Share and Organize Like Never Before
Due to lack of developer attention, Tab Bundler will be deprecated by March of 2023. We suggest that you back up your bundles as there is no guarantee that you will be able to re-install the application by then.
Backend data will be backed up one last time by March, and servers will be shut down. This means that any data stored in our backends will require manual request via email. The team will support this until June 2023, until which email will no longer be monitored.
- Sync webpages across multiple computers.
- Separate various topics of online research into single-click-to-open bundles.
- Share and collaborate on links between co-workers and friends by sending it right to their browser!
- Access bundles you've created at home, when you're on your at work, and vice versa.
- Never lose information - you can choose for bundles to be stored on the cloud.
- Speed up your browser - Reduce RAM usage by saving currently unused tabs into bundles that can be opened with a single click.
Find out more by visiting
Here are explanations for the permissions that are required:
Read and change your data on - This is used to implement synchronization
Read your browsing history - Tab Bundler does not monitor or even read browsing history. This is what Chrome calls the permission required for accessing tab information which is required for saving bundles
Communicate with cooperating websites - 'Cooperating websites' refers only to
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-19) Siksung Kim: 다 삭제됐어요...
- (2020-12-23) 김규현: 공부할때 웹페이지를 많이 키고 하는편인데 북마크 안하고 번들 저장하고 자동 동기화 설정만 해두면 되니까 편합니다
- (2020-12-02) Tim Ricketts: I have been using this for years, but with yesterdays update I cannot open bundles get autosave to work, making it useless.
- (2020-11-11) Prokek kek: плохое расширения не хранит сыллки а профиль чистит надо по новой регаться (я про почту)
- (2020-09-28) Josh W: As other users have mentioned - Your tab groups will eventually be randomly deleted. Want them saved/synced? Just subscribe for $12.49/month. This has happened to me twice. I'm now looking for alternatives.
- (2019-03-20) Sergey Makarichev: Cloud services work only 12 hours a day. Was a waste of money for me.
- (2019-03-07) Used to be great but needs to be revisited. Also can't log into your website anymore either. Please update!
- (2018-12-27) 초무침미역: 개쓰래기 탭 계정동기화 해두려면 아이디 있어야하는데 회원가입,로그인 전부 안됨 백업 하는 기능이라도 있어야하는데 그런 기능도 없고 컴퓨터 포멧이라도 하는날엔 탭 다날아감 탭 조금만 쌓여도 무거워지고 기능이 강력한것도 아님... 편의성 하나만 보고 쓰기엔 다른 좋은 확장앱있어서 이걸 쓸 필요가 아예 없음 두말할것 없이 개쓰래기
- (2018-11-18) Psychonault Live: I downloaded it right now and created a bundle. I tought it would have an short link for it, still glad it's a BitLy alternative. Tough it's a good idea, it still didn't work at all for me :( It stores the bundle at its server, tough it still don't work when I try to open it on other tabs. I hope it starts working anytime. Thanks alot anyway for the intention and the will to support.
- (2018-11-09) 흙집사: 정말 좋은데 아이디가 안만들어지네요; 사인업하면 그냥 멈춰버려요 앱자체는 정말 좋습니다
- (2018-06-10) Fabio Monteiro: FULL featured. Really good. I guess there is some improvements possible on the UI/conveyance of all numerous features, but great!
- (2017-12-07) J_Coffee: Would give it 5 stars if it stopped deleting my tabs. I have several bundles saved. Every now and then I open Chrome and go to open a bundle and it says 0 - all the tabs are gone. Lately it did that to like 4 of my bundles. What's the point if it's going to arbitrarily unsave everything I've saved? I'm looking for a dependable alternative.
- (2017-11-18) jaime condori mollehuara: hay para sincronizar para pc?
- (2017-01-17) Brett H. Pojunis: The mouseover is not working. I have to move the mouse above and to the left of whatever I want to click on. When it is working it is amazing. Also, I think I can only do 1 bundle with the free version... If this worked, I would pay 3 times as much for this!
- (2016-08-08) Hector A M: Como más gente comenta, a veces va muy bien y luego de repente te pierde todo lo que tenías guardado. Lo cual en mi caso es un gran problema. Aún tiene que solucionar muchos bugs
- (2016-05-29) Julia Karkowska: I love this! It's the answer to my prayers! Keshav told me about it! Seriously. It's the best. I usually have like 60+ tabs open. Please make a mobile version!!! <3 I wish I made this!!!!
- (2016-05-12) Ben Mitchell: You can't quickly open old tabs, and it doesn't actually bundle the ones you're on, it just saves them like bookmarks in groups. You'd honestly be better off just using bookmarks.
