extension ExtPose

Proper Menubar Google Chromelle

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Lisää paras valikkopalkki päästäksesi nopeasti käsiksi selaimesi kaikkiin hyödyllisiin valintoihin ja verkkopalveluihisi!

Image from store Proper Menubar Google Chromelle
Description from store Hanki kaikki mitä tarvitset selaimestasi Proper Menubar -palkin avulla – selainlaajennus virtaviivaistettuun selauskokemukseen! Laajennus tuo kaikki olennaiset selaintoiminnot, mukaan lukien Tiedosto, Muokkaa, Näytä, Historia, Kirjanmerkit, Ikkuna ja Ohje, yhteen kätevään vaakapalkkiin. Lisäksi yhdellä napsautuksella X-kuvaketta voit helposti piilottaa palkin, jolloin käyttöliittymä on sotkuton. Proper Menubar on kevyt ja tehokas lisäosa, joka on suunniteltu virtaviivaistamaan selauskokemustasi. Se luokittelee kaikki toiminnot sopivan valikon alle, jotta niitä on helppo käyttää, olitpa sitten tiedostoja tallentamassa, muokkaamassa tekstiä, mykistäessäsi nykyistä välilehteä tai vaihtamassa koko näytön tilaa. Kun voit valita perinteisen verkkoselaimen tai Google-tuotteiden valikkopalkin välillä, voit räätälöidä selausasetuksiasi mieltymystesi mukaan. Lisäksi, koska palkki voidaan näyttää kaikilla verkkosivustoilla, selauskokemuksesi pysyy yhtenäisenä missä tahansa menetkin. Valitse seuraavista palkkeista: ◆ Web-selaimen valikkopalkki (oletusasetus) ◆ Google-tuotteiden valikkopalkki Selainlaajennuksen ominaisuudet: ◆ Selainvalikon mukauttaminen: Mukauta selauskokemustasi valitsemalla selainvalikon tai Google-tuoteluettelon välillä, jolloin voit hallita navigointiasetuksiasi. ◆ Äänenhallinta: Mykistä helposti nykyisen välilehden ääni tai poista mykistys, mikä tarjoaa kätevän äänenhallinnan selaamisen aikana. ◆ Katselutila: Käytä nopeasti zoomaussäätimiä säätääksesi nykyisen verkkosivun suurennusta. Voit suurentaa tai loitontaa optimaalista luettavuutta tai tuoda koko sivu vaivattomasti koko näytön tilaan. ◆ Google-tuotteiden tilauksen oikaisu: Räätälöi selauspalkkiasi muuttamalla Google-tuotteiden järjestystä, mikä varmistaa nopean pääsyn haluamiisi palveluihin. Kuten Google-kalenteri, Google-kääntäjä, Gmail, YouTube, Gemini jne. ◆ Maakohtainen URL-osoite: Vaihda saumattomasti Googlen maaverkkotunnusten välillä (UK, US, NL, ES, FR, JP, RU jne.) ja voit muokata URL-osoitettasi, mikä parantaa lokalisoitua selauskokemustasi. ◆ Hakuavainsanan haku: Pääset nopeasti hakusanoihin intuitiivisella vaihtoehdolla, jonka avulla voit hakea ne vaivattomasti. ◆ Visuaalinen räätälöinti: Mukauta selauskäyttöliittymääsi muokkaamalla tausta- ja värimalleja, mikä tekee siitä ainutlaatuisen sinun. ◆ Varjon lisäys: Paranna selauspalkin visuaalista houkuttelevuutta lisäämällä varjotehoste, joka lisää syvyyttä sen ulkoasuun. ◆ Näytön sijoittelun joustavuus: Valitse, asetatko palkin näytön ylä- tai alaosaan, optimoimalla tilaa ja saavutettavuutta mieltymystesi mukaan. ◆ Välilehtien linkkien toiminta: Hallitse linkkien toimintaa valitsemalla ne avautuvalla välilehdellä, mikä virtaviivaistaa selaamisen työnkulkua. ◆ Kontekstivalikon integrointi: Siirry kontekstivalikkoon vaihtaaksesi oikean valikkopalkin näkyvyyttä nykyisellä verkkosivulla. ◆ Mukautettu työkalupalkin kuvake: Valitse haluamasi työkalupalkin kuvake joko vaaleassa tai pimeässä