Description from extension meta
Personalizzato nuova scheda con Metro UI.It offre diverse funzionalità come la selezione rapida,facebook twitter, orologio, tempo.
Image from store
Description from store
nuovo metroTab è un'estensione che sostituisce la pagina nuova scheda con una versione più personalizzabile , con interfaccia Metro .
Inoltre , include alcune tessere che possono recuperare le informazioni da loro pagina e mostrare all'utente nella stessa pagina .
Per aggiungere una tessera , personalizzare l'aspetto della pagina o modificare le opzioni ( come la posizione tempo ) , posizionare il cursore sopra l'avatar in alto a destra e selezionare l'opzione del menu .
Eventuali suggerimenti di nuove funzionalità o icone speciali , nonché avvisi di errori e fallimenti sono i benvenuti .
Aggiornamento Logs :
Aggiornamento V1.1.0 2015/01/29
1. Ottimizzare le applicazioni, migliorano 5 volte accelerare l'apertura a prima volta.
2. Correzione di alcuni bug.
Aggiornamento V1.0.9 2014/12/11
1.fixed il locale di bug portoghese.
2.fixed i bug su prendere colore nell'immagine.
3.fixed alcuni bug.
Aggiornamento V1.0.7 2014/10/16
1 Aumento sito Web di supporto Wallpaper:
2 Correzione di alcuni bug.
Aggiornamento V1.0.6 2014/05/30
1. Aumento piastrelle cloud e funzioni di promemoria.
2. Attualmente raccolto 74 piastrelle sono siti molto popolari, giochi, plugins, aggiorneremo tegola in futuro
3. Correzione di alcuni bug.
Aggiornamento V1.0.5 2014/05/09
1.Change tegola Google di ricerca rapida.
2.Modificare la piastrella dinamica logica, fare clic sul quadro dinamico alla pagina di dettaglio; fare clic su nell'angolo superiore destro della home page.
3.Optimize i codici.
4.Fixed alcuni bug.
V1.0.2 aggiornamento 2014/03/17
1.Added auto lokaliseren weer functie .
2.Fixed vernieuwen achtergrond na het wijzigen van Tegels bug.
3.Fixed de bug die niet Kunnen op de functie Knop te wijten aan de lange Titel .
4.Added functie Delen nel menù het .
5.Fixed de bug morire blauwe achtergrond verschijnen wanneer wijzigen extensie carico.
6.Optimize de aggiungi Tegel Logic vermijden geen Nieuwe Kunt toevoegen .
Evento di trigger menù het 7.Modify rechtsboven , nu Slechts mouseover di klik op de avatar te Tonen menù het dan.
8.Fixed bug aantal .
V1.0.1 -update 2014/02/27
1.Sort de Standaard Tegels inhoud en positie .
2.Added aantal Nieuwe Tegels , zoals Amazon , CNN , eBay , Yahoo , ecc
3.Voeg herstellen naar de Standaard functie .
4.Fixed de die bug apps geen Kunt starten nadat u " aperta alle schakels van de Tegels in Nieuwe tabbladen " Optie .
5.Fixed bug aantal .
Versione cinese ( zh - CN) tradotto da Roland Su
Versione italiana ( it) traslated da Matteo Vada
Versione ungherese ( hu ) tradotta da Zsolt Benei
Versione turca ( tr) tradotta da Oguz GÜL
Versione russa ( ru) tradotta da Cyrill Luppo
Versione francese ( fr) tradotta da Etienne Fusz
Versione in ebraico (lui) tradotta da Shaked Zychlinski
L'estensione ora consulta altre applicazioni installate e genera un live tile quando ottiene una risposta.
API docs a # api
Grazie molto .
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-16) wyatt S: its ok but please idk if there is but let me right click or something on a new tab on the plus sign for a new tab to make a new tab of this i like the look just make that easier please
- (2023-07-03) danteasy: It works fine but settings export doesn't work when i press buttons
- (2023-03-17) Alejandro Cuenca: No puedo usar la funcion Import/Export settings, alguien le funciona?
- (2022-10-28) Ramon igo: nããão tem como fazer um backup, toda vez que da um problema no navegador tem que criar tudo novamente.
- (2022-10-12) Andrea Pozzebon: For config and option export use these procedure ::
- (2022-08-03) Volgis Korh: Не работает экспорт настроек. А так, замечательное расширение.
- (2022-05-30) Parakeet709: its good but let me remove amazon pls
- (2022-04-06) Fabrício Gonçalves dos Santos: Muito Bom... porém, a exportação de arquivo de Backup não está funcionando. O que torna sua utilização complicada em mais de um dispositivo.
- (2022-03-08) Ashutosh Patro: सर क्या आप एक लाईव लिव टाइल बनाने के लिए ला सकते है क्या
- (2021-05-24) 风尘子: 不好用
- (2021-04-02) TheLevHar Creative Studio: Like
- (2020-10-23) Moisés Phontys: É bom, mas Infelizmente não dá pra pra fazer backup de minha configurações.
- (2020-09-08) Willie Rosado: I've been using it for many years......
- (2020-09-06) Boni Alvim: excelente.Uso há muitos anos.Me ajuda a organizar os links prioritários.
