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Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.
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Description from store
Feature highlights:
- Full standalone feed reader (RSS, Atom, RDF) as a Chrome extension - no online services needed
- Extremely fast!
- Multiple viewing modes: full article view, headlines view, headlines + one article (Opera RSS reader style), newspaper view, magazine view
- Can convert partial feeds to feeds with full articles with a built-in Readability style conversion engine!
- Built-in Rule Engine lets you define rules for filtering, border highlighting, auto-bookmarking, tagging, hiding and regexp highlighting articles. Rules also support Chrome popup notifications and sound effects.
- Article tagging and searching by a tag
- IFTTT support!
- Favicon support
- Finds feeds from web pages and makes it very easy to subscribe to new feeds
- Organizes feeds into folders (+ read all items in folder at once)
- Drag & drop support for organizing feeds and folders in the tree navigator
- Flexible "mark as read" options (when article title is shown, when article bottom is shown, manually)
- 'Show only unread items' option helps you to read only what is new
- Read any feeds that your computer can access (also in your company intranet, not only public Internet)
- User interface themes: Light, Dark, Aqua
- Article filtering based on article age
- Custom feed specific scan interval
- Custom feed specific number of items to store
- Keyboard shortcuts (similar to Google Reader)
- Works well with high frequency update feeds
- Can import feed subscriptions from an OPML file
- Can export feed subscriptions to an OPML file
- Easy to drop inactive or broken feeds
- Article headline view for quick skimming
- Basic authentication support to read password protected feeds
- Article sharing to various social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Reddit etc and via Gmail/Email client
- Buffer and Hootsuite support for scheduled social media sharing
- Supports offline reading
Latest reviews
- (2025-03-05) Mel Allen: Still using this in spite of Google disabling and not recommending I use it. I've tried to find a replacement, but none seem to work as well. I hope an update comes soon that alleviates this process as I use it on a few different computers. Original Review: Good RSS feed readers are hard to find - but I have been very impressed with this one and don't plan to switch. I host a radio show, podcast(s), and am a bit of a news junkie. I love that I can set the max age of an article so I can scan through the feeds every few days and not see the same stories over and over like I do with other news apps (Google News and Discovery I'm looking at you). I've not had an issue, appreciate that I can export/import feeds to another computer and even that process is simple and effective. Does everything I want and need. Absolutely five stars every day of the week.
- (2024-05-30) F FEPA: ✔️Para mi, la mejor extension RSS para chrome, se actualiza constantemente. ✔️La capacidad de gestionar tus feeds es directa e intuitiva, si acudes a clientes RSS de escritorio no tendras problema con esta extension. ✔️Muy ligero en consumo (60-100K de RAM) ✔️Las bases de datos (.db) de los feeds muy reducidas en espacio HDD. ✔️Puedes exportar tus feeds a bases de datos compatibles con otros clientes. ✔️Puedes exportar tambien tus reglas (rules) para tenerlas seguras. ✔️4 temas para elegir / 6 vistas para el lector / uso de favicons / arrastra y suelta feeds manualmente. ✔️RSS Scrapper : Recoge las fuentes rss de cada web que visitas y las añade a Feedbro (compatible con muchas webs y redes sociales como feeds en twitter) ✔️Los podcast se pueden reproducir en el mismo lugar, no tienes que dirigirte a sus webs (ivoox). Puedes hacerlo tambien con canales de Youtube. ✔️ Cliente de Confianza : Liberaron el código fuente de una version anterior para que la comunidad lo auditase. ❌Seria increible que tuviese cliente oficial en Android y pudiese sincronizar entre ambos Oexportar e importar la base de datos. ❌No se encuentra en Español. 🙏[Suggestion] [new option] On view mode 3, use only favicon to identify the origin.the title would occupy the same line, a single line per new feed.(more compact)example: <favicon><feeds title><date (rssowl like). 🙏[Suggestion] [new option] for feed tree: compact buttons/icons only (optional) for "all items" "starred items" "rules" "tags" "feed statistics". I think that with this you can extend the number of folders without going to the scroll bar. * sorry for my bad english :) and congrats for Feedbro client 📆Editado 30/05/24📆
- (2023-10-26) Name Surname: Indeed an AMAZING extension but Twitter feeds (now X) does not seem work. Earlier even twitter search used to work but that has stopped since months and now even account feeds are not working ocassionally load new tweet feeds for few accounts though. Developer has commented he/she is working; not sure what's the present status (Nodetics if you can update again here it will be good) One thing I sincerely miss in Feedbro is NESTED FOLDERS. Many a times I want to have nested folder structure for better organiztion but have to deal with single level folders which can become overwhelming if your folder count exceeds certain level.
