Description from extension meta
Log time in JIRA based on your Google calendar.
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Description from store
Places a google calendar button on the JIRA tempo timesheet page. Clicking it will read your Google Calendar and suggest worklogs for each meeting you attended.
Latest reviews
- (2020-07-21) Denis Levchuk: Does it support Tempo 9.5.3?
- (2018-12-18) Cory Cater: I generally despise time collection, but I hope there's a special place in hell for those responsible for time collection in Tempo. Bless you Mike Solomon! You have made time collection so much easier. Now all I have to do is make sure that my Google Calendar is filled up every week, assign stories/issues and done. The one feature request that I have would be that instead of a "Default ticket" field in the options, I would rather choose from a dropdown of the most recent x issues that I have logged time to. I usually have about 20 different issues that I'm logging time to, so that would be immensely helpful. Update: Noooooo! My Jira admin just updated to a new version of Tempo 9 and now I don't see my beloved "Import from Google Calendar" button anymore. Please make it come back!
- (2018-02-06) Dan Prior: Good at first glance, but appears to hang when logging time against some Jira issues - possibly related to issues I'm seeing with dates/times. I am in a GMT+11 timezone, and I am seeing issues recorded at 9:40am being logged at 10:40pm the previous day - almost as if i was in a GMT+0 timezone. Does the add-on take into account Jira or Google Calendar timezone when logging activity?
- (2017-03-09) Ragnar Fjölnisson: best thing since sliced bread