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Simply fill forms with SimpleFill. The simplest and easiest form filler ever.
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Description from store
After installing, just right-click and hover on "Simply Fill with SimpleFill" and click on "Options". Add your information there which you want to appear in the Context Menu and start filling forms in clicks.
Having added your information, right-click on input fields or drop-downs and click on the respective information you want to fill under "Simply fill with SimpleFill" context menu.
You need only two mouse-clicks per field to fill up any form. No matter how lengthy your Name or Address may be, just 2-clicks and you are done. Users who love the auto fill feature of Opera Browser will love this because its concept of filling forms is quite similar.
It works on all versions of Chrome.
Visit to know more.
A new mac app launched by the same developer that helps you give better presentations, online classes, and video tutorials. Check out for a limited time offer.
v2.0.7 - Updated manifest and other minor things
v2.0.6 - Fixed broken links
v2.0.5 - Updated jQuery version to 3.2.1 and removed jQuery from background
v2.0.3 - Added Export/Import functionality
Added option for appending or replacing field values while filling forms
v2.0.2 - No need to restart browser after saving data into SimpleFill
v2.0.1 - Minor fixes related to Options in context menu, UI fixes, etc.
v2.0.0 - Major Update which includes use of chrome-storage instead of local-storage, syncs data across chrome browsers, works in incognito mode and some other minor tweaks.
v1.1.2 - Fixed error in adding options (Thanks to Les Hay of Livingston, Scotland)
v1.1.1 - Added error dialog & footer in options page and some other minor modifications to the code
v1.1.0 - Fixed error in options in contextMenu
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-31) Murray Moffatt: Will only append to a form field or overwrite it completely, no option to insert into a form field (eg insert at the middle or beginning or wherever the cursor is).
- (2023-04-05) K L: This tool is exactly what the world needs! In concept anyway... All we want is a simple right-click and select to fill in form fields. But, this tool does what it says, but some forms reject the entry. They say it is an invalid text entry. If we clear the field and paste the same value directly, it works. So this extension still needs work. More importantly, I am literally deleting it for the simple reason that it does not provide an option to reorder the information entered. That is the most basic bnuilding block of any menu creator tool. It is ESSENTIAL. Absolutely foolish to not include that.
- (2023-03-03) Xyler Smith: Good extension, would love a hotkey ability though
- (2022-06-27) Nitin Sirsat: Very useful for SEO persons. I like it
- (2022-05-10) bulletproof2k: Thank you.
- (2021-10-27) Pavel Orlov: Hello , I need to have a hotkey . Do you have it? Thanks !
- (2020-07-02) Deepak D: Not working on Version 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit). Tried on multiple websites but not working.
- (2020-06-24) Gaston Telacchi: excelente para el trabajo!!!
- (2020-03-04) Оператор Диспетчер: Экономит кучу времени каждый день, отличное приложение
- (2020-03-04) Jan Kischel: wow, does exactly what it's made for. Good job! Two ideas: - multi-line templates would be helpful - also, organizing the text templates in subfolder entries could also help
- (2018-12-17) miwoj (miwoj): Would be perfect, if it had similiar functionality as in "Simple Form Fill" extension, type first 1-2 letters and press Tab to auto pick position.
- (2018-07-30) Mathieu La Grande Zaza: Pratique, mais ce nouvel onglet à chaque démarrage impossible à retirer m'a fait désinstaller le module, ça le rend très polluant...
- (2018-04-09) Luis CB: fenomenal y muy práctica.
- (2018-02-17) Maurice Smeele (Maurice): Erg nuttig, Hopelijk komt er een functie in om de volgorde te veranderen. Very useful, Hopefully there will be a function to change the order. Edit : Found a option for inserting blank rule between 2 rows. Thanks !
- (2018-02-09) Василий Курильчик: Отличное расширение! Очень удобно!
- (2017-10-19) Laurie Maughan: When I right click it shows that the app is on my computer, but it does not work.
- (2017-02-13) I agree with the sort or reorder the fields, but this is really a great plug-in. I love it and use it everyday!
- (2017-02-09) Алексей: То что нужно, без лишних наворотов!
- (2016-11-29) Roman Isaev: Не работает в при написании комментариев.
- (2016-04-23) Saam Cy: Not that useful
- (2016-04-22) Sandip Patil: Nice App. If possible add shortcuts like ctrl+shift+1, ctrl+shift+2...
- (2016-03-31) Mehdi Davoudi: it can be very useful if you add keyboard shortcut for each field that can be pasted in the forms.
- (2016-03-04) Christian Wall: Using it every day. It does what it says it will do. Simple smart and cant live without it now.
- (2016-02-06) Dan Panke: Would be superb if you could sort or recorder fields.
- (2015-12-04) Harendra Singh: have to add every single field. and then manually right click on each field and select the value. There should be something which can capture the whole form first time and save it. Next time it should use those values to autofill
- (2015-11-14) Mar kus: In itself quite well, but every time when you start the browser opens this page that extremely annoying. "" There is no feature in the settings to move up / down already made records Or to sort by alphabet.
- (2015-10-26) Ashwin Aditya: Nice plugin. Works flawlessly.
- (2015-04-17) Анатолий Александрович: Супер! То что нужно! Отлично, просто и понятно. Огромное спасибо разработчикам.
- (2015-03-22) The developer is not to be trusted. I suggested a couple of enhancements, and he said that if I made a contribution, he would add them. I paid the money, and NOTHING was ever done. Fraud.
- (2015-03-13) Sam Mahdi: It does it job. The only problem is the length of the the line in context meny, could you please make it shorter Just SIMPLEFILL
- (2015-01-12) Евгений Ати: Just what I was looking for! Great extension!
- (2014-11-19) Дмитрий Лях: The best of formfillers because of custom Title
- (2014-11-13) Future0Man: Can't anyone design an autofill for Chrome that fills out forms with one click? This is the 21st century, isn't it?
- (2014-09-17) John Butt: Just what I needed
- (2014-08-28) Levent ÖZTEMİZ: Form basit anlaşılır ve kullanışlı ancak form sıralamasında değişiklik yapamıyoruz. Örneğin en üste yazdığımız ismi bir alta ya da altta ise bir üste taşıyamıyoruz gibi.
4.0 (69 votes)
Last update / version
2021-09-26 / 2.0.7
Listing languages