De ultieme adblock-tool. Blokkeer gratis advertenties op YouTube, Facebook en alle andere websites!
AdBlocker Ultimate is met één doel in gedachten ontworpen: alle advertenties verwijderen, waardoor u uw aandacht op de gewenste inhoud kunt richten.
- Alle advertenties verwijderen
- Malware en tracking blokkeren
- Browserprestaties verbeteren
- Geen 'acceptabele' advertenties of vertrouwde websites/advertentienetwerken
AdBlocker Ultimate is een gratis extensie die advertenties en kwaadwillende domeinen blokkeert die bekendstaan om het verspreiden van malware, en schakelt tevens tracking uit. We hebben een paar uitgebreide filters opgenomen die een degelijke bescherming bieden tegen vervelende, knipperende advertenties, YouTube-commercials en meer. In tegenstelling tot andere adblockers hebben we geen witte lijst voor websites, adverteerders of advertentienetwerken om ongewenste advertenties te tonen. Het blokkeren van advertenties zal het laden van websites versnellen en het CPU- en geheugengebruik verlagen.
Met onze extensie kunt u advertenties op uw favoriete websites weer inschakelen als u weet dat daarop geen opdringerige en/of misleidende advertenties aanwezig zijn.
*** Soorten advertenties die we blokkeren ***
- Tekstadvertenties
- Banneradvertenties
- Pop-upadvertenties
- Pop-underadvertenties
- Overlay-advertenties
- Verspreide pagina-advertenties
- Videoadvertenties
- Webmailadvertenties
- Facebook-advertenties
*** Voordelen van het blokkeren van advertenties ***
- Browsersnelheid verbeteren
- Paginalaadtijd verbeteren
- Geheugengebruik van pagina's die u bezoekt verminderen
- Bandbreedte verminderen
*** Open source ***
AdBlocker Ultimate is een opensourceproject:
*** Een bug gevonden? ***
Gebruik het formulier om een probleem te melden:
Latest reviews
- (2024-11-03) هيثم الشمري: يستحق ال 5 نجوم بجداره
- (2024-11-02) Jonathan: блокирует зорошо, но постоянно сбрасываются галочки показ индикаторов и авто фильтры(хотя я их выключил) в настройках, что ужасно бесит, а так блокировщик хорош
- (2024-10-18) Keshav Sachdeva: Brilliant It helped me a lot. Its free of cost and is also the best. I would recommended everyone to use this if they want an ad blocker
- (2024-10-18) ΦΩΤΗΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΣ: Πολυ χρησιμη και πολυ ωραια επεκταση την χρησιμοποιω εδω και πολλα χρονια.
- (2024-10-14) Bill Ballmar: Works so far and the ads test youtube site is proof that it doing the job. For Now this is a Recommended: This is my 3rd as such ads remover pluging to chrome since I started to use it as adware in Youtube was not nice and worse made watching a video worse. Update: June 12, 2024 it no longer work for my android kiwi browser or windows 10 to block youtube ads in the browser. Check and update so this works again!!!!! Update Sept. 2024 this blocking ads on YouTube. Updated so this works for Kiwi Browser android. My pc Windoes 19 chrome install works just fine. October update Chrome and now ads are back? What is being done to stop this? Lose of two stars for allowing YouTube ads to show up again.
- (2024-10-03) marilyn jackson: I used to think it was wonderful, but You tube seems to be getting past it with heaps of Ads suddenly,
- (2024-10-01) Miljan Bojovic: EDIT 1 October 2024: is blocked by this extension for some reason. Can you fix this please? :D
- (2024-09-19) Dimitrios Valachas: Of all the similar ones I've tried, this one is the best, easy to use, and it literally eliminates all the ads. I highly recommend it because it's the best of its kind. With the new improvements, it protects you from pop-ups or tabs, those that are considered unsafe and dangerous for your computer, but also for possible theft of personal data, credit cards, passwords, etc. Don't bother searching for similar ones, this is the only one with such strong security parameters that even expensive protection programs cannot provide!!
- (2024-08-30) Eric Ketzer: (Edit: some ads and pop-ups are getting through sometimes. But overall, it is pretty good.) It works like a charm.
- (2024-08-30) stephan B: AdBlocker Ultimate will not work on twitch
- (2024-08-21) M. Farhan Nur apriyadi: sejauh ini lumayan bagus untuk memblokir iklan dan malware yang terdapat pada website, namun iklan video youtube masih belum tembus
- (2024-08-21) ΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΟΝΤΟΓΕΩΡΓΗΣ: πολύ δυνατό εργαλείο..
- (2024-08-08) rishabh dandge: This adblocker is great. I'm using this blocker since last 4 years.
- (2024-07-31) Barbara Franco: Two thumbs up !!!!!
- (2024-07-30) Aleksey Dogmatov: Працює відмінно 5 зірок !!! Краще за усі які були у мене до нього.
