Description from extension meta
Schnelleres Surfen im Web.
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Description from store
FasterWeb uses just-in-time preloading, which preloads a page right before you click on it. In addition, FasterWeb enriches search results by adding the smart search widget beside the search results.
The FasterWeb works best on pages on the same sites. Pages to external sites are still faster but more is needed to be noticeable.
How it works: Before clicking a link, hover your mouse over it. When you have hovered for 65 milliseconds, there is one chance out of two that you will click, so Faster Web starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload.
Pages that trigger an action (such as logging out or deleting something) are excluded. (FasterWeb won’t preload pages with a “?” in their URL.)
FasterWeb — previously called FasterChrome — is based on, a library that you can add to your site in just one minute to give it the same speed boost.
When using FasteWeb, you may encounter ads for other extensions and affiliate links. These situational ads allow us to develop the product and make it free.
Made with ❤️ by BrowseCraft gang.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-16) A O: This addon rocks! My only request is for the ability to disallow its use on certain websites. Some sites have strict rate limiting built in and because this addon requests pages quickly, it triggers the rate limiter on such sites. Other sites such as certain Laravel pages, it causes problems with because of the preloading.
- (2023-09-28) Joseph Quijano: Great help on loading websites
- (2023-09-17) Cb58logan: Didn't seem to do much. Uninstalling it opens an ad lol.
- (2023-07-24) Ivan Chau: It opened a new tab page for "Manganum" without user consent...
- (2023-06-22) Rezwan Haque: Their Overview page says: "How it works: Before you click on a link, you hover your mouse over it. When you have hovered for 65 milliseconds there is one chance out of two that you will click, so FasterWeb starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload." I do wonder, if Chrome Motion sensor is turned off; does it still work?
- (2023-06-19) Julio Cesar (Pessoal): Seems nice, but it conflicts with IDM extension, making any file link I hover downloaded by it, would be good if you could prevent this issue.
- (2023-05-11) KC: I like your extension, BUT it will cause annoying issue if use together with IDM or any download managers. When i mouseover a dowload link (e.g: docs, pdf, exe) & it preload the link, download manager may assume user click on link & auto prompt for download file.. Do u have solution on this? May review rating again if issue resolved.
- (2023-04-30) Emir Utku Cavusoglu: Harika bir eklenti google chrome ve videoların hızı arttı. Sakın başka eklenti indirmeyin ben denedim...
- (2023-02-20) Alex Tang: 鼠标放到下载链接上也会开始加载,导致某些下载工具自动开始下载,比如idm
- (2023-01-02) duuy: Good extension, use this will make ssd reduce it life ,it still fine
- (2022-11-10) Vitaly Baranovsky: Due to this extension, I can't insert part of pictures in Google Documents - it gives me errors on insertion. Only after turning off this extension I resolved the problem
- (2022-10-23) Grigio Titans: Makes my browsing experience so much better, even on power saving. Definitely a must have!
- (2022-10-21) RJ Deng: 确实加速200ms左右,可以用开发者工具看预加载。不能自定义加速,会触发下载等敏感链接
- (2022-09-05) kar Op: fake ty
- (2022-08-31) DesignFacet: You should allow us to click on the extension when we do not want it to access certain sites. Now it is the opposite.
- (2022-08-15) FERFABYAA “MENFHYZ_YAAKOV” Olaya Melgar: increible
- (2022-08-13) marco barahona (taller la cañada): exelente
- (2022-07-22) Taristan Cumhuriyeti: Çok güzel la google uçtı o derece
- (2022-07-17) Yavuz Akay: Burada laf yapmadan önce gidip uzantının genel bakış kısmını okursanız anlarsınız hızlandırıp hızlandırmadığını
- (2022-07-09) محمد حلاوة: اضفات مزيافه عيب شركات زى دى تنصواب على ناس ولاء حل مشكلات ولاء تصفوح سريع كلام. فاضية
- (2022-06-27) Above&Beyond: Oh wie hilfreich !!! "Faster Web" Ist ja toll das es überhaubt NICHT funktioniert....kann mann direkt wieder Deinstallieren.
