Allows to share current page via Telegram messenger in just one click
This extension allows you to share URL of the current page or selected text/link/image to the Telegram app.
'Reading your browsing history' permission is required to get the url of the page you're currently on.
Works with Telegram Desktop apps for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-03) Maicolos_: Não funciona, na hora de compartilhar o site, a extensão abre uma aba, aí não acontece nada e a aba fecha
- (2022-11-11) hellGerra: Открывается ссылка в новой вкладке, которая должна открыть телеграм, и исчезает через несколько секунд. Вместо того, чтобы отурыть телеграм для выбора чата, куда отправить ссылку.
- (2022-08-08) Thomas Anderson: Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth...there is no spoon. Then you will see it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
- (2020-03-31) Filipe Carvalho: I wish i could send just the link, without the text excerpt
- (2019-12-25) 권오인: Desktop Telegram Push Program.
- (2019-05-31) shiri forhat: awesome app yaroo
- (2019-05-19) Thomas Herfen: Das sollte Standard in Chrome sein.
- (2019-01-28) John Clark: Works great so far especially after allowing the protocol to open automatically. It does not include ""Sent by Share via Telegram" text for me. Is this an official offering?
- (2018-03-27) Adventure Experience: I even cannot launch Telegram from my Chrome Extension. Please Fix! Thank you.
- (2017-12-29) Harmony Bear: Inserts the text "Sent by Share via Telegram [ link to the extension ]" into every message, making it annoying and useless.
- (2017-08-01) Pedro Macedo: It is broken
- (2017-07-12) Hndrx Win: Not working properly. Please fix it!!
- (2017-05-08) napishu: Not work. Telegram web / Windows 10 x64 Creators.
- (2017-03-15) Martín Jiménez Hernández: Ha dejado de funcionar, se abre una ventana en segundo plano y se cierra sin mostrar nada.
- (2017-01-23) Max Dmitriev: Не тупит, удобно, простота в использовании
- (2016-12-20) Andrea Pessotto: Continua a non funzionare da mesi!
- (2016-10-09) Diego Bernal: La idea es buena, pero le falta compartir mas cosas, no solo la url, podría ser las imágenes, video o texto también.
- (2016-09-24) Александр: Очень удобно! Моя благодарность разработчику.
- (2016-09-05) Antonio G. Spagnolo: doesn't work!
- (2016-06-21) Volodymyr M: Simple and working!!!
- (2016-03-20) Robert Johnson: This one has never worked for me. When touched, it just opens several tabs. Samsung Chromebook.
- (2016-03-17) Илья: нормально
- (2016-02-17) Babakhamidi22 Hamidi: gooooooooooooooooooooood
- (2016-01-19) does the job as advertised
- (2016-01-10) Daniil Svetlov: Отличный extension. Просто, лаконично и чтабильно. Сильно увеличил мою продуктивность при активной переписке в чатах.
- (2016-01-10) Ljubisa Gavrilovic: works on osx, crashes on ubuntu/chromium
- (2015-12-11) Кирилл: Работает как надо! Делиться ссылками стало удобнее и быстрее.
3.5455 (55 votes)
Last update / version
2022-12-29 / 1.16
Listing languages