extension ExtPose

NoCoding Data Scraper - Web Scraping facile

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Description from extension meta

Semplice automazione del browser e strumento web scraper. estrae i dati dalle pagine Web HTML in fogli di calcolo Excel o Fogli…

Image from store NoCoding Data Scraper - Web Scraping facile
Description from store Un semplice web scraper senza codice con soli 3 clic! Ricette GRATUITE istantanee come crawler di posta elettronica, strumento di scraping web e scraper di lead aziendali da siti Web di destinazione! Raschiatore dati istantaneo con rilevamento dati AI ed estrazione dati con un clic da qualsiasi sito Web! Altre funzionalità di estrazione web e web scraping per la registrazione! Strumento di web scraping per impaginazione automatica senza codice richiesto per vari scenari di impaginazione! Generazione automatica di ricette di raschiatura e modifica visiva delle ricette di raschiatura. Tutti i dati estratti vengono archiviati in modo sicuro in locale con doppia protezione facile web crawler che esegue automaticamente le attività pianificate CHE COS'È UN FACILE WEB SRAPER O WEB CRAWLER? NoCoding Data Scraper (NDS) è un semplice strumento di raschiatura dei dati per raschiare i dati Web. È sufficiente aprire una pagina Web, consentire a NDS di riconoscere automaticamente i dati Web tabulari e il pulsante di impaginazione e indicare allo strumento di raschiatura ulteriori azioni da eseguire prima o dopo l'estrazione Web automaticamente e programmato. Inoltre, un semplice web scraper può essere un image scraper o un image crawler per estrarre direttamente l'URL dell'immagine.NDS supporta lo scraping delle immagini in batch e il download delle immagini sul cloud locale o remoto. COME È UN POTENTE RASCHIETTO WEB? NDS ti aiuta a estrarre il contenuto degli elementi con i selettori in modo intelligente e supporta la modalità di impaginazione multipla, come fare clic sul pulsante Avanti, fare clic sul pulsante Carica altro, fare clic su una pagina alla volta o scorrere all'infinito fino in fondo. dati attraverso più siti Web in modalità pipeline. Tutorial video online: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvcBbUXf_0Zj5_JR5U5n-MA Caratteristiche principali: • Deep web scraping e scansione web automatica • Web RPA per automatizzare il clic sugli elementi, l'immissione dei dati e l'estrazione dal Web • Generazione automatica di ricette con raschietto web basato sull'intelligenza artificiale • Web scraper e web crawler per lo scraping di URL in batch • Web scraper per query sui motori di ricerca e scraping dei risultati • Web scraper con supporto per modalità di impaginazione semplificate • Web scraping a scorrimento infinito • Web scraper con trasformazione e perfezionamento flessibili dei dati • Web scraper con supporto per lo scraping dei contenuti iFrame • Estrattore di immagini e crawler di posta elettronica su archiviazione locale o cloud • Web scraper per lo scraping dinamico dei contenuti (JavaScript + AJAX) • Raschiamento e scansione incrementale dei dati • Integrazione con Google Sheet, Slack e altre applicazioni di terze parti • Nessuna competenza tecnica richiesta per le attività di raschiatura al 99% • Supporto live, assistenza remota per il debug delle ricette e sviluppo di ricette personalizzate Alcuni casi d'uso comuni: * Raschiatura di lead aziendali, ricerca di e-mail o raschiatura di telefoni pubblici in pochi minuti per vendite, agenti immobiliari e broker * Monitoraggio dei prezzi e monitoraggio delle recensioni per venditori, distributori e analisti di recensioni Amazon * Scraping di e-mail, scraping di indirizzi e scraping telefonico da elenchi pubblici per liberi professionisti * Automazione dell'immissione dei dati e estrazione dei dati in modo intelligente per lavorare da casa * Valutazioni e recensioni che raschiano i siti Web incrociati per i proprietari di piccole imprese * Strumento di web scraping + strumenti SEO per professionisti SEO * ricerca di candidati di lavoro come programma per reclutatori COME FUNZIONA NDS? Scraper è un estrattore e convertitore di dati che può raccogliere e-mail o qualsiasi altro testo da pagine Web pubbliche. NDS ti aiuta a definire ricette e attività utilizzando CSS Selector per identificare le informazioni nella pagina HTML. Quindi raschia tali informazioni come pianificazione e memorizza il risultato nel tuo browser sotto forma di una tabella che puoi salvare come file CSV o XLSX in un secondo momento.NDS supporta UTF-8 in modo da raschiare inglese,日本语(giapponese),русский(russo),中文(cinese),한국어( coreano) ecc.. Non è richiesta