- (2022-06-20) Sebi Sebimm: Bei einer schnellen Internetanbindung ist das wirklich eine nützliche/beschleunigende Erweiterung. Zwar laden die meisten Seiten (mit meiner I-Leitung) sowieso recht schnell, so ist aber "fühlbar", dass das Surfen mit weniger Latenz abläuft. Wer Zweifel hat: Einfach mal die Entwicklerkonsole auf Netzwerkaktivität schalten... die Extension funktioniert.
- (2022-06-14) xu8117: 能否实现给收藏夹的网址加速?
- (2022-06-13) fsf rgrdhdrg: "Yayıncı, verilerinizi toplamayacağını ve kullanmayacağını beyan etti! Daha fazla bilgi edinmek için yayıncının gizlilik politikasına bakın." sıkıntı yok
- (2022-05-24) muji cafe: 先読みしてくれるのでページの表示が速くなります。
- (2022-05-23) Hong: 感知不是很明显,可能我大部分情况下手速比较快,但是希望可以添加规则不要调出可能会下载的链接,很容易误触,谢谢!❤️🔥🥵
- (2022-04-08) easywk: FasterWeb improved Chrome's speed! Very happy with the extension.
- (2022-02-28) Tuấn Phong Lê: Rất tốt!
- (2022-01-02) Greg Zeigler: This really helped! I'm using a Jet Pack for internet and it isn't always fast with 1 or 2 bars, but with this app I've gained speed even on watching videos. Thank you so much!
- (2022-01-02) mate gamer: it really made my google fast when search anything on google and click something its instant and i love it here's 5 stars for u
- (2021-12-06) Zulfikar: great extension. please keep updating dev
- (2021-11-30) John Byrd: I have Ublock Origin extension which grey-out the chrome "Preload pages for faster browsing and searching" this option to enable it but your Faster Chrome extension allow me to preload web pages. Thank You!
- (2021-11-02) Riley Monohan: It works great but, still not fast reload speed. Try making better improvements. Over all good extension. :)
- (2021-10-22) Janmejaya Dasgupta: Web pages used to load for 2 secs. Now it loads for only 50-60 milliseconds. Incredibly awesome!!! would recommend everyone, if asked.
- (2021-08-31) Jhon Sanchez: Es muy buena, los vídeos de youtube los ponía a 480p y se quedaban pegados y ahora los pongo 1080p y no se quedan pegados es lo mejor de lo mejor
- (2021-08-29) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: It just doesn't work for me and also my chrome takes about 20 secs to load still
- (2021-08-11) Anand Taralika: Broke - after signing-in to online banking account I immediately kept getting logged out with a 401 error. After disabling this extension FasterChrome, it worked fine.
- (2021-08-05) jose peña: exceente
- (2021-07-18) Rxs: hızlandırdı ama bilgilerimi çalıyormu bilmiyorum o yüzden sildim geri.
- (2021-06-17) Fadexz Extra: I can't say it made any difference but I think it is only useful for slow connections. It breaks switching accounts on YouTube and signs you out which is pretty annoying, I don't think I need to use this extension anymore myself, anyway.
- (2021-06-09) Rezwan Haque: Works great. I do wonder, does this work for other chrome based browsers i.e Edge?
- (2021-05-25) md sumon: ok
- (2021-05-19) Tejasvi S. Tomar: Allow tweaking the required hover delay. I personally would prefer it to be zero.
- (2021-04-23) Zephan Wu: This is the best thing every TOtAlLy woRks not BEiNg sArCAStic. IT heLPED my BROWsEr sPEed Up. weeEEE dOwNlOaD tHiS nO w
- (2021-04-07) Tian Rio: 很好,稍微体验了一下,相对以前的确有快一些的感觉
- (2021-04-06) Determination GD: ni siquiera tengo que hacer nada, es como magia :D
- (2021-04-03) CHIRAG SINGHAL: quite difficult to determine if it works.
- (2021-04-01) Justine Baldano: It's really working!!! I'm using Faster Chrome extension and Prelude extension at the same time. For me it increase my browsing experience at 20% Thanks! its really help us a lot.
- (2021-04-01) Bryan Pontiff: it worked ight