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Reedy Speed Reading, learn how to increase reading speed in a sec and read faster today. Take words per minute test. Boost wpm
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Wondering, how can I increase my reading speed and comprehension?
Look no further! Behold, the “Reedy” — the magical Speed Reader app for fast reading test and learning. Key to unlocking the power of the fast speed reading.
🐼 Like the swift winds that carry whispers across the bamboo forests, we use advanced rapidreading techniques, helping you speedread. Whether you’re a scholar, a student, or a curious wanderer, it will enhance your quest for written wonders, allowing you to absorb tales and tomes as swiftly as the wind. Embrace this enchanted tool and let your mind soar across realms of knowledge. The wisdom of countless scrolls is within your grasp with speedreading!
🌐 Hey! It isn’t just about grasping content faster — it’s about making the whole experience better for you.
• Imagine transforming how you consume and comprehend all the content you encounter online.
• Be it a web article, news page, PDF, custom pasted text, or anything else you come across anywhere on the web.
• Get through more content in less time.
🔥 Why the Speed Reading app?
→ Accelerate daily textual tasks.
→ Enhance productivity and learning efficiency immediately.
→ Increase textual fluency dramatically — double, triple, or even quadruple your average reading pace!
→ Train your brain to process information faster.
→ Comprehension examination, ace and keep retention.
🏃♂️ How fast can you go?
Ever wondered about average read speed? Take our reading speed test and discover your current WPM (words per minute)!
Then use Reedy to maximise your potential and become a fastreader in no time.
Curious about the normal speed of reading? According to multiple studies and meta-analyses, the typical rate of silent absorbing content varies depending on the type of material, but in general:
► For 5th grade, 10-11 years old: 139-194 wpm
► Average reading speed: 200-300 wpm
► **Speedreaders: 300-700 wpm (average speed reading rate even among untrained Reedy users!)**
► Fastest reader in the world: 25,000+ words a minute tested!
Where do you stand? Find out with a speed reading test!
📚 Speed reading and features
✓ RSVP-reading (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) technique presents words one at a time.
✓ Focus point shifted closer to the beginning of a word for increased comprehension.
✓ Gradual acceleration, start at a lower pace and gradually elevate it.
✓ Customisable tempo, fonts, colours, shortcuts, etc.
✓ Smart slow down at punctuation marks.
✓ Reading comprehension test.
✓ Test wpm (wpm reading test).
RSVP allows you to significantly increase reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. It reduces eye movement so you can focus better and absorb information faster. Think of it as a fast-forward button for your brain!
🧠 How to speed read
Set your desired speed, test reading and comprehension, watch your words-per-minute soar!
💡 Tips on how to read faster
1. Practise regularly;
2. Focus on key words;
3. Minimise subvocalisation, do not pronounce in your head!
Remember, learning to speedread is a skill that takes time to master. Reedy boosts your ability to grasp and comprehend content effortlessly, but with practice, you can go even faster and become a true speedreading pro.
🌟 Who can benefit from the speedreading?
- 🎓 Students cramming for exams, academics and researchers.
- 💼 Professionals dealing with heavy workloads.
- 📗 Speedreaders who want to tackle more books.
- 🧒 Children or literacy skills practitioners.
- 👵 Seniors keeping their minds sharp and checking their skills.
- 🦥 Slowreaders controlling desired pace.
- 📖 Anyone looking to improve speedreading.
🌈 Accessibility, game changing for speedreaders with diverse needs:
◦ Dyslexia: Simplifies text processing, easing comprehension difficulties (dyslexia-friendly font available!);
◦ ADHD/ADD/ASD: Enhances focus, reduces distractions for better comprehending;
◦ Visual impairment: Larger text with no scrolling;
🏆 Become the fastest reader in your circle
Challenge your friends to a read speed test! See who is a fastreader and can achieve the highest wpm while maintaining good comprehension.
⚡ Quickread, fastreading, spritzreading, swiftread — whatever you call it, Reedy has got you covered!
Whether you’re looking to speedread a textbook, skim through your emails, or simply breeze through the content for fun at lightning pace.
🚀 Get Reedy — your personal rapid reading app right away!
Latest reviews
- (2024-08-22) Art Shendrik: Amazing speed reading extension. I use it all the time - saves me a lot of time. Btw, so glad to see it back in the Chrome Web Store.
