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Image from store 迷你派采集器-最简单网页自动采集监控
Description from store + 与验证码识别器插件合作( https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/captcha-solver-free-auto/hlifkpholllijblknnmbfagnkjneagid ) , 为任何有需要的人群提供自动采集过程中, 解决复杂验证码挑战的能力. 无需注册即可立即开启免费体验 最简单数据采集、网页采集、网页爬虫、浏览器自动化插件 最快点击3次即可轻松完成多页自动采集爬取 强大的多级网页采集,无需任何编码 可视化创建采集跨多页信息的自动规则 灵活的规则,允许设置节点级别,动作级别,数据行级别的各种条件控制 所有数据安全地存储在本地,具有双重保护 自动运行计划任务 无需学习Python, PHP, javascript,xpath,json,iframe等技术技能 轻松搞定亚马逊采集、虾皮采集、天猫采集、淘宝采集、京东采集、头条采集、携程采集、大众点评采集、百度查询结果采集、高德地图采集、腾讯地图采集、谷歌地图采集、脸书采集、领英采集、黄页采集等。 甚至迷你派甚至可以采集其他插件显示在网页中的数据!如鸥鹭等电商插件会在你打开Amazon网页的时候,自动在商品下面显示一些额外信息。 迷你派采集器可以帮助您实现这些信息的自动化收集。 采集器不同于传统的爬虫,采集器是一个完全受您控制的网页爬虫脚本。所有的执行规则由您定义。只需打开一个页面,让迷你派采集器插件自动识别表格数据或选择要手动抓取的元素,然后告知迷你派采集器如何在页面之间(甚至站点之间)导航(它也会尝试自动查找导航按钮)。 迷你派采集器可以智能地理解数据模式并通过自动导航页面来提取所有数据。 在线免费视频教学:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nK4y1V7gT 所有免费功能: •自动表格数据识别 • 自动列表翻页识别 •多网页数据采集或转化 •采集图片到本地或者云端 • 超简单登录后内容采集 • OCR方式识别加密字符或者图片内容 • 批量URL地址,批量关键词查询采集 • 自动iFrame内容采集支持 •数据变化监控和实时通知 •动态内容采集(JavaScript + AJAX) •无限滚动翻页支持 •多种翻页模式支持 •跨网站抓取或数据转化 •增量数据采集 •可视化编辑采集规则 •无限数据导出到Excel或CSV文件 •国际语言支持 •高隐私 •高保密性 •通过webHook无缝衔接您自己的系统,或者Zapier等平台 •无需学习python, PHP, JavaScript,xPath,Css,JSON,iframe等技术技能 •除Chrome浏览器外没有依赖性 常用场景: *亚马逊卖家,分销商和评论分析师收集产品价格和评论 *销售人员通过专业的社交资料自动定期收集销售线索 *目标商品价格调整监控 *自由职业者自动从公共目录中收集电子邮件,地址和电话号码 *在家或远程工作的人员安全地自动执行一些与数据相关的任务 *小企业主管理自己产品在多个网站的的评级和评论跨 * SEO专业人员将采集器与SEO工具一起使用 *业务负责人寻求简单的方法来收集数据 *招聘人员定期寻找合格应聘者 *求职者寻找目标雇主的最佳工作 *市场营销专业人员分析社交媒体网站 *数据科学家采集更多干净的数据 *学生学习数据科学和数据挖掘 迷你派采集器是如何工作? 数据采集器是一种数据提取器和转换器,可以从网页中收集电子邮件或任何其他文本。 迷你派采集器通过使用CSS选择器在HTML页面中标识信息来帮助您定义配方和作业。然后,它会按计划抓取该信息,并将结果以表格的形式存储在浏览器中,以后可以另存为CSV或XLS文件。 迷你派采集器支持UTF-8,因此可以轻松地采集英语,中文,日语,俄语,韩语等多种语言。您不需要具有编码,xml,json或xpath等IT技能。 重要信息: 所有抓取的数据始终是私有的,并且只有您自己可见。无论您使用的是免费还是付费计划,迷你派采集器都不会保留您抓取的数据,不会将您的数据发送到我们的服务器,也不会与任何人共享您的数据。 迷你派采集器使用您自己的计算机,并作为chrome扩展程序运行,仅在您的浏览器中运行。 迷你派采集器为您加密所有采集任务,注册用户可以设置操作密码以进一步保护。没有操作密码用户无法导出或删除采集任务和采集到的数据。 迷你派采集器不会匿名收集任何数据。采集器按照您定义或严格导入的采集任务运行。 迷你派采集器要求您了解并遵守所使用的任何站点的使用条款。针对用户开发生成的采集任务迷你派采集器没有义务修改或修复它们。如果不遵守目标网站的任何条款,请删除本插件。如果继续使用,则由您承担由此导致的任何结果。 迷你派采集器不包含任何恶意软件或间谍软件。所有抓取的数据和采集任务配置都存储在您的浏览器中,并且除了您的电子邮件帐户(如果已注册)之外,没有任何数据保留在我们的服务器中。您的电子邮件地址用于登录目的和通知,未经您明确同意,绝不会将其提供给他人。 迷你派采集器通过具有强大ASE加密算法的HTTPS传输您的帐户信息。 所需的Chrome插件权限说明: activeTab:跟踪用于创建规则的标签页需要 WebNavigation:跟踪多个页面时打开的标签页需要 storage:存储当前配置和数据 unlimitedStorage:需要存储所有采集的数据以供以后导出 notification:采集任务完成时需要通知您 如果您有任何反馈或功能要求,请告诉我们: [email protected] 更新 + 与验证码自动识别器无缝集成 + 可以根据网站不同,设置hCaptcha和reCAPTCHA的解决速度, 解决后动作等设定 . 提供所有触发器的说明 . 增强下滚操作 - 提供更多的步长选项 . 增强激活窗口动作 - 确保规则的定制和规则的运行可以在同样大小的窗口下运行 . 增强自动规则以助手方式运行 - 即使接受批量输入的规则也可以通过右键以助手的方式运行 . 增强字段合并功能 - 动态名称的字段也可以合并 . 优化了无痕模式下的规则工作流运行 - 无痕模式下新启动的规则也在无痕窗口中运行 . 优化无痕窗口的打开和关闭, 以及事先判断浏览器是否对迷你派采集器开启了无痕模式运行 . 优化规则树的展示 - 可以直观查看节点之间的导航 . 优化规则树的展示 - 新添加节点在父节点的下面 . Bug修复: 某些场景下按下shift键无法选中元素的问题 . Bug修复: 右键菜单装载完整可助手化运行的规则问题 . BUG修复: AI识别后直接保存规则同名的问题 . 其它一些小的完善 . 优化ConfirmIt动作: 提示信息浮动在页面中心 . 优化数据转换: 支持使用空格来作为开始和结束的标识符 . 优化工作窗口: 普通工作窗口和无痕工作窗口默认打开时处于激活状态,方便识别 . Bug修复: 连续重复记录(Unique字段区分)达到临界值时自动停止 . Bug修复: 需要输入的信息警告提示 . Bug修复: 打开字段URL动作的问题 . Bug修复: 规则搜索的问题

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-11) nice. thanks
  • (2023-09-25) Anisur Rahman: great extension.
