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Humor, describing fun or ridiculous and meaningful. It is a foreign word, transliterated from English Humor. The word in English is derived from Latin, and the original meaning is "body fluid." In ancient Greece, a doctor named Hippocrates believed that human body fluids contained blood, mucus, yellow bile, black bile, etc. The composition of the composition is different, and the extensive use of the word humor is attributed to the British humanist dramatist Joan. His two works, "Different Personality" and "Everyone Has Everything", are known for their humor. In his satirical comedy masterpiece "Volbonne", his character is defined according to "temperament". Due to the social function of literature and art, Qiongsheng's humor theory is not lost. Lin Yutang was the first to move this word into China. This is a word of sound and meaning, and its expression is just right.