extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta


Image from store 強制網頁使用自訂字型
Description from store 該擴展有一個限制,字形無法鏈式多重替換,即: Font-A --> Font-B Font-B --> Font-C 不會令 Font-A --> Font-C 假如有時間的話我會再做一個類似的應用,感謝大家的支持。 更新日誌: v2.4.0 更新翻譯;添置臨時小開關以便在個別設備停用該擴展。 v2.3.1 清除冗餘文件。 v2.3.0 現點擊清空配置後會自動取消所有附加在網頁上的效果。 v2.2.1 作了少量改進,關於 var 元素及字型替換的 CSS 代碼。 v2.2.0 修正字形替換無法生效的問題。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-22) Andreas: Es funktioniert leider zu gut, denn auch Symbole – also die Symbole die als Schriftart daherkommen – werden verändert und dann leider nicht mehr richtig dargestellt. Entweder fehlen sie oder haben ein Rechteck. Unfortunately, it works too well, because even symbols - those that come along as fonts - are changed and then unfortunately no longer displayed correctly. Either they are missing or have a rectangle.
  • (2023-09-24) Levetah: 만족. 유일하게 작동하는 폰트 변경 프로그램이다. 계속 업데이트되면 좋겠다.
  • (2023-08-07) 星夜雪原: 1、建议加入设置导入导出选项 2、字体替换缺失一个功能:修改网络字体 如果能补上上面的功能,可以堪称完美了
  • (2023-07-24) 孫中央山脈 ̧: 超有用...一直想改掉醜不啦嘰的英文 用這個終於成功改掉了 還可以用自己想用的字體...推爆
  • (2023-06-27) 蔚寧: 想知道代碼🙏 因為只想使用在特定網頁上 但有些網站想自己調都沒辦法強制改掉QQ
  • (2023-05-23) 99hello1: This extension is working like a charm! It changes an unreadable font I used to a font I want and I can finally read it again!
  • (2023-05-18) Quin Martin: Only thing i could ask for extra is if you could make the search bar/bookmarks at the top do the same as the rest of the page~ Otherwise, this works /amazingly/
  • (2023-05-09) 柳飞: 完美解决了linux下字体混乱的场面,比如douyu的emoji字体apple不是优先,再比如简书的字体把apple-color-emoji放在前面导致数字和英文排版问题,🐮的
  • (2023-04-15) 黃雍策: 非常感謝,LINE後台的網頁字體終於不再是可怕又老舊感的字體了!!!這個可是連ADVANCED FONT SETTINGS都改動不了的!!
  • (2023-03-03) lee fc: :not(pre):not(code):not(textarea):not(tt):not(kbd):not(samp):not(var) { font-family: "HarmonyOS Sans SC"!important; } pre *, code *, textarea *, tt *, kbd *, samp *, var * { font-family: "HarmonyOS Sans SC"!important; }
  • (2023-02-04) li mo: kiwi正好用
  • (2023-01-09) tito Salah: thank you very much bro .. u fix my problem
  • (2022-11-07) Sixman Unit: 我的感谢难以言表.
  • (2022-09-25) Embedded June: 일부 사이트에서 사용하는 아이콘 폰트는 깨져서 나옵니다. 이 확장 프로그램으로 해결할 수 없습니다. 대체제로 Stylus가 있습니다.
  • (2022-09-15) Mike Ma: 棒!我爱苹方
  • (2022-09-14) Vincent Johnson: 这个插件非常不错,解决了全局字体问题了。不过为啥插件选项里的字体详细设置显示是不建议启用,我是通过这里对中文,英文,代码三种字体进行配置的,不是这里操作吗
  • (2022-07-28) Moustafa Ibrahim: it'd be great if we can exclude certain websites
  • (2022-06-28) Asnacinjar Marian: 好用,简体中文、繁体中文、西文、日语网页的字体终于能统一了
  • (2022-05-29) 陳顓頊: good,i love it,ths
  • (2022-05-01) Akli Baguenane: I have started using this extention because of the helvetica Neue problem with Chrome. However I notice that when this is activated, the Awesome Fonts on any site because juste a little rectangular. Is there any way around this?
  • (2022-04-18) will wang: very nice ! I love it.
  • (2022-04-09) Alexis M.: Good
  • (2022-03-31) Zedroid: symbols like if it can be bought $ or downloadable are broken on sketchfab top right of product preview and on the models page if it is embeddable
  • (2022-03-14) Mark T.: 這個插件欠缺一個白名單功能就完美了 一些網頁用了iconfont,強制自訂字體會出亂碼
  • (2021-12-09) Tyson Koch: THANK YOU!!!!!!! Finally, changing the custom font in the setting in any browswer (except firefox) would not allow me to change the font. I moved to vivaldi browser (first time I have seen real innovation in a browser) only flaw was it was still build apon chromium thus had the custom font bug. THIS SAVED LIVES AS NO OTHER EXTENSION WORKS.
