extension ExtPose

Focus To-Do: পোমোডোরো টাইমার এবং কার্যসমূহ

CRX id


Description from extension meta

পোমোডোরো টাইমার & টাস্ক অর্গানাইজার & টাইম ট্র্যাকার & শিডিয়ুল প্ল্যানার

Image from store Focus To-Do: পোমোডোরো টাইমার এবং কার্যসমূহ
Description from store Focus To-Do টোম ম্যানেজমেন্টের সাথে পোমোডোরো টাইমারকে একত্রিত করে, এটি একটি বিজ্ঞান ভিত্তিক অ্যাপ্লিকেশন যা আপনাকে মনোনিবেশ করতে এবং জিনিসগুলি সম্পন্ন করার জন্য অনুপ্রাণিত করবে। এটি পমোডোরো টেকনিক এবং টু ডু লিস্টকে এক জায়গায় নিয়ে আসে, আপনি আপনার টোডো তালিকাগুলিতে কাজগুলি ক্যাপচার এবং সংগঠিত করতে পারেন, ফোকাস টাইমার শুরু করতে পারেন এবং কাজ ও অধ্যয়নের উপর ফোকাস করতে পারেন, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজগুলির জন্য অনুস্মারক সেট করে এবং কাজের সময় ব্যয় করতে পারেন check টাস্ক, রিমাইন্ডার, তালিকাগুলি, ক্যালেন্ডার ইভেন্টগুলি, মুদি তালিকা, চেকলিস্ট পরিচালনা করার জন্য আপনাকে কাজ এবং পড়াশোনায় ফোকাস করতে সহায়তা করার এবং আপনার কাজের সময় ট্র্যাক করার জন্য এটি চূড়ান্ত অ্যাপ আপনার ফোন এবং কম্পিউটারের মধ্যে টু-ডু সিঙ্কগুলি ফোকাস করুন, যাতে আপনি যে কোনও জায়গা থেকে আপনার তালিকা অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারেন। কিভাবে এটা কাজ করে: 1. আপনার কোন কার্য সম্পাদনের প্রয়োজন তা চয়ন করুন। ২. 25 মিনিটের জন্য একটি টাইমার সেট করুন, মনোযোগ দিন এবং কাজ শুরু করুন। ৩.পোমডোরো টাইমার বেজে উঠলে ৫ মিনিটের বিরতি নিন। মূল বৈশিষ্ট্য: - ⏱ পোমোডোরো টাইমার focused মনোনিবেশ করুন এবং আরও কাজ করুন। পমোডোরো থামান এবং পুনরায় শুরু করুন অনুকূলিতকরণযোগ্য পোমোডোরো / দৈর্ঘ্যের বিরতি একটি পমোডোরো শেষ হওয়ার আগে বিজ্ঞপ্তি সংক্ষিপ্ত এবং দীর্ঘ বিরতি জন্য সমর্থন পমোডোরো শেষ হওয়ার পরে বিরতি ছেড়ে যান অবিচ্ছিন্ন মোড - ✅ কার্য পরিচালনা: কার্য সংগঠক, তফসিল পরিকল্পনাকারী, অনুস্মারক, অভ্যাস ট্র্যাকার, সময় ট্র্যাকার কার্য এবং প্রকল্পগুলি: আপনার দিনকে Focus To-Do এর সাথে সংগঠিত করুন এবং আপনার যা করা, পড়াশোনা, কাজ, হোমওয়ার্ক বা গৃহকর্ম সম্পন্ন করতে হবে তা শেষ করুন। পুনরাবৃত্তির কাজগুলি: "প্রতি সোমবার" এর মতো শক্তিশালী পুনরাবৃত্ত হওয়ার কারণে তারিখগুলি সহ স্থায়ী অভ্যাস তৈরি করুন। অনুস্মারক: একটি অনুস্মারক সেট করা নিশ্চিত করে যে আপনি আর কখনও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জিনিসটি কখনও ভুলে যাবেন না, আপনি