extension ExtPose

Selection Search

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Description from extension meta

Search for the selected text in search engines

Image from store Selection Search
Description from store With this extension you can easily search for text you have selected. When some text is selected you can left click the selected text to get a popup where you can choose a search engine to search with. In the options page you can customize the look of the menu, which mouse button that should activate the menu, which search engines to show, and a lot of other things. ************************************** When you install this extension you will get a warning that this extension can: "Access your data on all websites." This is needed because the code for the popup-menu needs to be added to every website for it to work. ************************************** If you want to report a bug/issue, please use the following site: https://github.com/Pitmairen/selection-search/issues Alternatively you can use the support section on this site (chrome web store), but I get no notifications about new posts, so I may not notice the message. ************************************** Source code: https://github.com/Pitmairen/selection-search ************************************** Donations: Some people have asked for ways to make donations to the project. If you want to make a donation you can do so by buying me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pitmairen ************************************** Changelog: 0.9.0 - Major rewrite of internals to migrate the extension to manifest V3, as required by Chrome for the extension to continue to work. - No new features or bug fixes in this release. 0.8.64 - Added search-url variable PAGE_QS_VAR_NO_ENCODING to allow query string variables without encoding 0.8.63 - Added new buttons to allow adding new search engines/separators/submenus at specific positions in the search engine list 0.8.62 - Added search-url variable %PAGE_ORIGIN_NO_ENCODING, same as %PAGE_ORIGIN, but without URL encoding 0.8.61 - Added option to enable the search engine popup blacklist/whitelist to also affect the search engine hotkeys. The options is located under Popup menu -> Advanced -> Blacklist/whitelist. 0.8.60 - Don't try to load settings from sync storage if sync is disabled in settings, this could fail in some special cases. 0.8.59 - Add option to open seaches in a small popup window 0.5.58 - Fix issue where the popup could be partially positioned outside the top of the browser window and become unreachable. Mostly an issue for very large popup menus with many search engines. 0.8.57 - Fix mycroft integration. - Add an additional source for search engine icons that is used if the default source does not have an icon. 0.8.56 - Added special search engine marker for sites requiring encodings other than UTF-8. Simply append {SPECIALENCODING} to the end of the search engine url. This enables the feature and the browser should be able to auto detect the correct encoding. 0.8.55: - Possible fix for freezing tabs for searches opened in new foreground tab 0.8.54: - Revert escape feature (}) added in previous release. This broke some search placeholders. 0.8.53: - Added option to open search in new window - Make it possible to add search url to the submenu root item. If a search url is added it will open when clicking the submenu root item, unless the openall on click option is checked. - Improved replacement of bracket placeholders ({%s}). If "}" must be used inside the placeholder it can now be escaped using "}". - Improved regexp placeholder replace converter. The old "re:" converter still works for backwards compatibility. The new improved converter is called "replace:", and is documented under "More Variables" at the top of the options page. 0.8.52: - Upgraded to latest jquery version to get latest security fixes 0.8.51: - Fix issue with saving changed settings on options page 0.8.50: - Reverted change in last release to disable double click activator in input elements. Added this as an option instead. - Added option to hide popup on document scroll event 0.8.49: - Fix icons failing to loading in Chrome 76 - Copy raw selection (preserves whitespace) when using the special COPY search engine - Disable double click activator in input elements 0.8.48: - Moved data storage from localStorage to chrome.storage.local to prevent data from getting lost when clearing browser cache (Reported on firefox). Should not change the behaviour of the extension for the user. 0.8.47: - Added regular expression selection converter. See under "More Variables" on options page. - Added option to turn in-site popup blacklist into a whitelist. - Improved toolbar popup support for older chrome versions. 0.8.46: - Replace newlines in selection with spaces 0.8.45: - Added option to allow the popup to open when there are newlines in the selection. Only affects the inline popup and toolbar popup. 0.8.44: - Fix bug that prevented sub menus from being dragged/moved on the options page 0.8.43: - Enable the search engine hotkeys even when the inline popup menu is disabled For full changelog see: https://github.com/Pitmairen/selection-search#changelog

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-10) عبدالله السليمان: أسرع طريقة للبحث بتظليل الكلمة أو الجملة ، واختيار أي محرك بحث من القائمة التي تظهر لك والتي تستطيع أن تضيف عليها ما تشاء من محركات البحث . أداة أعتقد أن الجميع لن يستغني عنها بعد تجربتها .