- (2020-06-24) Daulri Ávila: Desativei recentemente essa extensão que durante tantos anos usei. Começou a me incomodar que, ao clicar em determinado link, percebi rapidamente na barra de conexão inferior do navegador, a mensagem... "aguardando hao.newtab".
- (2020-03-18) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-01-28) László Kovács: For years.Not exported nor saved can not.No tiles.No data. Does not work! Please fix it. Thanks! If it gets repaired? Then ten stars!
- (2019-09-27) Patrick Daniel: FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR UPDATES TO THIS EXTENSON FOLLOW ME HERE: I'm currently fixing some things with the app since it's been abandoned. First is the export function since that's a critical feature that's been broken for a while. If you have requests or ideas feel free to post them there or message me.
- (2019-09-05) Евгений Блинохватов: Лучшая из стартовых панелей. Пользуюсь не первый год, все супер
- (2019-05-22) Uladzimir Paliukhovich: Отличный начальный экран. Порадовала возможность создавать свои плитки, выбирать фон, картинку с компьютера или по url. Куча приятных мелочей, включая кастомный CSS (хоть это совершенно необязательно, но постарались, молодцы!). У меня посути вся семья пользуется этим расришением. Из минусов: перестала работать анимация при нажатии на плитку. Нажатие просто игнорится, хоть раньше работало. Наверное из-за версии Хрома. Но отключив настройку анимации все становится хорошо.
- (2019-03-16) Gabor Zaka: Nagyon tetszik, de az export gombra nem reagál. Jó lenne, ha az egyik gépről át tudnám vinni a beállításokat a másikra. Így nem kellene újra beállítgatni. ( ha valakinek van tippje, azt megköszönném) Csak ezért 4 csillagos.
- (2019-02-20) Jelle: het ziet er mooi uit en je kan het goed aanpassen.
- (2018-11-03) Rene Jensen: Love it - but after the new version it do not open the link in chrome only the picture. I will wait 3 month and see if they change it, otherwise I will remove it.
- (2018-10-18) Тайфур Юсупов: Поставил, а ссылки не открываются.
- (2018-09-26) ХЛАМ ТАКСИ: All Ex!! But in case attempt to save settings, I can't make settings saving to file - please, fix it
- (2018-08-17) Rafael Matias de Oliveira: Ferramenta muito útil para quem gosta de organizar os sites frequentes que utilizamos. Recomendo!
- (2018-08-15) Karol Jasiński: I want an ability to backup :(
- (2018-08-12) Crystle Roberts: it makes everything lag and it wont even load anything
- (2018-06-25) Школа начинающего радиолюбителя: Суперское приложение. Вот только в последних версиях не работает Экспорт настроек. Исправьте, пожалуйста!
- (2018-06-23) If it had the ability to put the icons where you wanted instead of automatically moving around I'd give it 4 stars..
- (2018-06-18) Győző Kiss: Évek óta használom ezt a metro tabot, mert kényelmes a használata. Viszont tele van hibával. 1 A felhőbe nem menti el a csempéket, így ha átülök egy másik számítógéphez akkor ott csak a kezdőképernyő jelenik meg, de a beállított csempék nem. Ez elég súlyos probléma. A másik súlyos probléma az, hogy amikor új csempét készítek akkor azt nem rakhatom oda ahova én akarom csoportosítani és ez rendkívül bosszantó. A csempéket nem lehet csoportokba szervezni ami nagyon jó lenne. Nem csinálnak hozzá új fejlesztéseket, és hibajavításokat, 2015 óta semmi sem változott. Csak azért használom ezt a programot mert még nem találtam jobbat.
- (2018-06-07) Didier Jacques: bug
- (2018-06-06) Vijay Athwani: best
- (2018-06-04) Juan M. Morales Ch.: Excelente deberian de tener más versiones vayan incluyendo más cosas, saludos y gracias.
- (2018-05-02) Javier Rodriguez: A LOT IS BROKEN... BUT IT'S STILL AMAZING. This project has been abandoned for a few years now but as of May, 2nd 2018 It still works with the latest version of Chrome. Fore new users: DISABLE TILE ANIMATIONS. If you see that your tiles don't work this is why. Also, you cannot Save or Restore your settings anymore. My advise is to do what I did: Take screenshots of your layout and create a document (I used Google Docs) with a list of your tiles with their links and links to their custom icons. I use custom tile icons either from Google Images or from a Blogger page I created with all the images. LASTLY... Can't anyone reverse-engineer this thing? No one has come even close to creating an equivalent or better alternative to this. It's so sad and frustrating.
- (2018-04-18) Gabriel Emanuel Fernandez Sarrameda: No tengo quejas (AUN)
- (2018-04-11) vtastek: Find inicio.js and put this at line 512 before $.post,"_self") Now it works.
- (2018-04-01) Сергей Елисеев: Создатель, пожалуйста сделай так чтобы расположить иконки можно было в любом месте вкладки. А то они располагаются слева направо - это не удобно... Еще не создаются анимированные ссылки. Вставил URL любимого аниме, и хотел бы чтобы его рандомная часть видео повторялась. А так, очень удобно, продолжайте не забрасывайте!
- (2018-03-20) James Smith: GREAT BUT NEEDS AN UPDATE. Some things could be easier and I can't backup my settings.
- (2018-03-19) StopTfue -: liked it
- (2018-03-13) WiredXLil_ Slayzz: it is like windows