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Clean up your bookmark mess! Sort bookmarks automatically, delete duplicates, merge folders, etc.
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Are your Chrome bookmarks a mess? SuperSorter can help!
SuperSorter sorts all of your bookmarks, in all your folders, into alphabetical order. It sorts folders too and if you like it will put the folders at the top of the list. SuperSorter also deletes empty folders, deletes duplicate bookmarks and merges folders with the same name. It can also sort bookmarks automatically every few minutes, making it even easier to keep everything tidy.
Warning: There is no undo function, so use this extension at your own risk!
- Added a dropdown to choose the language to sort and compare in.
Latest reviews
- (2024-10-31) Martin Wagoner: I loved this extension when I first installed it, and it worked great. It has stopped working within the last week or so, and simply doesn't sort my bookmarks anymore (manually or automatically). Edit as of 10/30/2024: It works again, so I gave it four stars. I really like it, but I hate that it's only available for Chromium based browsers. Firefox is in desperate need of this extension as well.
- (2023-12-07) Aaron Yeh: 是否可以讓我們自定排序的順序呢? 如(A->Z)or(Z->A),或是(Chinese items->English items)or(English items->Chinese items)呢? 因現在只有一個選項Reverse sort order, 開啟後,會變成中文目錄在前面,英文在後,且變倒序Z->A了。
- (2023-08-03) William Rolison (Will): FYI, does NOT work with Microsoft Edge Version 90.0.818.56. In fact, it causes Edge to crash. And pushing the button does nothing. Says it sorted, but did nothing. Just FYI. Edit: Been fixed. 5 starts.
- (2023-08-03) James Tuson: My favourite bookmark sorter, have used it for many years. Has all the settings I need. Make sure to tick "Enable sorting bookmarks bar" if you have folders in the bookmarks bar like me. To the person saying they couldn't find the options, it's literally "Right click on extension > options" not sure what's hard about that.
- (2023-06-09) cajunfries: Sorry, but not very impressed, most disappointed with the user interface and instructions - or specifically lack thereof. First, where are the options? Had to really drill down to find that. Then, secondly, how to launch it? Nowhere is it clear or even written. I had to Google "How do I launch this dumb thing?" before I found out from a 3rd party website that you click on the bookmarks bar icon. Then nothing came up resembling that screenshot of duplicated files found. First time it just sat there then crashed Chrome. I'd seen that other cleaners didn't like to have the Bookmarks tab open during cleaning, so closed that and tried again. Also reconnected to the internet just in case, and it worked (I guess). Unknown what actually made it not crash the 2nd time. After it finished, again I got nothing. Did it work? What did it do? I see some folders are now gone and the size of the bookmarks.html is smaller, but absolutely cannot tell what it did nor if it damaged anything... What can I say? It SEEMS to work, but I really have no idea.
- (2023-06-09) Amir Naqui: doesn't work, waste of time.
- (2023-06-05) Diz Andriana: Le plugin fonctionne correctement, pour le moment en tout cas. Merci!
- (2023-05-18) R Puig: It does not sort the folders in Brave browser, :-( . Brave is so anti organizing bookmarks!
- (2023-05-07) Săndelu: is not working anymore
- (2023-04-23) Paul: you need this!
- (2023-04-21) lee fc: 00111110111 自动排序(无需点击按钮) 反向排序 将文件夹放在书签之前 排序时删除空文件夹 合并具有相同名称的相邻文件夹 排序时删除同一文件夹中的重复项 使用区分大小写的名称比较 排序时忽略书签栏 如果书签管理器在前台,请不要开始排序 比较书签时忽略HTTP和HTTPS的区别 仅通过 URL 识别重复项(忽略标题)
- (2023-04-15) Ian Kleinfeld: This makes bookmark life so much easier. It does one thing, it does it well, and it leaves everything else alone.
- (2023-04-05) Sam Bagot: The "ignore bookmarks bar" should ignore the top level folders visible on the bookmarks bar but still sort the sub links and folders. Instead, it ignores the entire bookmarks bar and you have to read through the comments to figure out what is wrong. Then you have to turn that off, sort the bookmarks bar, then rearrange your bookmarks bar every time you want to sort.
