Description from extension meta
Save, organize, and restore tabs anytime. The best tab manager, session saver, and bookmark organizer for productivity!
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Description from store
🔥 Der ultimative Tab- & Lesezeichen-Manager – Organisiere, Speichere und Stelle Deine Tabs Wieder Her
Zu viele Tabs überladen deinen Browser? Toast ist der ultimative Lesezeichen-Manager für Tabs und Links, mit dem du sie mühelos speichern, organisieren und wiederherstellen kannst. Schließe Tabs, ohne sie zu verlieren – Toast hilft dir, alles zugänglich und organisiert zu halten.
⚡ Leistungsstarke Funktionen für ein müheloses Tab-, Lesezeichen- und Sitzungsmanagement:
✅ Tabs speichern & als Lesezeichen ablegen – Speichere einzelne Tabs oder ganze Browsersitzungen mit nur einem Klick.
✅ Sofortige Wiederherstellung – Öffne deine gespeicherten Tabs oder Sitzungen jederzeit mit nur einem Klick.
✅ Lesezeichen & Tabs organisieren – Gruppiere deine gespeicherten Seiten und Tabs nach Projekten, Themen oder Recherchen.
✅ Browserübergreifende Synchronisierung – Funktioniert mit Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge und Opera und synchronisiert deine Tabs und Lesezeichen nahtlos. Verfügbar für iPhone.
✅ Cloud-Backup – Deine Lesezeichen und Tabs werden sicher gespeichert, sodass sie niemals verloren gehen.
✅ Echtzeit-Tab-Synchronisierung – Greife sofort auf gespeicherte Tabs und Lesezeichen auf all deinen Geräten zu.
✅ Einfache Freigabe – Teile deine organisierten Tabs und Lesezeichen mit nur einem Link.
🔍 Wie Toast Tab-Chaos reduziert und deine Produktivität steigert:
📌 Recherche speichern & organisieren – Speichere mühelos Seiten von Google Docs, YouTube, Quora und mehr.
📌 Halte deinen Browser aufgeräumt – Organisiere Tabs und Lesezeichen übersichtlich in kategorisierten Sammlungen.
📌 Sitzungen mühelos verwalten – Speichere komplette Browsersitzungen und wechsle nahtlos zwischen ihnen.
📌 Fokussiere dich auf das Wesentliche – Schließe überflüssige Tabs, ohne wichtige zu verlieren, und halte deinen Browser schnell und organisiert.
📌 Synchronisiere über Browser und Geräte hinweg – Greife überall auf deine gespeicherten Tabs und Lesezeichen zu.
🚀 Warum Toast als dein Sitzungs-Manager und Lesezeichen-Organizer wählen?
➤ Verwalte deine Tabs und Sitzungen – Toast hilft dir, gespeicherte Sitzungen einfach zu wechseln und deine Workflows organisiert zu halten.
➤ Effizientes Tab- und Lesezeichen-Management – Nie wieder mühsames Suchen nach Tabs oder Lesezeichen – alles ist perfekt organisiert.
➤ Steigere die Geschwindigkeit deines Browsers – Reduziere Tab-Überladung und optimiere die Browserleistung.
➤ Perfekt für Profis und Kreative – Speichere Ideen, Recherchen und Inspirationen und bleibe dabei organisiert und produktiv.
🧠 Unsere Reise & Erkenntnisse:
Seit 2019 entwickeln wir Toast mit großer Sorgfalt, haben vier große Releases veröffentlicht und die Auszeichnung „Product of the Day“ auf ProductHunt erhalten. Während der Entwicklung haben wir die Kraft der Einfachheit entdeckt. Das minimalistische, native Design von Toast sorgt für mühelose Tab-Verwaltung mit leistungsstarken Funktionen für verschiedene Browser.
🔥 Schließe dich Tausenden an, die bereits ein tabfreies Browsing-Erlebnis genießen! 🔥
⚡️ Toast Crust: Eine neue Möglichkeit, mit Toast zu interagieren. Mit zwei stets sichtbaren Schaltflächen – Aktuellen Tab speichern und Alle Tabs speichern – kannst du Tabs sofort speichern, ohne deinen Workflow zu unterbrechen.
🎉 Toast V4.0: Dein verbessertes Browser-Erlebnis
Nach einer Reihe kleiner, aber entscheidender Updates sowie dem erfolgreichen Start unserer neuen iPhone-App präsentieren wir ein großes Update, das dein Browsing-Erlebnis mit unserer Erweiterung auf ein neues Level hebt.
📑 Neuer Speicher-Workflow:
Überarbeitete Speicheroptionen! Speichere nun alle Tabs, einen einzelnen Tab oder ausgewählte Tabs in einem neuen oder bestehenden Ordner. Außerdem merkt sich die Funktion „Zuletzt verwendet“ intelligent deinen letzten Speicherort für einen schnelleren Zugriff.
🔄 Erweiterte Sortiermöglichkeiten:
Übernimm die Kontrolle! Sortiere deine Elemente auf der Startseite nach Name, Erstellungsdatum oder manuell. Ziehe sie einfach per Drag & Drop an die gewünschte Position.