  • (2023-11-06) Grün Blau Gelb: Spy app???? Often opens a popup, but only during a password entry. It seems to me that this is a security risk!
  • (2023-10-06) William Angel: Excelent
  • (2023-09-28) Steve Mil: O.O Awesome esta increíble el Addon Crome sobre todo por los atajos de teclado. Recomendación al programador: *Se recomienda al programador si puede hacer un vídeo de ejemplo. *Seria necesario diferenciar las teclas: ctrl-L y ctrl-R Shitf-L y Shitf-R Alt-L y Alt-R *Crear una columna para ver los atajos de teclado rápido y cambiarlos al momento *Tiene un bug en el buscador 14 cierro Chrome y lo vuelvo a abrir y desaparecieron mis links, pero los botones los conservo Datos: Lo use en Linuxmint XCFE a 64 Bits Navegador Brave Voy a recomendar el Add a mis conocidos y mis familiares. Gracias al Programador por darle seguimiento al Add Chrome por los Updates :D
  • (2023-06-21) Tomas Karlsson: must have honestly,
  • (2023-06-09) Duxast 33: Прекрасное расширение , но есть что улучшить . Если на словах "Sasha Grey" совершить поиск то в результате расширение напишет "Sasha%20Grey" , в большинстве случаев это будет работать но на некоторых сайтах работает только "Sasha-Grey" и "Sasha+Grey" .
  • (2023-06-02) Feral Berry: Идеальное расширение, для меня, так как делаю поиск на многих сайтах одновременно, например когда ищу инфу про кино. Лучшее и удобнее всех остальных поисковых расширений
  • (2023-04-29) Luce: Extremely useful, highly customizable, and the popup menu is clean. Has been a game changer for my language learning.
  • (2023-04-18) Jawad Ahmed: Best Extension Ever
  • (2023-04-06) W Ultra: .popup .engine-name, .popup.mainmenu > li:first-child{ display: none; } .popup a, .popup li{ display: inline-block; padding: 1px; } .popup img{ margin: 2px; padding: 0; } .popup { width: 80px; padding: 0px; white-space:auto; } .popup .engine-separator{ width: 1px; height: 20px; margin: 0 3px 3px 3px; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; } /*CONFIG_START {"submenu_position":"topright","submenu_corner":"bottomleft"} CONFIG_END*/
  • (2023-03-21) Val Och: Great extension, super handy for looking up stuff in Wolfram Alpha. Very customizable when it comes to activating its function. My only wish would be to have icons also show up in context menu mode, which I find to be the most intuitive to use, but I understand that it might be hard to implement due to Chrome's own limitations.
  • (2023-03-16) Black Gold: Love it. It should be the default feature of chrome. Works flawlessly. I added my custom search engines and all of them work.
  • (2023-02-25) misuzu suzuki: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • (2023-02-12) Yufan Yi: 用了很多年的扩展了,对我而言唯一的痛点就是在菜单栏弹出窗口搜索时,按Enter键窗口会消失,中英文混合输入的时候不太方便。
  • (2023-02-11) Shmuel: Using this now for over a year and it's fantastic
  • (2023-02-10) Saphabodi K.: While it is a truly great extension, it can be annoying when it pops up in an edit box. So, I suggest that there be an option to prevent its from popping up in an edit box, as in Firefox.
  • (2023-01-10) Huy Bac: Excellent, best search engine extention!!!!
  • (2023-01-09) 湖秋: Only one thing troubled me a lot.When selected done then the menu window always block the copy function(original rightclick menu).Could it be imprve in next version.Thanks!
  • (2023-01-05) Thomas Breitenbach: Fantastic tool! I use it so much! The customisation is awesome.
  • (2022-12-20) MePH: It won't open multiple windows/tabs/search results when in a chrome app window. I guess there's no way around that? Other than that the extension is a great addition to my browsing experience.
  • (2022-11-22) P. P.: copy would be fine
  • (2022-11-09) Oleg Loewen: Awesome tool! However, if I have not defined any parameter in 'Search URL' , when I click on the link, nothing happens. I still need to pass some text selection. Can't you make text selection non required if the Search URL doesn't have any argument? As developer I have multiple environments - I want to navigate to favorite sites based on current URI. Example search URL: https://%PAGE_HOST/watch?v=jfKfPfyJRdk Expected behavior: without any text selection a new tab shall be opened.
