Description from extension meta
Create a good search habit by yourself !
Image from store
Description from store
Good news: search2 has published the source code on Github, any questions or suggestions are welcome to issue page, generally i will reply in one week:
or mail to: [email protected]
Here is about the development logs:
The Presentation:
Although there are some extensions or userscripts about search engine switch, but you should be worth trying search2 for these reasons , they are the reasons also which why i want to design search2:
1. search2 exclusive support global character encoding, search2 is designed to a internationalized extension at begining.
2. search2 have a user-friendly interface for deeply customized configure, it's completely open for all search engines and search categories definition, all users in the search2 are free and equal, and you can define your own search habits according with your wishes
3. search2 can not only search words but also integrates image search in contextmenu, and supports moving search, search2 tries to give you a one-stop search experience
4. search2 does not use any third-party javascript libraries, extremely lightweight, the size of the entire extension only 120K+, however, it work with fast response incredibly
5. search2 respect all search engine companies, do not tamper with the search results page, search2 decided to keep the web experience authentic, users do not need to worry about extension failure because of some changes in search engine upgrading
6. search2 care for many people who used searchEngineJump, searching flexible when use the various pulldown menus
if you feel search2 good, you can give me five stars,thank you !
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-01) anjie guo: 好东西!太强了!就是只有“网页”标签下的内容会铺开展示,其他全给折叠起来了,并且还不支持自定义
- (2020-12-14) 东东方不败: 居然让我发现了好东西 哈哈作者加油
- (2020-10-19) si zhao: 兄弟什么时候适配下edge的插件啊? 切bing或者默认百度搜索时, 不会出现切换框
- (2020-02-13) Yuhua Deng: 为什么编辑不了现有的搜索引擎,也不能新建搜索引擎,是我的chrome版本问题吗
- (2020-01-18) wenbo song: 印象作者前几年在c吧发过贴子的。 百度的搜索参数经常变,尤其是识图的参数。扩展默认的加密https参数似乎不支持网页跳转,需要手动改参数成HTTP 看扩展很久不更新了 或许作者也跟我一样老了,为各种事奔波,也懒得管这些了吧
- (2019-12-07) banality: 柯林斯词典的url是这样的没有p= q=那种prefix设置不了怎么办
- (2019-11-10) shuo hua: 太人性化了, 希望能够加入后台标签页打开功能: 如果我想在几个网站同时搜索一个词条, 则需要重复点击: 搜索A-跳到新窗口-返回原窗口-搜索B-跳到新窗口-返回原窗口-搜索C-跳到新窗口-返回原窗口.... 如果可以在后台打开, 则只需要点击: 搜索A-搜索B-搜索C.... 如果有这样的选项就完美了, 再次感谢wurenny!
- (2019-08-25) Guo Wei: 怎么自定义搜索引擎时好时坏的?(有时能定义成功,有时不能)经常点"add"or"OK"都只是在屏幕左下方生成搜索引擎对应的图标,并无法添加,这里貌似存在bugs,似乎只要用一个已经加载成功的图片的路径,就可添加成功,但这就比较ugly了. 还有建议增加WebDAV同步(支持坚果云同步).
- (2019-08-02) aione: 非常好 一个小小的请求: 目前使用另一款插件搜索。。。但是这款插件有个无可替代的功能,就是搜索条的依附在边缘的存在。 可惜,只是在几个网页端才显示,甚至在必应都不显示,这是不让人用必应搜索吗。 所以,我希望可以在任何页面上使用,如果技术可以,在加入的搜索引擎网站上显示这个搜索条也可以
- (2019-05-01) W W (2good): 很好用,同求firefox版本
- (2019-04-19) Lucius H: 老大能不能做个火狐的啊。最近用了下新火狐,还不错,就是少了你的扩展,好难受
- (2018-11-30) 很好用。还请问作者有没有firefox版的?
- (2018-04-18) Guo Jia: 很多搜索引擎不会出现搜索条
- (2018-01-11) hao gao: 超赞
- (2017-07-11) xl l: 噗。。。楼主的把百度搜索默认禁用了~~~~~~~ 刚还想问这个问题
- (2017-07-07) W Ultra: 能不能设置为在后台打开搜索结果标签页?
- (2017-05-16) Ken WU: 非常不错的,正是我要找的搜索插件,刚刚开始使用还没找到显示“搜索条”的设置,另外若可以添加“键盘快捷键”就更加好了,最期待可以支持“模拟POST请求来搜索”
- (2017-04-26) uncle x: 可以用,用谷歌下载,让后再在【下载内容】页面就能复制下载链接。不错
- (2017-04-12) Tony Yang: 超好用搜索引擎跳转插件,自定义程度很高,希望一直可以使用。
- (2017-01-17) me comeinto: 怎么左侧没有搜索栏啊
- (2016-12-03) ВАСЯ пупкин: Add English!!!
- (2016-11-07) Kay sun: 请问必须翻墙才能用啊???
- (2016-10-18) Zhen Hsiang: best customized search engine switching extension, especially for mainland Chinese users who would like to switch between baidu, bing and sometimes google.
- (2016-08-26) 唐蟠呷: 太他妈的好用了 缺少推广么 好少人用?
- (2016-06-27) user: 还是要评价一下的 谢谢作者的付出 方便了我们. 用了几个月再次来感谢. 作者牛逼 160627,不记得用了多久了,再次感谢.
- (2016-06-19) 王杰: 百度下,貌似失效了
- (2016-05-13) Wing Ma: 这就是我苦苦寻找的扩展啊 已经赶超searchenginejump!
- (2016-05-05) valiant jiang: 目前除了httpseverywhere之外最好用的插件。
- (2016-03-28) Kevin Li: 简洁,好用,充分尊重原网页
- (2016-01-10) pc 1688: 开源插件,chrome吧基佬前来捧场
- (2015-12-15) soul mate: 不错,终于找到了
- (2015-11-22) yi yao: 非常感谢提供这么好的搜索扩展,经试用后个人认为已经完美解决Chrome下没有好用的多重搜索插件问题,真心感谢!