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Support arranging Trello lists into horizontal swimlanes. To start a new swimlane, just add | or a swimmer emoji to a list's header.
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NOTE: THIS EXTENSION IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED! Instead, please use the "Trello-Groups" extension at
Trello-Groups has taken the functionality from this extension, and then updated it and expanded on it.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-10) Alex B: Doesn't work anymore.
- (2023-11-10) Ziyue Yu: love it but it doesn't work, please fix it up ASAP
- (2023-10-25) Raphael dos Santos: Oct 2023, plugin doesn't work anymore
- (2023-10-11) Mohamed Salem Korayem: Doesnt work
- (2022-04-19) Manish M: Still works in 2022! I've only tested it on a few cards so far but seems to be working great if you don't mind refreshing after editing or moving columns.
- (2021-12-18) Alzter: This is great but I've found a bug that holds this extension back from being amazing. Every time I load my Trello board in my browser, the swimlanes don't change the position of the lists (they still are in one great horizontal line) until I edit the name of one of the swim lane starter lists. I can imagine editing the name of lists every time I want to view my Trello board getting irritating easily so I'm hoping this is fixed :)
- (2021-11-23) Eldridge Torrefranca: Very good extension although for some reason the Swimlane doesn't work anymore. I needed to refresh many times or click boards in the left panel to make it work.
- (2021-04-08) Stan Sorochan: Steep learning curve, annoying at first until you see what it's doing. But in the end it works.
- (2020-09-30) Alyona Anokhova: Thank you for creating so desirable option! The only one thing I am conserned about is it doesn't work 😥 I see the extesion icon, it is turned on, full access was granted to (no more permissions is required in the settings). I am trying to add | or swimmemodji and nothing happens. I'm logged in Trello as an Atlassian user, i'm currently the only team member with this extention installed What am i doing wrong? Please help
- (2020-07-12) Carmine Esposito: I downloaded it but I don't know how use it, I can't see any button that allows me to create swim lanes. Any suggestions please?
- (2020-04-01) Jamie Blakey-Milner: Buggy. Keeps reordering lists, putting them into the wrong swimlane. If I manually fix it, it undoes the fix. Most frustrating.
- (2020-02-04) Jorge Díaz Bes: Excellent, just what I was looking for. Combine it with Trello Fold chrome extension + some reporting powerup and you have a fully functional kanban.
- (2019-10-29) Greg Eatwell: Great effort!!! Thank you for creating this. It is a little buggy but once you've set up your template it works great. Unfortunately it doesn't translate to the mobile apps, but if you and your teams use desktop all day then it shouldn't be a big deal. I agree with others that it would be nice to be able to shrink the lists to improve visibility.
- (2019-09-29) VV VV: A bit tricky but it works) thank you! Just put the "I" sign and refresh the page. Everything is written in the description.
- (2019-06-06) Don Mink: Love the idea. Unfortunately, I've tried every formatting option to get this to work, but it's only adding cards as usual, not swimlanes.Using Chrome 74.0.3729.169.
- (2019-05-22) Thorsten Reis: this does not work at all, maybe if you use two swimlanes only, setting up 3 or more swimlanes with 4 or 5 columns was impossible, reloading did always end up with randomized order. no idea how others can work with this
- (2019-01-09) yannick quenec'hdu: Don't work with the last chrome version. No documentation to describe to use this...
- (2018-11-27) K.B. Tidwell: I'm in the middle of road testing every Trello extension I can find, and this one has found a permanent spot with me! My use-case: I had created many boards for to-do lists, each one centered on a particular area of my life. Like Home, Vehicles, Finances, etc. I set up IFTTT recipes to allow me to enter to-do's on any board, and have all of them consolidated on my master board that I have in constant view on my phone. But with the too-long delays involved in the recipes, it proved too cumbersome. So I have been building one big board to handle everything (I'm a busy, yet not productive enough husband, father, son, employee, human so I need this), and believe me...the end result was about six miles long in screen real estate. So this is a Godsend! It's made a huge difference because of Trello's scrolling peculiarities. I'm no developer, so all I can do is suggest: * Allow the inclusion of a special character in a list name to enable a Bookmark tick on the horizontal scroll bar, similar to in some videos where you can click the mark to fast forward to that spot in the video. -OR- * Allow the roller button on the mouse to scroll lists vertically when you HOVER OVER THE LIST, or to scroll the board horizontally when you HOVER OVER THE BACKGROUND. My one suggestion to Jeff Yaus about this extension: implement a toggle to allow shortening of long lists so that the vertical empty space between swimlanes isn't so potentially huge. Right now I suppose it's unlimited, and I have some lists that give me a LONG scroll time between them. Otherwise, rock on. This is one awesome extension.
- (2018-11-23) M. A.: Very nice. It would be great to be able to minimize a lane
- (2018-09-17) Luigi Vitelli: Very nice plugin, I can't use trello without it. 5 stars if I'll be able to "minify" a lane. please.
- (2018-08-20) Thiago Malatesta Teixeira: Very easy to use and very usefull
- (2018-07-30) Simon Phillips: Thanks Jeff - this is a really great addition to Trello. Do you know if it can be used on the Android app as well or there another way to achieve the same outcome ? Simon
- (2018-06-09) Александр Суходько: Отлично работает. Всё удобно. Надо в начало имени какого-либо списка вставить этот символ: 🏊, и тогда с этого списка начинается новый swimlane.
- (2018-06-04) Deiser: The swimlanes don't add the functionalities you'd expect - namely, being able to split lists across. It just adds a lable above the list and creates list on a horizontal stack, but as soon as you try to move them around they break.
- (2018-03-07) Tobias Locsei: Thank you for creating this! It was simple to get up and running. Moving columns in swimlanes layout is a bit buggy, but you can work around it by turning off swimlanes for a moment, then re-ordering the columns how you want, then turning swimlanes back on again. Please keep developing the extension. It's very useful and there are no alternatives.
- (2018-02-02) MJ C: This extension is a great step in the right direction, but doesn't quite meet our need: the swimlane is automatically started from the first column. In order to assign work to 2 teams from a common backlog, it would be very useful to be able to start the swimlane from the 2nd or 3rd column. If the backlog in the first column is very long, it makes the work of the second team disappear off the bottom of the page.
- (2018-01-09) Sameer Youssef: Hi Jeff, great idea but some issues: (1) Extra columns (wider than screen width) wrap onto a new row. (2) Rearranging columns is painful and requires a page refresh to see the new order.
- (2017-12-19) Stephane Duplessis: The extension has potential, but it is really buggy. Trying to move lists around once you've started establishing swimlanes provides unexpected results. List width also seem to be impacted (narrower). It's the only real solution I can find that does swimlanes with Trello. So it has potential. Will still attempt to use.
- (2017-12-11) Terence Tirella: Makes it so much easier to organize Trello boards.