- (2023-10-12) The Good Student: Excellent extension.
- (2023-10-01) Ioo: Умеет показывать только новые посты лентой. Есть русский язык Помнит до 2000 постов. Если настроить)).
- (2023-09-13) Ритуал TV: Не показываюца уведомления или я не смог разобраца ибо замороченое дополнение, к тому же всё на иностранном языке. Вынужден вернуца к тому которым пользовался и ждать обновлений только каждые пол часа((
- (2023-07-30) Omar Chakir: Great app, but twitter no longer updates after it bacame X, even though the links are the same
- (2023-07-14) Josh Kolb: broken for the past week or two. Used to be amazing
- (2023-07-08) barbudo 2005: Twitter is OK now and without ads. Bravo Feedbro team! It is the very best feed extension.
- (2023-07-06) test01 hoyt: This is awesome but since last update (July 2nd, 2023), it doesn't auto-update feeds now, you have to right click the channel and select 'Update Feed' manually. If you re-install the extension and import feeds, it stop update after 4 or 5 feeds get updated, and never restart again.
- (2023-06-18) 나안드: Feedbro was awesome but with few problems: - Now twitter feeds seems to be hijacked. I keep seeing ads in all my feeds that is not posted by the subscription - Sometimes it marks there are unread feed, but they are not showing
- (2023-06-08) Alan Welsh: Too complex
- (2023-05-22) Sarfraz: good extension but recently noticed that sometimes when I click on an unread article link from toolbar, the browser crashes. Hope you find and fix this problem soon. thanks
- (2023-05-13) Groove Mimosa: 功能非常全面,几个阅读模式都很好用,甚至有Rules和标签功能,感动
- (2023-05-06) Clare Johns: I am using feedbro like others to monitor Ebay, all monitored feeds are reappearing immediately after reading them, making this addon useless. Was a good addon whilst it was working though.
- (2023-04-17) 张成林(林): 如今chrome的配置是可以多设备自动同步的,这老重要了,希望可以为此更新。 比如重新安装插件后,要自动保留订阅地址,或者有你觉得更好的方式。
- (2023-04-14) Mohamed Anan: Don't like it, UI is bad, also no sub-foulder and lagging
- (2023-04-10) Konrad: Excellent. No stupid paywalls and refreshes as often as every 1 minute if you want it to.
- (2023-04-03) Sergio Obolevich: Yeap. Best I found!
- (2023-03-31) Dmytro Korolkov: Just the BEST!
- (2023-03-20) Gregory G.: Excellent. Good alternative to web based feed readers.
- (2023-02-21) Tao Simplicity: Excellent add-on! Could the add-on keep all unread articles unread when user switches view mode, refreshes current view, or toggle unread-only on/off?
- (2023-02-15) James Denman: Added this extension to track Ebay feeds, does not work at all.
- (2023-02-11) SUDIPTO BOSE: simply outstanding, undoubtedly the best feed reader currently among standalone and browser based. neat,lean and low resource guzzling. excellent loading of all those modern graphics rich feeds. adding/deleting folders/feeds is cakewalk. one reason of its superiority is the browser it is embedded in, the most advanced browser of the world.i particularly rave about its podcast listening and watching capability,of full hd audio and video, within the extension itself in rss feed format. exporting and importing feed list as opml is just a matter of a second. i have an enormous 600 feeds in 20 folders across categories. and the reader doesnt crash or freeze. best feedreader ever made. and best extension in chrome or firefox. as it brings the web in a single platform like no other. developers at nodetics are doing an outstanding service.