- (2024-07-24) seit 7 Jahren Nutzer (in 2024). Der einzig wirklich unkompromittierte Blocker. TOP !!!
- (2024-06-24) Андрей: Пропускает много рекламы.
- (2024-06-15) Toe Jam: Stopped working for me
- (2024-06-03) RoB IM (ROB LR): So tenho uma palavra a dizer! Ótimo!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2024-03-30) Papa Bear: Looks like YT found a way to circumvent this adblocker, again. 3/30/2024, 3:05 PM. Even UBlock Origin doesn't work. I've had to delete my cache and cookies twice in two days now. I hope this is updated soon.
- (2024-03-21) Παπαδόπουλος Μάριος: The Best !!!
- (2024-02-20) Regis Pfleger: top mais marche plus sur YT car ils ont bloquer les ads block :'(
- (2024-02-10) Rubix 41: One of my go-to adblocker's to benchmark others especially if testing if the adblocker stops certain sites pre-roll and floating adverts. With my rig not the fastest, it needs to be kept streamline and, so far, running this solo, has kept the performance above average on Chrome.
- (2024-02-08) Maxime Tourneur: marche super bien j'ai aussi laissé un commentaire là : EDIT : toujours trop bi1 RE EDIT : toujours aussi efficace RE RE EDIT : hyper méga top
- (2024-01-31) White Lives Matter: doesnt work
- (2024-01-20) Анна: Мне нравится!
- (2024-01-19) FOXoWAR: Works perfectly 99% of the time. On Twitch I still get ads from time to time.
- (2024-01-11) equine: Had to reinstall and now works for youtube.. down for now. come back please
- (2024-01-10) Всё работает
- (2024-01-10) Luar Luarwick: Best mind-freeing app ever!
- (2023-12-30) Gordon Griswold: Works especially well on YouTube, effectively blocks all ads on all sites! Great extension! Still the best in 2023!
- (2023-12-21) Валерий: Супер-приложение!!!
- (2023-12-18) Günter Hofstädter: Seit heute funktioniert es nicht mehr, kann keine Videos mehr abspielen auch nicht wenn ich die Seite in den Einstellungen zulasse!
- (2023-12-06) İrfan ÖZKAN: mükemmel ama bazı siteler kapatmadan çalışmıyor mesela youtube halen çalışmıyor maalesef
- (2023-12-06) Ricardo Richard: Não esta funcionando no YouTube.
- (2023-12-06) Riley Brown: doesnt work anymore but worked like for a month so 3 stars
- (2023-12-05) Jayden “Orouguay” Nkunda: I used to get so much ads now i'm just chilling without adds it is fire
- (2023-12-04) i love jesus christ our lord and saviour and king: works amazing
- (2023-12-02) Josh Penko: Works great!! I rarely do reviews, so far me to do it now means im impressed. i noticed real quick how well it works. Havent noticed any conflicts. Glad i downloaded.
- (2023-11-27) DBL Upgraydez: It works, but I HATE how the cursor will click items not in the current window and sometimes not even on screen. It does full screen and back instead of pausing video playback, clicks on random thumbnails, and is a general nuisance. It can be extremely frustrating and disruptive to what your doing. Sometimes it just gets a life of it's own and clicks on whatever. It requires u to close the playlist list with the "x" or a neutral spot on the screen when saving videos to it. Now the background screen isn't greyed out and is still completely active causing u to click on the video in the back. Infuriating.
- (2023-11-25) Mcdaisy McDonald: OMGGGGGGGGG ITS ACC SO GOOD
- (2023-11-22) Lloyd Aiken: The time has come for me to abandon Youtube so I'm giving this a trial run. Can't afford a donation right now but if times get better I'll cough up a few bucks.
- (2023-11-22) LK S: good
- (2023-11-22) Emerald Night: doesn't work for youtube ads as youtube just stops working if you use this adblocker unlike the other ones Edit:it now just doesn't work way to go "guys". . .way to be useless
- (2023-11-17) Samuel Perez: it is great and i love it it work
- (2023-11-16) sshironodeath toresu: I gave it a tough test and im satisfied +10 Edit: wow i dont remember leaving a review in 2017 thats a long time ago. Well an update on nov 2023 youtube adblock fight, Iv read revews saying this adblock doesnt work IDK but it does for me. Ads during videos never appeared. ADS did appear inbetweet the thumbnails but i manually right click and block them and havent seen them again. I was almost giving up to youtube, since it seems like they are declaring absolute war on adblockers and feeling like its inevitable every adblock will fall eventually. but this one is the most reliable so far. Not going YT premiur Rather give my money to ADB Ultimate
- (2023-11-15) John Grigoriadis: excellent
- (2023-11-15) يماني وحبي لليمن عماني: احببته
- (2023-11-15) Dream Phoenix: very good apps
- (2023-11-15) Амина Султанбек кызы: Прекрасное расширение