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Organiser dit arbejde og liv med Todoist til Chrome
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Todoist er rangeret som "den bedste to-do-liste lige nu" af The Verge og bruges af 25 millioner mennesker til at organisere, planlægge og samarbejde på projekter, store som små.
Brug Todoist til Chrome til at:
• Tilføje websider som opgaver: Føj et blogindlæg til din læseliste. Gem en vare på din ønskeliste. Tilføj arbejdsopgaver til senere opfølgning.
• Planlægge din dag: Organiser hurtigt dagens opgaver direkte fra udvidelsen.
• Udføre opgaver fra browseren: Når dine opgaver er udført, kan du krydse dem af uden at skifte kontekst.
Få mere gjort med Todoist på skrivebordet og mobilen:
• Nedfæld og organiser opgaver i det øjeblik, de dukker op i dit hoved.
• Husk deadlines vha. påmindelser og forfaldsdatoer.
• Opbyg varige vaner med tilbagevendende forfaldsdatoer som "hver mandag".
• Samarbejd på projekter ved at tildele opgaver til andre.
• Prioriter dine opgaver med prioritetsniveauer.
• Følg dine fremskridt med personaliserede produktivitetstendenser.
Med adgang til over 60 appintegrationer som fx Google Drev, Dropbox, Zapier, Evernote og Slack, bliver Todoist hurtigt dit kommandocenter til at organisere dit arbejde og liv. Desuden kan vores Wunderlist-importør hjælpe dig med at skifte værktøjer og komme i gang på få minutter.
God fornøjelse med at blive organiseret!
• • •
Spørgsmål? Feedback? Besøg eller kontakt os på Twitter @todoist.
Latest reviews
- (2024-09-01) Todoist for Chrome streamlines task management directly in your browser
- (2024-07-31) Kent Macaraig: The "Add website as task" only appears when there is at least one subtask already. Also, when moving subtasks under another subtask, they get moved on an entirely different subtask from another task.
- (2024-06-18) David Morrison: I have tried several to do apps, but Todoist is the best. And now they are making improvements at a lightning pace.
- (2024-06-17) Raj Kariya: When I click on the extension it is not opening fast.Please Check it.
- (2024-06-13) ARELLANO ROMAN JOSE DAVID: muy bien
- (2024-06-11) oxbox zz: Facilita su uso y mi día, excelente aplicación. Se los recomiendo para ordenar tareas pendientes o cosas que hacer durante el día
- (2024-06-11) 郭晉廷: 網頁板可以直接操作超方便!
- (2024-06-10) Josie Morrell: BASB fan here - Would like a shortcut key so I could convert an email to a task from the keyboard rather than having to click. Keyboard is quicker.
- (2024-06-10) Rémi DOOLAEGHE: It's my daily application to manage everyday and long-term tasks. With it, just turn off your head and let the app tell you when you have to think about your tasks.
- (2024-06-09) Voeung Channy: Very good and easy to use
- (2024-06-08) Kristian Numminen: hyvä
- (2024-06-07) Chernyshev. us: nice
- (2024-06-06) Wise One 82: it's convenient and helpful.
- (2024-06-04) John Durr: The extension is very slow to respond on click. Sometimes I have to wait a minute or two before it's responsive. That impacts the purpose of jotting down an instant reminder. I'm not sure it's any quicker than just using the website. I'm disappointed.
- (2024-06-03) Sohom Sen: Would rather use the desktop app than this, but the desktop app doesn't let me log in to my account.
- (2024-06-03) Paweł Karwat (Munin): Pełna profeska...
- (2024-06-03) batbai dongphuong: Good chóp
- (2024-06-03) Wendy Nguyen: dễ dùng, hơi lag
- (2024-06-02) Riem Pham: Imlove it
- (2024-05-29) Abhinav Yenduri: nice but slow, takes time to load
- (2024-05-22) free joy: PC, 모바일, 크롬 웹브라우저에서 서로 연동되서 사용하기 편리합니다.
- (2024-05-17) Harpreet D: It's very slow for me. It takes 5-10 seconds to open the extension, sometimes longer than that. Update - 17.05.2024 The extension takes 5+ mins to show data inside, doesn't serve the purpose. Accessing the URL is better
- (2024-05-17) Vanja Milojevic: Its great, not just the extension the whole package.... i have been using the free version for 2 months now and im loving it, considering upgrading to premium. The ease of use is amazing, you have extension, browser mode and standalone app for phone and PC. They linked some resources on time management and how to best utilize this app which is a useful read tbh. My only complaint is that i cannot color code tasks. It would be nice if i can use once color for work tasks, another for home stuff etc..
- (2024-05-17) Randall Jin: 下了个桌面版,结果每天打开都需要更新一次,还没有办法设置停止自动更新,已卸载,还是老老实实用插件版吧。
- (2024-05-17) Tommaso Pardi: great synching option!
- (2024-05-15) Letícia Dall Agnol: O melhor nessa área
- (2024-05-15) Ramzi Meg: The Best
- (2024-05-15) Desiree Galvez: Awesome! So easy to use, having it a click away is so convenient.
- (2024-05-08) Ivelina Dimitrova: Very useful, simple to work with and has all that I need. Sync accross devices is also great.
- (2024-05-08) Robin K.: Benutze aus konzentrationsgründen auf meinem PC einschließlich meinen Chrome Browser als App. Dass Todoist für mich extra eine Extension gebaut hat find ich klasse! =)
- (2024-05-07) Kerry Batts: This is one of the best tools I've ever found! I love being able to quickly add tasks, web sites, and more, and then dedicate time each day to prioritize and work through them. Keeping my mind clear removes so much stress!
- (2024-05-07) Marcelo Castro: Muito prático e útil
- (2024-05-05) Angel: This app is fabulous, I can do my task without worrying. Thanks!
- (2024-05-03) Rowan Zagnoev: Great App
- (2024-04-29) RoTheNotMale (RoNinja): wish it could give me reminders without me having to pay for it but it was pretty cool
- (2024-04-29) Santosh Kumar Sah: GREAT
- (2024-04-29) Rawan Gabr: I cant go a day without using it !
- (2024-04-28) Justine Regala: helps me keep track of everything!! thank you, todoist
- (2024-04-26) Alex Niedmann: a flexible, intuitive and useful tool!
- (2024-04-24) Melissa Crowe: Great tool, helps me block off my time and tasks at work.
- (2024-04-23) David Glock: Top lädt nur bisschen lange
- (2024-04-22) sagar vavadiya: Best Extention for task management
- (2024-04-22) rahul kushwaha: it very slow
- (2024-04-21) Abu abed: Very functional easy to use
- (2024-04-20) Hybbfr: It is functional
- (2024-04-16) Liu Rui: 除了打开有点慢以外都挺好用的
- (2024-04-15) yo ok: ずっと使ってます。便利すぎる。
- (2024-04-11) K59 Nguyen Minh Thu: i find this extension pretty convenient and time-saving. great work!
- (2024-04-11) Sergey Frank: Лучшее расширение для браузера со временем AdBlock.