প্রতিটি বারে আপনাকে স্মরণ করিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য পুনরাবৃত্ত হওয়ার তারিখগুলি সেট করতে পারেন। সাব-টাস্ক: আপনার টাস্কটি ছোট, কার্যক্ষম আইটেমগুলিতে বিভক্ত করুন বা একটি চেকলিস্ট যুক্ত করুন। কার্য অগ্রাধিকার: রঙ-কোডেড অগ্রাধিকার স্তরগুলির সাথে করণে আপনার দিনের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কাজটি হাইলাইট করুন। আনুমানিক পোমোডোরো নম্বর: কাজের চাপটি নির্ধারণ করুন বা একটি লক্ষ্য নির্ধারণ করুন। দ্রষ্টব্য: টাস্ক সম্পর্কে আরও বিস্তারিত রেকর্ড করুন। - 📊 রিপোর্ট: আপনার সময় বিতরণের বিশদ পরিসংখ্যান, কাজ শেষ হয়েছে। ফোকাস সময়ের মোট সময়ের গণনা সমর্থন করুন। ফোকাস সময়ের গ্যান্ট চার্ট। করার পরিসংখ্যান প্রকল্পের সময় বিতরণ সম্পর্কিত পরিসংখ্যান। করণ এবং ফোকাস সময়ের সমাপ্তির ট্রেন্ড চার্ট। - 🖥📲 সর্ব-প্ল্যাটফর্ম সিঙ্ক্রোনাইজেশন: আপনি আরও ভাল লক্ষ্য অর্জনের জন্য যেখানেই থাকুন না কেন আপনার লক্ষ্যগুলি দেখুন এবং পরিচালনা করুন। আইফোন 、 ম্যাক 、 অ্যান্ড্রয়েড 、 উইন্ডোজ 、 আইপ্যাড 、 অ্যাপল ওয়াচ এর মধ্যে বিরামবিহীন সিঙ্ক্রোনাইজেশন সমর্থন করুন। - 🎵 বিভিন্ন অনুস্মারক: ফোকাস টাইমার সমাপ্ত এলার্ম, কম্পন স্মরণ করিয়ে দিচ্ছে। আপনাকে কাজের ও অধ্যয়নের উপর ফোকাস করতে সহায়তা করার জন্য বিভিন্ন সাদা শব্দ পোমোডোরো P এবং পোমোডোরো টেকনিক Fran ফ্রেঞ্চেস্কো সিরিিলোর নিবন্ধিত ট্রেডমার্ক ® এই অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটি ফ্রান্সেসকো সিরিিলোর সাথে অনুমোদিত নয়। ব্যবহারকারীরা 200 মিলিয়ন ঘন্টার জন্য আমাদের অ্যাপ্লিকেশনটিতে ফোকাস করেছেন, আমাদের সাথে যোগ দিন এবং আমরা আপনাকে মনোনিবেশ করতে এবং আপনার উত্পাদনশীলতা বাড়াতে, বিলম্ব এবং উদ্বেগ হ্রাস করতে সহায়তা করি

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-25) 박종필: 컴터로쓰기좋음
  • (2024-06-26) Alaz Tetik: The extension was fantastic until recent visual errors appeared. I emailed about these issues, but it seems the team member responsible for CSS design is not aware of the errors on desktops. Please address and correct these visual discrepancies.
  • (2024-03-08) 안시우: 다 좋고 맘에 듭니다. 그런데, 별점을 3개준 이유는 설치 후 일정 시간이 지나면, 타이머가 울리지 않습니다. 25분으로 설정 후 화이트 노이즈를 틀어 놓으면, 첫 1~2주 정도는 잘 작동하는데, 그 이후에는 타이머가 울리지 않습니다. 화이트 노이즈를 틀어놓지 않아도 동일합니다. 유료로 결제해도 증상은 사라지지 않습니다 오로지, 정기적으로 프로그램을 삭제했다 재설치 해야만 타이머가 작동합니다. 이거 개선 안 되나요?
