Description from extension meta
Rename or modify tab/page titles based on user-specified URL patterns.
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Description from store
Tab Title Tweaker allows you to alter or tweak the tab title of a page based on the URL of the page. TTT can either add text to the beginning of the existing page title, or completely replace the page title. You can define as many "rules" as you'd like through the Options page of the extension. Perhaps the most powerful feature is the ability to use wildcards (*) wherever you'd like in the URL patterns you define. Please see the screenshots for a better idea of what this extension does!
There are a number of examples and a detailed set of instructions available within the Options page of the extension. It's important for you to read and understand these.
This extension will not do anything until you configure your rules, so please visit the extension's Options page immediately after installing.
As a web developer I often have production and development sites open simultaneously. It's a nuisance when I mistakenly edit the production site while thinking I'm modifying development, just because the tabs are named the same. I wrote this extension so that I can append DEV to the tab title of all of my development sites (one single rule, as they're all on the same development domain). It gives me peace of mind being able to quickly glance at which site I'm switching into.
Others may find this useful for masking the contents of a tab. For example, if you were looking for a present for your wife at, wouldn't it be nice if you could rename the tab to "" or your favorite website? This is a silly example, but you get the idea.
There have been a few users reporting that the extension doesn't work for https websites. In my testing it has worked fine for https sites. As an example, here are a few rules to add a "YES" prefix to (both of these work in my testing):
prefix,, YES
prefix, *, YES
v0.0.0.7 - fixes issue of missing files in package
v0.0.0.6 - updates code to meet version 2 manifest specifications
v0.0.0.5 - adds support for file:// paths (NOTE: you must check the button on the extensions screen to "Allow access to file URLs")
v0.0.0.4 - adds suffix support
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-11) Lorie Van Olst: I've been using this one for years. Just got a new machine and spent quite a long time searching for this specific one because it works so well. It holds from session to session. You need to take a minute to read the instructions and looks at the examples, but it is worth it because it works so well.
- (2021-01-01) user google: 全く話にならなかった。 すぐに元に戻るか反応がないかで。
- (2020-07-29) Cheryl Free: I really wish you would update this extension and offer some styling options. The monospace font is too large and ugly. A lot of space is wasted on the rules page. I have a lot of rules. Would love to resize the input area and use a smaller, prettier font to fit more in view. Other than that, this is the best extension for renaming tabs.
- (2020-07-04) MrGhostMark: Simple and does exactly what I need with no unwanted fluff.
- (2019-09-06) Goran Gligorin: I wanted to use this to differentiate between my chrome profiles (work and personal) by setting up different prefixes (i.e. `prefix, *, WORK | `). Unfortunately it doesn't work as expected. If the tile of the page changes via JavaScript, it won't apply the prefix. For example just load up Facebook. You'll se the prefix while the site is loading, but then they dynamically change the page title, so the tab name changes, but it doesn't have the prefix anymore.
- (2019-08-12) Kelly Lye: Is there a way to remove a specified string from titles? For eg, a certain browser-based app prepends the name of the app to all page titles. I want Chrome to remove this so that tabs only show the unique title.
- (2018-11-12) Doesn't work on all pages.
- (2018-07-13) Joseph Reckers: Extremely helpful when managing LOTs of Tabs.
- (2017-11-03) Yana Key: Impossible to change tab title based on page title or url. Impossible to clear rules list. Absence of RegEx support make it useless...
- (2017-10-31) Sobhan Hosseinian: Worked here! put a * and get every tab hidden. great job.
- (2017-10-09) AstashyL AstashZ: Nice extension, but there's some questions when process javascript update title. So I increase some functions, tab-title-tweak-plus fixed TTT's javascript-update title questions. + fix javascript-updated webpage, make this extension working too. + add wrap operation, use {} to represent origin title. for example, wrap,, ZyL's Netease Music - {} - for listening. Download site:
- (2017-07-20) Nathan Barry: I can't think of a single practical use for this without RegEx or at the very least an ability to REMOVE certain verbiage from a tab name. Desperately needs to be updated.
- (2017-04-27) zahidul islam Tanmay: Nice feature, worked for me
- (2017-03-13) Chad Bishop: Regex would be nice, and also support for a comment delimiter. My rules get rather complex and I'd like to be to add a comment to a group of rules to easily find them in the future.
- (2016-12-19) Kamil Kot: Thanks, perfect tool <3
- (2016-12-05) Yossi Starz: Just what i searched for. :)
- (2016-05-26) Peter Taylor: Took a couple of tries with the syntax but now works a treat
- (2016-05-23) Oddgeir Gitlestad: Does exactly want i want it to.
- (2016-04-14) Дмитрий Н: Working like a charm. Add 'remove' option if possible.
- (2016-03-14) Yuriy Tim: Not bad!
- (2015-10-30) Bat Vds: good extension, but it doesn't work for what i need it, i needed to rename the tab name when opening PDF file, which is default the url of the file, which doesnt say anything. that is very hard from a technical viewpoint because it doesn't have a html <title>. but if you could find a way to do it in chrome i would love this.
- (2015-10-28) youssef haiti: Si on pouvait changer l'icon aussi ça serait parfait :)
- (2015-10-17) Kevin L: Useless without regex support for $1 $2 etc pattern extraction
- (2015-07-13) MRNIKUSHA101: TRASH
- (2015-05-05) Yuchen Deng: Thanks for you help! it's awesome!
- (2015-04-09) Jose Perez: Awesome
- (2015-03-21) Julio Cesar: Please, add an option to get part of the link and add to the title. Example: --------------------------- operation, pattern, text, link part ("column" number), space characters --------------------------- prefix2: add text to the beginning of the page title and part of the link at the end suffix2: add text to the end of the page title and part of the link to the beginning Rename2: shows just the link or part of it --------------------------- Link part, is something like this... This is the link for exemple: Link part 1 = Link part 2 = torrent Link part 3 = 8253914 Link part 4 = name_of_page Get it? --------------------------- And for space characters, I mean, some sites use characters instead of blank spaces, like: + , %20 , _ , etc So, this can clean up the link part for the title. --------------------------- Please, PLEASE, add this option... Many people would like something like this to not waste time renaming favorites, like thepiratebay search links, that usually has only the name of the site in the title, saying nothing about the content of the search. If you add this option, I'll rate 5 stars and my friends will download it and rate it 5 stars too.
- (2015-02-04) Miguel Cristóbal: Funciona bastante bien, y es muy útil al contar con plantillas para configurar el nombre de la pestaña según sea el dominio al que entres; muy buena
- (2014-12-31) larry krayzman: works great! thanks!
- (2014-12-08) Kevin Garrett: Very nice except that I have a problem with it in the Shopify Admin, which is what I want control over. Clicks to other pages of the admin do not cause the title to be re-written. The page must be manually reloaded for the title to change. :( If not for that, I'd love it. As it is, I'm not sure it'll be useful.
3.9 (62 votes)
Last update / version
2014-05-10 /
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