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Change the color of visited links
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This rather-minimalistic extension changes the color of visited links to a nice red.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-17) Carlos Jose Chacon Chavarria: Best Chrome extension ever I do a lot of google search and seeing which links I already visited save me a lot of time when working :)
- (2023-04-13) Katinka Fekete: Does anyone have any idea, how does it work, how far back does it see in your History page? P.S. Love this extension and couldn't find a better one yet! Would be extremely helpful to know though how it works, many thanks!
- (2022-11-07) Олег: Супер!
- (2022-10-02) fred ramos: excelente
- (2021-11-24) Mouaad Abdelghafour AIT ALI: Exactly what I want
- (2021-09-02) Leon Niceday: works, but on some sites, including Facebook, it often does not allow a page to scroll down. Have to refresh the page to be able to.
- (2021-08-03) ねろ: すぐ反映してくれるのはストレスがなく、助かります。 Google検索だと更新ボタンを押してからじゃないと、赤くなりません。
- (2020-12-28) like a rock: Very stable extension that really helps this senior!!
- (2020-12-09) Tony Coleby: Tiny and effective.
- (2020-10-11) でろん: おしゃれデザインのつもりなのか、既読前後でリンク色がほとんど変わらないようなksサイトが多々あるわけで(ニコニコとか)、そういったとこも強制的に既読を赤字にしてくれるのでイライラせずに済むわけですな。なんかストレスから解放されて寿命が延びた気すら起こる。
- (2020-10-02) zee will die: the extension is very helpful, thank you very much. how do i change the visited link color?
- (2020-09-27) Chuck R: If you don't mind being stuck with a dull red, visited link, this functions fine (I'm using Chrome v85). I changed over to "Color Links" so I can choose my own link color. Otherwise they both work fine. Both are simply plug-n-play. You only need to download, make sure it's turned ON, and it does it's own thing.
- (2020-04-14) Andrei Besiulkin: Red is good, but now i work with site with defualt red links. And cant open params to change visited to another color.
- (2020-04-06) Mony Faulk: It does exactly what it says on the cover, I just wish it worked for links that use images to click on, like tinting them a different color.
- (2020-04-05) Николай Бессонов: Меняет цвет просмотренных ссылок, как же я раньше мучался (плохой монитор)
- (2019-08-19) cars x: Works as advertised, thanks G.
- (2019-07-17) Steven Smyth: Works well. I know this is a privacy issue on a work desktop or a laptop, but on your home desktop, it's really not. this is easier than custom .css too.
- (2019-06-17) JKH: Thank you for this simple fix. I tried several other options in the Chrome Web Store, none on them worked at all.
- (2019-05-11) LooneyTunes Horner: I don't want to use is on Facebook only on visited links on Google. How do I turn it off on Facebook?
- (2019-05-03) Simone Mey: Sehr hilfreich, insbesondere wenn man an vielen Gewinnspielen teilnimmt und sich nicht sicher ist, wo man überall schon teilgenommen hat. Wäre schön, wenn man in Zukunft eine eigene Farbe bzw. eine Texthintergrundfarbe auswählen könnte (wie so eine Art Textmarker), damit einem die Links noch mehr ins Auge stechen. Aber ansonsten - Topp Erweiterung!
- (2019-04-21) Disciple de Jésus-Christ: marche !
- (2019-02-27) As everyone says: It's simple, it works and its read. Nothing Fancy It would be nice to be able to choose your own colour though
- (2018-12-25) B. Refaat: Simple and works. Thank you very much for the developer(S).
- (2018-12-15) Shawn Dru Colony: Worked instantly. No configuring needed. Would love another color option, but the red is much better than the default purple.
- (2018-11-15) Frank Utne: At least it does work, unlike two other competitors I tried. Minimalist is right. Read that crippled. Visited links are a dull red. That's it. No options to choose any color you want for visited/unvisited links.
- (2018-11-03) Joe Consultant: Just works. No muss, no fuss. Compatible with Vivaldi 2.x.
- (2018-08-07) Mc Kilroy: Wenn es doch nur immer funktionieren würde ...
- (2018-08-01) Walter S: Doesn't work for YouTube
- (2018-07-19) Sam Hamad: Works just as expected
- (2018-07-10) james nathapong: "Visited" is excellent. It helps distinguish clicked links from still unclicked sites. Users will realize which search results have been checked and won't waste time checking the already checked sites. Moreover, "Visited" is safe to use whereas "Stylish" violates users' privacy.
- (2018-06-20) super44super44: Fonctionne tres bien , merci beaucoup
- (2018-06-13) Александр Д.: Его бы по-умолчанию встроить в браузер! Пока отлично! Красный цвет самый то. Ещё бы не посещённые ссылки сделать поконтрастнее, а то на некоторых сайтах не получается сходу найти. thx!
- (2018-06-09) thank you. but a slight problem. the visited link colors red. so when the background is also red, you can't see the visited link, which is sometimes used alot.
- (2018-04-12) Online With Sherkhan: It's good. If we have another color option then it will be great. Small problem with YouTube page. It shows red color on visited videos but when i search back in few hours it goes back to normal so no red color :(
- (2018-04-11) Дерсу Узала: Обалденная расширение , давно такое искал .Экономит время и цвет правильный ,просмотренные высвечивается красным.Спасибо огромное.
- (2018-04-11) 305 PLP: Does exactly what its supposed to do!
- (2018-02-24) Vinicius: Ótima, simples e funciona!
- (2017-07-09) The red really stands out. Some links that shouldn't be shown as visited are red - like my profile and messages on facebook. Combined with "Mark Selected Links as Visited" by Dima Pm is awesome.
- (2017-02-21) Prismatic Do: Работает и на мэйле. Но почему красным то?? Посещенные вроде как не так важны уже. В общем надо настраиваемый цвет
- (2017-02-17) Jian Nicky: 很好用,要是能自定义改变的颜色就更好了!