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Scratch 3 Developer Toolsで、 でのScratch編集をよりよくします。
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Hey I'm Griffpatch from Scratch - For those who are serious about their Scratch Coding, this is the tool for you! :)
I've waited too long for an official way in Scratch 3 to jump to custom block definitions, etc... so I've begun to create my own chrome extension that allows for speedy navigation to any custom block, event receiver, or other hat blocks in your project. Now supports locating variable and list references by name and an improved script tidier.
Simply install the extension in chrome, and then load up a scratch project. The new Find box will appear (Ctrl + F to jump to it or mouse over it), and all the hat blocks in the current sprite are listed in order of type, name, and then where they are on the page. Click on one (or use keyboard) to jump straight to the block stack in the editor! YAY!!!
Much more to come if you like this... and the Scratch Team is willing :) - Course they are *grin* - They love the Scratch community and so do I :) - Enjoy everyone and let me know if there's any problems at:
Change Log:
3 Aug 2021 - v1.18.0
● Support Alt+Click in addition to middle click
25 May 2021 - v1.15.0
● RTL (right-to-left) support
22 Apr 2021 - v1.13.0
● Added Make Space (when clicking on a script)
10 Feb 2020 - v1.9.1
● Support localization to other languages other than English
4 July 2020 - v0.2.4
● Bug fix for dragging element out of Ctrl+Space when you begin dragging from a emboldened area of the token
3 July 2020 - v0.2.3
● Experimental Ctrl + Space block injection
● Fix for input box not appearing on project load.
● Fix for pressing Ctrl+Left or Right while trying to enter text
1 July 2020 - v0.2.1
● Bug Fixes
● Made Help / Tutorials link fade out when not hovering over toolbar to make interface cleaner
30 June 2020 - v0.2.0
● Fixed find bar disappearing when going to project page and back
● Support for Mac Meta Key in place of control so that Meta + F works too.
● Keyboard navigation (ctrl + left or right arrows) to get back to where you were, or in costume editor change costumes
● Middle click a block to jump to definition
● Context menu options - clean up (+), copy, cut & Paste at mouse cursor (yay!)
● Switch all instances of variable in sprite with another variable - can be used to great effect to solve problems like where you want to use a for this sprite only vs a for all sprites variable.
● Send sprite costume to top / bottom in costume editor by right clicking a costume.
● Added help + link to tutorials on youtube
20 Sept 2019 - v0.1.3
● Added Support for searching broadcasts & custom block usages (within same sprite)
● Merged any duplicate events together in dropdown (e.g. when sprite cloned)
20 Sept 2019 - v0.1.0
● Added Support for searching variables & lists, plus keyboard navigation between usages (left + right arrows).
● Drop down stays open and current item selected until you click away.
● Blocks are only scrolled into view if they are 'off screen' or hidden under the drop down.
● Tidy Up Scripts button - I think this works better than the standard scratch one - it trys to keep the general order of scripts the same, but pushes things out and arranges them neatly. It also removes the orphaned blocks and places them all down the far left for easy deletion.
v0.0.1 - Initial Release
● Enjoy!
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-15) 秋煌: Good!
- (2023-08-04) Aldesian Vero: Griffpatch thanks so much because i couldn't find the real one. Thanks to your video i could find this but thanks so much that you made this
- (2023-03-16) Caydan: Nice
- (2022-05-09) Vickie Jimenez: hey this not a total review bt i would have given it 5 stars but.. it dont work at all, no new find bar appears, nothing pls fix this
- (2022-05-06) Christopher D'Lamatter: Scratch Addons can already do this and more- but for people who just want these features, I guess this is for you.
- (2022-04-02) Sonia Tan: Amazing extension! It has saved me alot of time. I used to wish that it would be easier for me to find blocks!
- (2022-02-19) Ethan Tong: Hi! [email protected] in my other account said that it is amazing! I wonder how you have the Clean up blocks + and I wonder how you jumped over a hat block, this extension is really cool and awesome!!!!!
- (2022-02-08) Stefan de weij: poopoo
- (2022-01-02) Juliana Fonseca: i did'nt use yet but i know is very good have developer tools and what happens if we use this while having scratch addons? because scratch addons give us developer tools.
- (2021-12-29) Lucas Tao: Worked and made my life of coding on Scratch sooooooooo much easier. Thanks griffpatch!!!
- (2021-11-19) Orrin Gray (Orrinpants): I don't think I've even used it for a minute, and I already love it.
- (2021-11-16) the boy: i watch ur vids and it was super helpful!!!
- (2021-10-23) juanpablo73: I like it but I would like an automatic creator, I mean like a 3D automatic and also movements and here it is faster to create an animation or game and it is more fun
- (2021-10-15) prach k.worraprach: i can find blocks
- (2021-10-04) unknown: great but the original google sites is down. I had to search for this lmao
- (2021-09-23) ななし: 変数の機能変更をするときに、ちまちませず、一括処理できるし、ブロックをコピーして、いくらでも貼り付けられるので、いちいち複製して移動させるという手間が省けました! これからも愛用させていただきます。
- (2021-09-21) Srinivasan Parthasarathy: lovely
- (2021-09-09) Alessandro GD: It is very useful, I usually do not use so many codes since I have only been 2 months and 1 week but when I have many codes I get lost among so many codes and now I only look for them with the extension my profile:
- (2021-09-06) John Bailey: Wow. It makes programming in Scratch much easier.
