Description from extension meta
Extension for modifying the font size without changing the page width - with inText Zoom-Widget and shortcuts for faster access
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Description from store
You don´t want to lose your eyesight while reading texts online?
⚠️ Rest your eyes! Increase poorly legible texts on websites with Text-Zoom.
⚙️ These are the core functions of Text-Zoom:
✅ Adjusting font size to your needs
✅ Widget with a slider, that can be blend in and out on the left side of the screen, to quickly increase and decrease the font size with the mouse
✅ Remembering your favorite settings for each domain
✅ Turning on and off for each domain
✅ Shortcuts with ALT (for Mac-Users the option-key)
▶︎ ALT+ to increase
▶ ALT- to decrease
▶ ALT0 for RESET
🎯 target group
★ Surfers who want to save their eyes: all online users, that want to increase texts to read more easily to protect their eyes
★ Heavy Readers: no long rows of texts on large that can be exhausting (e.g. like increasing font size with the shortcut STRG+)
⚠️ Remark
As many other extensions, our chrome extension needs access to the website in order to blend in the ZOOM slider widget and such that the software can increase the font size. We at abilitools see ourselves as supporters of digital accessibility. Thus we guarantee that no data is retrieved
🐵 Your abilitools team
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-19) Eddie Spadaro: One Of The Best Extension's I Have Ever Seen And Used !!!!!!! 😀 It Works Perfect. Just Like It Supposed to. Way To Go My Man. Keep Up The Good Work !!!!! 👍✌👌
- (2023-08-09) Chris Hutchison: It works! I had a problem increasing the font size in my browser and this extension did the trick. Like someone mentioned it is nice that it is unobtrusive. Well designed. 100%
- (2023-07-13) Loic COBBINA: Excellent tool. Works exactly as expected
- (2023-06-20) Asadullah Ramzan: Thank you, Would you please add function to delete "Adjust settings" from context menu.
- (2023-06-01) Brian Smith: Thank you, Would you please add function to delete "Adjust settings" from context menu.
- (2023-01-12) Cassidy: Love using it. It enlarges comments on Youtube instead of enlarging the video thumbnail like some other similar extentions.
- (2022-11-01) NEUROCLINICA: Finally one that will manage ALL SITES , thank you so much!!
- (2022-02-03) DQ Z: Cool interface, effective zoom.
- (2022-01-17) r w: Great, but need to customize "site access" for "on specific sites" only which can't be modified now.
- (2021-08-16) Charlie Kreitzberg: This extension does a great job in most cases. There are some good suggestions in the reviews, I hope the developers are reading them. Specifically, it would be great to have a smaller slider. A feature that would be really helpful would be the ability to change the font color to black (for those sites that think it's cool to use grey) and adjust the background color so that the contrast in improved.
- (2021-07-15) ChibiHuey: Finally, an extension that can actually make fonts very big. My only problem is that I want there to be an option to change the settings for *all* websites. I don't know if it has a setting for that. And when I scroll the page, go to another website or refresh the page, it doesn't make fonts bigger until about 1-2 seconds. This can be annoying also because I may be about to click somewhere and 1 second later everything changes and it may make me click somewhere else and stuff. Can this be fixed? Also, I think that you press Alt Shift + instead of Alt + but I don't think I mind about this. Overall, it's very good.
- (2021-04-18) Xubile: The keys interfere with my work flow causing text to increase when it's not wanted. We need the ability to select new or disable existing key board acceleration combinations.
- (2021-04-13) Puyu: Pretty good tho i hate the whole sliding thingy that's pointlessly big and can't be hidden.
- (2021-03-29) GDK: This is the best text zoom extension on here.
- (2021-01-19) Tony: Widget doesn't display and shortcuts don't work either.
- (2020-11-17) AbuBakar Siddique: "alt +" doesn't work... though other shortcuts work finely.
- (2020-09-27) Jessica Salmonson (darkocean): Useless for me as it doesn't increase the text size in text editors! I need it to work here: So I can see better when writing. Until then it's useless. (It's a very nice zoom but isn't doing what's needed. *crys*)
- (2020-02-19) Artur Petrov: Наконец-то то, что искал! Отличное приложение чтобы просто увеличить текст и работает супер
- (2020-01-17) Bo Gimm: Wow! Wonderful app. thanks.
- (2019-09-25) Mike Cao: Abilitools is a great accessibility plugin that simplifies reading texts on a browser. Not only is it small and uncomplicated, it does an excellent job at zooming in texts without compromising on website structure and image quality. Give it a try!