  • (2023-09-22) S Su: 好用!
  • (2023-08-22) Hoi Wai CHEUNG: Only two columns of data can be extracted on the website, but the page display should be able to capture 8 columns of data. Why can’t this tool extract it? Site:www.valinonline.com
  • (2023-08-15) Yuk Pui Joey TSANG: If you don't register or log in, it is basically useless. Then you can use it for a while for free, and all subsequent functions will be charged, which is not worth it
  • (2023-08-08) Kwok Yau KO: There is no refund after payment, and the page crashes after a long time of crawling, so I don’t need this plugin anymore
  • (2023-08-08) Manisha THAPA: pourquoi ne peut-il pas être ouvert
  • (2023-08-04) Rahul Kappor bhh: It's too heavy to operate, and it charges, I can't use it anymore
  • (2023-07-30) na li: 真的特别好用!!!感谢了!!!
  • (2023-07-26) cornercafebangkok: Awesome. would be better if you support Safari.
  • (2023-07-26) chipotlle hnong: By far the best addon!. There's 5 min learning curve at first. If you're familiar with HTML, CSS, it's extremely powerful and useful! Different from other scraper addon, this one can simulate manual surfing correctly, and handle various tricky cases. Kudos to you for making this!
  • (2023-07-25) Jesdaporn Jettrin: the best data crawler. thank you team
  • (2023-07-11) Leon Rahmaan: The best tool I have ever used to extract email address from pages. Easy to use, and best of all makes my work so much easier.
  • (2023-07-11) Noam Hussain: the tool is INTENSE AF, I'm using a free plan but the features feel un-right to be free. so time healing!
  • (2023-07-04) Mushroom kids School: awesome app and team. At first I just used it to collect public information and data from our own internal portal. Later, Tracy also guided me on how to automate my daily routine work. Now, the data collation and data entry tasks that I used to need two days a week now only take one hour to complete! It has unbelievably improved my work efficiency and allowed me to spend more time with my children. Thank you guys!
  • (2023-06-14) 林凛: 现在是无法登录了吗?都是403
  • (2023-06-13) Yeshwant Bafna: I dont have to mention more, everyone has already praised the product. But I must say more than the product, the team is just AMAZING. Their support and love and understanding of the product is outstanding. Just go for it and you will fall in love with the team and the product
  • (2023-06-12) Carol kong: 真的好强大!赞一个
  • (2023-06-04) Joabe: Looks good, but needs to create login. I hate having to create a new boring login.
  • (2023-05-30) rouhao wang: Pay carefully! Pay carefully! Pay carefully! Once paid cannot be refunded, some functions cannot be tested in the free version, and the plug-in crashes after running for about 5 minutes, which cannot be solved.
  • (2023-05-15) Fitness Equipment Haswell: 建议把名称换成 “ minirpa迷你派采集器-最简单网页自动采集抓爬取监控” 方便搜索
  • (2023-03-03) 陈俊钦: 太强了, 居然是真的这么强, 太棒了
  • (2023-02-23) Alexander Doak: Fast support, really good functionality. In continual development, so it is improving over time. Some issues with data scraping stopping during internet outage, but they may be fixing that soon. Overall extremely useful. We have a paid subscription for almost a year now, and just upgraded to Pro.
