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Save time and effort in emails, etc. with ProKeys! Define snippets, do math in browser, auto complete braces, and much more.
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Description from store
Never waste a second on repetitive typing and the tedium of copy-paste again. Impress your boss and colleagues with a spike in your productivity!
This user-friendly text expander lets you save largish text expansions and associate them with short abbreviations. We support plain or styled text, local and sync browser storage, clipboard macros, date and time macros, dynamic value fields in expansions, dynamic math, omnibox support, and much more!
Your words-per-minute will skyrocket, your colleagues will swoon at your productivity, online drudgery of the corporate world won't touch you, and you'll never bother with the Herculean task of right-click, copy, go-somewhere-else, right-click...
For more info, visit the Help section inside the app, or watch the promo video on this page.
⋆Snippets⋆ - expand abbreviations
Define custom abbreviations, and expand them by simply pressing the hotkey (default: Shift+Space). It can be even a full-length email to your customer! Example: "brb" can expand to "Be right back!" Think of these as "canned responses".
⋆Placeholders⋆ - fields (inside snippets) which can be given dynamic values on using the snippet. Example: snippet "wishBday", which you can use to wish your friends Happy Birthday! Since the name of the friend keeps changing, so you can add a placeholder in the snippet body, as "%name%" (without quotes). It'll be auto-highlighted whenever you use the snippet and you can type your friend's name into it.
⋆Mathomania⋆ - do math without leaving your text editor, and without calculators. Simply type the math expression inside the `[[` and `]]` and press `=` to get the results. (watch the promo video for details) Parentheses and exponentiation is also supported.
Example: "[[ 15% * 600 =]]" gives "90" and "[[ (5+6) * 15^2 =]]" gives "2475".
⋆Omnibox support⋆ - use the keyword "pk" to directly expand snippets inside of the omnibox/address bar.
⋆Clipboard access⋆ - use [[%p]] anywhere in your snippet body, it is auto-replaced with the current clipboard data.
⋆Date/Time Macros⋆ - embed short symbols (inside a snippet body) which are auto-replaced their current date and time. Multiple date and time formats are supported.
⋆Date/Time Arithmetic⋆ - can be used to move forward or backward in time in the date and time macros. Supports both relative and independent evaluation of the symbols.
⋆Variables⋆ - quickly type date, time, browser version without having to leave your text editor or look at the clock!
⋆Auto-Insert⋆ - Quotes ('"') and braces - ( { [ -are auto-completed, and you can specify your custom insert-it-for-me symbols as well (like, inserting a '>' on typing of a '<') in the settings.
⋆Tab Key⋆ - can be used to insert 4 spaces, instead of its default function, thus speeding up your work.
- All your data is stored on your PC (or synced across your Chrome sign-ins) and nothing is sent to any external servers! Check the source code if you wish to -
- You can disable ProKeys for particular websites in the Settings.
- You can take a backup of your data, restore it, and print it as well.
- You are sure of not losing your data as ProKeys stores (on your PC) past 20 revisions of your data.
- You can switch between Sync and Local storage.
Note that the following few web apps are known to be incompatible:
1. Facebook (only comments and profile posts)/Messenger/Quora - uses improper text editor.
2. Google Docs - as it is a full-fledged editor itself. (But Google Docs comments section works)
Contact me at [email protected] if you know of a dynamic web app that's missing from the list above, or to give feedback.
Also note that the input of type email and number do not support caret manipulation so ProKeys can't function there (and neither does it work in password fields, for obvious reasons).
ProKeys developed with ♥ by - Gaurang Tandon and Varun Singh
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-22) Ellis Rowan: Snippets is okay. But it's allowing me to change the hot key. Even it shows that the hot key has changed, but it's not expanding when I am trying to use that hotkey. I have to user shift+space as a trigger.
- (2023-08-11) Rose Ann Renolla: Prokeys down? What happened? All of a sudden Snippets show 'Out of used' on top, cant export, when I upload the sync recovered data, the snippets wont work still
- (2023-05-30) Bart Cornelissen: Als het werkt, is het een heel handig programma. Helaas werkt het maar de helft van de tijd, als ze dat oplossen, zou het fantastisch zijn.
- (2023-04-07) Johana Diaz: muy buena
- (2023-04-03) El Kaboushka: I can't say enough good about ProKey! It saves me hours everyday. I have so many snippets that I'm amazed I can remember them all, but it is so much better than typing everything out each time. Thank you, ProKeys creators!!
- (2023-03-12) Meng Jin Goy: basic text expander,but less function.
