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Description from extension meta

Advanced browser cookie manager.

Image from store Cookiebro
Description from store Advanced browser cookie manager. With Cookiebro Cookie Manager you can manage/filter/block browser cookies that can be used to track you online. Features: - Configurable automatic deletion periodically (even every minute) - Whitelist - define which domains can set cookies - Blacklist - define domains from which cookies are dropped and not saved at all - Easy to use interface - click the extension icon to add a site or domain wildcard to the whitelist - Can protect session cookies to prevent accidental logout from currently open sites - Can drop HTTP Response headers ETag and Link from blacklisted sites to prevent tracking - Can delete unwanted cookies, indexedDB and localStorage caches + pluginData (e.g. Flash Cookies) at browser startup - View, Edit, Create, Delete, Search cookies with a tree-based Cookie Editor - Export/Import as JSON

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-20) Ameyome Rina (Jayne): 希望可以添加中文语言支持。。
  • (2023-08-13) Shubham Gaikwad: Only extension which works and has better ui and functionality.
  • (2023-01-25) Marek J (Tirith): Almost perfect, but somehow Whitelist is not taken into account when clearing Site Data (whitelist only applies to cookies?)
  • (2022-12-01) John Sh.: I wish you best of what you dream about! This your extension was like 10th in the search results list and no one before your extension actually could export and import all the cookies. I wanted to migrate from Cent browser to Vivaldi and this extension did the job in just a few seconds. Wow! I don't have to login anywhere again - just moved cookies and it's all done! Thank you for this!
  • (2022-11-29) Алекс Фрайхайт: Worked in 2022 =)
  • (2022-11-13) KANSO SABLAN: good
  • (2022-11-13) OMNI BOOKING: good
  • (2022-11-13) S. Amin Business Plus: good
  • (2022-11-13) Ramesh HT Thimmegowda: good
  • (2022-11-13) Rosemary Apusiga: good
  • (2022-11-13) cwscrxtest 002: good
  • (2022-11-13) Faisal Ansari: good
  • (2022-11-13) Juanita Brock: good
  • (2022-11-13) Jose Mahomar: good
  • (2022-11-13) Adi Haque: good
  • (2022-11-13) Mary Bayiviella: good
  • (2022-11-13) Dhuruvakumar Ksheersagar: good
  • (2022-11-13) GREG KOY: good
  • (2022-11-13) Rakesh Bhatnagar: good
  • (2022-11-13) Jira Mekuria: good
  • (2022-11-13) Roger BOUSSAMBA: good
  • (2022-11-13) Gizachew Girma: good
  • (2022-11-13) Pinaki Mukherjee: good
  • (2022-11-13) XxTerboyGamerxX: good
  • (2022-11-13) Chukwuka Maxwell: good
  • (2021-12-06) Олександр Вольвач: Кончені люди які на****ть людей
  • (2021-03-28) G P: I have tried many cookie managers and this is by far the best for me.The really best option is blacklist *.* and then whitelist the desired domains. Very powerful. I have sent a donation
  • (2020-08-26) Ruben Sluimer: This plugin does what it says it does and it does it well. It has only two limitations, for my personal use at least. 1) When it comes to automatic deletion, only the cookies make use of the whitelist or blacklist. While you can auto-delete indexedDB, localstorage, pluginData and service workers, this does not make use of the whitelist or blacklist. 2) The plugin settings don't sync across devices, but it does allow export and import, so this can be worked around fairly easily.
  • (2020-08-07) Kiwi' • FX: Steal your logins etc