tilassa visuaalisten mieltymystesi mukaan. ◆ Määrittele mukautettuja näppäimistöyhdistelmiä aktivoidaksesi oikean valikkopalkin nopeasti ◆ Tumman tilan tuki Hankkeen tiedot: https://www.stefanvd.net/project/proper-menubar/browser-extension/ Vaaditut luvat: ◆ "kontekstivalikot": Lisää kontekstivalikko vaihtaaksesi heti oikean valikkorivin näkyvyyden. ◆ "activeTab": Tämä lupa tarvitaan seuraaville ominaisuuksille: työkalupalkin näyttäminen tai piilottaminen ja kontekstivalikon toimintojen suorittaminen avoinna olevalla välilehdellä. ◆ "tallennus": Tallenna asetukset paikallisesti ja synkronoi verkkoselaintilisi kanssa. ◆ "pageCapture": Tämä lupa mahdollistaa avoinna olevan verkkosivun tallentamisen MHTML-tiedostona. "◆ leikepöytäKirjoitus": Tämä lupa sallii valitun tekstin kirjoittamisen leikepöydälle käyttämällä "kopioi"- tai "leikkaa"-toimintoa. ◆ "leikepöytäRead": Tämä lupa sallii leikepöydälle tallennetun tekstin lukemisen. ◆ "kirjanmerkit": Tämä lupa tarvitaan mukautettujen kirjanmerkkien luomiseen kirjanmerkkien hallintasivullasi. ◆ "lataukset": Tämä lupa sallii nykyisen tiedoston tallentamisen Lataukset-kansioon. Huomautus: YouTube on Google Inc:n tavaramerkki. Tämän tavaramerkin käyttö edellyttää Googlen lupaa. Google ja Google-logo ovat Google Inc:n rekisteröityjä tavaramerkkejä. <<< Vaihtoehtoominaisuus >>> Avaa lisätoiminto, jolla voit suojata silmäsi yöllä ja keskittyä videosoittimeen, kuten YouTube™, asentamalla Turn Off the Lights -selainlaajennus YouTubelle ja muille. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/turn-off-the-lights/bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-13) Anton Hohenwarter: After coming back to Crome and having some confusion this was a great help
  • (2024-03-11) Zbigniew Weremczuk: Useful
  • (2023-12-11) Aksel Qurduka: Very useful!
  • (2023-11-08) Leonard Kazmier: Useful. Enough Said!
  • (2023-09-02) Steve W: Slurps immense amounts of data unless you go through all the options one by one (and there's a lot). No single option to reject all.
  • (2023-08-12) Tony Nnamchi: it is ok
  • (2023-08-04) priscilla Akhamie: i love it
  • (2023-07-21) vinod jain: 1...easy setup 2...usefriendly
  • (2023-07-01) D x: Unable to drag the entire Chrome window by holding left mousebutton in the empty area of the menubar while moving the mouse.
  • (2023-06-23) Lucas James: I actually use this extension on the Opera browser. Im hoping that this is that same one because I want to say that I love using this extension. It is especially helpful when typing in text boxes on youtube or Reddit when. they always seem like they're messed up. So instead I just type what I want to say in your note sidebar. I also will copy and paste things to save for a short time and they stay there. and I especially love that fact that it will read your text to you. Love it.
  • (2023-05-20) Hader Khan: A good little extension, do its little work also if in half of the pages I tested: 50% probablty you have the menu bar so it will be great and 50% you have not so extension totally unuseful. This is because 3stars, rasing to 75% and I'll recap at 4 star, 85-90% and I can give 5star (100% is impossible for a human)
  • (2023-05-07) Daniel Metzelfed: Doesn't work. Don't waste your time.
