Description from extension meta
It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it
Image from store
Description from store
Why GitZip:
- You DO NOT have to download the whole project just for those few files/folders you need.
1. Browse any Github repository page.
2. Two ways to download:
2.1. Choose the items:
2.1.1. In default, you can double click on items or check the checkbox on the front of items.
2.1.2. Click download button at the bottom-right of the page.
2.2. In context menu:
2.2.1. Click "GitZip Download" > "Whole Repository" or "Current Folder".
2.2.2. Move the mouse cursor on the item and click "GitZip Download" > "Selected Folder/File".
2.2.3. Click "GitZip Download" > "Checked Items" after doing 2-1-1.
3. See the progress dashboard and wait for browser trigger download.
4. Get the ZIP file.
"How to select" for item selecting behaviour and "theme" for dark or light themes.
Get Token:
- If you see the "Rate Limit" warning message on progress dashboard, you should get the Github API access token for upgrade rate limit. GitZip provide a convenient way for it:
1. Click GitZip Extension icon on your browser.
2. Click "Normal" or "Private" link beside "Get Token".
3. Authorize GitZip permission on Github auth page.
4. Back to repo page automatically.
5. Continue to use.
About GA usage:
Default GA (Google Analytics) collection. Technically, now we are unable to collect any other informations in Manifest V3 spec.
Support Us by donate:
1. Fix item selection in root view.
2. Disable whole project download in contextmenu.
Fix checkbox position in table cell.
1. Compatible with new UI (In feature preview called: New Code Search and Code View)
2. Fix a bug about saving personal token.
1. Enhance popstate detection.
2. Deprecate ".repository-content" selector for items detection.
1. More download ways in context menu.
2. Can change settings in options page for item selecting behaviour and theme.
3. Can use checkbox to select item.
4. Migrate to Manifest V3 spec.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-09) Evan Li: chrome版本 119.0.6045.124(正式版本) (64 位) 此扩展程序可能已损坏。
- (2023-10-26) Kapil Negi: worked for me. i needed this so much. thank you.
- (2023-09-07) kartone bboy: great! I can download directory files.
- (2023-08-24) ming凯: 太棒了
- (2023-07-11) Tokamak: Doesent work
- (2023-05-26) Claudiu C (CLAUX): how can you love it? quick and easy subfolder git repo downloader
- (2023-05-14) Artur B: Working great for now!
- (2023-03-24) Julianus Pfeuffer: Does not work anymore
- (2023-03-04) Chattille Felix: Really useful. Seems that it doesn't work for the updated code view. Will it be supported?
- (2022-12-12) Alexander Vasilchenko: like a charm!
- (2022-10-30) Sasha Baglau: Sometimes download button is not available, but in other cases works great
- (2022-10-30) Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum): Despite that the "API key" was put in, from me downloading does not work reasonably. It is downloaded exclusively, more precisely only once and that totally unreliable! There is better! So it is completely unusable, unfortunately is on the utmost pity, because I liked the principle with the "checkboxes" very much.
- (2022-10-25) Jinling Wang: 1. Get token url is lost 2. Manually enter API token, but can't be saved
- (2022-10-21) Rootkit Chen: 哦我的天呀,我从来没有见过这样的软件。它实在是太棒了,真的好用的不得了。我亲爱的上帝啊。但是不知道为什么我总是不能在这个软件上下载那该死的github项目,它总是要我添加那该死的API。哦我的上帝亲爱的耶稣伟大的佛祖尊敬的太乙金仙崇高的教皇啊,哪位南无大慈大悲救苦救难广大灵感观世音菩萨能告诉我如何使用。我的通讯邮箱是 [email protected],如果你能这样做,我将非常的感激你。哪怕是看在我哥哥的面子上,我一定会感激你的。
- (2022-09-27) 杨美宸: perfect!!
- (2022-09-22) Anthony Goldberger: My wife divorced me and took the kids that were leaving their junior year of pre-school but they got mauled by pitbulls but this extension helped me get through the trauma. Thanks!
- (2022-09-05) Amir bahador: Thank you for this really helpful extension.God bless you <3
- (2022-08-28) Barney Pitt: Just doesn't work at all. Even a teensy bit. Don't not waste your time.