alcuna abilità Python, JavaScript, JSON o xPath per utilizzare lo strumento. Differenza tra WEB SRAPER e WEB EXTRACTOR: di solito le funzioni di Web scraper sono simili a quelle dell'estrattore Web. Entrambi servono a raschiare o estrarre il contenuto dalla pagina Web. Qui NDS non solo aiuta a raschiare i dati, ma fornisce anche funzionalità per eseguire l'estrazione, la trasformazione e la pulizia dei dati . NDS può funzionare come crawler di posta elettronica? Sì. Esistono molti crawler e-mail a pagamento. NDS fornisce un metodo di scraping dell'e-mail per raccogliere liberamente le e-mail pubbliche. Collaborando con il motore di ricerca Google personalizzato (CSE), è possibile definire ricette senza codice per estrarre facilmente le e-mail pubbliche dai risultati di ricerca di CSE. NDS può funzionare come raschiatore di lead aziendali? Sì. NDS può funzionare bene come lead scraper.È possibile definire ricette per compilare parole chiave e quindi raccogliere informazioni sui lead dai risultati della ricerca pubblica. NDS è un RPA? RPA (Robotic Process Automation) è un concetto popolare per consentire agli utenti di definire bot per eseguire automaticamente un'azione in serie. Diversamente dagli strumenti RPA basati su desktop, NDS è più simile a uno strumento di automazione basato su browser o RPA Web. Ad eccezione dello scraping, è possibile definire varie azioni per simulare lo scorrimento, il clic su elementi o l'immissione di campi per rendere il lavoro facile e ad alta produttività. IMPORTANT INFO: PRIVACY NoCoding Data Scraper(NDS) is a web scraping tool. All scraped data is always PRIVATE and visible only to you. Whether you're using our free or paid plans, NDS * DOES NOT KEEP your scraped data or websites account information (except the account you used to login the tool if registered), * DOES NOT STORED OR SEND your scraped data to our servers, * DOES NOT SHARE your scraped data with anyone without your explicitly agreement. NDS uses your own computer (browsers), and runs as an browser extension that lives only in your browser. Nothing scraped leaves your computer. NDS DOES NOT SCRAPE any data anonymously. The scraper strictly follows the recipe you defined or imported. More information about Privacy Policy, please refer to NDS's official website: https://www.minirpa.net DATA PROTECTION AND SECURITY NDS ENCRYPTS all exported recipes for you, and registered users can ask to set operational pin code for DUAL PROTECTION. Your email address is used for login and notification purposes, and will NEVER be provided to others for any purposes without your explicitly agreement. NDS transmits your account information over HTTPS with additional AES encryption algorithm. NDS requires you to understand and abide by the terms of use of whatever site you are scraping and that the user generated recipes are there for you to use “as is” without any obligation from NoCoding Data Scraper to modify or fix them or to help you to use them. ADDITIONAL INFO: Following Chrome extension permissions are required to run the NDS: activeTab: required to track active tab for the creating of recipe WebNavigation: required to track the tabs opened when scraping multiple pages storage: required to store scraped data and configuration unlimitedStorage: required to store all scraped data for exporting later notification: required to notify you when tasks done More permissions are required for some specific features, and NDS will ask for permission grant via the browser when corresponding features enabled. Please let us know if you have any feedback or feature requests: [email protected] Or contact us via our official website: https://www.minirpa.net

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-11) nice. thanks
  • (2023-09-25) Anisur Rahman: great extension.
  • (2023-09-22) S Su: 好用!
  • (2023-08-22) Hoi Wai CHEUNG: Only two columns of data can be extracted on the website, but the page display should be able to capture 8 columns of data. Why can’t this tool extract it? Site:www.valinonline.com
  • (2023-08-15) Yuk Pui Joey TSANG: If you don't register or log in, it is basically useless. Then you can use it for a while for free, and all subsequent functions will be charged, which is not worth it
  • (2023-08-08) Kwok Yau KO: There is no refund after payment, and the page crashes after a long time of crawling, so I don’t need this plugin anymore
  • (2023-08-08) Manisha THAPA: pourquoi ne peut-il pas être ouvert
  • (2023-08-04) Rahul Kappor bhh: It's too heavy to operate, and it charges, I can't use it anymore
  • (2023-07-30) na li: 真的特别好用!!!感谢了!!!
