) Jens F: Blacklist no longer works.
  • (2023-11-08) Oliver Jay Aaby: Den uønsket afspiller på forsiden, blev ej blokeret af UnwantedTwitch. Kan anbefale BetterTTV eller FrankerFaceZ!
  • (2023-11-03) Ome Galul: Doesn't do anything. Add a blacklist and click save and nothing happens. Blacklist is not even updated.
  • (2023-10-26) catalin: Best of the best hide's toxic streamers that are personal or witch you had an conflict of interest with just remove kebab and your life will be better
  • (2023-10-24) Zushi wasab1: not working cannot save list
  • (2023-09-30) Kaori Sugahara: This is the solution for Twitch intentionally pushing low-quality content.
  • (2023-09-26) Nicolas Mortel: needed something to hide all vtubers. thanks
  • (2023-09-19) Jonny Eriksson: Works fine, the only problem that I have noticed is that it removes the scroll list when you browse games. Maybe fixable?
  • (2023-09-07) Aaron M.: Twitch is full of clutter nowadays and this extension helps clean it up by hiding streamers I dont wanna see.
  • (2023-09-03) Lesphirou: Hum, it's funny, when I try to block any woke garbage tag and try to save in the list, it never saves. Any other tag is fine tho? Why is that? Garbage extension.
  • (2023-08-24) top Sa: 빅스트리머 차단하고나선 하꼬방 탐방할 수 있어서 좋아요
  • (2023-08-23) KroLya: Wonderful extension. Tag Russian goodbye.
  • (2023-08-15) V: Finally, all the unwanted tags gone.
  • (2023-08-11) Owen Ganson: Insultingly garbage. Doesn't ever actually save the blacklists.
  • (2023-08-02) Pri Vat: Any recent changes done inside "Manage blacklist" gets reverted when pressing "save" for me both on edge and chrome (window closes when clicking on it and if i go back they're gone.). Tried exporting and editing the .json file, but after importing it you face the same issue upon trying to save the changes. Hiding unwanted channels by pressing on the x-buttons above the preview image as well as hiding unwanted categories and tags work fine though, but doing it through "manage blacklist" would be neat as one would be able to add blocked keywords in stream titles along with adding tags faster.
  • (2023-07-14) Віталій: Thank you so much for the amazing extension. I would like to request something if it possible to do, so twitch added the "recommended channels" and also "{streamer_name} viewers also watch" and from time to time blocked channels got there, it would be awesome that blocked streamers or recommendations not shown here, much love
  • (2023-07-10) Thiago souza alves: FILTRA MUITO BEM, REMOVE TODAS AS PRAGAS QUE VOCE N GOSTA.
  • (2023-06-26) Spaghetti Man: EDIT: Works great. Below is a problem I was experience but Alexander Kwaschny helped me out and turns out I simply didn't fully understand how to navigate the interface. Old Review: Unable to open the settings to remove items from "hidden". Twitch will "Recommend" channels you are already following. I removed the channels I was already following from the "Recommended" to remove the redundancy, and now those channels I have hidden from "Recommended" are now no longer visible in my follow list when they go live. Channels I am following should not be removed from my follower list, even though I did click "hide" on the recommended screen. I can click "Details" and "Remove" (removes the extension) under settings, and Details does not help me in anyway. At one point in time, I was able to go into another settings screen and see what I have hidden, and remove them from the hide list if I wanted, but that screen is no longer accessible it seems. Otherwise I like it, does a great job at hiding vtubers and the like.
  • (2023-06-20) de_oScar: Does what it says (aside from impossible things like filtering out streams in the left column by tags – twitch doesn't show it there, so it's literally inaccessible to the extension). The author cares about updates, even tho twitch sometimes breaks stuff with their own work, we just get to wait a couple days and it's back up.
  • (2023-06-13) Robbert Trommelen: It won't let me save I typed "name" in blocked, clicked save and it takes me back to the extension menu every time without saving.
  • (2023-06-12) Flying Whilst Falling: For a few months due to the update, it wasn't working but as of now, I am able to filter and remove all of the unwanted channels and such. Truly grateful for the best decluttering tool. (Plus it was painful scrolling through hundreds of channels of which I previously removed.)
  • (2023-06-12) Артём: EXCELLENT !
  • (2023-06-09) F I N N I X: Currently doesn't function as intended, before the changes to twitch it was pretty good though. Not sure if they plan on fixing it.
  • (2023-05-29) Maroš Štofaník: Sir do you have a ETA on new twitch UI cucking the extension ? making it not work. keep up gods work :)
  • (2023-05-29) CeliTT “CeliTT”: fix "X" buttons
  • (2023-05-26) Łukasz: tags not working, "x" button not working too
  • (2023-05-23) Nunya Bidness: Until it gets adapted to Twitch's new update then it's not great. It's still good for people who had plenty of filters beforehand, but for new users it's literally useless.
  • (2023-05-22) NIkolai “Zeks” Marchenko: Unfortunately it stopped working after the latest twitch update. X button no longer appears
  • (2023-05-11) The Big Moon: Thank you so mush for this extension. I blocked all russian streams with this
  • (2023-04-12) Ready End: 7명? 차단하니깐 한국 트위치 최상단이 깨끗해졌어요!
  • (2023-04-10) IlIlIlIlIl IlIlIlIlIl: I wish the tab wouldn't close when I save the settings.
  • (2023-03-23) Petertronic: Doesn't do the most basic thing you would want it to do, which is to stop unwanted streams playing that are in your blacklist. Waste of time.
  • (2023-03-19) Eclipse isduty: 보기 싫은 버튜버들 차단하니 좋네요 자체 차단이 유용함
  • (2023-02-27) Svedka Catkin: Doesn't work for me, it won't save, when I reload the blacklist it's empty even if I hit save button, so nothing is in fact blocked. I don't hate the idea, so I will give two stars, as it's not working I can't give it more.
  • (2023-02-24) Scott Trice: Finally a way to hide hot tub streamers.
  • (2023-02-23) Yolo: Great Addon. Thank you!
  • (2023-02-20) Andrew Miller: I wish this was basic twitch functionality. I have wanted to block certain streamers from showing up in my feed for so long and finally had the bright idea to check if there was an extension for that. So darn annoying seeing bikini streamers in my recommended channels half the time. So long amouranth, so long latex bikini squats in 5 minutes girl, good riddance.
  • (2023-02-19) T M: Work's perfectly fine as of 19/02/2023 👌
  • (2023-02-13) Manoj Rijal: Get off this site NSFW streamers. Thank you it worked, the tutorial I used: https://youtu.be/_rQ0sQS7vK0
  • (2023-02-04) sam93931: its not always working, but usually it does..
  • (2023-01-29) Ahira: 편하네요 딱4명 차단했어여
  • (2022-12-26) Brad Simpson: Blocks perfectly.
  • (2022-12-05) x R: only works half the time
  • (2022-11-28) Pira: Not working, useless.
  • (2022-11-14) Badmagic Account: Does nothing whatsoever, 2022 November.
  • (2022-11-06) aert: very good


20,000 history
3.7868 (272 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-01 / 24.3.30
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de es en pl
