Description from extension meta
Image from store
Description from store
- 目に優しい低コントラストのテーマ
- 日付、会場、および対戦相手は明確にするために再フォーマットしました。
- チャンピオンシップ
- トーナメント決勝
- オープニング
- コメント/記者会見
- ネタバレを含む可能性が最も高いページでポスターをぼかすオプション。
- 複数の言語で利用可能な番組を統合するためのオプション。
- 記者会見、プレ/ポストゲームショー、契約の署名を非表示にするオプション。
- あなたの視聴を追跡します。
- 中断したところからビデオを見続ける。
- 視聴したレートシリーズ、イベント、ビデオ
- シリーズやイベントへのブックマークの保存
- プレイリストに動画を追加する
- 友達と同期ビデオを見るためにパーティーを始めましょう。
- 党員はお互いの1秒以内に保たれます。
- パーティー中にフル機能チャットを使用または非表示にする
- ライブイベント中に他のユーザーとチャットする
- ログインするだけで、拡張機能がインストールされているChrome搭載デバイスの設定を確認および管理できます(Chrome同期は不要です)。
- 個人を特定できる情報は保存されていません
- いかなる種類の追跡スクリプトもありません
NJPWのライオンマーク、ロゴ、およびすべての関連商品は、New Japan Wrestling Co.、Ltdの独占的所有物です。
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-04) Nate Ranson: This is a great app for group watching. Wrestle Kingdom was a wonderful experience this year with my friends being remote.
- (2020-09-11) Lana Gievski: Absolutely essential
- (2020-09-10) undertakerrick: The Bookmark/Playlist feature has been AMAZING! I made playlists with all g1 Finals, all New Japan Cup Tournament Finals, Wrestle Kingdom Main Events, Fueds, 5 Star Bouts, Personal List Of Best Bouts Ever, a playlist of each of my favorite wrestlers, and a playlist of every meaningful match from every year (1973-2020). I only wish there was a way to share playlists with one another so we can watch each others list and others can watch and save your lists for themselves. It is a lot of work making the lists but fully worth it!
- (2020-06-30) IWGP Fan: Absolutely mandatory if you use the NJ World site on a regular basis, this extension is a game changer and is regularly updated with new features that take the experience of using the NJ streaming service to the next level.
- (2019-10-27) Maicon Lopes Queiroz: a must have to all njpw fans
- (2019-07-27) Henry Villatoro: Keeps you away from any spoilers on the home page and it'll hold your place in case you want to resume after you walk away from the browser or tab! Great stuff!
- (2019-07-13) Sbadoosh: It enhances the NJPWWorld experience a lot.
- (2019-05-22) Davey Jacobson: I can never imagine using NJPW World without this extension! I absolutely love it! My only question is, as a web developer, how can I contribute with code or features for this extension? I have a UserScript that adds infiniteScroll functionality to all video pages. Is there a Github repo for this plugin?
- (2019-05-16) A_Big_Boy1337: Makes all of New Japan World so much better.
- (2019-05-12) Sterling Nuñez: Absolutely essential. It adds so much more to the site so if you're using NJPW World you have to get this!
- (2019-04-16) Justin Williams: Wonderful. I'd love to donate and support you but I don't use Paypal. If you had a Patreon I'd gladly become a monthly supporter though.
- (2019-01-19) Alex Bennett: Essential for english speaking NJPW fans. Game changing
- (2018-12-15) Daniel M: Essential!
- (2018-12-10) Paul Graham: one of the very best single website enhancements ever created. despite the jankiness of some of it, NJPWWorld is very easy to use but this actually makes in enjoyable
- (2018-10-13) Daniel muskarinerg: Improving the user experience by miles! awesome extension
- (2018-09-10) Bryan Lemieux: An absolutely essential tool for English speaking fans to enjoy the best pro wrestling in the world!
- (2018-09-09) Staci Tipsword: It's very useful for English speaking fans, adds an option to make watchlists to watch later, and also mark which events you have watched already. So useful! It also allows synchronized viewing with friends who also subscribe to NJPW World, and of course adding the previously mentioned improved translations for English speaking fans. I love this extension/addon and highly recommend it for all English speaking NJPW World subscribers.
- (2018-09-07) Jason Russell: This has made any complaints I personally had with NJPW disappear. And it also addded a bunch of features to the page I never even knew I was missing. Great work!
- (2018-08-13) Matt Foley: exellent
- (2018-08-12) John Heaney: Fantastic app
- (2018-07-22) David Barrett: Yep, excellent
- (2018-07-15) Dylan Roth: Absolutely essential.
- (2018-07-15) Raul Herzog: this makes NJPW World even better
- (2018-06-20) Niraj P: Please make the popup which appears when the extension updates optional, I find it incredibly annoying and distracting.
- (2018-06-15) Zachary Rozman: As others have said, a must have for anyone watching NJPW. My only suggestion/wish is an option to grey out content that has already been marked as viewed. Would make it that much easier to quickly find new content. Took less than a couple of weeks for my response to be rolled into a feature, the dev is very responsive. Thanks!
- (2018-06-13) Ryan F: Great tool for NJPWWorld, makes it much more user friendly for non Japanese fans.
- (2018-06-08) bd01ng: Excellent tool for NJPWWorld! Love the event layouts and bookmark feature!
- (2018-06-02) Ben Edwards: Must have. My wish list feature though is for the playlist to autoplay next.
- (2018-05-26) Daniel Price: Absolutely incredible, must have for NJPW subscribers