extension ExtPose

Currency Converter | XeConvert

CRX id


Description from extension meta

This extension allows the user to convert currencies easly.

Image from store Currency Converter | XeConvert

Latest reviews

  • (2019-02-23) :Mars: Not work/
  • (2018-08-24) Cavin G.: I work online for the Chinese as an English teacher and get paid in CNY. I was using a more convenient extension before which converted amounts without going to an external site, but it stopped working without warning so I tried this one. It's good and the website is nice since it gives a detailed history of the highs and lows the currencies have gone through. However, I suggest that if the user highlights something (a number of course), then the extension take that text and insert it into the field. Additionally, I recommend that the number 1 not be put in the box by default, especially give that it's not possible to cmd/ctrl + A to highlight it. I also suggest to allow it to convert inline, with the option of linking to the website if the user wants to see the history of the highs and lows of the currency. Still, not bad, and the best one I've found so far (that still works!), so good job!
  • (2018-08-20) NEJIB BEN AHMED (Partner): good
  • (2017-09-29) Ben Ahmed Nejib: OK


274 history
3.1429 (7 votes)
Last update / version
2017-09-29 / 1.1
Listing languages
