extension ExtPose

Open SEO Stats(Formerly: PageRank Status)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Shows the web rank and SEO stats for current webpage, quick access to index pages, link stats, security info and more

Image from store Open SEO Stats(Formerly: PageRank Status)
Description from store A really SEO extension for Google Chrome to easily access the SEO stats of the current web page, in addition to getting information on backlinks, indexed pages, cached pages, socials, Whois, Geo IP location and more.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-12) Mohammed Saiful Islam: SEO is heart of Digital Marketing, i think this very good one for the purposes.
  • (2024-05-14) Jeff Goldstein: For my needs its excellent
  • (2024-03-30) junkui bo: 内嵌页面太小,无法看清信息
  • (2024-01-11) Lawrence Howard: Removed all the features with update
  • (2023-11-12) Adeel Hassan Hashmi: After recent update developer made it nothing more than a garbage. you have to pay even to check a pagerank there are many free alternatives are available so its better to switch right now
  • (2023-10-23) Christie Ann: DOESN'T SHOW PAGE RANK. USELESS
  • (2023-10-23) Web Sattva: Было нормальное приложение, сейчас весь нужный функционал стал платный. Так что удалю эту ерунду , как говорилось ранее, есть полно бесплатных
  • (2023-10-22) Tony Cosentino: I pay for it but no matter what I do it keeps saying that my password is wrong event though I can login on the main website when I try and login via the extension is says password is wrong. So frustrated I am cancelling but that is hard too as you have to go to paypal and can't cancel from the main website. Such a shame now I have to look for something similar.
  • (2023-10-22) Bob Mark: Досвидос. Есть бесплатные не хуже
  • (2023-10-16) Ryan Roberts: I previously used this extension for YEARS. They recently removed some of the most important features and then decided to start charging for the remaining, nearly useless features.
  • (2023-10-10) Arash Jabbarpour: It was a good and useful plugin, but after the update, we have to pay and it can't be used anymore! it's useless.
  • (2023-10-07) Atamyrat Hangeldiyev: lol, why would I pay monthly just to view the link types? After an update, it is now just useless.
  • (2023-10-03) Jakub Cambel: Very good extension so far. They have charged for all the features of the extension. An it is not cheap...
  • (2023-09-22) Yuki Yuki: ほとんどの機能の利用にサブスクリプション契約 (月9.9ドル~) が必要になりました。もう使わないかもしれません。
  • (2023-09-22) Yaokun Zhu: Open SEO Stats is the best SEO tools that I used before. Thanks for your hard work.
  • (2023-09-20) Pablo G: Han cambiado a modelo de pago por cosas muy basicas que antes eran gratis. Adios y gracias por este tiempo.
  • (2023-09-18) Susana Stone: War mal sehr nützlich, aber wie so viele wollen sie jetzt Geld für etwas was es auch umsonst gibt, daher musste ich es löschen, sorry Jungs!!!!
  • (2023-09-15) Jason Wright: Was great until they changed it to charge to use it after 10 years.
  • (2023-09-14) Edoardo Coen: Dall'ultimo aggiornamento è tutto a pagamento, manco vedere il titolo e la decriptinon di una pagina ti fa fare... Capisco la volontà di monetizzare molti utenti, ma bloccare tutte le funzionalità che fino ad ora erano gratuite quando ci sono mille estensioni che ancora lo fanno gratis... La cosa migliore era aggiungere funzionalità utili e rendere quelle opzioni a pagamento. Così vi tirate la zappa sui piedi.
  • (2023-09-08) Joel Gulick: Charging customers for features that were previously available for free is a questionable strategy. Instead, it would have been wiser to introduce new features and charge for those as premium services. I suspect that this decision will prompt many users to consider other options.
  • (2023-09-03) System Master: A 13-as verziótól bevezetett prémium funkciók miatt az egész haszontalan kiegészítő... nem ér 10$-t sőt semennyi pénzt sem egy olyan kiegészítő amit magam is megtudok írni, csak eddig kényelmesebb volt egy ingyenes alternatívát használni. Törölve mindenhonnan, és kivezetve több open source projektből is.
  • (2023-09-01) Tako Hillmann: Used to be free now you have to pay for it. Just deleted the extension
  • (2023-08-31) Mean W.: Premium really? Trashed.
  • (2023-08-26) Dian Pramono: I used to love this plugin. It was amazing. However, now you can't use it at all. Highly disappointing and I will be uninstalling. not free - so sad - will look for new one!
  • (2023-08-25) shirey Yin: free to paid
  • (2023-08-25) Toshi Yamoto: Paid tool, looking for free alternatives
  • (2023-08-24) Logan MOSBI: Dommage que c'est payant
  • (2023-08-17) Eric Lee: They started a paid plan and it's kind of expensive. Is there any good alternative? It's sad and clear they're bumping light/free users out who use it just occasionally.
  • (2023-08-03) José Vicente Rojo: Avast me ha bloqueado un script malicioso que se trata de descargar al abrir esta extensión, desde una url que es baidu .com/s Al comienzo pensaba que era algo de la web que visitaba, pero ya viendo que me saltó varias veces (en diferentes días) justo cuando abría la extensión, ya me queda claro de dónde sale.
  • (2023-07-25) Craig Constable: It's ok, however seems quite dated. Doesn't provide any SEO suggestions, some information is incorrect such as backlinks, still has Alexa Traffic Rank which is long dead.
  • (2023-07-05) Brian Fan: Fast response. Good tool!
  • (2023-06-07) Przemysław Zając: nie działa
  • (2023-03-13) אלון חגואל Alon Haguel: מעולה
  • (2023-02-28) TRT Tube: Alexa traffic not working please update
  • (2023-02-11) önder akdemir: Bu uygulama tam olarak ne işe yarıyor bilgilendirebilecek birisi var mı?
  • (2023-01-28) Look世界: SO GOOD
  • (2023-01-17) Liping Li: 挺好用的一个插件
  • (2023-01-01) Semiro Hon (홍새미로): 원하는 데이터를 제공합니다.
  • (2022-10-16) Patrick Bürgler: Liefert interessante Angaben zu Websites
  • (2022-10-12) Wilmar Guerrero: Super bien, siempre reviso esta aplicación en todo lo que estoy creando
  • (2022-10-05) blue daniel: 最好的
  • (2022-09-08) Mohamed Abdel Ghany: Perfect extension
  • (2022-06-24) Валерий Литвяк: Veryy good!
  • (2022-05-13) Robert: Excelente herramienta 10 estrellas para ustedes -
  • (2022-05-13) 王小瑞: 好用
  • (2022-05-09) bimo chen: 很不错。
  • (2022-04-13) García Gonzalo: es god
  • (2022-04-03) Go d: That's wonderful
  • (2022-04-01) 許子鳴: 感謝這個程式分析出來的資訊,給我很大幫助。
  • (2022-03-18) THEMEGOD: 很棒的插件,用了好多年了。最近好像流量统计里面图片不显示了。不知道是我个人原因还是什么。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6666已收到更新了。感谢作者的坚持更新!


200,000 history
4.629 (5,806 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-04 / 13.1.0
Listing languages