  • (2023-07-26) cornercafebangkok: Awesome. would be better if you support Safari.
  • (2023-07-26) chipotlle hnong: By far the best addon!. There's 5 min learning curve at first. If you're familiar with HTML, CSS, it's extremely powerful and useful! Different from other scraper addon, this one can simulate manual surfing correctly, and handle various tricky cases. Kudos to you for making this!
  • (2023-07-25) Jesdaporn Jettrin: the best data crawler. thank you team
  • (2023-07-11) Leon Rahmaan: The best tool I have ever used to extract email address from pages. Easy to use, and best of all makes my work so much easier.
  • (2023-07-11) Noam Hussain: the tool is INTENSE AF, I'm using a free plan but the features feel un-right to be free. so time healing!
  • (2023-07-04) Mushroom kids School: awesome app and team. At first I just used it to collect public information and data from our own internal portal. Later, Tracy also guided me on how to automate my daily routine work. Now, the data collation and data entry tasks that I used to need two days a week now only take one hour to complete! It has unbelievably improved my work efficiency and allowed me to spend more time with my children. Thank you guys!
  • (2023-06-14) 林凛: 现在是无法登录了吗?都是403
  • (2023-06-13) Yeshwant Bafna: I dont have to mention more, everyone has already praised the product. But I must say more than the product, the team is just AMAZING. Their support and love and understanding of the product is outstanding. Just go for it and you will fall in love with the team and the product
  • (2023-06-12) Carol kong: 真的好强大!赞一个
  • (2023-06-04) Joabe: Looks good, but needs to create login. I hate having to create a new boring login.
  • (2023-05-30) rouhao wang: Pay carefully! Pay carefully! Pay carefully! Once paid cannot be refunded, some functions cannot be tested in the free version, and the plug-in crashes after running for about 5 minutes, which cannot be solved.
  • (2023-05-15) Fitness Equipment Haswell: 建议把名称换成 “ minirpa迷你派采集器-最简单网页自动采集抓爬取监控” 方便搜索
  • (2023-03-03) 陈俊钦: 太强了, 居然是真的这么强, 太棒了
  • (2023-02-23) Alexander Doak: Fast support, really good functionality. In continual development, so it is improving over time. Some issues with data scraping stopping during internet outage, but they may be fixing that soon. Overall extremely useful. We have a paid subscription for almost a year now, and just upgraded to Pro.
  • (2023-02-21) 윌로우: when i scraping mid-long page , out of memory
  • (2023-02-03) Hristo Gyoshev: This scraper is advertised as FREE, but certain features, which are NOT clearly identified upfront, require a paid subscription to use on an ongoing basis. For me, that became clear only after I spent a ton of time figuring out how to use it, which was hard and frustrating. I find this highly misleading and would not recommend this scraper.
  • (2023-01-25) kamal HAFSI: easy easy easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that's the best one and the fast process. If just can this addon can scrapping/extract some data i have in gmail (i have a website and a form mail with name, city, phone sent in my gmail) i'd like to extract all those information... can this addon do it. Thanks
  • (2023-01-19) Tsai vivian: 免費用了半年了。超級喜歡的。 沒有付費,所以就寫個評論作爲答謝了。 工作中要用到資料收集工具比較多。 最早用獨立軟件,都太麻煩了。 後來發現Chrome上有好幾個數據收集的addon。 前前後後都用了一遍。最喜歡的還是迷你派。 它不是最簡單的。但是它卻是可以幫我解決其他插件無法解決的收集需要。我會建議開發員多做一些addon的介紹。 很多好用的高價值功能都是我自己嘗試出來的。 如果能直接的引導,或者文檔做些介紹, 可以讓更多的我們節省資料收集的時間。
  • (2023-01-16) David Mitchell: Waste of time. Too hard to use. Don't waste your time with this.
  • (2023-01-13) hualamp lamphong: It made my life easier! ดีมาก
  • (2023-01-11) sawaka panwa: The addon from people, for people, simple yet functional. Thanks for your work.
  • (2023-01-05) Eric Kavelaars: Absolutely amazing, have been try to look for one of these softwares for ever, saved me so much time and made me so much money. Thank you so much, Eric
  • (2022-12-06) vivian tsui: Damn, this is just the amazing app I want! I hate to develop rules and love your rule repo deeply! The email support was excellent! Glad to have this app and thank you Tracy for making/developing it!
  • (2022-12-01) Angeles Ojeda: great app saves me time and money in data collection. It allows me to copy the information that is not easy to c&p via mouse. Try it you will love it too. i had some problems but Tracy helped me out quickly.
