extension ExtPose

Wrike ToDo list

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Description from extension meta

Wrike ToDo is all about you. Create a task list just for yourself and see your Inbox notifications, without needing to open Wrike.

Image from store Wrike ToDo list
Description from store What's wrong with sticky notes? They get lost easily, for one thing. Oh, and you can’t copy-and-paste or edit them. We know they were once an office staple, but that was so yesterday. As a modern alternative, we’ve combined the simple beauty of sticky notes with the power of the digital workspace. In Chrome's new tab, you can create notes and to-do lists, and complete, prioritize, and edit them with the Wrike ToDo Chrome extension. Each note is a Wrike task, so if one line isn’t enough, just open it in Wrike. You can benefit from this extension if you: - Have a to-do, action, follow-up or just an interesting item to jot down - Want to check your personal to-do list - Feel like you’re always forgetting something All you have to do is open a new tab, and your item is there. Write, read, cross out. No pencil required. Additional benefits: - The Wrike ToDo Extension is clean, simple, and really fast - You can choose a background that matches your mood - Notifications are viewable from Wrike - You can build your personal productivity report or dashboard in Wrike - You can tag tasks in Wrike and they’ll appear in the new tab Note: A free or paid Wrike account is required to use Wrike ToDo.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-04-05) Karen Savage: This is a powerful program. They've apparently fixed the complaints above because I don't have a problem creating tasks for specific projects. But it's annoying how it shows up when you create a new tab in Chrome. That is my biggest complaint. If it's just me not knowing how to set it up, then it's way more complicated than it needs to be to do.
  • (2021-07-13) Stephanie Castilla: I love the visual design of this, but I really wish I could create additional widgets to display tasks from any space, project, or folder. How amazing would it be to open this each day and see what I already have planned along with any extra to dos I need to add? Please consider updating this to include additional task lists! :)
  • (2020-02-04) Jordan Richardson: This is not useful for business use, I create all tasks inside of my teams space. Why can't you choose where tasks are created?
  • (2020-01-21) Jonathan Evans: Great work Wrike Team! I would love a mobile version of this. A simple app to intake quick task that behind the scenes can use the power of wrike.
  • (2019-12-23) Elzhan “The Bakr”: Вещь полезная, НО... Сделайте, чтоб можно было отказаться от изменения "новой вкладки" в Хроме, не отключая этот AddOn. Сейчас я не могу пользоваться им, так как мне нужна моя собственная настройка "новой вкладки".
  • (2019-12-05) Mario Veras: I was hoping this would tie in to the existing To-Do list in Wrike, but I was disappointed to find out it creates a separate To-Do folder in Wrike. Not sure why I need another to-do list when Wrike already has one. This can potentially create fragmentation of work and two places to check for to-do items instead of one. Doesn't make sense to me.
  • (2019-08-19) Irmgard Rudaur: При регистрации нужно указывать телефонный номер. Серьезно? А скан паспорта и отпечатки пальцев не требуются?
  • (2019-08-03) Eric Fang: i can not login in cn with vpn, why?
  • (2019-06-27) Борис А: Идея интересная и, наверное, полезная, но русскоязычная заметка в Chrome выглядит, как пустая (во Wrike отображается корректно). Пока так...
  • (2019-03-12) Stefan Krebs: I don't understand - why the ToDo list is available as a "new tab" function only - it blocks my personal "new tab" settings - why this chrome extension like to get so much rights (on default): "Allows this extension to read and modify all my data on websites I visit:" "Allow on all websites"
  • (2019-03-06) Maxim Dimov: The best todo solution ever! Cool backgrounds and smooth motions. I like it.
  • (2018-01-25) The Wrike ToDo Extension has helped me become more organized! Goodbye to lost Post It notes, notebooks, and other digital tracking systems. I love this extension and use it throughout the day to keep track of all my To Do items! I also love that I can organize everything further in Wrike.
  • (2018-01-23) Kelly Hanson: This is a cool addition to the Wrike service. I'm interested to see how useful it really ends up being. It would be cool if I could specify what folder it uses rather than just the account, but that's not a deal-breaker for me.
  • (2018-01-17) Kyle Smith: Love Wrike. I'm sure this extension will be great! Seems solid.
  • (2018-01-10) Heiko B: It is a useful add-on to create and manage your own tasks and have a quick overview.
  • (2018-01-10) Sara O'Brien: Changed my to-do lists forever. Always accessible, simple to jot down a note and have it in wrike instead of in a notebook or email. A to do list that works where you are.
  • (2018-01-08) Christina Anstett: This is a cool addition to wrike. I am a big fan of the ease of the extension.
  • (2018-01-04) Cherie Ann: Fastest way to make a wrike task and see incoming messages!
  • (2018-01-03) Jan Kovačič: Usefull addon. Now I dont need to use different apps for to dos. I get them quickly and easily.
  • (2017-12-29) Ashley Almasy: I haven't used it too much so far but this is an amazing way to keep my tasks for today organized. I used to use a post-it, but now its right in my browser and won't get lost!
  • (2017-12-23) Sergio Pessoa: Me encantaría poder ordenar y colorear para priorizar las tareas.
  • (2017-12-22) Cameron Korb: This new task will save me paper and keep me on task.
  • (2017-12-22) I'm really liking this! This is a useful way to keep a to-do list integrated with Wrike. I also love that it's customizable, so you can still keep your new tab fun and attractive.
  • (2017-12-22) Rachel Welsch: This is a very cool extension. I look forward to using it daily.
  • (2017-12-21) Andrei Popov: Интересная фича - позволяет заменить фон при открытии новой вкладки в гугл хроме на создание списка задач, которые при этом отображаются в самом Райке в отдельной папке. Не знаю, для кого это могло бы быть интересным, но в целом, изза должной синхронизации задач можно отметить это приложение как рабочее
  • (2017-12-21) Bernabé Torres: Very clever from wrike, saves me the trouble of having to open google keep etc.
  • (2017-12-20) Paulo Moura: Wrike changed my live
  • (2017-12-19) Pixel Puppy Productions: Wrike ToDo is a great extension to a great project management solution!