  • (2023-01-09) Louis Kramer: I, do not like Chrome, no sir, I do not. Like Ford vs Chevy, Chrome vs Firefox is a controversy. It's Chevy/Firefox by a mile in my case. That said, I need to use Chrome for several work applications and Google Workspace. Pretty sad a State Bureaucracy depends on Giggles...err Google to maintain their information technology. Proper Menubar for Google Chrome is a godsend. I can navigate as needed and have everything I need at the touch of a button or 6. My only regret is I can't give you 6 stars!
  • (2022-11-15) George Knoppe: I'm not paying to see if it works. I thought it worked previously but not any more. Removing as no sense in having an extension that is useless.
  • (2022-08-06) Cynthia Green: I love it. There are enough changes in Chrome (coming from FireFox) to make. That tool bar made it all a little easier.
  • (2022-07-16) Palomar Jack: "A swing and a miss". Nice try, but borderline useful. Don't have actual access to bookmarks. I use them a lot. You have to open the "hamburger" menu to get at them. You also cannot manage them at the menu, like drag and drop because, they are not there anyway. This menu is just a local web page overlaying the one you are viewing. I just wish the Brave team would put the menu bar back. Hamburger menus are fine for cellphones, but that is where they should have stopped. If people get confused transitioning between devices maybe they should stay with their little iphones, or whatever. Or, better yet, stay away from confusing technology with more that 10 buttons on it and leave perfectly good menu interfaces where they belong.
  • (2022-07-09) Bryck78: It doesn't save my settings. I put TOP and it never showed up. Yes I hit the green button. And every page of the program options is the same thing. No where to save your settings. I'd give up programming and sell rags, is my advice to you. Edit a year later: It is useful on occasion, but I default having it off, when I got used to using only when needed, it wasn't that bad.
  • (2022-07-07) Tim Redding: I have installed the extension, enabled it etc, it is STILL not showing up in chrome, what am I missing??
  • (2022-04-21) Haru: Have to click the extension for it to work. Expected a menu bar to appear from my browser. Worthless.
  • (2022-04-18) Emrah M.: Can you add a left-justified menubar feature?
  • (2022-04-08) Jonathan Kundra: Works fine, very useful. And here I am again, five years down the line and still loving this sympathique little extension. It's more than high time for me to offer a little contribution in recognition of Stefan's altruism - and I do so with pleasure. Thank you, Stefan: It's one from the heart, as they say.
  • (2022-04-07) Steven Weseman: One can only thank the developer for making this available. The interest among so many to get the menu bar back I think reflects the importance of legacy user interfaces for efficiency (for the user) as well as comfort. Sadly, I assume it was impossible to code an extension placing the menu bar at the top of the browser window. Nonetheless helpful . . . and as to user interfaces just imagine how frustrating it has been for power users to adapt to Microsoft's endless "updates" to MS Office/especially Word . . . adding no new features etc.
  • (2022-03-03) Logan Allen: might have to turn it on and off once or twice but it flawless after!
  • (2022-03-02) Geri Sessa: I found the extension very helpful. So Much better using google with it than not.
  • (2021-12-16) Tony Nardo: Unlike "Exit" from the standard Chrome mechanism, "Exit" on the menubar does not preserve existing tabs and windows. Further, it prevents Ctrl+Shift+T from restoring any tab except the one "Exit" was selected from. With this difference in functionality, this extension can not be considered a Proper Menubar.
  • (2021-11-29) James historytimeline.com: Does not work.
  • (2021-11-22) Matt Stilwell: The extension installs just fine. I changed the background colour to make it more pleasing to the eyes, but now when I try to go to the settings page, I am unable to use the Advanced options or the design section where I had been before to change the background colour.
  • (2021-09-25) Terry Hutson: works great--I have never had a problem seeing the menu bar. I used this product for over five years now.
  • (2021-08-09) Olia Devos: I did install it but I see no bar at all. It is on as well in extantions. So what is up actually?
  • (2021-07-27) iiHealthy: it still works fine in 2021. pretty good extension although there is a bit of a delay when loading
  • (2021-07-24) Mikel Kasaboff: Not exactly sure if you can actually call it a bar, it's not what I thought it was.