  • (2024-02-20) sojy john: Great one..have been using this for sometime now. Not an ask but if there was a feature to add our own music/sound that would have been great. [20Feb24] Still using this and very useful. Please give an option to start week on a Sunday. Thanks!
  • (2024-01-25) joel mena: Hay un bug que me sobrepone los proyectos al desplegar una carpeta
  • (2024-01-25) عبدالكريم الجهني: الاضافة جميله وعمليه وفيها مميزات جباره وقيمه من تقسيم المشاريع لمهام والمهام نقدر نجمعها بتاق لكن المشكله انه التزامن لازم تدفع وكذلك كل المشاريع والتقسيمات إذا قفلت البرنامج بتروح عليك
  • (2024-01-24) thomas espinoza: love this app has really helped my focus and retention.
  • (2024-01-05) Annie Lee Gilliland: Love it! I use this daily as a teacher to plan my SEVEN preps, plus my second job as a business owner in the evenings. My favorite thing is that the tasks will still show as overdue so that even what I don't get to, I can still focus on and limit myself to that productive pomodoro 25 minutes. The subtasks are golden, so that I know exactly what I need to do during that time. Plus, syncing between all of my devices is invaluable so that I can log my time.
  • (2023-12-27) Hala Happiness: j'utilise cette application depuis des années et je ne le changerai jamais merciii
  • (2023-12-21) Cristian Silva: Muito útil para controle de pausas no trabalho.
  • (2023-11-24) Ajay Gathadi: I tried multiple pomodoro apps and websites and landed on this. I thought let's try it out. And I really loved it, The UI, The Settings, Various Sounds, special chrome tab for clock and the various designs for clocks. Really Loved it, Thanks for developing this.
  • (2023-11-24) Magda Mikeskova: very helpfully! thanks
  • (2023-11-23) J: It helps me do work and helps me focus (even when I may be tired). This is great for students, and I really love it!
  • (2023-11-22) Agnieszka Grabowska: Mega pomocna app dla osoby z ADHD, która ma problem z koncntracją i zarządzaniem czasem. Polecam!
  • (2023-11-22) Lautaro Medeiros: 10/10 pipi cucu
  • (2023-11-17) 김수영졸업생: 굿
  • (2023-11-17) Phạm Thị Phương Thảo: useful for enhancing time management skill
  • (2023-11-15) amulyagowthami gandikota: nice many options to choose form
  • (2023-11-15) ALEJANDRO JOSE REYES RAMIREZ: me ayuda mucho a cumplir mis objetivos
  • (2023-11-14) Johnrikson Limpin: The white noise helps a lot. Momentum was good visually, but I needed something that can help me from getting distracted and I can use across platforms. This is doing the job so far. It's much cheaper as well so 5🌟. Though, its missing option to resort/reorganize the tasks.
  • (2023-11-14) guowei kang: 非常好用
  • (2023-11-13) EMELY DAYANA GONZALEZ LOPEZ: Muy practica, util y facil de usar
  • (2023-11-13) Areej Fatima Sheikh: good app. i love it
  • (2023-11-13) Andre: Es muy útil, me ayuda mucho en la concentración y la disciplina. Me encanta!
  • (2023-11-13) amadou diaw: très utile
  • (2023-11-13) Vignesh Ilangovan: It is so easy and convenient that it has become an integral part of my routine. I can't believe I'm saying it, but if you tend to use the Pomodoro technique more often than out; this app is something to seriously consider paying the one time fee for to use.
