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Integracja KeePassXC z nowoczesnymi przeglądarkami internetowymi
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Description from store
Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager (
The thing computers can do best is storing information.
You shouldn't waste your time trying to remember and type your passwords.
KeePassXC can store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and applications.
Privacy Policy:
1.3.3 (26-03-2019)
- Prevent page scripts from using added DOM elements [#438]
- Clear credentials when screen is locked [#358]
- Fix z-order of password generator icon [#447]
- Allow to select group when adding new credentials [#369]
- Improve error messages [#392]
- Fix shortcuts [#414]
1.3.2 (11-01-2019)
- Fix KeePassXC version check [#376]
- Fix race condition when web page has multiple frames [#371]
- Remove check for aria-hidden [#365]
- Reduce CPU usage [#349]
1.3.1 (11-01-2019)
- Fix database unlocking [#309]
- Add new key icon [#333]
- Add keyboard shortcut configuration page for Firefox [#326]
- Fix reconnect bug with older KeePassXC version [#354]
- Improve input field detection [#314]
- Remove unnecessary white space from translation files [#325]
- URL change detection [#340]
- HTTP auth credential requests are now handled separately (requires KeePassXC 2.4.0) [#343]
- Site preferences fixes [#338]
1.3.0 (07-10-2018)
- Add support for translations [#37]
- Add quick-filter bar to credentials selection popup [#252]
- Disable automatic filling and submission of HTTP basic-auth fields by default [#260]
- Do not fill password fields if a manually entered username does not match retrieved credentials [#289]
- Fix handling of websites with separate pages for username and password [#291]
- Improve detection and handling of hidden input fields [#263, #293]
- Fix updating credentials from the context menu [#256]
- Improve shortcuts and add button to open shortcut settings [#304]
- Do not mix pairing IDs across multiple databases within a session [#258]
- Ignore certain elements on a page, such as SVGs [#246]
- Do not show the full pairing key on the settings page [#242]
- Default to checking for updates every 3 days [#239]
- Hide update message when updates are turned off [#285]
- Fix discard button not being shown when selection custom login fields [#307]
- Update webextension polyfill to a newer version, which fixes various errors [#296]
1.2.0 (29-07-2018)
- Replace "Ignored Sites" with new "Site Preferences" settings page [#208]
- Fix checks throwing errors [#207, #222]
- Ignore more non-input elements [#212, 210]
- Fix URL matching when there is a trailing slash [#231]
- Allow infiting waiting on "Remember Credentials" popup [#232]
- Minor user interface adjustments [#233, #230, #213]
- Improve search field detection [#195]
1.1.7 (13-06-2018)
- Fix credential field detection regression [#199]
1.1.6 (12-06-2018)
- Disable single username field detection [#194]
- Fix ignored sites [#196]
- Detect credential fields without type [#198]
1.1.5 (11-06-2018)
- Fix search fields being detected as username fields [#189]
1.1.4 (10-06-2018)
- Improve performance of field detection and limit it to 100 fields [#166,#157,185]
- Improve option to ignore fields [#170]
- Automatically retrieve credentials after unlocking the database [#153]
- Fix option to only save the domain name not working as intended [#151]
- Fix credentials popup not being shown on some websites [#154]
- Improve detection of username fields [#164]
- Allow filling of TOTP fields when they are on a separate page [#162]
- Ignore invisible input fields more strictly [#176]
1.1.3 (11-05-2018)
- Remove autoreconnect to prevent proxy process leakage on Windows [#147]
- Fix browser becoming unresponsive due to constant field polling [#148]
1.1.2 (10-05-2018)
- Fix credentials being requested for non-login fields [#144]
1.1.1 (10-05-2018)
- Improve dynamic input field detection [#117]
- Fix HTTP Basic Auth dialog [#121]
- Fix incorrect update notification [#141]
- Do not try to detect database changes on page load [#142]
1.1.0 (09-05-2018)
- Allow specifying ignored sites
- Add new notification options
- Improve detection of username fields
- Change conflicting shortcuts
- Redetect credential fields after reload
- Don't show popup when database is closed
- Various password generator fixes
- Fix various resource leaks
- Fix searching in all databases
1.0.1 (04-03-2018)
- Don't fill password fields if they already have data
- Fix custom placeholders
- Fix input type checks
- Fix custom input fields with multiple tabs
1.0.0 (27-02-2018)
- First stable release
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-21) Massimo Buonaiuto: Often it is not connected to keepassrc even if it is loading in background, in mac os chrome. The keepassxc application has the search form always hidden....
