extension ExtPose

Resources downloader

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Description from extension meta

Download the resources displayed on a page easily!

Image from store Resources downloader
Description from store List and save the images, gifs, videos, music displayed in your browser. Works with most websites like imgur, 4chan and reddit. Resource Downloader adds a panel to DevTools, right-click on your page, select "Inspect", click on the "Resources" tab and you're set. Reload your page and check the resources you want to download. You can also filter and sort the resources by name, url, mime type, size etc.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-01) Andrew Bay: Thanks. It works for me. But it would be great if there's one feature. Hope this extension retains file structure like "Save All Resources" extension.
  • (2022-09-11) You don't know: You have a review from 26th February: Good but add possibility to download zip archive with all icons Here my 2 cents: There is a download button. Great. There is a filter. Great. There is a select all button. Great. What would I expect as user? That I can download all the files at once with just 1 click. This extension doesn't do it yet. I get asked for each file where to download it instead of a whole ZIP folder. If you open some website want to dump 1000 PNGs, you don't want to be asked 1000 times where to download each file. You want 1 download. You want the big advantage if you use a browser extension. Please add a download ZIP button for all selected files.
  • (2022-08-11) muhammad abdullah: Not working. Download buttion is displayed but not working at all. Been trying for over an hour now. Didnt download a single thing. The extension is good but the functionality is not actually functional. Right now its more of a show..
  • (2022-02-26) Dan Rotaru: Good but add possibility to download zip archive with all icons
  • (2021-04-08) Bappa Maiti: Hello Dev, Hope you are doing well. Here are some points of my observations while using it. My browser is Brave . 1) While saving resources( images in my case) of my choice , after selection whenever i click the download all the selected files downloaded 2 times. so in my test 68 files I had chosen by it downloaded 136 files and I had to delete all duplicates manually. So please try to solve this or let me know how to fix this. 2) There is now option to download or save files in timely manner, it is important for me cause the resources I was trying to download is some document pages but in image formats which i can browser via online image view embedded on that site. The file names are random and different from each other. So if i can save them per the time of loading the resource then i can easily arrange and rename them. 3) please also add option to save multiple files same time but my preferred location during download. As of now I have turned off the 'save where to download each time' option which by default saving in downloads folder. And it is kind of okay as of now. Thanks for your hared work. i look forward to see more improvements . Thanks & regards, Bappa.
  • (2019-05-23) Станіслав Буценко: Сама панель "Resources" визуально удобная. Но сохраняет только картинки и каждую отдельными запросами. Эту бы панель да в расширение "Save All Resources" - там сохраняется все и zip-архивом.
  • (2018-08-31) Programmer two: this is totaly fake extention. it just shows resources and this functionalty is inbuilt in all browser. so not like any more... dont download
  • (2018-06-03) John Curry: Froze my desktop. This extension asks you to download a file by its own file save dialog box. So if you select 20 items and click to download it will open 20 dialog boxes and freeze your desktop. Highly not recommended

Latest issues

  • (2020-03-14, v:0.0.5) Bogdan Antone: I have no Resources TAB
    I have no resources tab. https://prnt.sc/rgfev5 However I have "Sources" but I see no download button/save file .. on the .wotff (fonts) extensions.
  • (2019-11-04, v:0.0.5) Double Download Issue
    Hey, Glad you made this extension, definitely saves time for gallery downloads. I just recently started having an issue where it is double downloading images. Is there a setting I might have missed to change this to a single download?
  • (2018-09-02, v:0.0.5) Mohamed Mtaallah: Fichiers SWF
    Hi I want to ask if your exetension can download .swf (flash) files Thanks


5,000 history
3.5333 (15 votes)
Last update / version
2022-06-01 / 0.0.6
Listing languages