  • (2023-11-12) mahdi bac: très efficace
  • (2023-11-11) Aydan Malçok: Odaklanma problemi çekenler için şahane bir uygulama
  • (2023-11-11) Nguyệt Như: hỗ trợ học tập tốt, k dùng pro vẫn ok
  • (2023-11-11) Afika Macingwane: Easy to Use.Helpful. Helps to track how much productive time you actually have, so that you do think you have a better sense of time usage. I would however like to rate each session at the end.
  • (2023-11-09) JUAN RAMIREZ: Es una aplicación muy útil para avanzar las tareas del día.
  • (2023-11-09) 7th: i hate the idea that there no group option in extension option because i study with my friends through my laptop not through phone it will be PERFECT if there option to study with group in extension
  • (2023-11-09) Lucas Vieira: Varias funções, interface simples e direta, gostei bastante.
  • (2023-11-08) Fatima Viveros: útil para enumerar las tareas pendientes, con fecha de vencimiento y aumentar la concentración. Para mi es de las mejores apps que hay de pomodoro, sincronizable en múltiples dispositivos.
  • (2023-11-08) Breitner Gil: Es muy buena!! La llevo usando desde hace un año mas o menos y me funciona muchisimo a organizar mi trabajo y aser mas productivo. muy recomendada!!
  • (2023-11-08) Alexandre J D Souza: muito bom!
  • (2023-11-07) Хаецкий Владимир: уже несколько лет им пользуюсь- уже не могу без него работать
  • (2023-11-07) Avery Cyr: This is a life saver!! Love it!
  • (2023-11-07) Tetiana Luts: Simple and extremely useful.
  • (2023-11-07) Sabrina Nadira_A: bagus banget dah pokoknya kalau dibuat timer untuk belajar
  • (2023-11-07) Сергей Фадеев: Все прекрасно, единственное так и не нашел как включить всплывающие уведомления об окончании периодов. Звук не всегда слышно при окончании
  • (2023-11-07) Aleksandr Balashov: very good app
  • (2023-11-07) SOUMYAJIT PAL: This is a very useful application for users who are looking to obtain higher levels of productivity.
  • (2023-11-06) andre tenorio: bom do bom
  • (2023-11-06) Shark Hesh: 很好
  • (2023-11-06) Alessio Bertolino: Utilissima Estensione per la gestione del tempo. Ottimo lavoro!
  • (2023-11-05) Hnin Thiri: good.
  • (2023-11-05) Sergio Lara: I've only been using it for a couple days and I can already tell the big things this app is going to be doing for me and my time, productivity and drive. I would highly recommend if you feel like you are multitasking and not getting a whole lot done. This app helps you create time.
  • (2023-11-04) Aaron: Repeating tasks is a necessity and I can't afford to waste my money on premium

Latest issues

  • (2024-05-01, v:7.0.0) Seunghwan Lee: 배경 화면(모양 변경)
    Android에서는 뽀모도 실행 시 배경 화면(모양)이 변경이 가능한데, 크롬 웹 버전이나 MS 앱의 경우는 변경이 불가한가요
  • (2023-10-25, v:6.9.0) Uzma Iqbal: Problem in syncing throughout the devices
    The application on my iphone and chrome extension used to immediately start syncing once I turn my laptop, however, since two three days, I am facing problem in sync. Could you please fix this issue ASAP. Thank you.
  • (2023-10-25, v:6.9.0) Minami Saito: Sync and sign-in
    I've puchased and been using this app for a while, both on my iPhone and Chrome extention. The Chrome version stopped to sync since 4 or 5 days ago, although I tried to hit sync button, refresh the blowser and restart the device multiple times. None of them worked so I once deleted the extention and added it again. Now it doesn't allow me to sign in. I changed the password from my iPhone app to make sure I have the latest password, but nothing works. Please help...
  • (2023-10-22, v:6.9.0) Caryn Ha: Retroactively adding time
    Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to retroactively add time if we wanted to keep track of hours per day dedicated to the task, but may have forgotten to start the timer?
  • (2023-10-09, v:6.9.0) Akanke Small: Availability for Safari
    Hello! Any chance this app can be made available for Safari web browser?