  • (2020-04-07) Loco Mole: Yes, it's the best cookie manager for Firefox and Chrome. It's stable, functional, and the minimal UI is sufficiently usable. I came from Cookie Auto Delete, but that extension would use up too much CPU. Switched to Cookiebro and it's been much better. Features request: 1) could you add "Clear current domain cookies"? This is useful for developers and troubleshooting web site issues. If the current domain is whitelisted, "clear unwanted cookies" will not clear them, even if the user wants to. The workaround is to go to the log and delete each. It would be nice to have the option to clear all current domain cookies. 2) is it possible to NOT clear the cookies of a domain that was visited within X minutes of the 'Delete unwanted every X minutes' option? I was online shopping and the items in my cart disappeared. I realized it must have been Cookiebro coming around to clean unwanted cookies. Thank you.
  • (2020-03-19) Michael G: Best cookie manager available, I've tried several and this has it all. Auto-delete, great UI, edit cookies, and view of current cookies.
  • (2020-02-27) Christian deTorres: Cookiebro is probably the best cookie manager for Chrome and Firefox, built on the bones of the now-abandoned Vanilla cookie manager extension (which I missed). I found it easy to use, and relatively intuitive. Keep cookies in whitelists and block cookies in blacklists, and easily purge the rest cookies on-demand or automatically. Import or export lists as a simple text file that is simple to edit. The cookie log view and cookie editor are powerful tools whether managing privacy or just debugging. Minor issues: While adding and removing list items is easy, one can't edit them in place. For example, if I have "getpocket.com" in my whitelist, and want to change it to "*.getpocket.com", I have to add the latter as a new element, and then remove the former. I also wish the extension would sync settings across browsers, so I didn't have to spend as much time importing and exporting. For managing and auto-deleting cookies, also try the excellent Cookie AutoDelete (CAD) extension. Choosing between that and Cookiebro is a matter of personal preference.
  • (2019-08-04) Andrew: Is it possible to make an addition to Blacklist from a pop-up window, where the addition to Whitelist.
  • (2019-08-03) n ascentt: Incredible addon! Takes the reigns over from Vanilla Cookie Manager which was a great addon, that no longer works. Cookiebro Has a similar and simple gui in which you can click the toolbar button to whitelist or more whitelists for sites and domain rangers so no digging in options each time. It clears cookies as expected, keeps protected whitelisted cookies, AND clear sessionid and local storage (which vanilla never did). Fantastic addon, a real necessity to stay in control of your cookies. Just wish the toolbar button was better at showing if the site you were on had a whitelist rule already set or not.
  • (2018-11-29) Nice extension with really a benefit. It would be nice if the configuration can be synched between different devices by using gdrive.
  • (2018-10-05) andrewpds: 1) Seleção múltipla precisa melhorar. 2) Importação e exportação não funciona bem entre Firefox e Opera (com a extensão "Install Chrome Extensions").
  • (2018-06-03) James Utting: This is a very good extension for cookie management. However it lacks an option to add websites to the cookie blacklist via the toolbar button. To make this add more effective everybody should use the Cookiebro blacklist and add the following entry: *.* When that is added ALL cookies from all websites will be blocked and you will need to add cookies to your whitelist via the toolbar button. This Block All Cookies is an option which should have been made available in this extension.