- (2023-03-13) John Jacob JinglehimerSchmidt: Had rated this in 2020 as a 3. Thought it was great. Then somewhere sometime no more sorting going on. Removed the extension from Chrome and reinstalled and still no sorting it won't even reverse sort. I'm wondering if there's a limit to the total number of bookmarks in total. I liked this extension and will keep it in hopes that it is fixed. But at this moment in time. I CAN NOT RECOMMEND TO ANYBODY THAT THEY INSTALL AND USE THIS EXTENSION IT IS NOT WORKING. IT'S CURRENT STATE OF NOT WORKING HAS BEEN SINCE SOMETIME PRIOR TO END OF 2020.
- (2023-02-23) Grue Turtle: Used to be great. No longer merges folders or removes duplicates within a folder, which were its two killer features.
- (2023-02-04) Donna H.: 2/4/24 Years back I know I could right click my bookmarks and it had an option to sort alphabetically but I can't find that anymore, I just installed SuperSorter and I had no issues. Right as it installed it sorted everything instantly. I have so many bookmarks and folders so doing this by hand was a pain. Sometimes doing it myself I'd accidentally drop a folder in another folder. Then I had to go back in that folder and drag it back out. Gawd, this extension saves me so much time!! Thank you for being so kind to share this with us.
- (2023-01-30) Omar Permenter: Just like the previous users below mentioned, its asking for browsing history. But on top of that since the update it no longer sorts. automatic sorting was turned off by the update and even after turning it back on it still isnt sorting my bookmarks. never had an issue with the extension until this recent update however so once the browsing history thing and the auto sorting is fixed ill update to a 5 star review Edit, update 1.0.1 removed the need for browser history, and the auto sorting no longer working was fixed by removing and then re-adding the extension Edit 1/24/23: No matter what i do the auto sorting no longer works since the update that asked to view browser history. when i first install the extension it will do it unprompted (auto sort is off by default). then it wont ever sort again regardless of it being set on or off Edit 1/29/23: So i figured out why the sorting wasnt working. during the recent updates having "Ignore the Bookmarks Bar when sorting" on makes it so it no longer sorts the other bookmarks folder or folders within as well and that is why it would no longer sort. Before the recent updates this was not the case. It would ignore the bookmarks bar and everything else would still be sorted Edit 1/30/23: Update 1.0.5 fixed the issue
- (2023-01-26) Gustavo: Simple, right on the spot and it just works! I'm using it for years and right now (26-jan-2023) everything is working flawlessly. Thanks, Richard for the amazing job done here.
- (2023-01-19) R: Was 5 stars until I saw the new permissions request to read my browsing history with no explanation as to why. It's a bookmark sorting extension, why are you wanting to read my history? Removing until the history permission is removed. 2023-01-18: Author fixed the permissions concern, switching rating back to 5 stars. Thanks Richard!
- (2023-01-15) Steve Magruder: Works great! I had previously rated it down due to a permission that shouldn't have been required, but that has been fixed. Thanks!
- (2023-01-14) Danny Rios: hands down the best tool for this purpose. plays nice with my bookmark syncing. i like this one better than sprucemarks too.
- (2023-01-12) Nathan Maxwell: See updated responses below, indirectly reporting feedback from the developer regarding the permission request for browser history. I have re-installed the extension without issue. SuperSorter is back.
- (2023-01-09) Keith Hough: This is no longer sorting bookmarks as of the 1.0.1 update. Please fix. This extension has otherwise been great for years, thank you!
- (2023-01-07) K. P. R.: Parou de funcionar!
- (2023-01-07) Phil Z: I'm temporarily disabling this extension until it doesn't 'read browsing history'
- (2023-01-07) Mehabr de Gulart: Расширению потребовало доступ к истории просмотров браузера. Зачем?
- (2023-01-06) Jason Skowronek: Long time user, also concerned with, "Read your browsing history" addition. It sounds like it's also news to the developer and he has a fix. Always good to reach out to those who spend their own time running projects like this on rather than down-voting without confirming the situation. Great, FREE extension.
- (2023-01-05) John Prior: Why "Read Browing History???" You don't need my browsing history to sort bookmarks!! DELETE.
- (2023-01-05) MrElectrifyer Shocker: Been utilizing it for years since I used Chrome, and continued to utilize it since I moved to Edgium. Used to be a silent yet very reliable tool for keeping my hundreds of books always organized. Now, the dev has ruined it by implementing browser history tracking in the extension, which is clearly not required for it to function. Would have gladly donated if a simple notification is all that was shown, notifying of the donation button added to the settings page. Alas, time to uninstall it and find something else for organizing my bookmarks.
