extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Harness the power of IPFS in your browser

Image from store IPFS 同伴
Description from store Feature Highlight: – Detect requests for IPFS paths and redirect them to a custom gateway – Detect hostnames with DNSLink and redirect them to IPNS at a custom gateway – Toggle to Activate/Suspend all IPFS integrations – Select between external HTTP API and in-memory js-ipfs node (via Preferences) – Monitor peering and gateway status – Share files by uploading them to IPFS with optional preload at a public gateway – Pin, Open WebUI, Copy Shareable Links… – Inject the IPFS API into every website's javascript context as window.ipfs – …and much more! IPFS is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Learn more at: https://ipfs.io (It is really cool, we promise!)

Latest reviews

  • (2023-02-06) Michael Loftis: The extension does what it says...but god knows what else it is doing. When enabled Chrome uses a whole CPU core at all times.
  • (2022-10-27) Paige Weber: Majorly slowed down my browser to the point that I had to remove it. While I was using it, it was nice. IPFS links worked seamlessly and I could direct it to my local IPFS node
  • (2022-06-29) Daniel Norman: Great way to use IPFS directly from Chrome
  • (2022-06-13) Singsen: chrome网速变的特别特别慢,我也找了好多天才发现是这个插件搞的鬼
  • (2022-03-31) 老中医林有德: 你们开发的是不是脑瘫?这个插件开了以后必须代理才可以访问互联网?
  • (2022-01-03) Radim Kolář: Works good
  • (2021-12-13) hd Yu (HD): 还是不错滴。。
  • (2021-10-30) Thinkronicity: NFT anyone? Ever wondered how they get to be one? Wanna be in on that? From a whole other angle? FB or IPFS? The future of one day that IPFS will be the "digital dirt" that all springs from and all has access to. Who doesn't have 50 GB of hard drive space? they would like 'cloud' accessible? No Matter What? Forever Clout IPFS Desktop version
  • (2021-10-21) ye kongkong: 会导致浏览器卡住!!!
  • (2021-09-06) Darik Horn: This browser extension is unreliable at the few sites that try to publish through IPFS, and it misbehaves if sync'd through a profile to a browser instance that isn't backed by the the IPFS Desktop software, like on a Chromebook. The protocol itself is better described as a fancy bittorrent, and not a filesystem, because IPFS doesn't implement basic things like folders and directories, and things like IPNS are way too complex for casual users or samizdat to use safely.
  • (2021-06-23) TelFiRE: Works fine until you have uploaded a certain number of files (somewhere in the 100-200 range). Then it just stops accepting imports.
  • (2021-03-26) Raj Gada: The WebUI is broken and never works
  • (2021-03-04) Partha Pratim: when i updated it from github new version after that it stopted working
  • (2021-02-08) Mubelotix: Great integration with Brave's implementation
  • (2021-02-08) Astor Snow: Amazing!
  • (2021-02-06) Дмитрий: Google Chrome х64, при установленном приложении совместно с плагином, инет грузиться очень медленной, хуже чем через бесплатный VPN плагин. Удалил. Может быть будет полезным, в будущем, а может и нет. Я так понимаю что упирается в совокупную пропускную способность пиров, как в торрент сети. К сожалению сетевой социализм в таких вещах не работает.
  • (2021-01-30) Andrew Chobaniuk: Causes mouse cursor to enter a busy state every second or so.
  • (2020-12-16) Yacun Xuan: 装了这个扩展以后,chrome必须挂代理才能访问包括国内网站在内的所有网页…… excuse me?????? 我挂知乎半天问为什么chrome升级87版本打开网页超级慢,然后挨个删除扩展,最后发现原来是这个扩展的问题!!!!
  • (2020-11-05) carl json: Why did I upload the file and report an error:Unable to import to IPFS:TypeError: Failed to fetch
  • (2020-04-05) Gyuri Lajos: Just add this extension to the Brave Browser. In settings pick the IPFS Node type to be "Embedded + chrome.sockets (experimental) and your browser becomes your own node on the Decentralized Web. Amazing.
  • (2020-04-02) Ruben: I haven't found a bug so far. Works flawlessly and fast with a local daemon :)
  • (2020-02-13) Chris Harpner (CSharpner): Worked GREAT for a long time, but for the past several weeks, my laptop has been taking FOREVER to load ANY web page. Speed tests and DNS tests showed there was nothing wrong with those. I started disabling extensions one by one and narrowed the problem down to this one. Please Fix and I'll move it back up to 5 stars!
  • (2019-07-19) Roger Lewis: Brilliant does what it says on the tin, watch this video or browse this web site Our New Publishing platform Grub Street on OIP with Alexandria will combine IPFS , with the Flo Blockchain for a truly Artist led monetisation experience cutting out the Big Tech monoplies. https://longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/2019/07/16/grubstreettags-grubstreetjournal-grubstreetpolitics-grubstreetgeopolitics-grubstreetpoliticaleconmy-grubstreetfilm-grubstreetmainstreammedia-grubstreetsamizdat-grubstreetdissidentcontent-g/
  • (2019-07-09) Molly Mackinlay: This plus IPFS Desktop (https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-desktop) makes my IPFS browsing experience seamless! Love it.
  • (2019-04-19) Marcus Agard: Works perfectly, and comes with great setup instructions. 5/5
  • (2019-02-22) Emile: Worked before, now it tells me I have to check the browser console. Unable to initialize addon due to error Error: Invalid value for argument 2. Property '.2': Value must be one of: [requestHeaders, blocking]. at validate (extensions::schemaUtils:34:13) at validateListenerArguments (extensions::webRequestEvent:19:5) at WebRequestEventImpl.addListener (extensions::webRequestEvent:92:3) at WebRequestEvent.publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) [as addListener] (extensions::utils:138:26) Aaaaaaand it's dead.
  • (2019-01-29) Jared Grippe: Works great. We need more IPFS in our lives!
  • (2018-08-06) Toni Dinges: Didn't connect!
  • (2018-07-24) Henry Wilkinson: Fantastic work by the IPFS team. Everyone who uses IPFS in any capacity should definitely install it!
  • (2018-04-19) A bit buggy if I try to setup my own node with HTTPS support, it allways adds the port 0 ... https://192.168.x.x:0/ipfs/... Edit: The second version is really buggy, can't even pin any content from within companion anymore...
  • (2018-04-18) starrychloe S.: The embedded JS version worked with Akasha. But I wonder how much memory it takes up? How do you pin something, and how much memory do pinned items take?
  • (2018-02-26) Arie Skliarouk: works perfectly on chromium 64
  • (2017-12-29) Xavi Vives: It does what it promises.


50,000 history
3.8776 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-05 / 3.2.0
Listing languages