🔍 Verbesserte Suche:
Navigiere mühelos! Finde Ordner oder Links sofort über das Suchsymbol in der Navigationsleiste auf der Startseite.
📁 Optimierte Detailseite:
Eine optimierte Detailseite für bessere Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Klarere Schaltflächen und die Möglichkeit, den Namen direkt in der Navigationsleiste zu ändern.
🌟 Und vieles mehr:
Viele weitere Verbesserungen und Updates warten in der neuen Version der Erweiterung auf dich. Entdecke das verbesserte Toast-Erlebnis selbst!
Latest reviews
- (2024-11-06) David: Three years ago it was a one star nuisance. It was constantly asking me to rate the app and providing a choice of prewritten answers that were not appropriate. Since it stopped doing that, it is fine and it is almost essential. I use it at the start of every day to activate the tabs I will need to use.
- (2023-11-06) אושי: its a beutiful app that saves me a lot of time i would provide to add a function that you can have folders and subfolders so you dont need to scroll up and down if you have a lot of links saved
- (2023-10-03) scavxo: Great Extension, it can be improved further in a way where if a user prefers to use guest mode first and saves some session and then later signs in using google account...the extensions replaces the sessions which are saved in guest mode with the ones which are saved in google account so technically its deleting the sessions which are saved 1st using guest mode... the best practise would be merging those guest session saved folder into the account instead of deleting them
- (2023-07-03) oren shahin: HONESTLY BEST EXTENSTION EVER. I have multiple extensions and consider my self finder of them and honest to god this has to be one of the most underrated god tier ones more people should know about this.
- (2023-06-14) Michelle W (Lab Muffin): Don't trust this app! All my saved tabs just completely disappeared one day.
- (2023-06-13) Chuan Littlefat: i had signed in but still can't see my account record in chrome extend icon
- (2023-06-06) musa beyg: It is a very useful extension. I will advise others to use it
- (2023-06-02) Emmanuel: FRIENDLY ADVICE FOR THE DEVELOPERS: Don't limit the usability of your app with a pro plan. Your basic plan should offer all important functionality, and the pro plan should expand on that. And I believe the ability to crate and manage folders should fall into that. The app only has a nice interface. Its functionality is extremely basic, and there are much more better extensions out there that offer what Toast offers... for free.
- (2023-05-15) Gabriel Nunez: Simple and easy to use, with five folders of browser tabs available on the free version. Changed my life for the better!
- (2023-04-12) Mateusz Paszkiewicz: Tricky trial version...
- (2023-04-01) katherine binns: this extension is trash. there are way better tab saving extensions that dont force you to buy a pro version after saving 5 tabs. im uninstalling and getting a different extension.
- (2023-03-06) Lorenzo Morales: Was working just fine for tabs I wanted to come back to upon further sessions. But recently, the extension doesn't save my tabs and keeps serving the upgrade banner. I decline and the tabs DO NOT SAVE. I'm uninstalling and going to find another.
- (2023-02-24) Martin Wittmann: This extension is crippleware. Without creating a Toast account, you can only create/save 3 folders for tabs. Really? I wish the authors would be up front about such limitations, should someone prefer not to not waste their time trying it.
- (2023-02-14) Aja Cook: No way to export links in any format to import to services such as or, seems like a huge oversight especially if your paying for the pro version.
- (2023-02-07) pot: simple n it works other extensions like this has something bad, like bad gui, too complicated etc but this extension is a combination of everything. its good
- (2023-01-25) Nathan Dolf: it saved all of my tabs that i wanted to keep and i didn't have to bookmark them
- (2023-01-20) Roberta Coleman: This is a great app for using across multiple computers/laptops. So easy to create folders to store links for reopening and not clogging up the browser with so many open tabs.
- (2023-01-02) Ene: You have to register, come on guys... :(
- (2022-12-21) Artemi Lebedev: Only current windows and no support native bookmarks
- (2022-11-19) Youssif Asker: I didn't like it deleted all my tabs.
- (2022-11-11) noi: It was great before hand, but now theres this update for a pro version?? And now I can only access one of my folders out of my 3. Don't get this extension.
- (2022-10-10) Jamespurs: Backup and export of the saved tabs list options are a must for this. Would prefer to see them in a document with the title of tab folder and links to the websites, just in case of backups for personal and office computers
- (2022-08-13) Braelyn: I just now added Toast for to my extensions, so far, it's good. I'll write another review when I use it for a little while longer.
- (2022-07-29) yulin song: 好用
- (2022-07-17) Mohsin: Registration - Crippled Features - Subscriptions Things they should mention upfront (In title)
- (2022-06-07) محمد ابراهیمی: عالیست
- (2022-05-01) John Giftakis: Simple and straightforward to use. No hickups. I would love to see some additional features though like ability to save multiple tabs in an existing session by using multiple selection and not one by one.
- (2022-04-27) Katie Riverwood: Doesnt save the formatting - pinning/setting groups etc in Chrome.