- (2023-11-10) M G.: Funktioniert Perfekt mit Vivaldi 6.4.3160.42 Kubuntu 22.04 Man muss nur etwas aufpassen. Ich hatte in den Einstellungen beim oberflächlichen Lesen, zuerst auf Chromium geklickt. Da kann es dann natürlich nicht funktionieren, wenn es für Vivaldi Extra Einstellungen gibt
- (2023-10-31) Максим Соколов: Лучший менеджер паролей!🔝 Перешёл на него после скандала с LastPass.
- (2023-09-12) Julian Andres Lasso Figueroa: Simplemente excelente, muy buena integración
- (2023-09-10) Jordan Kokocinski: Just wanted to say that this extension is really great! I use it on the Vivaldi browser (Chromium-based) on Windows and Debian-based Linux, and it is great for filling passwords and other relevant info. The only thing keeping it from 5 stars is that sometimes, if KeePassXC isn't initially running when the browser is open, it can take some fiddling (re-detect login fields a few times, maybe refresh the webpage) to get the filling to work. But great nonetheless!
- (2023-09-02) Javi M.: Excelente aplicación !!
- (2023-08-30) m emm: 初次使用,感觉不错
- (2023-08-10) Dennis Torres: Not working at all (Chrome Linux Mint) "Not connected to KeePassXC".
- (2023-08-02) hey fafsa: As much as I like the password manager itself, this extension is REALLY buggy. I'm using Brave browser and I'm on Arch Linux, dwm. I get the pop up if i want to load in credentials for a website but no matter what i click the pop up very often pops up every time i switch onto the tab, so switching back and forth between tabs is really annoying. Often, the credentials don't even load in after i press allow, even when i choose custom login fields or right click and press on fill credentials. The save new credentials button is also very bugged, often doesn't work unless you press it twice or something, I'm not sure the behavior is very weird. Sometimes it works quite a bit later after dismissing the popup
- (2023-07-31) Jessamyn Edwards: Always disconnected / out of sync. Cryptic error messages. Not user friendly.
- (2023-07-11) Luciano Zanita: O melhor!
- (2023-07-10) Al Exander: Nicht kompatibel mit Brave (Flatpack und PPA) unter Linux Mint 20.1
- (2023-06-18) Justin Garfield: For those having issues on macOS with Brave integration, as-per the Troubleshooting guide ( "Brave browser uses the Chrome storage location for native messaging. Choose the Chrome checkbox in KeePassXC Browser integration settings." So pick "Google Chrome" instead of "Brave" in the Application Settings -> Browser Integration area.
- (2023-05-22) A Reviewer: Not only is this extension fiddly to set up, but it doesn't actually fulfill the stated goal. Since I need to have the main KeePassXC app open for the extension to connect for credentials, I gain nothing by using it. If you click 'Open Database' in the extension when the main app isn't open, you get a prompt from the main app to open the database, which then immediately closes and locks the database again. Why isn't the extension run as a separate & authenticated connection to the database, instead of trying to coerce the existing UI to open?
- (2023-05-16) Teodor Marinov (Teo): Great password manager. Works superb on Mac and Windows as well.
- (2023-05-14) KindlyGuess: Перешел со встроенного в браузер менеджера паролей на KeePassXC, все отлично.
- (2023-05-11) Leonid: This plugin works very unstable. Many time it drops conation with native client and return error: KeePassXC-Browser has encountered an error: Message encryption failed. Is KeePassXC running?
- (2023-05-09) kauã almeida: o melhor
- (2023-04-30) Cardy Louvosso: Je suis un fidèle.
- (2023-04-13) Leon Rozanov: It is not working for me.
- (2023-03-28) Stan Ivanov: Great extension to use with KeePass :) Keep the good work!
- (2023-03-05) Deecobrasus Kuporossky: Щёлкаю по значку расширения и вижу надпись: KeePassXC-Browser подключён к KeePassXC и настроен с помощью этого идентификатора: [и здесь указан пароль к моей базе] Это небезопасно.
- (2023-02-20) Ivan Golikov: Works like a charm
- (2023-02-01) Charlie C: When it works its the best password manager there is, worked perfectly on windows. I tried it in ubuntu and it wouldnt connect, others seem to be having this same issue :(
- (2023-01-28) Luca Di Nardo Di Maio: Perfetto, gestione password in totale sicurezza offline e lettura dei database senza errori. Bello anche l'effetto di compilazione con simulazione della scrittura della password.
- (2023-01-22) Void: Ts don't work anymore. Great.
- (2023-01-21) Guillaume Pelletier: Dos not work, it won't connect, the thing is broken. The keepassxc team doesn't look like devs to me. It's been almost 3 years since last time it worked. What exactly can't you fix without writing trouble shooting guides to infinity? I'm looking for an alternative to keepassxc, I don't trust the development behind it.