  • (2022-10-22) Παναγιώτης Σιώμος: Amazing extension! May be there is a similar for thunderbird ?
  • (2022-08-15) Massa Positiva: Right-clicking requires icon support because this feature is more practical for highlighting text. Selecting text with the left mouse button often resets the selection itself or does not work at all on some sites!
  • (2022-08-02) Camille: Super extension, c'est totalement personnalisable dans les options et très pratique !
  • (2022-07-25) 케일: 오늘 처음 설치했는데 매우 편리하고 유용하며 좋습니다. !! 한가지 아쉬운 점은 파이어폭스에서 오래전 사라진 'Organize Search Engines'이란 앱이 비슷한 기능인데 이 앱은 서브 폴더 제목을 클릭하면 그 안에 등록된 엔진들이 다중 검색(Multi Search)이 됩니다. Selection Search도 이 기능이 지원되었으면 좋겠습니다. 그리고 Address Bar에서도 Selection Search가 활성화 되었으면 좋겠네요.
  • (2022-06-25) Сергей Друзь: It's not perfect. Addon with ugle design 😕
  • (2022-06-21) kage Shadow912: Very good and useful extension! But... I think that "Icon url" field does not work. e.g. "https://weblio.hs.llnwd.net/e7/img/favicon/ejje.png", size is 144x144 px.
  • (2022-06-06) German Lebedev: Everything is working as I wanted
  • (2022-05-14) 刘宁: thanks for your fantastic plugin, very helpful!
  • (2022-05-13) Lucian Andries: It works and looks great!! But... 1. Finding out that I needed to add this "%s" to the end of all search strings, was annoying. I didn't know why nothing was working... 2. We are in 2022, and we still need to manually copy-paste the freaking text settings into a .txt file to export them? Come on people, make your extensions save .txt / .json files on their own! Also, I hope your extension doesn't "violate the Chrome's Web Store policy", so Google won't take it down..... Because they took down a lot of my favorite extensions, and I did not find any replacements for them.😭😭 But on another note, the Dark Mode is awesome, so thank you!
  • (2022-03-02) Eeuwe Bergsma: I used a excel with shortcuts etc to search trough all my websites and I wish i searched for a plugin like this before because this is such a time saver. IT has a lot op functional options and is really simple to use. The only thing i wish for a update is beging to able to use the keyboard to move trough the search options when you use the toolbar popup in the topright of your browser (That you can open with a chrome shortcut)
  • (2022-03-02) Κανάλι: There is a problem with how Search Engines search. For example, in IMDb and Wikipedia, I copy the url from the previous extension, Search Context Search, such as https://www.imdb.com/find?q=, and when I open imdb from the pop-up options of this extension, it does not search for the word which I have chosen, but the web site open with just the search empty. It's good exten. but this, makes the extension essentially non-functional. Can you fix it? Thanks
  • (2022-02-22) Denys: бесполезность. как ни настраивал не работает и все. не на все выделение реагирует. там есть. там нету. дичь короче полная.
  • (2022-02-21) Atul Singh: It's very good. Please add the feature to let it automatically copy the selection.
  • (2022-02-16) Роман НетФамилии: Отличное расширение, гибко настраивается. Экспорт/импорт настроек и еще много чего
  • (2022-01-25) Mr. Eagle: Great timesaving tool.
  • (2022-01-21) William F: This doesn't work but if it did I would want it to bring up in the Right click menu since that's where all my other "Right click search" extensions show after highlighting text and right clicking. I only need this for Reddit since I have other extensions for everything else and couldn't find one specifically for Reddit. I would also like to click "Search this term on reddit" directly from the right click menu rather than having to go into an second context popup for Selection Search to find the option to click. Hopefully it's working again soon and please notify me when it is.
  • (2021-12-31) radhekrishan rathod: I have no idea how this will work. Maybe it's not working because of other extensions.
  • (2021-12-13) Umar Karim: Very useful, saves time
  • (2021-12-05) Xedd MrC: Does exactly what it said it does. Rare to find these nowadays. 5/5 Earned easily!