  • (2022-11-30) Jim carry: The best best scraper up to now! any public recipes for Linkedin?
  • (2022-11-21) Mi Monir: bad experience
  • (2022-11-18) William Cruz: IT WORKED!!!! I cant believe it! Been struggling quite a bit. I had to create a local scraper to create tables. I could not figure out how to script to pull out nested tables that and I kept getting connection errors. This saved my life.
  • (2022-10-31) Arik K.: its best app from all other. but hard to find / most easy to use
  • (2022-07-29) Rodrigo Ramiro: The best intuitive with intermediate complexity and advanced productivity extension I know. Jump to it and start extracting data from tables, listings, maps and other advanced interfaces you may need to use data in another structure of your choice.
  • (2022-06-27) Dennis Nordemann: awesome app until the latest update - doesn't work anymore, please roll back for everyone
  • (2022-06-10) Ruslan Braun: Самое плохое расширение, что я когда либо установил
  • (2022-05-20) Mehedi khan: the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
  • (2022-05-14) Bithi Shop: New version doesn't do what i need . please sent me the previous version . Thanks .
  • (2022-05-04) Paul Andrison: i tried to scerape 34 pages it actually scraped but in the end it only saved 1 page. Complete waist of time
  • (2022-05-02) Phil Bryant: OMG it actually works! I tried at least 10 other scrapers that were useless, but this one really does work. The Auto-Scrape is really good at identifying fields in tables. It was also easy to configure it to paginate. On day two I tried the recipe of list + detail scrape and that also worked well. It looped through all 16 rows in a table i wanted, extracted each column, then clicked on each row and opened a new tab, scraping each of those 16 pages, then continued via pagination 39 more times to grab all 16 rows, columns, and detail pages. This product has a rare combination of Easy-to-use + sophisticated-customizations. SUPURB!
  • (2022-04-29) 方文斌: 不错不错的
  • (2022-03-24) 佳陈: This is the best scarper I've ever used,very useful
  • (2022-03-21) animesh negi: It is a good scrapper but it is not running on my PC. The menu where we make recipe is not loading. it just showing me a blank page. please help me.
  • (2022-03-17) Bush Jiang: 比我使用过的三款爬虫工具都要好,操作简单,功能却更加强大,很多以前手动完成的部分都可以通过迷你派来完成了。研究下教程和案例,一天就上手了。遇到问题也得到了及时反馈。支持!
  • (2022-03-16) 真的很简单,很好用,继续研究
  • (2022-03-07) atlas Franklin: Awesome! But can we have this on Firefox too?

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-16, v:3.0.32) Bruce Lee: 如何让弹出来的窗口打开的是Chrome浏览器的无痕模式
  • (2023-02-28, v:3.0.22) Lore Burek: Overall - 3.5 out of 5 stars: data model issue
    Hi! I used your scraper to scrape my Wordpress Media Library Media List (over 1500 images and 79 pages). I had tried another scraper with an easier interface, but it wouldn't turn pages. Did Well: Page Turning! Flawless page turning. Running, Showing progress, even if just a scrolling screen, was comforting. Needed improvement: It seemed to grab all of the column HEADERS correctly, but the data import was another story. From row 2 on: My first 2 columns are combined into one. (This shifted all of the data by a couple of columns. It doesn't know how to handle multi-line elements in 1 cell - one of my columns has a multi-line list of available formats, you eliminated all of the line breaks. It didn't pull all available data, just what was visible in the table (only mentioning because the other plugin I used pulled all the data, regardless of the field visibility. It was a nice add (But i would have preferred if their page turner worked.)
  • (2022-12-12, v:3.0.8) Sakib Islam: Very Good Tools
    This extension is very good, I’m searching a good extension but finally I got a a great extension. Here it is. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/data-scraper-20/jnofnfpjkakadjhakglcailcjeeicfjn
  • (2022-05-20, v:1.0.80) Mehedi khan: the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
    the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
  • (2022-05-20, v:1.0.80) Mehedi khan: the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
    the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
  • (2022-04-21, v:1.0.80) Mathew Samimi: NDS doesn't seem to run behind Locked Windows Screen
    Hello, Thank you so much for developing NDS! Quick question : I am running NDS on a Virtual Machine. When I keep my Virtual Machine remote connection active, NDS runs great. However, when I log out of my Virtual Machine and let NDS run its recipe, NDS doesn't seem to complete the scraping procedure. How can I get NDS to accurately complete its recipe on the Virtual Machine while not being logged into the Virtual Machine remote session? Thanks!