- (2023-02-04) かみかつき: The developer responds quickly, updates are timely, I feel good.
- (2023-01-18) Falcon: Simply the BEST!
- (2023-01-14) Anand Arokianathan: It's an amazing feed reader i have tried a lot of them and i have switched to this after using quietRSS for nearly 8 years. Hope you can add the following features:- 1) the ability to add sub folders as you can only add folders. 2) Ability to Choose a location where all the rss data will be stored such that people can point the location to onedrive and point it there in another computer thus able to sync with multiple devices.
- (2022-12-08) Alex Matheson: This is a great extension. Makes it easy to follow and keep up to date with RSS feeds. Feedbro has now replaced Feedly as my RSS reader of choice. The only thing that's missing is a way to synchronise feeds between devices. If there was a way to do this it would elevate this extension from great to absolutely perfect. Thanks for putting the effort into developing and maintaining it.
- (2022-12-06) tabliqat chi: The most underrated extension on all extension stores...! I definitely can't thank the devs enough, this has changed my life w/o exaggeration.
- (2022-11-05) UpWork GupShup The Freelancing World: The best RSS reader I have ever used Sure it has its limitations BUT It FREE And U get functionality of other paid RSS readers for FREE
- (2022-10-23) yenyu: hope can add Chinese(Traditional) to Article translation target language
- (2022-10-15) Eduard Tikhenko: You're the best, Bro! It supports Twitter feeds!
- (2022-09-20) Светозар: По умолчанию сохраняет максимум 20 новостей для каждой rss (до 100 в настройках), остальные просто теряются. Этот лимит можно увеличить только вручную в параметрах каждой rss через правую кнопку мыши (если у тебя 100 подписок, то это надо сделать 600 нажатий мышью).
- (2022-09-06) Pavlo Omelchenko: Filtering is great and must have
- (2022-09-04) mattax jr: Youtube feed is not working
- (2022-08-25) Тимур Миннигалиев: Лучшее из агрегаторов. Бесплатное
- (2022-08-06) JEC: amazing! it can get feeds from youtube, reddit, twitter, etc!
- (2022-03-16) Андрей Черепанов: Ideal app! fast and easy
- (2022-03-11) Walter Williams: I would love to have a sync across computers so I didn't have to import my feeds and settings into every computer I have, but I'm OK with importing the OPML. However, there's no option to import/export the settings so those have to be done manually and that's no fun.
- (2022-03-05) Thimios Papakyriakopoulos: I have used a lot readers. This is the best free reader! Honestly, it has all the options and integrations I want (and some more!). Thanks to developer for providing this wonderful plugin for free.
- (2022-03-01) Толик Струков: Только из Feedbro половина моего серфинга
- (2022-02-28) Frank Peters: Best RSS Feed Reader! I have been using it for years and was never disappointed.
- (2022-02-13) E B: If your having trouble reading your Twitter feeds in Feedbro change your url's to filter through EX: and your feedbros will not only work but nitter will provide you with privacy protections. Great extension!
- (2022-01-25) Gretha G: I am a blind computer user and since the great old days of the Google reader, Bloglines, and RSSOwl, no RSS readers have been properly blind accessible. This one is. I'm also very impressed at the speed that it manages to maintain with so many features, feeds, and feed items. I still have a Windows app that holds my 1,000 feeds and hundreds of thousands of feed items, as that kind of use will probably overwhelm Feedbro, but this is my primary reader that holds my 100 favourite feeds that I read every day or two. The full text reading and rules for notifications and retrieval are great treats. thank you.
- (2022-01-23) Steven Lusk: Finally something that works
- (2022-01-20) Ryu18: The best RSS reader I found out there, so many useful features. I recommend.
- (2022-01-02) 范见美: If there is a text search function, then he will be the best RSS reader
- (2021-12-29) Rex Zhu: good job
- (2021-12-24) Alexis Conci: Je cherchais un client lourd et je suis tombé sur ce lecteur RSS. Une vraie petite perle. Néanmoins je cherche un moyen d'agrandir la taille de la police de la liste. Quelqu'un a une idée ?
- (2021-12-23) h a m e d: the best rss reader. i need the android and ios app or pwa app