  • (2023-10-09, v:6.9.0) Shubham Rana: I am not able to use my premium Version
    Hi team, i bought premium version of the window application, but i was only able to use it for 1 min, after that the version switched back to free version. help please.
  • (2023-09-29, v:6.9.0) Rodrigo Rafael Villarreal Goulart: Windows update
    Since I update my windows 11, focus to-do dont show any task
  • (2023-09-21, v:6.9.0) Danyllo Santana de Matos: Sincronização
    Meu app não está sincronizando. As atualizações de tarefas não estão sincronizadas entre meu celular, computador e relógio. Paguei o premium só por isso. Como posso resolver?
  • (2023-09-21, v:6.9.0) Ehsan Shamloo: Help
    I purchased this app in android Play and I have been using this app on my phone for a while. I downloaded and installed the Chrome extension but I cannot figure out how to use it! How can I start the extension? :-(
  • (2023-09-05, v:6.9.0) Алена У: Suggestion for improvement
    The option to reset the time spent in the project is required.
  • (2023-09-05, v:6.9.0) Алена У: Suggestion for improvement
    There is not enough option to add multiple tasks at once (from a new line - a new task), it would speed up my work, excluding the routine in the form of a copy paste.
  • (2023-08-24, v:6.9.0) Pragya Dubey: premium issue.
    I have an issue with focus to do app. actually i have purchased the premium for 3months at rupees 344 but it is not updated on my profile and i am unable to use premium features it is totally unfair plese reslove my problem.
  • (2023-08-24, v:6.9.0) Pragya Dubey: premium issue
    I have an issue with focus to do app. actually i have purchased the premium for 3months at rupees 344 but it is not updated on my profile and i am unable to use premium features it is totally unfair plese reslove my proble.
  • (2023-07-19, v:6.9.0) Guy John: Bulk delete and keyboard shortcut
    Hi, I have the full version and love this app. Could you please add some keyboard shortcuts as well. For example, pressing the delete button will allow you to delete the task. A bulk selection would be great as well. So,for example, if I want to drag a whole lot of tasks and add them to a project or to delete them. Thank you :)))
  • (2023-07-19, v:6.9.0) Nayan Mamania: how to create shortcut icon to desktop
    how to create shortcut icon to desktop after installting this as Chrome extension
  • (2023-07-04, v:6.9.0) Oleg Petrushov: Security concerns
    Do you trust this developer? does our notes and tasks and browser activities goes straight to china?
  • (2023-07-04, v:6.9.0) Rajeev Muckoon: Default subtasks sorting.
    Hi there, First of all, thanks for this amazing extension! It changed my life and productivity completely! I use it everyday and love it! I have a suggestion for the default subtasks sorting when we add a subtask to a main task. Can you make it such that any new added subtask goes to the top of the list, instead of the bottom? Right now I have some big tasks which have a lot of subtasks (10+ sometimes, counting both done and unfinished tasks). I need to scroll to get to the bottom of the subtasks list. So what happens when I add a new subtask is that it gets added to the bottom of the list and I need to scroll all the way down and then drag it to the top, which can get frustrating at times. Also, I noticed a bug when rearranging the subtasks in this way: sometimes the order in which I left the subtasks list of a particular task gets disrupted after I click on another task, then come back to the task which has a lot of subtasks... The condition can be having a task with 10+ subtasks (some of them completed), then trying to move freshly created subtasks to the top of the list. Sometimes after putting it to the top, it does not remain in that position when you come back to this task. I hope this is clear, I could not attach screenshots :( Please contact me if you decide to work on these and need more details. Thanks for the awesome work! Regards, Rajeev Regards, Rajeev
  • (2023-07-01, v:6.9.0) Bilal Ur Rahman: Purchased lifetime
    Dears, I have purchased the product for the lifetime, but nothing has change on my account.