- (2021-04-28) Estrategia Digital: Excelente herramienta
- (2021-04-21) Dalma Schek: La verdad estoy encantada, me sirve muchísimo he leído bastante con esta aplicación , gracias a un youtuber que la recomendó en un vídeo de extensiones y estoy fascinada. gracias por hacernos la vida más simple a los estudiantes y amantes de la lectura. Les doy sus merecidas 5 estrellas.
- (2021-03-31) Teago: Muito bom, ajuda bastante
- (2021-03-26) Carlos Kreutz: bem pensado
- (2021-03-18) Miron Sadykov: Хорошее расширение.
- (2021-03-17) Ten Monkeys: It wouldn't do anything. I can't get it to work. I read and followed the instructions, and nothing happened. The page stays the same as it originally did.
- (2020-12-31) AndreShuman: Привык уже читать длинные посты с помощью reedy, что на ПК, что на смартфоне, реально экономит кучу времени, да и порой читать не хочется? когда видишь длинный пост, а с reedy читаешь всё подряд))) Понравилась идея с получением версии pro на один день, и как бы нет назойливой рекламы через каждые 5 минут и pro можно получить без оплаты просто посмотрев видео ролик с рекламой, здорово, благо_дарю.
- (2020-12-06) Victor Pereira: Ótima!
- (2020-11-14) Chyngyzkhan Karypov: вы просто лучшие
- (2020-11-06) p k: Обожаю эту штуку, всем советую хотя бы попробовать. Продуктивность повышает сильно
- (2020-10-27) Andreas Roos: This is just great! Super useful!
- (2020-10-23) wakaru himura: Best reading app EVER. Best Spritz reading app, by far. The mobile app is awesome (where is it now, BTW, can't find it anymore), and this extension feels just great.
- (2020-10-16) Mahmut Gümüş: Cok kullanisli buldum
- (2020-10-11) hghg jhjhj: SI SEULEMENT LE SHORTCUT MARCHé mais si non je le kif j aime surtt l'espace d’écriture offline et le fait que ça corrige l’orthographe
- (2020-09-15) Juste Mbamba: Has a bug. Generates an exception in the developper-console when stripe scripts are loaded. The message is "blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame."
- (2020-09-14) Sergey Tolsi Tolmachev (Tolsi): Спустя столько лет после последней версии идеально работает, спасибо!
- (2020-08-24) Nivaro Ivafox: Очень удобно просто и понятно. 10 скорочтений из 10!
- (2020-08-11) Vladimir Nasarov: Отличное приложение. Но есть предложения по доработке. 1. Мне показалось, что выставляемая скорость в приложении не соответствует реальной: за 50 wpm проходит около 35 слов. 2. Эта программа так же хороша для ускорения чтения младшеклассников, но минимальная скорость великовата, как и шаг. Предлагаю начальную скорость начать от 20 с шагом в 10, а при скорости 150 можно и шаг поднять до 50. 3. В диалогах выскакивают отдельные тире, что приводит к неправильному отсчету слов в минуту. Неплохо было бы их прикрепить к предыдущему слову, то есть создать правило ",-", "!-", "...-", "?-" 4. Изменить скорость высвечивания коротких и длинных слов. Например, слова до 4 букв должны меняться быстрее, чем слова от 4 до 10, а более 10 еще дольше. Хотя я вижу разбивку длинных слов - может она тоже хороша. Но детьми на начальном этапе слова более 4 букв читаются дольше и они не успевают до следующей смены.
- (2020-07-13) Jackson Azevedo: Excelente!
- (2020-06-25) James Boyer: Reedy is awesome. It allows me to read almost unimaginable amounts of material in record time.
- (2020-06-24) Phil E: Just the ticket. Unlike SReedy and other similar apps that just flash the words at you quickly this is like Sprint where it highlights in red a key letter and separates longer words which makes it much easier to absorb. The controls are good too and I used it mainly for pasting PDF into the custom text box. I was a little worried about the warning it would read/access every page but I am fairly sure that's only on times when I enable the app. Would be good to get that confirmed.
- (2020-04-11) Elena: This extension helps you go through tons of text much faster than you normally would. Highly recommended for reading content of easy to medium complexity.
- (2020-03-16) Why are there breaks in "text continuation?" Completely defeats the purpose. Otherwise a pretty good tool.