- (2022-04-13) Ken lam: Feature suggestions: 1. Option to mark a folder as default folder. 2. Keyboard shortcut to close and save current tab to the default folder, and put the current tab at the top of default folder. 3. Keyboard shortcut to close and save current tab to the default folder, and put the current tab at the bottom of default folder. 4. Manual drag-and-drop ordering of the saved tabs. (I don't mean sorting tabs by name here, I mean sorting the tabs the way I want it) 5. Add an option that, if I click and open a tab in any folder, remove the tab from the folder. 6. Backup and export of the saved tabs list to both Google Drive and local file system, in case your extension or your server has sudden outage.
- (2022-03-05) Maria Tran: Exactly what I needed. Only one problem: Every time I try to rename a link, the extension crashes.
- (2022-02-25) Junsik Choi: I'm living convenient life for this plugin. BTW, I want to add some features in Toast. is it possible to add a button that open all save tabs in current windows? every each click the button - is described open all links in new windows - makes new windows again and again. It makes me annoying.
- (2022-02-20) Dylan Johan (DylanJohan): La mejor extensión la uso en versión free y es muy completa
- (2022-02-13) Symon: Can't use it locally? Forcing to create a stupid dumb account? Nah, seeya
- (2022-02-11) mik ski: Im Soooooo happyyyy W/ my lovebug hubby and i know it!!!😊😋😊!!feeling blessed
- (2022-02-03) Michał Spychalski: This extension saves my time. I have quick access to archival google map whenever the boss will ask. Thanks
- (2021-10-21) Andy Ch: Очень полезное и что важно - удобное, приложение. Респект!
- (2021-10-13) Artem Rikoski: PRO Version? $2.99 ?? 5 sessions per Browser? Are you kidding me?? DELETED! GTFOH LOL
- (2021-10-04) Yuhua Deng: Can you publish the login-free version?
- (2021-03-31) Adam Zaloum: Super lame of them to offer this "for free", then lock your stuff up unless you "pay up"... That's a garbage attitude from these devs. I love the extension, but removing the basic features and then charging on a per-month basis instead of giving people the option for one time buys or even bundled-years buys would have been a MUCH wiser choice (e.g. $0.99/month if you buy 3 years)... Disappointing to say the least.
- (2020-12-11) Артём: увожение (моё) (смеялись всей маршруткой)
- (2020-10-01) Savas X: Never sent any email after registering, support never bothered to reply. Forcing you to sign in was also something not worth doing, but I wanted to try. I suspect that this is not an extension you want to risk saving anything on.
- (2020-08-11) RC dag05: Очень давно искал такое расширение, наконец то нашел. Если у вас много не пересекающихся проектов, то эта программка не заменима. Купил сразу на год не задумываясь. Пожелание разработчикам - дать возможность сортировать сессии по своему усмотрению, и не сильно усложнять программу, чтобы все можно было делать в два клика.
- (2020-04-04) Dean Panayotov: "TOAST" HAS TURNED INTO RANSOMWARE. I wouldn't recommend this extension to anyone. You risk losing any bookmarks saved with it. Months ago it was working as advertised but now whoever is developing it got greedy and downright delusional. If you have any "sessions" (a list of bookmarks) saved you can now only access them if you register at their website. Moreover, your access is limited to 5 sessions unless you pay up. All your other sessions are kept hostage. There's no export feature so basically to use this tool you are forced to delete hundreds of bookmarks or you can just abandon them altogether... or pay money to get them back. These sorts subversive gimmicks should be illegal (and they probably already are).
- (2020-03-28) Miguel Rosa: Toast's idea is simply a game changer on my Workflow. I wanna thank its creators for putting together a simple tool that allows me to smoothly switch between work environments on my browser with only ONE CLICK! I've been using the free version for a while but as I'm a heavy user I've decided to join a Monthly Subscription that allows me to have unlimited session and sync between all my devices. Amazing! Thanks a lot guys for making this possible :)
- (2020-01-08) Gabriel Maldonado: My research team is using Toast every day. It helps us to save a lot of time and organize the work process. We're sharing sessions with each other and can keep work on any device (especially on Safari), which is very convenient. We tried a lot of different products on the market but only Toast is providing all of them in one place. Strictly recommend to try and make sure that it costs each penny. Waiting for the "Team sync" feature.
- (2020-01-07) Hunter DG: NO WAY I'm paying $7/mo. That's netflix/hulu money for tab sync. $7/yr maybe...
- (2020-01-03) Filip Varga: It has potential, but the features available for free are too limiting (only 5 sessions, no sync between devices) and paying $6/month for an extension like this is way too much.
- (2019-12-30) Sirui Li: All my previously saved tabs are taken as hostages after it automatically upgraded to v2. Now it wouldn't let me use without log in and I do not want to register account.
- (2019-12-23) Jakub: I had a problem but the support team helped and found a solution. Toast is very helpful and useful if you work with lots of tabs.
- (2019-12-22) Strekalovskaya Anna: Очень полезное расширение (очень подходит тем, у кого открыто больше 15 вкладок, из которых рабочие 3, а до остальных руки не доходят, только в планах на ближайшее и далекое будущее. Но вот когда это будущее наступает, то тут есть шанс требуемую вкладку найти) И отдельное спасибо - быстрой, отзывчивой и адекватной службе поддержки!