Latest issues

  • (2022-11-17, v:2.18.1) DPB1947: Use CookieBro to Prevent Web Session Timeouts?
    Hello: Can I use the CB extension in Chrome to prevent sessions at certain websites from getting automatically terminated? If so, which setting do I use? Thank you.
  • (2022-04-30, v:2.18.1) Delain G: Use Chrome's Clear Data or CookieBro?
    Sorry, but I'm still not understanding usage. I've whitelisted many sites using CB's interface and am ready to clear data, but do I use Chrome's Clear Browsing Data GUI or somehow use CB's? On CB's, the Clear All Cookies says it will also clear whitelisted cookies. So, what do I do?
  • (2022-01-19, v:2.18.1) marcelo sauaf: deletion - all SELECTED
    Hi nice tool indeed! quick question: if we select multiple domains in the tree (ctrl+left clicks) then right click and select the "delete ALL"... this will delete "all" SELECTED in the tree or ALL cookies despite selected ot not? If so, pls consider adding a new option in the right click in the tree to delete "only" "all SELECTED" ;)
  • (2021-11-02, v:2.18.1) James Utting: Option to add website or domain to the Blacklist via extension toolbar icon menu
    This is a very good extension for controlling cookies. Please add an option for users to be able to simply add a website or domain to the Blacklist by using the toolbar icon menu. I am aware this can be done via the extension settings, but it would be so much easier to do this from the toolbar icon menu in the same way that you add a website or domain to the whitelist via using the extension toolbar icon
  • (2021-08-01, v:2.18.1) Abel: Deletion of cookies and editor...
    Hi, I would like to know why auto-delete cookies happen on startup and not on shutdown? I'm using Brave browser and it seems that Brave's native cookie management is so bad on letting me to "keep" the cookies I want and deleting the rest but I don't see this option(s), is this true? Also, how do I use the cookie editor and if there are guides on understanding its settings? Thanks.
  • (2021-07-30, v:2.18.1) Alexander “Alex” Hidden: expirationDate
    Hey. Please tell me why u use expirationDate object instead of expires format in cookie? this makes cookies from other exports incompatible. Not possible import "expires" object? like i understand, also u plugin not support priority and size object. Or im am worng?
  • (2021-06-27, v:2.18.1) Rezwan Haque: Delete All Cookies except Login Cookies
    Hi, I'm a person who knows somewhat level on cookies but a non-techy average joe. I'm just wondering, if you can give an option to keep only login cookies (plus other important cookies) but delete all cookies. These will boost the acceptability of this extension.
  • (2021-06-08, v:2.18.1) Rezwan Haque: Explain the Options
    I'm a kind of person who understands everything of what Cookie does but not much on technical details. I compared all the Cookie manager extensions and found this one resourceful. However, my suggestion to you is to provide tooltips and/or any link that explains all the options in the simple terms, and what will happen if I check/uncheck those options. For example: 1. Auto-delete indexedDB and localStorage of websites at browser startup. I do not know what indexedDB is!!! Please explain. 2. Auto-delete Service Workers of normal websites at browser startup. What is service workers?
  • (2021-06-06, v:2.18.1) Chris Shaw: Also delete "File system" items from Site data
    CookieBro works great for deleting Cookies, Local Storage, and Service Workers, but I still have a lot of sites in my "Site data" with "File system" items. Can they be deleted too?
  • (2021-01-16, v:2.18.0) Brent McAnney: How to block cookies of only certain domains?
    By default, it seems all cookies are defined as unwanted. Adding a domain to the blacklist does nothing, every cookie is still in the unwanted list. I also tried adding *.* to the whitelist, but the blacklist does not seem to have priority, so I have no idea how to block a single site.
  • (2020-11-29, v:2.17.1) Svetlana Menenko: Cookiebro
    Привет. Не могу скачать и установить Cookiebro
  • (2019-11-24, v:2.15.5) Inna Osipova: Session cookies
    Hi. What does option "Protect session cookies from periodical auto-deletion" means? Does it help from cookies deletion for active tab? Does it protect cookies in currently opened tabs in current browser session? What if tab gets unloaded from memory, will the cookies still be protected for it? Sorry for silly questions. In future, will Cookiebro be able to also periodically delete other site data not just cookies?
  • (2019-10-20, v:2.15.5) ALG DZ: Unwanted cookies still there with Cookiebro installed !!
    Dear dev, I setup Cookiebro and whitelist my favoris sites but when i check "chrome://settings/siteData" I still see unwanted cookies even after restarting the browser. How do you can help me to debug this issue? Thank you for the extension.
  • (2019-08-03, v:2.9.0) n ascentt: Buggy toolbar icon?
    perfect addon! but the toolbar icon seems buggy. I was under the impression the icon goes greyscale when not enabled for a site, and illuminated when enabled? This seems true most of the time, but often I go to sites and the icon is illuminated, but i click it and there's no cookie rule set, all the available options are to add the domain and subdomains to the whitelist. This can be very confusing as it means having to click the icon on every site you go to to figure out if cookies are retained or not.
  • (2019-07-17, v:2.8.1) Matteo Giordano: Cookiebro for Chrome?
    Hi, I have absolutely enjoyed using your extension on Chrome. In my opinion it's one of the best. However, on my Mac i prefer using Safari instead of Chrome. Can you port it to Safari too? There are no such extensions as of now. Best, Matteo
  • (2019-06-09, v:2.8.0) Maggew Dot Com: add blacklist option from toolbar
    visit website and use toolbar icon to "blacklist" instead of "whitelist". also, make height of addon options "Sites with unwanted cookies" like 400 or 600px. right now, it's very small. lots of scrolling.
  • (2018-11-30, v:2.7.2) Google Sync
    Dear Team, is it possible to sync settings between devices with using the integrated sync mechanism?


40,000 history
4.7778 (99 votes)
Last update / version
2021-01-26 / 2.18.1
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