  • (2021-12-05) Foster: Thanks but there are a few problems. It reloads the icon image after each launch, sometimes network problems cause the icon to not load. Can it save the icons offline? Can only select the search engine after typing, refer to Firefox Browser/SearchAll Extension you can select the search engine before typing the content and then type enter. I typed enter and it searched immediately, in fact I was just using the input method to select words, which is not friendly to Chinese and Japanese input.
  • (2021-11-20) doc walk: 이런류에서는 가장 만족 하면서 사용하고 있는데 검색어 엔진을 많이 추가 하니깐 팝업 메뉴가 길어져서..페이지 위에서검색을 하면 팝업메뉴 위쪽검색엔진들이 짤려서 보이지가 않아요.. 인터넷 페이지에 제일 상단이니 위로 스크롤도 할수가 없어서 뭘 할수가 없네요. 이거 업데이트좀 해주세요.
  • (2021-11-13) Lift Kit: I wish I had known something like this existed, unbelievably useful.
  • (2021-08-22) Oleksander Dudar: The best in its kind. If it also had custom reverse image search integrated it would be just perfect..!
  • (2021-08-17) koala z: 太棒了!
  • (2021-07-18) This is already possible to do without this extension. But I can only search with Google. So having it for searching selections with other search engines besides Google is useful. Thank you for creating this. Works great!
  • (2021-07-17) 徐天培: 同类型最强大扩展,设置界面不太友好,容易错过。
  • (2021-07-16) Alex Paul: Одно из самых лучших расширений. Очень давно искал такое..
  • (2021-06-07) silver gold: 완벽한 검색기능 확장프로그램임 이거 없으면 네 인터넷 생활의 안락함이 반은 박살날 듯

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-15, v:0.8.64) Aaron Oliver: The popup doesn't work on some sites, if set to trigger by mouse click.
    Using Edge, on any page on msn.com, when I middle click (or left click, if I set that option instead), the popup menu simply doesn't appear. It will still appear if I set the option to double-click, or a keyboard button + click.
  • (2023-09-24, v:0.8.64) けん: Extensions don't work well on certain sites
    ”https://aucfan.com/” I want to select a Japanese word and display the search results on this site, but the Japanese words are garbled and the search results are not displayed properly. How can I set the searchURL to make it work properly? will you do? I want you to help me.
  • (2023-09-22, v:0.8.64) Michael: Repeated pop-ups over top of YouTube videos
    If you've selected text anywhere on the page of a YouTube video to do a search, every time you interact with the video player (play/pause, fullscreen, etc.), the pop-up repeatedly shows over top of the video with each click. To make it stop, you have to click away from the player and deselect the text. Could you look into fixing this behavior?
  • (2023-07-19, v:0.8.64) Sumeet Tigga: Token of appreciation.
    One of the best extension I have used . Please keep up the good work. Don't let this extension die. Best wishes. Sumeet Tigga
  • (2023-06-09, v:0.8.63) Vasco Moura Esteves: Add option to define relative popup menu position
    I suggest you to add an option to define relative popup menu position to cursor position, so one can avoid popup menu from covering the text of a textbox.
  • (2023-04-28, v:0.8.63) David Fox: customize context menu text
    Excellent extension, many thanks. My only suggestion is to allow the user to change the label on the context menu. It's set to be "Search", but I have several other searchy-like things on my context menu, and I sometimes pick the wrong one. I'd like to make it show "Selection Search" or "SelSearch" or something similar so I can keep them straight.
  • (2023-04-20, v:0.8.62) Jack Huang: Is it possible to add base64 converter
    Is it possible to add base64 converter. For example: {%s|base64} or {%(CP1251)s|base64}
  • (2023-03-29, v:0.8.62) shou liu (shou): google lens
    Is it possible to directly search a picture with its .jpg/.png/etc link on google lens using this addon, for the process seems unseeable?
  • (2023-03-29, v:0.8.62) Oo Fa: Would you like to enhance this extension by make it a Tab Page?
    A lot of Thanks.
  • (2023-03-16, v:0.8.62) Allan Bennett: Sort by last used
    Have the ability in each setting to override sort to be able to be optionally sorted by most recently used.
  • (2023-03-13, v:0.8.62) Botrax: Popup must dissapear after selection
    When I click on a search engine in the popup, the popup still stays opened. Why? It must disappear after I made my choice. Disappear after click.