  • (2022-04-02, v:1.0.75) Giuseppe Storelli: Work in the active window without opening a new one
    Hi, your tool seems to be fine for my job but I have a problem, I cannot absolutely open the URL in another windows as your tool does, I need it to act in the already opened Chrome Tab, if I open new window it will show no results. How to launch it in the same tab?
  • (2022-01-25, v:1.0.68) Aniket Vats: login
    how to login in this
  • (2021-11-22, v:1.0.57) German Romero: No funciona
    Solo me permite descargarla ,no me da ningun resultado ,soloe.aparece el icono de la.extencion doy click y no pasa nada ni aparece nada en la pantalla nada
  • (2021-09-27, v:1.0.48) Roger Lu: Google Maps Scrape by area
    Is there a feature where I can scrape an area of google maps that I define (drawing a map, or selecting a zip code?) I am not looking for a specific type of company, but all businesses in an area
  • (2021-09-03, v:1.0.45) Random Guy: Extension Literally Not Doing Anything
    I got this because I'm trying to view tweets by oldest first using pagination. Whenever I click on Auto Scrape, the pop-out screen literally just turns white. There's not even a loading screen or anything. The demo video does not address this. I have already registered with my GMail and have not removed anything from the extension. What's going on? Is there any way to make it load?
  • (2021-08-18, v:1.0.42) christ xie: 会员充值后采集上限未提升
  • (2021-07-19, v:1.0.40) xin wang: 我选择了自动采集,但是点击“保存”或者“保存开始” 后没有任何反应
    我选择了自动采集,但是点击“保存”或者“保存开始” 后没有任何反应,导致无法开始工作
  • (2021-07-13, v:1.0.39) kalpana devi: Demo
    Hi, Is there a demo link of how to do this web scrapping?
  • (2021-06-14, v:1.0.36) Hari Prasadh: Can Zoominfo detect the scraping?
    Hey Developer, I am really very glad that I have found your tool. I did use few paid tools earlier and I have to say this is the best freemium tool. However, I have a concern in the name of Zoominfo. I am using a company paid zoominfo account and I am a bit concerned if Zoominfo can detect this scraping job. Would be great of you could clear this air around. Thank you! Hari
  • (2021-05-25, v:1.0.35) Xia Youchun: 你好,我试用了几天该插件,是否可以从高级会员降级为普通会员?
  • (2021-05-12, v:1.0.32) kun tian: 你好,作者,非常感谢您能开发出这样方便的插件。
  • (2021-04-18, v:1.0.32) Zinny World: Recipe
    Hi, How can I save the recipes I produced so that I can import them to use on another computer? Thanks
  • (2021-03-13, v:1.0.27) Jay: Scrape move than 3 pages.
    Hello, How do i scrape more than 3 pages? I have a google search of 50 pages but the scraper automatically closes after 3 pages and when i hit run it starts from page 1 again creating duplicates. Please guide me. Thank you
  • (2021-01-11, v:1.0.20) 君波少: 如何网页列表抓取或镶嵌循环
    功能很强大,用的非常好用 不过我遇到了一个问题 我有一个项目 需要 有一个翻页的列表需要抓取数据,同时列表中 一个元素 打开 加载后,也有一些数据 需要 抓取。 看和你的 京东抓取的例子有点像,不过那个案例已经太久了,没法参考,我就想知道怎么同页循环嵌套循环怎么用 非常感谢您
  • (2021-01-03, v:1.0.20) K D: How do I do list-list extractions?
    A simple example would be a page with a list of users, clicking on each user will direct to a list of posts made that user. https://ibb.co/tBCKnJy It does extract the detail rows with the correct parent fields. But at the same time, it will output the parent rows. How can skip those rows. For example, it currently looks like this: userA userB ... userA, post1, clap1, date1,... userA, post2, ... ... userB, post111, clap111,... userB, post222, clap222,...
  • (2021-01-03, v:1.0.20) K D: Why 10000 rows?
    Why is there a limit of 10000 rows?
  • (2020-10-29, v:1.0.9) ace tong: 无法解压缩拓展程序
  • (2020-10-28, v:1.0.9) 姚作周: Can't install
    Unzip error
  • (2020-10-28, v:1.0.9) yf Tsao: 显示解压错误


38,358 history
4.506 (168 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-11 / 3.0.48
Listing languages
