Description from extension meta
Blog editor yang memudahkan Anda posting tulisan ke semua blog Anda.
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Description from store
One of the most popular add-ons for Firefox is now available for Chrome! ScribeFire is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to all of your blogs.
You can post to blogs from Wordpress, Blogger, TypePad, Windows Live Spaces, Xanga, LiveJournal, or any other blog that supports the MetaWeblog or MovableType APIs.
You can edit and update existing posts. You can schedule posts for the future (if your blog allows that). You can delete posts. You can save drafts. You can tag and categorize. You can upload images. You can edit visually, or you can use HTML or Markdown. You can post to multiple blogs at once.
ScribeFire for Chrome has a simple interface that is so simple even a caveman could use it, and anything you're working on is saved if you close the editor and restored when you come back. It really is the easiest way to update your blog.
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-26) zhao fa zheng: 如果可以批量导入博客的账号密码,那就泰裤辣
- (2020-04-12) Afrizal Adiputra: Well, this is embarrassing... Blogger isn't playing nicely; it's giving ScribeFire an error: Why ???????????????????????????
- (2018-10-14) Tim: Has potentially what I want... but couldn't get it to work with Blogger. The email requesting help bounced. I guess it isn't being maintained any longer. Too bad.
- (2018-03-18) Heidi MacDonald: This was once the best note taking extension for Wordpress imaginable, but is now completely out of date. Can someone pleaaaaaaaaasssssse update it?
- (2017-08-13) nako ruru: cannot login to blogger
- (2017-04-23) putra kaliber: verygood
- (2016-10-27) Irina Svetlowa: Hi, I am interested in acquiring your extension "ScribeFire". Please contact me at: [email protected]
- (2016-08-15) Aican Lai: can NOT loging to my Blogger. It shows "Blogger isn't playing nicely; it's giving ScribeFire an error:" I guess there is something wrong with "Google 2-Step Verification", isn't it?
- (2016-04-29) Isobel Pierce: We can help you to monetize your browser extension. ****For better users experience and higher revenue!*** *Earn from $15000 per month from every 100k users. *Shorter payment term! High revenue share! *24/7 customer support *GEOs: All countries, the whole world *My email/skype: [email protected] *website:
- (2016-02-20) M B: doesn't work anymore
- (2015-12-26) Flameater Flameater: Does not work with Blogspot
- (2015-12-20) Avaiki Nius Agency: As well as not working, even if it did, the interface is so dreadful I cannot imagine spending hours of my time looking at it. #yerk Developers? Please, put all the bells and whistles under an "advanced" option, keep it simple, sexy Yes, that's KISS, you know the other version. #usability #simplicity #winwin
- (2015-11-24) eunsik: 이 프로그램은 블로그를 쉽게 작성해 줍니다. 블로그를 포스트하는 데 소모되는 수고를 많이 감축해주고요. 또한 인터넷을 서핑하다가 인용하고 싶은 것을 바로 인용할 수 있게 해주는 것이 특히 마음에 듭니다.
- (2015-11-17) Rob Prosser: Couldn't add my blogger blog. Useless, don't bother.
- (2015-11-11) Lance Lovett: Doesn't work with Google's own blog sites! Why make this for Chrome? Thanks for wasting my time.
- (2015-10-13) Andrea Lorena: No sirve
- (2015-08-27) Lee Ann Konik-Waterrs: Great way to blog w/out opening numerous windows. But, lately it's a HUGE resource hog and no longer connects to the blog servers.
- (2015-07-25) Leandro Perez: Só da erro ao tentar configurar a conta do blogger - Bem, isso é constrangedor... "O Blogger não está jogando legal, ele está dando um erro ao ScribeFire"
- (2015-07-24) Ahmed Obaid: What happened? I have no idea! It used to work and it used to be great as well, but now I see a great effort riding a bull without any protection. And what makes it worse.. is that the developer doesn't reply!
- (2015-06-26) Enrico B.: Leider kann man sich auf blogspot NICHT anmelden!
- (2015-06-09) Jason Dunn: As the others have said here, it simply doesn't seem to work. I installed it to do offline draft posts, but with my self-hosted WordPress blog it returned a 500 Error and no details. Not very helpful unfortunately! The plugin hasn't been updated in almost a year, so I suspect it's been abandoned. I sure hope they aren't gathering and selling the username/password data I just put in...hmm...time to change my password!
- (2015-03-04) Vipin Ramachandran: The extension didn't worked at all with my Blogger site. It shows up "wrong username/password", although I typed it correctly. (I checked it from Blogger website directly) I am not sure why is this app still in Google Chrome store, as I am not alone who is facing this issue. Please take this down! Waste of time...
- (2015-01-29) Silvio T Corrêa: Por enquanto parece muito bom.
- (2015-01-10) Jonghyun Kim: it can retrieve only 25 recent posts. it's annoying me.
- (2014-12-17) Admin Contact: Once a great extension, it is now so far out of date that I could not connect to any of three blog systems I use for five different sites. Do not bother. This extension should really be removed as it won't work right with any of the last major editions of the browser. It's alternative spin-off ScribeFire Next isn't even offer here either.
- (2014-11-18) Só serve pra colocar propagandas no seu browser, VIRUS
- (2014-10-22) Joan Soto: no acepta mis datos de blogger siempre me sale que mi usuario y contrasena son incorrectos , me canse de seguir buscandole la forma mejor busco otro editor