One-click Signature remover. Stop losing time deleting your signature. Just click on the button and signature is gone.
One-click Signature remover. Stop losing time while selecting and deleting your signature from emails to colleagues or friends. Just click on the button and signature will be removed from your message.
This extension is brought to you by SignatureSatori ( - central signature management for Google Apps.
How to get rid of the double dash?
Go to Gmail settings:, scroll down to Signature and right under your signature tick the checkbox: "Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it".
Latest reviews
- (2018-08-12) Lukas Gawenda: Top!
- (2015-07-23) Petr Jares: Finally! I can get rid of my signature with just one click, when I am forwarding or replying to email sent inside our company. Thank you!
Latest issues
- (2017-07-20, v:1.1.1) Marshall Graves: Android Gmail
can I use SignatureSatori to manage the signatures for the Android Gmail client?