- (2023-01-18) Surya Narayana Raju M: Hi, One of the best extension i have used till date. It has saved lot hrs of copy-paste-edit I recommend everyone to watch introduction video and help sections. It will show all usecases
- (2022-10-21) Lucas Cristeli Silva de Freitas: Realmente útil e eficiente, curva de aprendizado bem pequena. É do tipo de ferramenta que me faz querer ajudar o projeto mesmo ele sendo gratuito.
- (2022-10-08) Katrina Musick: Prokeys not working 10/8/22. I love Prokeys so much! It makes me so much more efficient at my job, saving me the time of copying and pasting or retyping similar messages. It has worked wonderfully the last two years. Today, the extension button is not working for me to add a new shortcut. The previously created shortcuts are still working, but I needed to make a new one. I hope this can be fixed quickly!
- (2022-10-04) Isis Matos: Cês sabem como faz pra dar "enter" do texto? pra que fique na outra linha? Não tem funcionado por aqui.
- (2022-07-12) Michel Lopes Del Sent: Funcionava bem, mas parou devido a nova atualização do Whatsapp WEB e tive que remover :( Para Windows achei o BEEFTEXT, que é bom e funciona no Whatsapp agora.
- (2022-07-06) Matheus Castilho: It was an excelent plugin, but now it won't work with Whatsapp anymore, the main application that I use.
- (2022-06-30) Jefferson Corrêa: O aplicativo estava funcionando perfeitamente até algumas semanas atrás, mas agora parece ter sofrido algum problema... ao inserir o comando de texto, ele aparece, e logo desaparece, voltando a ser exibido o comando e não o texto que ele deveria ser substituido. Está ocorrendo em páginas como Mercado Livre, Whatsapp Web, entre outros.
- (2022-02-18) James Nguyen: 2022 0218. testing
- (2022-02-09) Ana Li Santos: I work in customer support and spend my day writing emails. If it was not for this extension, I would have given up on my job, I love it, it works like a charm and I can't live without it! It is amazing and I am currently working to implement it as an official company tool. Thank you so so much for your work!
- (2021-12-09) David Castro: Gracias por actualizar la app de nuevo!
- (2021-10-22) John S. Kihm: Extremely helpful and useful extension. This has saved me literally hours of my time. Thanks so much!
- (2021-06-18) Rafael Casagrande: It does amazing job, apart for not working with Slack.
- (2021-05-15) Jack Williams: the snippets keep erasing from the chat window and have to enter the snippet 2 to three time and if the other party starts to type it disappears leaving only what I have typed. very unsatisfactory. most of my coworkers at experiencing the same thing
- (2021-02-11) Bedonkohe Kanga: This is absurd! Prokeys deleted all my snippets, that I collected and created for 7 months! No explanation, no help, no assistance. They just delete everything and leave you cope with it. In this day and age where everything is replicated many times in the cloud this is simply unacceptable for a modern day company! I would lea 0 Stars if I could.
- (2021-01-04) Max Grossman: Lists do not keep their format! I created a snippet that resolves to a bulleted list, with sub lists, but when I insert the snippet, or switch from the styled textbox to the standard text area, the list goes back to a single list, without the sublists
- (2020-12-08) Dave McMurray: I've had major problems with this extension. HotKeys do not work on Chromebooks which is very frustrating. I've also had my customized snippets deleted several times.
- (2020-10-31) carlos pinedo: It has a learning curve, but still, its Excellent, the best!
- (2020-09-19) Benoit Gauthier: Functionalities are OK (not fabulous) but no support whatsoever from the developer. None.
- (2020-09-10) Cristian Pringles: Es muy bueno y simple. Si se pudieran agregar caracteres de función como por ejemplo CR (carriage return), BS (backspace), etc. Y también la posibilidad de ordenar los snippets por frecuencia de uso o algo así. Hay algunas cositas que no funcionan bien, pero ya lo irán solucionando. Es la mejor opción que encontré hasta ahora y facilitó mucho mi trabajo de responder consultas de ventas. Gracias totales!!!
- (2020-08-10) Vivi Martin: A nice tool but is not doing the job. I created 10 templates, which only 3 worked. For an unknown reason the other 7 disappeared, and everyday I need to create a new one. Very time consuming to be honest.
- (2020-07-29) Joshua Imoo: I've used this for some math homework involving lots of repetitive LaTeX. Worked great!