- (2019-09-24) Joe Joe: This is an excellent tool for websites with small fonts. Great user interface and easy on the eyes. What sets this tool apart from a browser's default zoom is that, this tool zooms the text while maintaing the website's structure integrity. This means that the structure and the placement of the zoomed texts are unchanged and all the pictures and videos stay at where they are designed to be. You will not get a distorted website by using this tool as compared to a browser‘s default zoom function which may distort a website when you zoom beyond a certain level. Being an unobstructive yet powerful plugin, Zoom Premium is an excellent next-gen smart accessibility tool for all kinds of internet users. I would highly recommend it. (Tip for international QWERTY keyboard user: For zoom-in shortcut, you would need to press Alt + Shift + Plus key. Happy zooming!)
- (2019-08-21) Peter Quitta: I read a lot of scientific blogs, where this plugin makes it super easy to increase font size without changing charts etc. For me, reading is now much easier, without the hassle of having blurred charts or images, because the zoom function of Chrome zooms everything.
- (2019-08-01) Jessica Her: Ein sehr hilfreiches Tool, welches nur die Textgröße ändert. Bilder und andere Elemente bleiben bestehen. Problemlose Installation und einfache Bedienung mit nutzerfreundlichem Design. Nutze ich seit der Installation jeden Tag!
- (2019-07-30) Daniel Schroter: Klasse Extension! Die Extension ist insbesondere bei hoch-auflösenden Bildschirmen sinnvoll. Ich kann so den Text vergrößern, ohne das Layout der Seite zu verändern.
- (2019-07-21) u.: Sehr sinnvoll und bisher noch nicht anderswo gesehen! Endlich mal so ein hilfreiches Tool, was einem weiter bringt. Mich hat es immer gestört kleine Artikel lesen zu müssen. Mit dem Tool kann ich es einfach und problemlos nutzen!
- (2019-07-18) Esma Gelis: Super nützliches Tool mit angenehmem Design!
- (2019-07-14) Chris Eberl: nutze ich jeden Tag mind. 5-10mal
- (2019-07-12) J. Juhas: Love it. It allows you to zoom pages out as well so I often use it to save "screen real-estate" on pages that overdo it with the size of the text.
- (2019-07-09) Alexander Pinker: Sehr nützlich, da nur die Texte vergrößert werden! Bilder und andere Elemente bleiben bestehen, was das Nutzungserlebnis damit nicht beeinträchtigt!
- (2019-07-09) Karla Müller: I really like how unobtrusive the extension is: it's not in the way and its shortcuts blend in easily with my workflow. I use it a lot to increase the font size (without changing the layout of the page) when working with a second monitor. And if there is indeed the need to increase more than just the font size the standard chrome zoom is still accessible via shortcuts.
- (2019-07-08) Heide Wagner: sehr sinnvolles Tools vor allem bei meinem grossen Bildschirm zum Lesen. Das einfahrende Fenster finde ich auch sehr praktisch.
- (2019-07-08) Dimitri Haußmann: Super Extension, sehr hilfreich
- (2019-07-08) Anna Kitzmüller: Super Tool, welches nur die Schrift vergrößert, nicht die ganze Seite. Einfache Bedienung und bei Bedarf kann man es problemlos ein- oder ausschalten.
- (2019-07-07) Janis B.: Sehr nützliches Tool, um auch mal das Kleingedruckte wirklich lesen zu können! Sehr einfach zu bedienen und es funktioniert ohne Probleme, ein Lob an die Entwickler.
- (2019-07-05) Felix Preuß: Besonders als Kontaktlinsenträger, der Abends die Kontaktlinsen rausnimmt aber trotzdem gerne weitere Artikel lesen möchte, Super!
- (2019-07-04) Quỳnh Cao: The best app that i´ve used. Only texts are zoomed. The image quality doesn´t change. I can zoom at any size that I want. Very useful!!!
- (2019-07-04) Quynh: Very good !!! simple but attractive and user-friendly design. Can zoom at any size
- (2019-07-04) Andreas Hofner: Sehr schön! Nur die Textgröße ändert sich, nicht die ganze Seite. Und der Shortcut Alt+, Alt- ist angenehm, damit man nicht auf den Slider mit der Maus bedienen muß. Installation völlig problemlos!
- (2019-07-04) Dennis Fischer: Ich dachte ja immer "Strg+" reicht aus, aber dadurch zoome ich nur in die Website rein. Mit dem Plugin wird nur der Text größer. Das ist super!
- (2019-07-04) Thimo Hofner: Seit ich es habe, nutze ich es täglich. Mir ist jetzt erst aufgefallen, wie klein der Text auf manchen Seiten ist. Es ist echt ein super Tool!
- (2019-07-03) Hubert Eberl: Für mich ist die Erweiterung super. Bin ja schon etwas älter und da ist so etwas sehr hilfreich
- (2019-07-03) Carsten Lamm: Die Extension ist sehr schön. Ich nutze die Extension auf Mac, wie auf Linux. Ich mag die kleine aber feine Unterscheidung der Tastenkürzel auf den beiden Systemen.
- (2019-07-03) Emine Feyzanur Arman: Sehr cooles Tool! Kann man auch beliebig ein- und ausschalten.