Description from extension meta
Bīdiet dažādu krāsu gabalus no vienas kuba puses uz otru.
Image from store
Description from store
Vienkārši velciet vajadzīgo kolonnu vai rindu pareizajā virzienā.
Kā spēlēt:
Izmanto peli, lai spēlētu šo spēli. Lai pagrieztu visu kubu, noklikšķiniet un velciet jebkur visā kubā, vai izmantojiet ritināšanas.
Latest reviews
- (2018-05-07) Helen Bennett: it is spam and keeps auto installing on to my computer and it is harmful to my computer and it has given me a virus and malware on my computer and would like it to be deleted from the google chrome store so it can stop being auto installed on my computer and i would like to have that done now and that and it also has sexual content on the app and it is giving me ads i do not want on my computer for porn and i do not want to have ads for porn on my computer and your app is giving me that