extension ExtPose

KIXEYE Flash Game Enabler

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Allow KIXEYE Flash games to launch by default in Chrome version 69 and above

Image from store KIXEYE Flash Game Enabler
Description from store With this extension, Flash Player will run by default for KIXEYE games on Facebook or KIXEYE.com. Flash permissions for all other sites will not change.

Latest reviews

  • (2020-10-15) Ben Cohen: Friends of course I added a few times and downloaded does not work once everything was working through the facebook excellent with the flash now does not go up with the flash via the facebook and entering through the 5 it is really bad the quality is bad the picture gets stuck You try to get out do not let the game fall and if it marked a position it is not saved you want to take out tools in the sector it stopped in short you had to entertain before and not like that I just cleaned the base a veteran player like me can not play like that thanks benco54
  • (2020-10-14) Karol Nyisztor: o good
  • (2020-10-11) ali khalid: the game game wont even load for 7 days
  • (2020-03-08) Melvin Jalaran: GREAT
  • (2020-02-12) Alex Saad: i play war commander on facebook since 2 weeks i cannot play anymore the loading stops or freeses at 52% and stops. I did everything from deleting browser google chrome installing again delete history ...nothing works i lost so many gold for this game too bad not even a ticket to kixeye helped...
  • (2019-06-12) GRAHAM G: does not load the game stops loading at 75%
  • (2019-02-27) Fetchin_ Souls: I dc more with this plug-in running then I do with it off, dont work as intended
  • (2019-02-15) David Johansen: Krasjer hele tiden under angrep. Crashes all the time under attacks.
  • (2018-10-14) Zain Ali: Great app!
  • (2018-09-29) David White: well, you screwed the pooch again, fellas. now my game wont even load. 4 days now....
  • (2018-09-25) Dale Aikens: In general, it works fine. It opens the page for the game and the game functions as it should (by Kixeye standards). HOWEVER, my major complaint is how it does not save settings. When I close chrome, all of the settings revert back to the original install, so since Facebook is the default open, those of use that play Kixeye site have to change the settings, leave the browser on all the time, and then reset them again when the system reboots or browser crashes. So, yea it works... if you play exactly the way the install settings intended you to play... Then again, that could be Kixeye's slogan. "Fun if you play our way."
  • (2018-09-21) Brady Stokes: i cant get on the dam game no matter what i use google fire fox its not the plug in like they say its theme mine went to hell after they take game down for maintenance..........go figure
  • (2018-09-13) Dindin Hernawan: Nice Job
  • (2018-09-09) Cathy Bradberry: windows 7 , i play on kixeye and facebook this extension is rubbish, flash player crashes even more than it did before i added it
  • (2018-09-08) Vincent Luimes: looks like its not working..nothing changed..game stays bad..bin reloading and trying for 2 days
  • (2018-09-05) Mr: It has only one option for playing BP either on Facebook Or Kixeye but not both, why? I play on both sites depending on the lag so now I have to change each time lag gets too much
  • (2018-09-04) Cure Pikachu: Now if only a general-purpose Flash Enabler extension is around
  • (2018-09-04) Willem Wiid: i am getting more crashes with this!
  • (2018-09-03) Robert Niedermayer: It won't run after being installed.
  • (2018-09-03) David Hilton: to many crash still now i cant play its cost me 436 gold to even have my guys back or send the next week trying to heal them means im out of the game for a while thank you kixeye
  • (2018-09-01) columbuswright3: it is slow to load
  • (2018-09-01) Larry E. Powe Jr.: Nice job. At least it's make things better, Commander.
  • (2018-09-01) Ricardo Castillo: Finally We've this enabler for this game, GOOD JOB, Commander.

Latest issues

  • (2022-12-05, v:1.0.3) Richard Martin: Game won't load
    I bought a new computer and have tried everything I can think of, and war commander still won't load. I have played for 10 years, and I have tried flash enable. Please someone help me. My id is12132611. Wyatt_Earp in sector 105
  • (2020-11-28, v:1.0.3) allan gare: loading gare
    this will not load at i have flash recommended but still not working for 7 days now can we get it fix asap ty
  • (2020-11-05, v:1.0.3) yani hakim: war commander flash player 11.2
    Saya tidak bisa masuk dalam game war commander karena flash player. Bagaimana cara pasang di handphone flash player 11.2 supaya bisa main game war commander dari handphone
  • (2020-10-31, v:1.0.3) Donald Campbell: war commander
    have not been able to play game now for 5 days. all that happens is the site says loading but nothing happens . tried to go threw kixeye but it does not matter .
  • (2020-10-12, v:1.0.3) Dan Lenzen: Problem Loading Game
    For the last three to four days the game will not load in either flash or client, is there a problem with the game or something else.
  • (2020-10-09, v:1.0.3) Luciano Baraza: Luciano - Avenger67
    O jogo trava no meio dos combates , e ficou tudo lento, o que eu faço para voltar como antes.
  • (2020-10-08, v:1.0.3) HTML5
  • (2020-10-08, v:1.0.3) Ross Wood: Flash no longer loading on Facebook while using Chrome
    Flash Player no longer loading on start up
  • (2020-09-16, v:1.0.3) Delia Baker: war commander not loading in fb
    Cant get war commander to load in fb i did the plug stil just a blank white page
  • (2020-02-12, v:1.0.3) Alex Saad: loading war commander freezes at 52%
    since 2 weeks i play on fb war commander freezes at 52% i tried everything nothing works
  • (2019-12-15, v:1.0.3) sonny lac: warcomander
    I can not log in every time it go to 100% then it go in to white screen. can any one help thanks.
  • (2019-11-08, v:1.0.3) pan fan: WARCOMMANDER
    Hello,i can't log in game even in kixeye page.Can u tell me where is the problem..Tnx Panos
  • (2019-08-10, v: D Brown: comodo dragon browser is chrome based
    before i download this is it safe to use with comodo dragon or even necessary?
  • (2019-07-30, v: Mariano Portero: juego en internet explorer de vega conflict
    no carga el juego dice datos fallidos en descarga y no se puede jugar tambien me dice servidor no encontrado hace una semana que no puedo jugar muchas gracias
  • (2019-06-25, v: Gabriel Ramos: no carga
    estoy como los compañero tengo mas de tres semans sin poer entar en mi cp.que puedo hacer para que el juego carge???
  • (2019-06-21, v: Lefter Dogani: vonon shume ne hapjen e lojes
    vonon shume ne hapjen e lojes
  • (2019-06-14, v: Jenn Christy: Game not loading
    My game will not load past 75%. I have updated my flash and cleared my cookies and cashe and it's still not loading... Can you help me please? It's been several weeks since I have been able to log onto the game from my computer. I have 2 accounts and neither will load properly :(
  • (2019-06-13, v: Anthony Baines: game not loading
    my game as not loaded for the last 3/4 weeks it gets to 75% loading,7/22battle sim,4/5 files. im missing out on events and missions this is not fare sort the game out.
  • (2019-06-03, v: Danger Man: error
    kixeye need make loder for play games with out kixeye or facbookj
  • (2019-06-01, v: UFL-Alvaro Grijalva: War Coomander no carga
    War Commander no carga se queda en loading 75 ya e probado en todas las plataformas
  • (2019-05-23, v: peter cornelissen: 99% stops loud
    game stuck at 99% flash not working Kixeye look to it its now al 14 day"s


10,000 history
3.0566 (53 votes)
Last update / version
2019-09-03 / 1.0.3
Listing languages