  • (2023-02-04, v:0.8.61) yngglplay yngglplay: mouse button should be inverted for left handed people
    Hi. First thanks for this beautiful extension. It looks very promising. I am left handed so I have swapped left/right buttons. Unfortunately I cannot access to the popup using left button (I think you should use 'secondary' not 'left)
  • (2022-12-05, v:0.8.59) Mohsen Dehghani: Feature request
    First I need to thank you. Second, I (and maybe other users) need a feature to be able to search multiple sites with just one click on a menu item. Suppose I want to search a word on multiple dictionary websites at the same time. Thanks for reading my request.
  • (2022-11-24, v:0.8.59) Валерий Иванов: Search
    I do not understand how to change the position of the popup button after selection. I need to move it to the left so that it does not interfere with another button. For example: button_edge_left {margin: 10px;} doesn't work. What code do you need to enter? Please make a dark search theme by clicking on the extension button. Does this pop-up white menu hit your eyes at night in the dark? Thank you.
  • (2022-11-12, v:0.8.59) Mateus Auri (Pereira Neves): Is there any way to retrieve settings from files from another computer?
    Hi! I had lots of useful engines set up in my laptop, but it went FUBAR and I want to retrieve those. Problem is... now that I'm using another computer, my extension settings weren't properly transferred over with the Chrome account sync, and I can't access the browser in the laptop to export my old settings. I can, however, access the files in my old hard drive. I tried copying over the entire folders related to the extension, but that didn't work. Is there a specific file that stores the search engines and settings? Thanks in advance! Your extension is awesome!
  • (2022-03-18, v:0.8.58) as asd: Selection Search
    Abrakadabra when searching in Russian. Site: https://www.onlinetrade.ru/ What to register the search string on this site? Make in your program to mark with encoding "Use Widows- 1251 Encoding (Cyrillic)".
  • (2022-03-02, v:0.8.58) Kevin Reid: Add Shortcuts for Search Engines
    Love this plugin! It is one of my most used. Have you ever considered the option of adding shortcuts to individual search engines? Not a necessary feature but would work great for me!
  • (2022-02-26, v:0.8.58) Divyang Malvi: ICON quality is too low
    Is there any way to increase popup icons quality. I have selected "Icons Only" option and then modified css to increase icon scale but it looks bad. Please give an option to show high resolution icons in popup. Also please add an option to select position of popup. (Right now popup shows up where the cursor is, I want the popup above selection) Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
  • (2022-02-21, v:0.8.58) Lemon Blue: I'd like to change the pop-up location.
    It overlaps with the location of other extensions. Can you move it up?
  • (2022-02-10, v:0.8.58) Ben P: Copy selection
    Love the extension thanks. Would it be possible to make the selction auto copy to clipboard? I have often thought it would be useful.
  • (2021-12-30, v:0.8.58) mohammed nabeel: Doesnt work on some website
    Hello sir, i have installed it on a website , and i donno tha website has which coding language , on selesction nothings popup. is there anyway to connect with you so that i can show this problem. Please this will be a life saving thing as it is my part of the job
  • (2021-12-01, v:0.8.58) Tony Horning: No longer work after the latest Edge update
    After the latest Microsoft Edge update Version 96.0.1054.34 (Official build) (64-bit) your great extension no longer works.
  • (2021-11-12, v:0.8.57) Pavel Patočka: Diacritics
    Great extension, thanks for it! I have an idea for the next development - for some languages (Czech for me) there is a problem with diacritics on some sites - it would be a great posibility to set ignore diacritics.
  • (2021-09-05, v:0.8.57) Horse Run: Copy function
    When I highlight something and release the right button, the context search immediately pops up, blocking the copy function in the main context menu. So I hope you could add a search function to the context search. Thanks.
  • (2021-07-28, v:0.8.57) KC Yang: How to set default search engine?
    Hi there, as my question in the title, how does one set the default search engine of this extension? Like I am having Twitter as default(automatically)and I like to change it into Google. Thanks.
  • (2021-06-04, v:0.8.57) D B: ctrl-alt click search box problem
    ctrl-alt click search box does not work on some sites. Is this new? What could be interfering? i have some blockers, but they don't prevent google search box to trigger the context menu. Any hints?