Latest issues

  • (2021-01-15, v:1.0.19) Don Hill: Refresh token is invalid. Please relogin in Wrike ToDo.
    Refresh token is invalid. Please relogin in Wrike ToDo. this shows up on a new search page. I logged out and logged back into wrike but no change
  • (2020-05-11, v:1.0.19) Rick Gomez: System Error
    I can't add a task to my list. It says - "Operation is not allowed due insufficient user rights or account license limitations." and gives no external link or any additional information on where to go or what to do to resolve this issue. Please help
  • (2019-11-13, v:1.0.19) Mo Masoud: Merging the target folder with "My To-Do"
    Hi, I love this extension! But since Wrike rolled out the "My To-Do" smart folder feature, said feature became my go to spot to check all my to-do's. I wish there was a way to point the Chrome extension to that smart folder to consolidate. That would make both features even better!
  • (2019-10-22, v:1.0.17) Todo list is not showing in new tab....
    HI, I downloaded the extension and I am able to see it in new tab, however, once I type a task in and hit enter nothing happens... and I don't see any todo list on that page either
  • (2019-08-14, v:1.0.16) Dmytro Rybka: Styling issue
    Currently I can see only the half of the "Wrike" word.
  • (2019-04-05, v:1.0.15) Brett Barton: Bookmark Bar No Longer Appears
    Hello, I love this extension. One problem through, when opening a new tab my bookmark bar no longer appears. If you turn the bookmark bar on permanently it shows up, but I would prefer to have that bar appear when a new empty tab is opened.
  • (2019-01-18, v:1.0.14) Office wide use
    If I'm using an company-wide Wrike system, will my individual Wrike To Do Extension items be visible on the browser company-wide or will they only be visible to me?
  • (2019-01-10, v:1.0.14) To Do Folder in Wrike
    If multiple people in my office are using the extension, will all of the tasks we create from the extension go into the same Chrome ToDo Extension Folder in our account? If not, does everyone have access to my to-do folder?
  • (2018-10-09, v:1.0.14) Ken Fischer: Would like some modifications
    Hi Do you do modifications or can prvodie a copy of the code? I would like some simple mods. Thanks
  • (2018-09-20, v:1.0.13) Karissa Clampit: Lost interface, redirect to wrike
    I downloaded the extension and it appeared with a very simple user friendly interface. However, when I clicked open in Wrike, I couldnt' figure out how to get back to this interface. When I click on the check mark in my toolbar that says it is the ToDo list extension, it simply redirects me to the Wrike folder, thus, opening wrike. Is there some way to avoid this from happening? I was hoping this would serve as a short post-it note to-do list for staff that would work fluidly with wrike. I don't want to have them install the extension if it is simply a bookmark to a Wrike folder.
  • (2018-09-06, v:1.0.13) GCal and GMail integration
    Hi, This is a nice product. I would LOVE to see panels for GCal somewhere and perhaps GMail integrations in the comm notifications on the right panel ? Thanks for considering Danny
  • (2018-07-30, v:1.0.13) Holger Hartmann: Can't login
    Hi, unfortunately I'm not able to login anymore. Nothing happens when I click on login button.
  • (2018-05-16, v:1.0.11) Gleb A.: How to add myself as Assignee?
    Is there way I can set myself as Assignee to all tasks, created through Wrike ToDo's?
  • (2018-03-27, v:1.0.11) Jim Dessauer: Wrike todo always on Chrome tab
    Every time I open a new tab the todo extension pops up. How do I turn on and off so I can get a normal Chrome tab?


10,000 history
3.8947 (38 votes)
Last update / version
2023-07-14 / 1.0.23
Listing languages