- (2020-03-06) DMYTRO KOROL: Дякую, гарна програма для читання
- (2020-01-20) Simon Sayz: I barely ever leave reviews for a chrome extension, but this one deserves it. I am one of those early adopters on speed reading and I tested a bunch of them. This is by far the best. I am also trying to find one for my android phone, but to no avail.
- (2020-01-16) Apple May Exist: I use this tool daily when reading long paragraphs or reddit posts (I do that a lot.) Reedy speeds up the process from what would normally be boring to something I can do very quickly. 10/10, would recommend.
- (2020-01-01) Beginner Polymath: Расширение в общем-то отличное, но почему-то я не могу прочитать текст из PDF файла.
- (2019-11-15) Sergiy Just: Great extension! Came here from Android app. But some time ago the app disappeared form the Market. What happened? Just wanted to install on my new phone but it's not there anymore. Any place where i could just download an apk file to side-download it?
- (2019-09-19) Алексей Матвиенко: Супер удобное приложение. Несколько лет назад увидел статью о нём на хабре. Установил, но не использовал почти. А сейчас нашлась задача как раз под него. Супер! Супруга увидела - попросила ссылку скинуть :)
- (2019-09-04) Julio César: Amazing! Just works as it's expected
- (2019-08-21) Sebastian Żebrowski: When active, I cannot use, as I can see on the developer tools the, the extension crashes. I think that this extension shouldn't do anything on the site before I start to use it. Otherwise it slows down pages loading and if it crashes it's hard to find culprit.
- (2019-07-28) German Gomez: cuando doy alt + s y pongo enter. no se inicia, tengo que dar boton secundario habrir con reedy eso quita tiempo
- (2019-06-14) JCDenton Alex Melyon: Всё замечательно. Можно ещё закладки добавить? А то включаю книгу и боюсь случайно выключить Reedy или закрыть вкладку. А когда читал полчаса назад, последняя фраза уже вылетела из голова, по поиску не найти.
- (2019-06-12) typedd local: simple and useful, love it
- (2019-06-06) Romeo Aranjon: Have only been using it recently since I just bought my Chromebook but it is a great application. I have a Pocket account and save the link to that and then use this to read it faster. Great little extension that really helps me out.
- (2019-06-05) Othman: Terrific !!! But Still very disappointed since there is no Reedy for Firefox :(
- (2019-05-30) Peter Park: I was blown away by how easy it is to select the reading range of the text simply by pressing 'alt + S' and adjust its level by up & down arrows. This app is simply amazing.
- (2019-05-20) Nikola Lukic: Really helps in speeding up reading. It would be even better if you could have more than 1 word showing up at a time. The possibility to show 3-4 words at the same time would improve an already good app such as Ready. Hope you add that feature. Thanks.
- (2019-04-19) Roman M. Iudichev: Почему-то при включенном дополнении - дикие утечки памяти. ОЗУ - 32 Гб. Отъедается всё подчистую. Если открыто много вкладок - еще быстрее. Если отключить дополнение - утечек памяти нет. Поправьте, пожалуйста, ведь само по себе дополнение - суперзамечательное и архинужное.
- (2019-04-10) ST4RZCR3M: Действительно полезное расширение, особенно хорошо подходящее для обучению детей. Но лично у меня долго использовать его не получается, так как цельные куски текста воспринимать куда проще. Я считаю, что как только человек научился быстро читать, потребность в Reedy появляется только после длительно перерыва. Как разминка перед чтением. Сейчас использую его только ради темной темы, чтобы было проще читать вечером.
- (2019-03-23) SuperLOL: В яндекс браузере то работает, то не работает.
- (2019-03-06) Super, marche du tonnerre de zeus
- (2019-02-15) InternetMysteryMan -: Great extension, love the view to select your starting point. I'd love to see support for displaying multiple words at a time as this is a critical feature for me
- (2019-02-11) Marcin Gomulka: Genialne rozszerzenie. Dzięki niemu błyskawicznie przeczytasz długie teksty, a dzięki maksymalnemu powiększeniu czytanego słowa, twoje oczy się nie zmęczą.
- (2019-01-21) M: Game changer!
- (2018-12-23) Василий Тищенко: good
- (2018-11-29) Clean, easy to use, simply fantastic!
- (2018-11-19) Maxi Sol: Superb, best speed reader out there 5 stars
- (2018-10-23) Andre Hincapi: It works amazing, and I like it a lot :)
4.7622 (677 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-10 / 3.1.2
Listing languages