  • (2023-02-21) 윌로우: when i scraping mid-long page , out of memory
  • (2023-02-03) Hristo Gyoshev: This scraper is advertised as FREE, but certain features, which are NOT clearly identified upfront, require a paid subscription to use on an ongoing basis. For me, that became clear only after I spent a ton of time figuring out how to use it, which was hard and frustrating. I find this highly misleading and would not recommend this scraper.
  • (2023-01-25) kamal HAFSI: easy easy easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that's the best one and the fast process. If just can this addon can scrapping/extract some data i have in gmail (i have a website and a form mail with name, city, phone sent in my gmail) i'd like to extract all those information... can this addon do it. Thanks
  • (2023-01-19) Tsai vivian: 免費用了半年了。超級喜歡的。 沒有付費,所以就寫個評論作爲答謝了。 工作中要用到資料收集工具比較多。 最早用獨立軟件,都太麻煩了。 後來發現Chrome上有好幾個數據收集的addon。 前前後後都用了一遍。最喜歡的還是迷你派。 它不是最簡單的。但是它卻是可以幫我解決其他插件無法解決的收集需要。我會建議開發員多做一些addon的介紹。 很多好用的高價值功能都是我自己嘗試出來的。 如果能直接的引導,或者文檔做些介紹, 可以讓更多的我們節省資料收集的時間。
  • (2023-01-16) David Mitchell: Waste of time. Too hard to use. Don't waste your time with this.
  • (2023-01-13) hualamp lamphong: It made my life easier! ดีมาก
  • (2023-01-11) sawaka panwa: The addon from people, for people, simple yet functional. Thanks for your work.
  • (2023-01-05) Eric Kavelaars: Absolutely amazing, have been try to look for one of these softwares for ever, saved me so much time and made me so much money. Thank you so much, Eric
  • (2022-12-06) vivian tsui: Damn, this is just the amazing app I want! I hate to develop rules and love your rule repo deeply! The email support was excellent! Glad to have this app and thank you Tracy for making/developing it!
  • (2022-12-01) Angeles Ojeda: great app saves me time and money in data collection. It allows me to copy the information that is not easy to c&p via mouse. Try it you will love it too. i had some problems but Tracy helped me out quickly.
  • (2022-11-30) Jim carry: The best best scraper up to now! any public recipes for Linkedin?
  • (2022-11-21) Mi Monir: bad experience
  • (2022-11-18) William Cruz: IT WORKED!!!! I cant believe it! Been struggling quite a bit. I had to create a local scraper to create tables. I could not figure out how to script to pull out nested tables that and I kept getting connection errors. This saved my life.
  • (2022-10-31) Arik K.: its best app from all other. but hard to find / most easy to use
  • (2022-07-29) Rodrigo Ramiro: The best intuitive with intermediate complexity and advanced productivity extension I know. Jump to it and start extracting data from tables, listings, maps and other advanced interfaces you may need to use data in another structure of your choice.
  • (2022-06-27) Dennis Nordemann: awesome app until the latest update - doesn't work anymore, please roll back for everyone
  • (2022-06-10) Ruslan Braun: Самое плохое расширение, что я когда либо установил
  • (2022-05-20) Mehedi khan: the previous version was best , Could you please give me the previous version ?
  • (2022-05-14) Bithi Shop: New version doesn't do what i need . please sent me the previous version . Thanks .
  • (2022-05-04) Paul Andrison: i tried to scerape 34 pages it actually scraped but in the end it only saved 1 page. Complete waist of time
  • (2022-05-02) Phil Bryant: OMG it actually works! I tried at least 10 other scrapers that were useless, but this one really does work. The Auto-Scrape is really good at identifying fields in tables. It was also easy to configure it to paginate. On day two I tried the recipe of list + detail scrape and that also worked well. It looped through all 16 rows in a table i wanted, extracted each column, then clicked on each row and opened a new tab, scraping each of those 16 pages, then continued via pagination 39 more times to grab all 16 rows, columns, and detail pages. This product has a rare combination of Easy-to-use + sophisticated-customizations. SUPURB!
  • (2022-04-29) 方文斌: 不错不错的
  • (2022-03-24) 佳陈: This is the best scarper I've ever used,very useful
  • (2022-03-21) animesh negi: It is a good scrapper but it is not running on my PC. The menu where we make recipe is not loading. it just showing me a blank page. please help me.
  • (2022-03-17) Bush Jiang: 比我使用过的三款爬虫工具都要好,操作简单,功能却更加强大,很多以前手动完成的部分都可以通过迷你派来完成了。研究下教程和案例,一天就上手了。遇到问题也得到了及时反馈。支持!
  • (2022-03-16) 真的很简单,很好用,继续研究
  • (2022-03-07) atlas Franklin: Awesome! But can we have this on Firefox too?


40,000 history
4.4246 (179 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-12 / 3.0.53
Listing languages