- (2023-01-05) Vryali: Same as others, new permission with no explanation in the notes (They cover tab permission, but not why it'd need history, which as others have said seems very odd). Rated it 1 star (after using it for years) and tryin' something else, sadly.
- (2023-01-05) Galaxy Walker: What the hell this extension started to require "Read your browsing history"?! This doesn't make any sense for sorting bookmarks which are xml files. Very unhappy. I have disabled this extension and I smelled something fishy.
- (2023-01-05) Ron K: I have been so pleased with this extension until now. Really disappointed with this latest update. The new permission to see browsing history makes no sense. What does browsing history have to do with bookmarks??? Worse, there is absolutely no mention of this requirement nor the reason for it in the latest release notes. Without any explanation/transparency, I can only assume the purpose of this permission is to track users' browsing behavior. Given the new permission in relation to the purpose of the extension, I can so no good reason to continue using it. Uninstalling it immediately. If the permission to read browser history is removed, I would consider reinstalling it.
- (2023-01-05) Vincent Colombo: This extension was always one of the first I installed when installing Chrome on a new computer. Today, I was informed that the extension was updated to require browsing history access. I will be uninstalling this extension and won't be using it again unless the developer removes this requirement.
- (2023-01-05) Andy Hong: I switched to SuperSorter after Sprucemarks started requiring a Patreon payment to work. I loved Sprucemarks, but I didn't want to sign up for a Patreon account. SuperSorter was a fantastic replacement... until v1.0.0 started requiring the permission to "Read your browsing history." I'm guessing this requirement was added so that SuperSorter can check whether Chrome's Bookmarks Manager is open in one of the tabs. Regardless, I wasn't fond of giving SuperSorter this permission. I uninstalled SuperSorter, and while I was searching for yet another sorting extension, I discovered that Sprucemarks no longer requires a Patreon account. Therefore, I'm back on Sprucemarks, and I just donated a couple bubble teas to the developer of Sprucemarks using PayPal, without having to sign up with Patreon.
- (2022-03-17) 天白菜: 把我的文件夹顺序和书签顺顺序全部打乱,还不能恢复!!!
- (2022-03-07) 孙腾飞: Simple but works pretty well!
- (2022-02-28) Hostentroff Mei: Excellent - No BS App - Fast and Lethal - Backup before you engage this baby -
- (2022-02-12) mertcan: super pratics
- (2022-01-25) Manoel Neto: Useful!
- (2022-01-19) Kranberry: thought clicking the extension icon would take me to the settings page or something instead it straight up sorted all the bookmarks in alphabetical order not nice
- (2022-01-16) Dave Strong: SuperSorter REVERSE ORDER (HAS STOPPED WORKING). I've been using this extension for a long time, but sometimes I need to find my most recent bookmarks within a specific folder. The REVERSE ORDER option has stopped working, so I'm uninstalling for now (I may go back and check this later to see if it's BEEN FIXED)
- (2021-12-29) Joe Black: Kijem nie tykać! 15 tysięcy zakładek posortowało mi bez żadnego pytania alfabetycznie po 1 kliknięciu ikony. Na szczęście zrobiłem wcześniej kopię.
- (2021-12-23) Ruslan Kalinin: Без спроса отсортиторвало все по алфавиту, а сортировке по дате в настройках нет :( Назад вернуть нельзя, теперь еще больший бардак чем было раньше
- (2021-11-09) Sylvain Gibaud: a ne surtout pas installé, fait n'importe quoi encore un plugin inutile
- (2021-10-26) Pat MySecret: Instantly messed my bookmark settings
- (2021-10-22) Frank Skare: I use this extension all the time, it works great. Thanks for building it.
- (2021-10-13) Roy Luardo: Yeah you sorted them alright but how to get back?
- (2021-10-08) Webapp Appilogin: Funcional en Vivaldi Browser , con click derecho accedo al menu y opciones, scan por url activado y todo listo pero hay que tenerle paciencia . Me funciono muy bien, magnifico .
- (2021-10-07) Dream Guy: Using Chromium Version 93.0.4577.63 on Linux Mint and this - much needed - extension works great.
- (2021-09-29) Aishwarya Sonar: Doesn't do anything. Useless extension!
3.56 (1,341 votes)
Last update / version
2023-04-05 / 1.0.6
Listing languages