A world day / night map and timezone converter with 100s of locations.
Timezone conversion made simple and beautiful with a customizable world day / night map that offers hundreds of locations to be added.
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-15) 健豪吴: How to active it ? it seems cannot work now....
- (2022-08-10) Abhaya: Awesome extension! Super helpful as I work with clients across various time zones. Love the theme overall :) Would be even better if we can order time zones added as per my own needs.
- (2021-05-15) Brian Houston: Kicks butt... I have business in several timezones, and seeing this as part of the initial screen? GREAT!!!
- (2021-05-04) Nathan G: Looks great, but would be handy if the order of clocks could be shuffled instead of deleting and re-adding in the desired order. Also it would be good if the clock size could be adjusted (e.g. make them bigger) and a more extensive list of cities was available.