  • (2023-06-23, v:6.9.0) alain_ melon: Problème de traduction
    Bonjour, J'ai téléchargé l'application Focus To-do, mais je rencontre un problème, car l'interface est en russe et je n'arrive pas à trouver comme la traduire en Français. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer comment résoudre ce problème?
  • (2023-05-26, v:6.9.0) Cristian: Dark mode HELP
    Guys if you want I will do the dark mode for you for free // just change the freacking white color // it's the stupidest color for developers / most stupid colors ever // just default it to dark colors NOW and do your theme things later // will not purchase until then and will give a bad review if it is not fixed also just because of the white stupid color will begin to look for alternative apps.
  • (2023-05-20, v:6.9.0) Airat Halitov: Extension is too CPU intence
    The extension uses too much CPU when timer is working. Could you fix this?
  • (2023-05-17, v:6.9.0) G T: password reset
    Hi, There is an error when resetting password. I cant log back into my account. thanks
  • (2023-05-15, v:6.9.0) [beem] Michael T Bee: Update focus to-do extension for Opera?
    I've tried to use the one in the chrome store - but, I cannot sign in when I do. When I install the extension in other browsers it works - edge, chrome, etc [email protected] [email protected]
  • (2023-04-24, v:6.9.0) Hannah Ben Reba: Please update the extension version.
    id like to enter study groups through my laptop but its not possible
  • (2023-04-22, v:6.9.0) Javeri Verma: when will you y'all be updating this?
    The android version has reached version 13 but the extension and window's version are still very old, we need an update please! ps: please provide with more dark themes, a pause and resume in full screen mode for extension and windows version
  • (2023-04-22, v:6.9.0) Davit Hovhannisyan: Sync problem
    I paid for premium but not synce. How to synce.
  • (2023-04-15, v:6.9.0) Alan Au: Ability to add note to each Pomodoro session
    Hi, Thanks for making the app. It is really good helping focus on works. I think it would be better if we can put note on each pomodoro session for reviewing performance or for setting goals for the session. It will be great if you can make it happen. Thanks for considering.
  • (2023-04-01, v:6.9.0) J. J.: I can't add tasks to my projects folders on my pc
    it's not possible to add tasks to projects, there is not options to do it, and whn I choose new folder the app tunr white, absolutly empty and stops working.
  • (2023-04-01, v:6.9.0) J. J.: Installer: corrupt file
    The installer provided on the website is a corrupt file, could u pls check it out? I bought the premium version coz the free one doesn't work very well, for instance, my it used to erase my tasks and projects list almost every day.
  • (2023-01-29, v:6.9.0) Rômulo Henrique: Where is Dark Mode?
    I need this, please.
  • (2023-01-15, v:6.9.0) 355 psw: 안녕하세요 아이디를 잊어버려서
    안녕하세요 아이디를 잊어버려서 그런데 찾을 수 있는 방법이 있을까요?
  • (2023-01-14, v:6.9.0) Axel H.: Create task from anywhere
    It would be nice to be able to create a task from a selected text on a web page/email/... using the context menu (and why not a shortcut).
  • (2023-01-11, v:6.9.0) Rasi: Alarm Sound for the breaks intermittently doesn't work
    Alarm Sound for the breaks intermittently doesn't work, making next Pomodoro cycle unnoticeable. Any Fix for this issue?
  • (2022-03-16, v:2.2.1) Rinus: blank screen at opening
    The chrome extension shows blank screen at opening, though in the settings my account seems to be logged in. Logging out and logging in again solves the problem but only up until the next reboot of my computer; then I have to do that all over again.
  • (2022-03-12, v:2.2.1) Владимир Афанасьев: The extension is shown with the blank window after running
    After I ran the extension on another desktop on another account on Windows 11, the extension shows a blank window, though it shows normally on the initial one.