- (2021-08-17) Ezekiel Glazebrook: Amazing, helped so much with scratch, no bugs. Thanks Griffpatch
- (2021-08-10) Alvin: Just want to ask could I see the number of clone with this? Btw, it is great
- (2021-07-26) Dr_Sloth21: This add on is amazing! My favorite part of it is the clean up + because it works like a charm compared to the vanilla version! I love the finding feature, the Ctrl+Space feature and especially the make space feature. Continue to work wonders, griffpatch!!
- (2021-07-23) Shopping Jungle: I really recomend it! Its great for use!
- (2021-07-15) HyperionOS: I love this extension griffpatch
- (2021-06-09) ali uyduran: uzantı çalışmadı benim bilgisayarımdan mı kaynaklanıyor
- (2021-05-16) R - G - C Extra: This is simply so helpful.
- (2021-05-08) Isabelle Call: I cannot put into words how much I LOVE this add-on! I really recommend getting this extension. -Artsygirlforlife
- (2021-05-08) Kadin: it can really help with your workflow but it would be nice if you added more shortcuts like maybe one to clean up blocks or even stuff like running the program but overall great extension
- (2021-04-27) Oliver C: So this works great on scratch, but on turbowarp, which I use more for editing, it's COMPLETELY BROKEN. For example, for a global variable that I clearly used at least once, in the menu it says I used it 0 times and when I press the small arrows beside the number, nothing happens. This also happens for some broadcast blocks and event blocks. So yeah, better fix these bugs or I won't be using this anymore.
- (2021-04-26) Anthony Seif: when the imposter is the sus
- (2021-04-19) Dmitry Vasiliev: Very useful!
- (2021-04-15) ProfessorPi: Been using this extention for years. Helps be tolerable in those moments where I am stressed at the lack of functions I am used to in other coding languages. Griffpatch is, to put it bluntly, a based gigachad pogchamp and has been singlehandedly carrying since 2012.
- (2021-04-07) Shlok Prabhu: Incredible. Simple changes that make everything easier for you. Better UI, optimization, QOL, and more. Amazing.
- (2021-03-21) ינון יגל: תוסף מעולה
- (2021-03-09) DaPankakes: Pretty good If I do say so myself.
- (2021-03-09) ComicScrab1939: I love it. It cleans up the blocks better than scratch, and i can find my blocks by simply pressing Ctrl+F
- (2021-03-03) Train Man: All the 5-star reviews aren't lying - i code quite a bit in scratch for fun and this does those small things that make such a big difference with the ease of use of the UI! If you code in scratch at all this is an extension definitely worth installing.
- (2021-01-21) Pixel Tadpolebee: This extension is helpful for my chatbot project im currently working on, helps me remove orphaned reporters just chillin in the middle of nowhere.
- (2020-12-18) Pandude Playz: This is awesome! (But that was clear because it was made by THE griffpatch)
- (2020-11-16) Spaget 2009: I really love this tool. It's compact, easy to use, and really helpful in complex projects. I just have one suggestion, you should be able to change a variable to a cloud variable using the, "rename variable" option.
- (2020-10-31) Ammon Jacob: First off, great extension, use it everytime I log onto scratch. You should add a button to play your scratch tutorials while on the scratch page so you don't need to constantly swap tabs to watch your tutorials!
- (2020-10-28) existance_: i like griffpatch
- (2020-10-23) JT Townsend: This is so useful! I love this extension so much, especially the "find block" bar at the top.
- (2020-10-07) TrueMose: Very cool Griffpatch, very cool. -Helped me a lot with my project Jumping Wizards ( )
- (2020-09-06) muff1n.: yey griffpatch!
- (2020-08-27) noam: great just what I needed
- (2020-08-21) Jax Tippets: Awesome extension! I really like the idea. Finding code has never been easier! (Is that the right way to say it? lol...) My suggestion: make it detect left-out blocks that isn't connected to any cap block when you clean up. It also needs an alert. That would also make my code cleaner!
- (2020-08-15) 8402 AKASH KARTHIK: I need help with your scratch team developer tools extension , can you say me how it is working ? .
- (2020-08-03) Joe Clinton: Amazing extension, I use this so much. The clean up tool is really really helpful and so much better than scratches just for being able to preserve columns, and remove unused variables. I also love being able to search for code it makes it a lot easier. One feature that I desperately want is the ability to convert a variable from local to global. I have thousands of uses of variables in my project and to convert all from local to global takes hours. Thanks again for making this!
- (2020-08-02) MagicChex: Helped me with variables and scripts but I do wish that there was a way to separate Global Variables from Local Variables