- (2020-03-30) Chriztoffer: Enjoy using the extension, with the occasional hic-ups that follow. Were select fields on select web-sites is configured in such a way, ProKeys will not work when writing inside them (e.g. writing a review of the extension in Chrome Webstore). Alas, this is not due to the extension itself, but rather the website, per my understanding. :) Still use it a lot. Especially as a simple drop-in 'template engine' when writing e-mails and ticket replies. With pre-defined replies formatted to my needs. :+1: /Chriztoffer
- (2020-03-29) Vice: It doesn't save the snippets I created.
- (2020-03-19) Evan Rodriguez: Doesn't work consistently with salesforce. I have to refresh my page 2-3 times just to get the extension to work. Love it, but it's too frustrating to use.
- (2020-01-11) Steven Caldwell: When it works it is really great. Just save a backup of your config. I had to uninstall and reinstall it 2 times in the last month. Not sure why it is happening.
- (2019-12-06) Antony Gaddie: Nice and simple. Easy to use!
- (2019-11-14) Robert Anderson: This is by far the easiest to use, and functionally robust text productivity tool I have ever come across. It has been a thrill to see this extension progress though different stages. I recommend this extension to literally everyone who browses the internet for more than 3 minutes a month. My boss and coworkers love it just as much as I do now.
- (2019-10-29) Andre Gutiérrez: Excelente extensión.!!
- (2019-10-10) Karl Erik Steinbakk: I use this every day in my job and it is a fantastic timesaver for me! Thanks to the developer for creating this and the ongoing work with pushing updates and fixes! :-)
- (2019-09-23) Roberta Bartoli: very usefull
- (2019-09-16) David Lomax: I just want to say thanks. I found ProKeys a couple of years ago, my first year as an eLearning teacher. Teaching online, I find the need to provide a lot of textual feedback to students, yet I also find myself saying the same things over and over again. ProKeys allows me to, with less effort, give more feedback and more support to my students. You actually allow me to do my job better in less time. By now, I have a library of over four hundred snippets that I use daily. I appreciate it, and my students do as well, not to mention all the colleagues I have shown it to. I wish you all the best in your work, and I thank you again for all you have done.
- (2019-09-11) Raj Sompura: Great work, save my efforts to make emails.
- (2019-08-02) moonandstar: Very useful, thanks!
- (2019-07-30) Michael Knudsen: Good extension, but they really need to stop making it pop up every time I run Chrome. It needs to stay in the background until I open it. Update 7/30/2019 - Adding a star because the developer responded to my comment above and indeed the pop-ups stopped immediately afterward. I think there were just several updates in quick succession. This is a very useful extension.
- (2019-07-28) Vlad Snozyk: works only on gmail
- (2019-07-25) Walfredsson Calderon: This one of the best extensions of chrome saves me alot of time with my work!!!
- (2019-07-20) Brent Daily: Great resource for providing students written feedback in a quick, manageable way. If you've never tried grading 150 essays and leaving useful feedback for each student, take it from me, this app is an absolute life saver!
- (2019-07-18) Kyle and Bailey Godfrey: This extension has been a huge asset to efficiency and simplification. In my role at work I often times have to type out the same thing in multiple locations so to have this has save me SOOO much time. I have referred several colleagues to this and I think it has been just as beneficial for them as it has been for me. Absolutely love it!
- (2019-07-17) Dave Palese: Great plugin. Save me so much time and effort! Thanks
- (2019-07-15) Kegan Belendez: I have to re-import my prokeys ALL OF THE TIME. I will literally send an email using my prokeys AFTER importing them first thing in the morning like I have to do every day. Once I send the email and I'm on to the next, I try certain prokeys and they don't work and I have to import again. Seems like such a dumb issue that's easy to fix yet here we are. I shouldn't have to go through all my files and import my prokeys every time I compose an email.
- (2019-07-04) João Gehlen: Já testei várias e várias aplicações para fazer isso, mas até agora a ProKeys foi a que melhor resolveu o meu problema, é sensacional.
- (2019-07-03) SRG Residential: Such a time saver! I've been using it for over a year for frequent terms. Recommend!
- (2019-07-01) Michael Belew: When I first installed the plugin, it was good (maybe 3.5 stars), it had a couple of bugs that did not prevent from working, but were annoying. I am happy to says that just in the last couple weeks the plugin has been updated twice fixing the few bugs that were jumping out at me. I'm not saying that it is bug free, but it is an extremely helpful plugin and considering the cost, I give it 5 stars.
- (2019-06-27) Pauline Knowles: Really useful for inserting repetitive text as an expander.
4.4128 (218 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-27 / 4.0.2
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