- (2022-06-02) Jason Wang: Doesn't work. Message: Collect blob urls... and Cannot GET /gettoken/authorize/
- (2022-05-25) Tomo K: It's good, but it would be better if the single folder is in zip file, not all files. The flow would be better: 1. Download 2. Open zip from statusbar 3. Drop the folder on Desktop Currently it's more steps: 1. Download 2. Open zip from statusbar 3. Create folder in Desktop 4. Drop all files to the folder
- (2022-04-11) Cristian Lungeanu: now works
- (2022-04-11) Zenver Tao: Excellent !
- (2022-03-13) Ayush Kumar: only able to select files, no directories are selectable
- (2022-03-02) Ryan's: it worked tested: Brave 1.31.88 Chromium: 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2022-02-09) bond james: very nice ,help me a lot
- (2022-01-01) Useless Account: Works as advertised, perfect to download certain folders in my archive. Only improvement that I would like to see is a better way to select items than "double click in an empty area"
- (2021-12-14) Xinyue Ding: Super helpful and easy to use!!!
- (2021-11-16) 龙猫不热: 垃圾
- (2021-07-01) Mary Guty: could only download subdirectory folders, but for root file folders the download pop up unknown operation window.
- (2021-06-29) Vino Liu: 现在用不了
- (2021-05-18) liuly: 貌似会对百度主页进行跳转
- (2021-04-16) 黄銳鋒(hrf#js): API rate limit exceeded for user ID ***** Please click GitZip extension icon to get token or input your token.
- (2021-04-10) L SD: 最近下载文件夹,下载的压缩包都是空的,大小为22B
- (2021-03-14) 보라색: It does not work now. Use other extension.
- (2021-03-04) LYNRAY: Good
- (2021-02-10) MyID Wildream: not work
- (2021-01-22) Brandon Bachman: The interface — or lack thereof — makes it difficult to use at first without instructions. It wouldn't have hurt to had added a button with some javascript to download the directory as archive / .zip and have it work that way. Aside from that, it's a great piece of software that can help to make life easy for many. The problem with this extension, or rather its presentation is the lack of good English writing skills. I am sure you are a technologically-adept individual, savvy and knowledgeable with all things software but the way it's presented — with such poor English grammar — reeks of scam, and you should consider hiring a consultant, or at the very least requesting assistance from a friend to re-write / proofread your English writ so it doesn't look like you're some tech scammer. That might sound insensitive, and it may appear like racial profiling, but there are people who will see the poor grammar and not see past that enough to realize this is legitimate software with a novel purpose. For observers reading this, GitZip is good! Just kind of sucks presentation and the lack of an interface button within GitHub lets it down a bit but it works!
- (2021-01-12) 牧云云: 点击下载后, 好久也没反应。是否可以增加一个显示下载进度的功能。
- (2021-01-05) aiwer andi: Very Good!Thanks for your Work!
- (2021-01-02) Aron Gaspic: Doesn't work. Message: Collect blob urls... Running in the rate limit. Not Found
- (2020-11-05) ABF Office: Doesn't work site is down
- (2020-11-02) Darren Ying: Close Adblock, if your download process stopped at 99%, you can just find the file on your disk and change its filename to '.zip'. Then click and unzip it, you will find the file available. Hope this tip also works for you!
- (2020-10-21) Co_ co: 已经授权了,并且填写taken了,但是无论怎么双击还是无法触发下载按钮;在页面空白处:右击-->download [xxx] as zip ,也没有任何反应。 不清楚怎么用的,有朋友可以帮忙下吗?
- (2020-10-20) Yuppie Paucar: It was perfect up until today. For some reason it does not download anymore. I never had an adblocker, did not add one, and also tried to restart Chrome. I'm on latest version of Chrome and this extension. Maybe something on the GitHub side changed?
- (2020-10-20) Dmitry Kudrin: Does not work. AdBlock is switched off
- (2020-09-23) lin he: I follow the page tip re-login ,and switch off AdGuard , reload the page , but Bad credentials still occur.
- (2020-09-13) Sabrina Rosario: Love it! I was downloading an entire folder, scratching my head as to why I couldn't download the specific folder I wanted instead of the whole thing which took me ages. You have to turn off your AdBlocker first, refresh the page and then double click on whatever folder you want to download. If you don't turn off the AdBlocker then the download will just stay frozen and it will never even begin to download.
- (2020-08-15) chen Jacky: Good tool, thank you guy
- (2020-08-05) eagle wang: plenty of thanks to the developer of such a convenient plug-in!!!
- (2020-08-01) Pranjal Singh: So awesome!!
4.1919 (172 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-11 / 1.0.4
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