  • (2021-03-12, v:0.8.56) G Dom: Open search in new window
    Hi, I was wondering if there was an option to open the search in a new window as oppose to a new tab? as i cannot seem to find such option. Thank you!
  • (2021-03-04, v:0.8.56) András Balkányi: Trojan - ibcracks.com
    I loved this extension very much! My problem is that Malwarebytes shows a warning when I enable this extension. I copied a few lines from the log: -Website Data- Category: Trojan Domain: ibcracks.com IP Address: Port: 80 Type: Outbound File: C:\Browsers\Slimjet\slimjet.exe I had to disable almost all my extensions to find which one causes this warning. Last year in december I used Malwarebytes for a while and everything was OK. I installed Malwarebytes again a few weeks ago. Since that I always got this warning everytime I visited a webpage. So I think something happened between last December and the 12th of February this year. And after a few days of trying to get rid of this trojan I got a ransomware. Certainly I switched the computer off immediately and now I am recovering it. What is the connection between this extension and ibcracks.com?
  • (2021-03-02, v:0.8.56) Konstantinos Nastou: Netflix
    Is it possible to add Netflix?
  • (2021-01-29, v:0.8.56) Jan Paul Voorberg: Feature suggestion
    Instead of having to click (or tab to) the search engine I want to search with after typing in a search phrase, please consider mapping the number keys (1, 2, 3 etc...) to the corresponding search engines added (to function as "select and enter").
  • (2021-01-27, v:0.8.56) 李立峰: This extension for Safari?
    Is there a port of this extension for Safari?
  • (2021-01-24, v:0.8.56) Nour: Yahoo Finance
    Hi there, How can I create a search option for Yahoo Finance to lookup the stock symbol? I have tried this search URL ( https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/q=%s ) but it didn't work. Thanks in advanced
  • (2021-01-21, v:0.8.56) 李立峰: COPY doesn't seem to work recently
    It used to work (maybe a few week ago). But it doesn't now. Haven't changed that entry on the extension's Option page. And even if I add another COPY entry, this new one still doesn't work. I hope that it would work. Please kindly suggest if it's only my issue. Thank you for your attention 🙂
  • (2021-01-20, v:0.8.56) 24_Neon: Hello. I'd like to offer a new ad format for your consideration.
    ABOUT US We are a young modern team of specialists engaged in developing products for monetization of browser extensions. Our new product called uSearch is a groundbreaking promotion system for sales on the sites. The key principle of operation is that in search engines partners' extention will display the advertisers' icon left to the page name thus attracting attention of users. OUR ADVANTAGES * New product on the market, with high profitability for extension owners *uSearch product does not cause any negative emotions in users because it simply highlights partners in search results using their shop icon *uSearch is an absolutely legal system that's why we do not face any conflicts with search engines because our product fully complies with the rules. * Weekly, automatically-performed payments * We are always in touch. Any of your questions will be quickly resolved via Skype or Telegram HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. You place our code in extensions 2. During the search users will see highlighted icons of our partners' shops. 3. After purchasing something on the partner's shop website you will receive your percentage of the conversion If interested, we can show examples how it works when our code has been installed. You can reply to the mail: [email protected]
  • (2021-01-07, v:0.8.56) reselty: enable search url for submenues
    enable field in row "search url" for submenues, so that a click on it opens it. > otherways this field is useless but it exists that helps to less moving mouse - often I use just one of this sub-group 99%
  • (2021-01-07, v:0.8.56) reselty: submenues
    offer pre-defined icons for submenues to choose or giving some links to not changing http-sources online.
  • (2021-01-07, v:0.8.56) reselty: Circular menu
    This week automaticly selction search popups with circular menu - can't find the disable option to this. I tried and played a view days with it, but it is not for me. Perhaps with submenues it could be an option - but than you should offer pre-defined icons to choose or giving some links to not changing http-sources online. But anyway this extension is really so helpfull to me - Thank you so much for your power you spent into it !!! Happy new year and stay healthy !!
  • (2021-01-06, v:0.8.56) b bk: Kiwi browser
    Could you please add android kiwi browser support. I can install it, but importing settings function doesn't work. PS: on mobile Yandex browser importing working well.
  • (2020-12-30, v:0.8.56) David K.: Make extension work when viewing documents
    Hey, great add-on! Would it be possible to add a feature which would allow you to use the extension when viewing files (PDFs, TXTs, ...) through Chrome? AFAIK it doesn't work right now, I'd personally find it extremely useful. Thanks!