- (2023-01-20) Kiembo N: This extension is a disaster! can't detect login field no matter how many times you pound that redetect button... clunky and unreliable!
- (2023-01-11) 凡凡: 整体不错,阿里系的网站都无法识别登录
- (2022-12-27) Crypto_ 0008 (Crypto_0008): trash. Doesn't connect. Troubleshoot for days, still no luck.
- (2022-12-24) Fe RD: KeePassXC + KeePassDX + NextCloud = Perfect replacement for proprietary cloud-based password managers
- (2022-12-11) Marlon Basten: Almost perfect! But it doesn't recognize 2FA fields in a PayPal popup and I can't tell the addon where the fields are.
- (2022-11-27) Thomas Lepke: I can install it, but can't connect. There is no pop-up for connect to keepassxc. In firefox is the the popup and connecting to keepassxc ok. System: newest zorinOS, newest Chrome Browser.
- (2022-11-19) LC: One might assume it's as simple as enabling web integration in KeepassXC and then installing this extension. Not so, I find connection to the DB drops randomly. It can't even figure out how to reuse an existing connection (even though I can see it listed in extension settings), so I often have to add a new connection multiple times in a session. Even once it connects, basic functionality (user generator, filling in passwords, etc.) just does not work (with no UI or console error). The only thing that works is autotype (which selects the correct entry) but then you have to do extra manual work to edit the sequence if the site uses multi-step login. Quite frankly, one needs to become an extension developer and sysadmin just to try to debug and use this extension. This should have probably stayed as a Github release only, especially if 80% of the features are broken, it's not ready for prime time on the chrome web store. It's a shame because the desktop app works great on its own (without the browser integration).
- (2022-11-02) Штинов Антон (Delimer): Error!Учетные данные не могут быть сохранены или обновлены.
- (2022-10-31) Tomasz: Sam główny program jest ok ale ta wtyczka.... działa jak chce. Totalnie losowo wykrywa na stronach pola logowania. Na jednej wykrywa, na innej nie, a na jeszcze innej myli pole nazwy użytkownika z tym na hasło....pełny Toto Lotek, nawet pomimo ręcznego ustawienia, gdzie na takiej stronie jest które pole
- (2022-10-26) Pablo Savigne: Amazing
- (2022-10-24) Lukas Braun: Since latest update not working anymore, connection is established, but no credentials/input fields are found and therefore no credentials are proposed. Ubuntu 20.04, Brave(chromium)
- (2022-10-17) IchBin Achim: To use this chrome plugin on Windows10 with Chrome browser: -install the KeePassXC Windows App and create a *.kdbx password database -go to KeePassXC Windows App settings, section "Browser Integration" and tic "activate browser integration" and select your browser -switch to your browser, go to KeePassXC Browser plugin settings, section "connected databases" - click on green button "connect" (if nothing happens, hold Shift-Key and click again to surpass your popup-blocker) -select your database, give it a name and connect :-)
- (2022-09-23) Nick: 什么都不用说了YYDS!
- (2022-09-08) Carlos Marrero: ¡Excelente!
- (2022-09-07) Aubrey Jacobs: Great when it works, sometimes when I click on the icon nothing happens.
- (2022-03-15) Cat: I liked the browser extension but its browser inetgration does not work for icloud and some sites.
- (2022-03-02) Stefan Pirker: Hi! This extension works flawlessly most of the time. I still don't understand why it doesn't work for certain pages, like Cockpit Linux Web Interface Login pages or Portainer.
- (2022-02-12) Ashus CZ: Works great, but could be improved.
- (2022-02-09) Henry: using it since years and dont have any problemes (linux with brave & firefox as well as windows with firefox)
- (2022-02-05) Robert Gross: Impossible to connect to DB "Key exchange failed"
- (2022-01-29) Alexander S: Works pretty poorly: connection to database often lost or entries not found. Why isn't this thing fixed yet?
- (2022-01-28) Georgijs Samoilenko: Well I have a big database with all my credentials with a lot of autotype rules. I just want to switch to Wayland on Linux. Autotype is not supported. I hoped that if I install this extensions I will be seamelessly able to to use all my autotypes via the browser plugin. Well this extension is useless if you have database already. It is so easy, just parse the title and show the window of matches. But it just does not work. Very disappointed.
- (2022-01-20) Tahir Jalilov: I switched to keepassxc from bitwarden 2 days ago and faced with several lack of possibilities 1) This browser extension can't fill custom fields (like do it bitwarden) 2) This browser extension can't edit credentials (like do it bitwarden) 2) This browser extension can't automatically copy TOTP to clipboard