- (2016-05-09) Matt Acton: I find this a great tool for when I need to clear off my tabs and refocus on something else, but don't want to lose what I was looking at. Also the paid upgrade of being able to sync your bundles across computers is well worth the cost.
- (2016-05-02) Alberto Hrtzt: A veces funciona a veces no, en general muy mala.
- (2016-03-23) Ricardo Ribeiro: Confusing and disfunctional
- (2016-02-15) TOBIDG: 업무상 자주사용하는 웹페이지를 매일 북마크로 접속하는 것도 귀찮았는데 좋은 대안이 되는 프로그램이네요 ^^ 매우만족합니다.
- (2015-09-21) Payod Panda: I really really like this concept, and was using this effectively to organize the different roles I have to be in at different times of the day / week. However, yesterday I decided that I should do a clean reinstall of Windows cause I "wanted to let things go". Stupid, I know. So I didn't make any backups and went ahead and reinstalled it, to find that when I next logged into TabBundler all my bundles were gone. I freaked out and reached out to support, and talked to Sean about it. He was really honest and extremely quick in his replies (it's close to 1 am on a Sunday night / Monday morning here, and I got replies within 5 minutes each time). He apologized for the lost bundles (even though it was I who did not back my info up), and gave me some upgrades to make up for it. Quoting Sean, "I'm terribly sorry, but I have to be honest. I don't think I can bring back your bundles. I have never encountered the problem of having synced bundles be deleted by our system, but I really appreciate you telling me about it, so I can get to the bottom of the bug. " I really appreciate the effort and time they're putting into this, and even though it's not perfect <yet>, I would like to support them. 4 stars because I lost some info, but they compensated from their side and were honest and quick in their replies. Overall, I do recommend this app. For future reference, the data saved by Tab Bundler lives here (for Windows): C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\chrome-extension_ooajenhhhbdbcolenhmmkgmkcocfdahd_0.localstorage' C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\chrome-extension_ooajenhhhbdbcolenhmmkgmkcocfdahd_0.localstorage-journal
- (2015-07-09) Simon Coulter: Doesn't operate in a useful manor. The interface is "ok", but double clicking to open bundles is irritating. Bundles don't update automatically, even with autosave turned on - which means that you need to have a static bundle that never changes, not a working bundle that constantly changes. For this purpose, "Simple Window Saver" is far superior (and is what I use), though it lacks the device sync options
- (2015-07-02) zloidooraque: - slow and unresponsive - cluttered interface - stupid youtube "commercial" : idiotic "generic merry music" and low amount of information on plugin itself - etc
- (2015-05-04) Hailey Kaas: It was very good but since the last update it's often failing to save your tabs and making me very angry because I always rely on it to save my work. I have just uninstalled it.
- (2015-02-08) Vladiviriy M: Почему-то после перезагрузки, на настроенных табах стали пропадать ссылки. Включаю браузер захожу в расширение, а там на против моих таб нули стоят, и всё что я сохранял пропадает.
- (2015-01-22) 왈왈쓰: 다 좋은데 그룹 이름을 변경 못하는게 아쉽네요.
- (2014-11-09) Koen Cornelis: Dit is een fantastische extensie, gemakkelijk de beste die ik in de laatste 3 jaar vond. 3 gevallen waarin deze extensie supernuttig is: - je hebt een aantal vaste taken waarbij je telkens dezelfde webpagina's open doet: bundel ze in een folder en je kan ze naar believen openen en sluiten (in een eigen venster of in een ander) - je doet onderzoek naar iets en je wil de pagina's bewaren, maar niet laten open staan: bundel ze in een folder en probleem opgelost - je wil een aantal webpagina's gemakkelijk delen met iemand anders: bundel ze in een folder en met een enkele klik kan je een url aanmaken waar al die pagina's op gelinkt staan.
- (2014-11-03) Peter Brown: I rate this to clear things up. Reduces amount of tabs on opening chrome which can ehlp speed things up by freeing up RAM from when you have too many tabs open. Also makes it much easier to navigate and find tabs. Bundles synced to my account so my tablet and phone can still access the links through the account page (as the links are no longer in the open tabs that google syncs because I closed the bundled ones).
- (2014-09-24) 이뚱: 자료를 많이 열어놓고 봐야하는데 그동안 항상 일일이 켯는데 탭 번들러 정말 감사합니다
- (2014-09-24) Ty Connors: This is exactly what I needed to organize my thoughts and tabs. I automated all my Google apps in one bundle and open them in their own window instantly! Such a time saver
3.7885 (104 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-26 / 2.6.16
Listing languages