extension ExtPose

NetSupport School Student

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作为全世界 IT 教育工作者的第一选择,NetSupport School 提供必要的工具,帮助您最大限度地提高计算机引导教学的效率,现在,您可以在 Google Chromebook 环境中利用 NetSupport School 的强大功能。…

Image from store NetSupport School Student
Description from store 作为全世界 IT 教育工作者的第一选择,NetSupport School 提供必要的工具,帮助您最大限度地提高计算机引导教学的效率,现在,您可以在 Google Chromebook 环境中利用 NetSupport School 的强大功能。 为了能在现有的 NetSupport 管理的教室中使用,可将 NetSupport School Student 应用程序安装在每个运行 Google Chrome 操作系统的学生机上。然后,可从教师的台式机上连接到每个系统,实现快速高效的监控以及与每个学生交互。 主要功能: 在单个视图中清楚地查看每个学生机的缩略图。 向所有或選定學生的Chromebooks展示您的案頭,以幫助演示一個觀點或向學生展示如何完成特定任務。(僅限Windows Tutor) 教師可在一節課的過程中或結束時向學生發出即時調查,以便即時瞭解學生對課題的理解情況。 將滑鼠移到縮略圖上,放大選定學生的Chromebook荧幕,或在單獨的查看會話中打開所選學生的Chromebook,以便更仔細地查看活動。(僅限Windows Tutor) 反饋和感受功能便於教師捕捉學生的感受,測定學生對課題的信心度,以及他們是否需要額外幫助 打开一个允许所有学生或选定学生加入的讨论会话,让学生输入他们的意见并与班内其他成员共享。 向选定的学生显示应用程序。 向每个学生机发送引起注意的消息或指示。 阻止未经授权的网站。 只使用经过许可的网站。 阻止所有互联网访问。 在学生 Chromebook 上打开一个网站。 关闭学生 Chromebook 上的网站。 請求幫助工具 - 學生可以發送求救請求的導師。 阻止 FTP 访问。 查看学生当前正在查看的网站的详细信息。 要求学生在每节课开始时注册。 Chrome 隐身模式: 为确保您对学生的互联网使用情况了如指掌,建议您通过 Google Apps for Education“禁用”Chrome 操作系统用户设置中的隐身模式。 安装和前提条件: 为了让教师能够监控正在使用 Google Chromebook 的学生并与之交互,必须在一个 Windows 服务器上安装 NetSupport Name & Connectivity Server;必须在教师的 Windows 计算机上安装 NetSupport School Tutor,以及在每个学生的 Chromebook 上安装 NetSupport School Student 扩展程序。 可以借助您已经购买的现有 NetSupport School 许可证(只要您有足够的未用许可证)来使用 Chrome 操作系统专用 NetSupport School Student. 请访问 www.netsupportschool.com/chrome 获得更多信息,以及用来管理教室中 Chrome 操作系统学生的简单分步式指南。 -----------------------------------------------------------------

Latest reviews

  • (2023-02-06) Mackenzie Lambert: Terrible flaming hot garbage spyware
  • (2023-02-06) Stephen-Reece Fitt: terrible
  • (2022-04-14) Leah Binks: Since it was installed so many of my files have been corrupted, the problem only started when it was installed and I lost days worth of work
  • (2021-12-14) Luke Miller: It sucks lol burn
  • (2021-10-14) Luke Edwards: this is dodgy spyware used to invade the privacy of every student they can even watch you at home which means they know your ip dont ruin me and other students livs
  • (2021-10-06) Aidan Smith: blatantly violates the google terms of service, report it
  • (2020-11-12) Freddie Smith: My school has used this to take away our privacy and uses it while we are at home to spy on us when we are online. please get rid of it.
  • (2020-10-21) Molly Todd: terrible it embarresses people and we could have private info on here that teachers have no buisness seeing.
  • (2020-10-14) Joseph McMahon: Literally can modify search history and see what you are doing at all times. Very creepy.
  • (2020-08-07) ツindigo: this is horrible. just because we're in middle school, doesn't mean teachers just invade our privacy smh. they just expect the worst case scenarios when they look at that site we're on. if they want privacy and they get it, we should too.
  • (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
  • (2020-01-23) Biswarup Guha: It is quite afordable for western country but not for 3rd world underdeloping contries.
  • (2019-05-15) Francia-Deacouvin Franco-Brown: IC70165552A to each current emergency for all my fans
  • (2018-12-03) Dylan Minecraft: easy to bypass on cromebooks at school just log in with a home account and it as no right to automatically install! no school has rights to your personal google account
  • (2017-12-14) Cakrawala Komputer: Luar biasa
  • (2017-11-08) Wyatt Holmes: Terrible, basically spyware that you install on purpose, my school uses it to invade the privacy of their students.
  • (2017-10-22) LUIS OSWALDO RAMIREZ GRADOS: Excelent educational tool
  • (2017-01-12) iHaiii -: I Just hatE IT XD
  • (2016-11-29) Andrew Moore: Great for the price. Not as good as some of the pricier options but still works pretty well.
  • (2016-04-11) MML: slow and klunky
  • (2016-03-06) ยุทธนา พวงลัดดา: ช่วยงานด้านระบบการสอน ให้สดวกง่ายขึ้นในหลายด้าน
  • (2015-11-23) Spencer Lyst: Doesn't even work and I can't open any appor "software"
  • (2015-04-08) Marie64 Granny: i love it
  • (2015-01-20) Jay Wheeler: My school is going to 1:1 beginning Monday, January 26 and I have been worried about not being able to see what my students are doing while they should be doing their work in class. This will be the perfect tool.
  • (2014-12-04) Jazmin claris Sinche porras: buena
  • (2014-11-25) Roland Kessler: fantastisch product!
  • (2014-11-09) Martin ali: plz answer how to use this I use chrome browser I don't know how to use this plz make a video I can't connect
  • (2014-05-08) Jhonny Jara: Muy provechoso, excelente
  • (2014-04-28) lucilene moura: Vou testar.... Me parece legal e produtiva.
  • (2013-11-03) Ahmed Basiouny: تطبيق مفيد جدا وممتاز يساعدنا على إدارة الفصول المدرسية
  • (2013-11-03) mohamed el modather: تطبيق ممتاز و فعال لادارة الفصول المدرسية
  • (2013-11-01) Kendra Rickert: I have been waiting for this! This is a great tool!
  • (2013-10-31) Great product that only enhances the features available with NetSupport School
  • (2013-10-31) Giacomo Di Pietro: NetSupport School è il miglior prodotto per la gestione delle aule con ambiente scolastico multi-piattaforma che ho provato. L'aggiunta del supporto per Chrome OS ne aumenta la versatilità e ne amplia le funzionalità.
  • (2013-10-28) esli alegre: This is terrible. I understand that teachers want us to use our chromebooks in a mature manner but thanks to this "app" I can't do my college homework. This thing is a let down.
  • (2013-10-24) Ricky Aguilar: Great tool for managing Chomebooks in the classroom!
  • (2013-10-24) Tommy Dannstedt: Den industriledande klassrumshanterings lösningen blev just bättre med med stöd för Chrome! Netsupport School for Chrome really helps you to maximize the effectiveness of computer-led teaching.
  • (2013-10-23) Team Choi: 넷서포트 스쿨을 마치, 일반 컴퓨터실에서 사용한는 것처럼 브라우저만으로도 지원하는 기능이 아주 유용함~ !!


3.2821 (117 votes)
Last update / version
2023-07-03 / 15.0.0
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