  • (2022-03-03, v:2.2.1) Abraão Barbosa: Erro do APP Windows e Chrome
    Adquiri a licença premium, mas só estou conseguindo utilizar no celular, em todas as demais plataformas, está dando erro, não consigo logar. Preciso de ajudar para continuar utilizando o APP, ao contrario terei que cancelar.
  • (2022-03-02, v:2.2.1) Matthew Lukacs: dark mode
    Hey, love the app, been using it for awhile but I've taken a break. I'm sure there used to be a dark mode when I first used it, am I mistaken?
    prosta mix 3+ o ultimo que comprei veio com frasco aberto ver se desta veis vem lacrado veio dois tipo de comprimido a metade veio certo a metade errado a metade não valeu nada
  • (2022-02-03, v:2.2.1) Alice G: Is there a way to change the language?
    The app on my computer (so... I guess, that's the chrome extension?) has set by defaut to spanish. My PHONE is in spanish. But my computer is in english and so is my chrome browser on said computer. Can I tell the extension to be in english without touching the other settings?
  • (2022-02-01, v:2.2.1) Rinus: timer always on full-screen + resource consumption
    Please introduce a setting to choose whether you want to display the clock at starting a pomodoro. And/or reduce GPU/CPU rendering resource consumption for full screen clock.
  • (2022-02-01, v:2.2.1) Andrew Addington: Chrome Extension will not allow logins
    Attempting to log in to my account (Lifetime paid via Apple) through the chrome extension, but am receiving an error. The sync between devices feature is really important.
  • (2022-02-01, v:2.2.1) Dusty Krikau: Not working
    My desktop app is not saving content from day to day (I have a paid lifetime account) and the Chrome extension won't let me login. As a test, I tried to upload an account photo to see if it was saving and it won't save. I have restarted my computer and restarted the app and the support site won't load.
  • (2022-01-24, v:2.2.1) Melina Serrano: se abre la ventana pero queda en blanco los datos,
    Hola, no me muestra lo que ya está registrado cómo puedo recuperar esa info y seguir como hasta ahora?
  • (2022-01-24, v:2.2.1) Thanh Ngân 6/1: câu văn
    bài 2
  • (2022-01-22, v:2.2.1) Sachin Atey: Auto launch toggle
    Please add auto launch option with on off toggle so that whenever I start my PC it can automatically launch "Focus To-Do" extension. It will be very beneficial.
  • (2022-01-19, v:2.2.1) Archie Timosencov: Hotkeys and phone app
    Hey team! I've been using it for a few months now, increased my productivity tremendously! Devs, couple of notes/questions for you: 1. Can you please add a hotkey for pausing and resuming the timer? 2. For some reason not all projects have properly showed up on my phone when I download the app and log in, could you look into that?
  • (2022-01-18, v:2.2.1) Alejandra Garzón: Borrar progreso de un pomodoro específico
    Hola, me gustaría saber si es posible borrar un pomodoro específico para que no aparezca en las estadísticas. No me refiero a borrar una tarea, sino un solo ciclo. En caso de que no se pueda, agradecería si es posible agregar esta función con el fin de no afectar las estadísticas en caso de que se inicie alguno por error. Tengo la version premium permanente y me ha gustado. Gracias
  • (2021-12-26, v:2.2.1) emiliano alarcon: Sincronización de tiempos
    Hola, he comprado la app y resulta que cuando activo el tiempo en la pc, en el celular no se ve reflejado. Funciona de manera independiente. Como se puede solucionar esto? Gracias
  • (2021-12-23, v:2.2.1) Varun Wadhwa SUPPLEMENT MENTOR: can it itegrate or import tasks from todoist of google calender events
    need to understand this
  • (2021-12-17, v:2.2.1) Kenia Santibañez: Intento iniciar sesion fallido
    Tengo la aplicaicion en mi telefono pero al querer entrar en una computadora me marca un error y no me deja ingresar aunque mis datos son correctos.


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2024-03-06 / 7.0.0
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