  • (2020-12-06, v:0.8.56) 李立峰: Disable the extension for pages/domains ?
    Is there an option to disable the extension for pages/domains ? For example, there are some sites which have their own popup menu, and I don't want to make it appeared too busy.
  • (2020-12-01, v:0.8.56) Joost Dancet: Search Google images
    Dear Sir What is the Search URL to fill in for https://www.google.com/imghp So that you immediately see images. Kind regards Joost Dancet
  • (2020-11-30, v:0.8.56) Ali Avkaya: help for a specific site
    Hello, thank you for this lovely extension, it has been one of my all time favorites for a long time. This may be a bit of a nuisance for you but I can't seem to be able to add "tureng.com" and "sozluk.gov.tr", which are both dictionaries, to my list somehow. I think there may be something with the variables or the technical process to it that I don't know. Could you please provide search URLs for those sites for me? Also, I think I used to add engines directly from mycroftproject once, it seems like it's not the case now, is it going to be fixed or do I misremember?
  • (2020-10-23, v:0.8.56) Konstantinos Nastou: Pinterest?
    How can I add Pinterest?
  • (2020-10-04, v:0.8.56) Varian Styles: Is it possible to define columns & rows in the customization?
    Is it possible to define columns & rows in the customization?
  • (2020-09-08, v:0.8.56) Abi Fagiri: Monetization of your extension
    Hello, I would like to see if you want to monetize your app for revenue. We at Perion nasdaq : PERI have many search products that allows for that. Abi
  • (2020-08-29, v:0.8.56) Stefane Guevremont: Popup "add new engines" and Google Maps
    In Google Maps, when clicking in the text area, the "add new engines" seems to popup almost all the time. Also, is there an option to disable the "Ctrl + Alt + Click"? I have other global hotkeys assigned with other programs, and find the popup "add new engines" opens at inopportune times. Or perhaps, is there a way to reassign the "Ctrl + Alt + Click" to something else? Cheers!
  • (2020-08-27, v:0.8.56) Christian Waits: One thing to improve
    This extension is really great. It works very well and is highly user customizable. I have added many search engines and they all work perfectly. Also, unlike other similar ones, it is maintained and continues to be updated, which is essential. I especially want to thank the developer. And additionally I have a suggestion of something that can be improved: When typing a search in the toolbar popup, one usually looks for the same things more than once. Therefore, it would be very useful if the suggestions that are automatically displayed included the previous terms that one has already searched for. For that, the application should obviously keep a history of the user's searches. I don't know if that will be possible, but it would be great. The history might not be saved, for example, if one searches for several paragraphs or long texts (since there is not much chance of repeating the exact search), but it would be great if it was saved when one searches for a single word or a small phrase. And the next time that word or phrase appears as a suggestion. In that case, for example, one could activate one's own previous search suggestions and at the same time deactivate Google's generic suggestions (which at least for me are quite useless). I hope you can consider what I'm suggesting. Anyway, the addon is really superb, thank you very much for that and keep up the good work.
  • (2020-08-27, v:0.8.56) Stefane Guevremont: Is there a way to disable the "Ctrl + Alt + Click"?
    Is there an option to disable the "Ctrl + Alt + Click"? I have other global hotkeys assigned with other programs, and find the popup "add new engines" opens at inopportune times. Or perhaps, is there a way to reassign the "Ctrl + Alt + Click" to something else? Thanks!
  • (2020-08-19, v:0.8.56) 英吉马: Translate to Chinese
    I am a selection-search user from China and I think your plugin is excellent. I want to translate this plugin into Chinese. Would you like to give me a language file? I don't know much about plugin development. So I'm not sure that's possible. Thank you. [email protected]
  • (2020-08-11, v:0.8.56) googledrivehoarding tgs: TAGGCHROME
    Hello i don't remember if i told you that already or not, but please add a way that if i select the second row, and i click new, you add it there and not at the end. about importing exporting, is there a way that if i use 2 different account i can import the setting of user a to b, where b has already different things. so the point is to add all from a to b and the remove things from a that are not necessary, instead of doing all that from 0 again.


39,373 history
4.6654 (517 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-29 / 0.9.0
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