  • (2021-06-28) Jim Ferrier: Rubbish. No menu bar appeared. Wasted time.
  • (2021-06-11) David Bouchard: While it does have the menus, they're all below the other top bars (tabs, search bar, bookmarks) with no apparent way to move it above any of these where it is found in literally everything else. I know Google did this on purpose - because they're jerks - but it belongs above everything else, including the tabs. The extension really needs a way to move the bar up further.
  • (2021-06-10) Craig Orland: I added this to my chrome and edge browsers, but my browser window started glitching when transitioning from one web page to another. The following is a screenshot of what appears for a split second between web pages. I disabled the addon and the glitch went away. VERY annoying. https://i.imgur.com/hiE7XdW.jpg
  • (2021-05-22) Charles Knerr: The chrome-menu button dropdown is not completely themed. The menu choices are split between browser menu bar and google products... can't have both? Or a google menu on the browser menu bar? Note for those complaining about menu missing: It is not possible to properly develop in Chrome... many pages are off-limits. The Gods are jerks.
  • (2021-04-30) Patricia Ann Gonzalez: Chrome really needed this toolbar. I am ecstatic with this extension. Easy to setup, customize and use. And the developer has other great stuff. Take a peak. It might not be for you, but it is definitely intelligent. Nonetheless, the toolbar for chrome is exceptional. THANKS!
  • (2021-03-30) B LAKSHMI PRIYA: where can i find open file option
  • (2021-01-15) Romanda Marchero: To designers of Proper Menubar for Google Chrome. I want to remind you, that it is 21 century century and not Middle Ages ... Welcome to the future!
  • (2020-11-13) David Galbraith: Wrote a bad review when it wasn't working properly. It is now working kind of as it should. The menu options doesn't have the normal shortcuts like Firefox used to have. The bookmarks menu should actually display your bookmarks not just have links to the manager or bookmark tabs. That is the thing most people would expect to see when they click on "bookmarks". The support page is useless for making suggestions. At best you will be taken to JustAnswer which is using a bot that's clueless about what you are referring to. So I will be hunting down an email for the dev for now. I realize that Chrome is developed by people who don't live in the real world and they intentionally make it difficult for developers to make things the way they'd like.
  • (2020-10-30) A Woman’s Glory: I like it however it seems to not stay where I put it. Need to check the settings and see what I have checked and unchecked.
  • (2020-10-28) T K: Can't figure out how it works. Installed it, closed Chrome, opened Chrome back up..no menu bar. Doesn't seem to work.
  • (2020-10-20) Albert Fendl: Works fine for me. Just a suggestion: the bar disappears after closing the browser and has to be turned on again after the next start. Please improve!
  • (2020-09-07) Ken Rich: FIX FOR BROKEN EXTENSION!! The others are correct. This doesn't work - unless you know the secret password and magic action! The "+" sign is nowhere to be found, but it you click on the "magic" puzzle piece icon on the far right next to your picture it will open the Extension Manager. Scroll down the list and you'll find the "+" sign that DOES work. It won't display an actual menu bar, but all it's menu choices are there and available, just not as clean and picturesque as a true menu bar.
  • (2020-08-22) C M: The menu bar does not move into place. When I go to the Extensions icon and click on Proper Menue Bar I get a message that is does not work on this web page. The web page if a fresh Chrome Browser window.
  • (2020-07-19) diane silk: proper menu bar does not work properly. when it is on a black and white data screen keeps flashing on the screen with information. very distracting and should be corrected by chrome. not good.
  • (2020-07-01) Damilare: thanks for this i love it u get sense jare
  • (2020-04-10) Ina Gomez: After reading some reviews I got the impression these writers didn't understand how to use the program. I found the program easy to use. Just what I needed.
  • (2020-04-04) John Wellborn: Unable to set options - keeps resetting to defaults. Toolbar colors settings don't appear anymore.


30,000 history
3.8261 (322 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-26 / 1.5.2
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