  • (2021-09-29) Kalaiselvam G: Amazing, Works like a charm
  • (2021-09-27) limon lin: 字体替换非常好用,其实只要替换雅黑为喜欢的中文字体就行了,不会影响拉丁字体或者字体图标,必须好评
  • (2021-09-26) Lei Li: Roboto 变 微软雅黑 ,舒服
  • (2021-07-28) Inc YMCools: 再也不用看到一邊有字體一邊還是原來的了
  • (2021-07-05) すずこ三森: 安装MacType,Chrome安装旧版并关闭更新,Chrome://Flags禁用DirectWrite,再安装这个插件,插件设置里将所有字体替换为微软雅黑,Windows 10下逛淘宝终于不瞎眼了。美中不足的是很多网页的图标会因此变成方框,Google Translate等网页更会出现严重的不兼容问题(按钮被超大的代码字符覆盖)。
  • (2021-05-27) Vasqs: Works perfectly in every site except Google Meet.
  • (2021-02-16) SB: 이제 겨우 원하는 폰트로 사용 가능하네요 ㅋㅋ 만족합니다.
  • (2021-02-09) KD King: 字体是不错 但是换了之后一些图标会变成方块。
  • (2021-01-28) Akotski1338: nice but doesn't seem to work on all sites
  • (2021-01-21) 好家伙: iconic font 会消失,这个问题能解决吗?
  • (2021-01-18) Eric Lee: 超讚超讚超讚超讚超讚超讚超讚
  • (2021-01-15) Justin Zhang: 美中不足之处在于设置里不能选择例外网站…… 有些网站不适合自定义字体但又不能单独设置,烦啊。比如R studio。
  • (2021-01-12) Robert Yin: 中文部分很好用;但英文的「'」會被強制轉成中文的全形造成閱讀上的困難。
  • (2020-12-26) Bazil Khan: After trying a few that were hit and miss, this one works especially if you just want to replace every font.
  • (2020-12-25) RyuBe: 전체적 폰트를 강제할 때는 잘됩니다. 하지만 예를 들어 "굴림"만 "나눔고딕"으로 바꾸고 싶어서 Substitute Fonts 쪽에 왼쪽/오른쪽 포트를 넣어도 강제가 안되더군요. 혹시 방법을 아시는 분이 계시다면 도움 받고 싶습니다.
  • (2020-12-15) 蘭: 一直在用。
  • (2020-12-14) Dima Makhnin: I love it but I wish it had a way to exclude certain websites. I use this plugin to force Arial on websites, but some of them really depend on fontawesome and are unusable, so I'd like to be able to disable it for those websites.
  • (2020-11-06) 铃木瑛: 希望能提供显示网页icon的办法
  • (2020-11-04) [ ]: It's pretty good but it makes the font very small on some websites.
  • (2020-10-22) 해돋이: 진짜 좋아요. 원하는 폰트로 간편하게 웹페이지를 설정할 수 있어요.
  • (2020-10-10) 刘志翔: 非常完美,唯一现在就是网页调用iconic font全部变成正方形,希望能改进这个
  • (2020-10-08) jinfan lee: 简单易用,效果很好
  • (2020-08-10) 御礼: 若提供網頁黑名單或白名單會更好。
  • (2020-08-04) Timo Strating: Thanks for making this it helped me very well but some edge cases where not covert that well MathJax for example did not like some fonts and scales everything wrong because of it. Example https://projecteuler.net/problem=291 -> becomes -> https://imgur.com/6gxRZfV.png By replacing {font-family:"+fixName(a)+"!important;} to {font-family:"+fixName(a)+"!important; font-size:initial; } this problem does not happen anymore. (in style.js on line 4 and preview.js on line 5) Some users also suggest that buttons do not work anymore this is every hard to fix but most cases seam to be related to <i> and <span> tags and ::after so wen :not(pre):not(code):not(textarea):not(tt):not(kbd):not(samp):not(var) { ... } becomes :not(pre):not(code):not(textarea):not(tt):not(kbd):not(samp):not(var):not(span):not(i) { ... } it is less noticeable (in style.js on line 4 and preview.js on line 5)


30,000 history
4.6316 (342 votes)
Last update / version
2016-11-17 / 2.4.0
Listing languages
en zh-CN zh-TW
