extension ExtPose

Web Clipper

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Description from extension meta

Clip anything to anywhere.

Image from store Web Clipper
Description from store Web Clipper is an open source extension.You can save anything on the web to anywhere.And you can easily to add any platform. SUPPORTED PLATFORM NOW - Yuque - Github - Notion - Youdao Web Clipper is a pluginization extension.Any you can easily to write new plugin. SUPPORTED PLUGIN - BOOKMARK - FULL PAGE - QR CODE - MANUAL SELECTION - SCREENSHOTS - READABILITY SOURCE CODE https://github.com/webclipper/web-clipper

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-16) Maeve Tang: 为什么无法识别页面里的换行...剪藏下来都是一整坨一整坨的文字...即用即卸了
  • (2023-10-12) yj q: 这插件真是太棒了,感谢作者!!!
  • (2023-08-17) Чижик Пыжик: Why only markdown?
  • (2023-06-14) 雨伞: B站(哔哩哔哩、Bilibili)文章专栏,WEBP后缀的图片剪藏后无法正常显示。
  • (2023-05-10) Wind King: Notion目前不能保存到database了,只能保存再page下,希望能修正下。
  • (2023-04-28) casey mahoney: The exstention is not working as it should.
  • (2023-03-23) EssentialTreeTree: 有个bug 文末尾添加链接不能自动运行了
  • (2023-02-27) kate: 谢谢作者,notion绑上了后可以剪全图片了,另为知笔记授权错误,能帮忙看看吗?谢谢
  • (2023-01-07) Chef Luccy: PLEASE ADD SUPPORT TO **Obsedian App** like u did for TickTick
  • (2023-01-01) 好运来大人(来日方长): notion Network Error
  • (2022-12-16) Christina Nelson: I am unable to use it with Notion which is the only thing I want to use it with. I added the 'binding' to my Notion account but when I try to use it, I got "Request failed with status code 400" over and over. I guess it has a problem with Notion but from reading here in the reviews it sounds like it works for others using Notion. Can I get some help on getting this to work? Thank you! UPDATE — the plugin author has fixed whatever the issue was that was causing my Chrome browser to have the status code 400. I received several emails and then the author let me know it was fixed so I could re-enable it to try it. Worked great! Much appreciation for this.
  • (2022-12-15) Michael Rosencrants: I used it quite a bit with Notion. Then that broke and I moved to Obsidian so it's no longer useful for me. Appreciate the work done though.
  • (2022-12-12) ChunKin Lau: Notion API has broken.
  • (2022-12-12) ocean y: notion又不行了,报错400,和上次的问题一样,应该是notion又改了API,希望作者大大能修复一下,大谢!!
  • (2022-11-12) Taha: Great work ! very helpful extension Thank you
  • (2022-11-04) 王李明: 这个有语雀的赞助吗,感觉最近语雀支持上有很多小问题,后来最近调研了飞书的网页剪辑插件,感觉我要换飞书了,语雀估计要拜拜了
  • (2022-10-19) 果子煎饼: 如果采集有链接的图片时,可以不跳转就好了。 —————————— It would be nice if the collection of images with links could be done without jumping.
  • (2022-09-21) Germo Görtz: Super Tool! Inhalte können auf verschiedene Art und Weise in Repositories (oder OneNote usw.) gespeichert werden. Dabei werden sie in MarkDown konvertiert (schade, dass es keine online Konvertierung in AsciiDoc gibt). Das Zusammenspiel mit GitHub funktioniert sehr gut. Wenn GitLab als Alternative zu GitHub unterstützt würde, wäre das fein.
  • (2022-09-13) ye xing: 为知笔记授权出问题了
  • (2022-09-09) Stephen Curry: 最近无法保存图片了。
  • (2022-09-05) Ciro Allan: The best
  • (2022-08-31) Evelyn Wu: 语雀还是可以用的,刚试了一下,要建一个token给这个插件,就是不知道安不安全
  • (2022-08-26) Axiang X: 接上语雀的token后发现保存内容按钮一直是灰色的,纳闷了好一会,以为是不知所以的路径选项需要填,最后发现是最下面的知识库要选择一个,囧
  • (2022-08-11) yuhao li: 剪切时文章中代码块只有第一行,其余的都没了 希望尽快改进
  • (2022-08-09) Less Long: 挺好用,但是目前遇到一个问题,就是剪裁csdn上的代码块的时候,没有换行了,链接是这个:https://blog.csdn.net/yao_hou/article/details/78840723
  • (2022-07-26) John San: 在这里讲一下,如果出现保存中文网站到 Notion 没有图片或者所有文字都是标题的情况,在保存的时候把标题换成英文就可以了。
  • (2022-07-21) 洋同学: 从昨天开始notion剪藏后是空白页面,内容全部丢失。 是notion更换接口了吗? 希望作者大大回归,很棒很棒的产品,我们愿意为之付费
  • (2022-07-20) Rylie Hendren: I'm getting the message that in order to bind my TickTick account, I need to buy the powerpack, but when I go to do so, it says that the powerpack is no longer available on the website. How do I circumnavigate this to be able to save to ticktick?
  • (2022-07-20) Luke Liang: Notion目前不能正确保存到database了,只能手动复制添加,希望能修正下。
  • (2022-03-23) 无风: 我很喜欢该插件的便捷性。但是绑定notion账户后始终无法显示notion里的数据库,也就无法向notion剪藏任何内容,真是遗憾。
  • (2022-03-09) 莱上宾客: 挺好用的软件,就是能否更改一下显示在书签上方的图标,使用黑色浏览器主题的时候,就看不到“小剪刀”的图标了!
  • (2022-02-27) Jin Yi Tan: The readability extension is put simply, amazing. I wished it had Notion database support. I'm willing to sacrifice Markdown support for that to happen. I'm currently using Notion to replace Pocket as a reading list.
  • (2022-02-09) Wise Infotech Office: Thank you developer for making this tool, it's help me a lot!!!
  • (2022-02-09) Yi Xing: 纯文字效果很好,但对表格和图片的剪藏效果不佳,希望可以改进一下,谢谢
  • (2022-01-26) 长米: 东西是好东西,不过我一不小心拒绝了有道云的登录,再也登不上了,老显示请登录有道云网页版,其他浏览器都可以,哎
  • (2022-01-04) nicholas chen: 非常棒,感谢作者
  • (2021-11-29) Сергей Викторыч: Синхронизирует Token доступа для Joplin между компьютерами, как результат, пользоваться с Joplin можно только на одном PC, на всех остальных токен становится не действительный. Второй профиль в Clipper добавить тоже невозможно. отключите синхронизацию Joplin.Token в дополнении.
  • (2021-11-15) Chan Lee: very good!
  • (2021-11-14) 9 Muses: 在b站joplin视频看到的,马上过来支持一波~
  • (2021-11-12) Maya Pony: 希望可以增加保存到本地的md的支持
  • (2021-11-01) Delphine Sainsard: Thanks for this powerful extension. I am using it with following configuration: Joplin 2.5.10 + Opera Portable 80.0.4170.63 + Windows 10 - 64 bits Unfortunately some Tool extensions are not visible, even if they are activated in the option menu. For example, I like the "Upload image" extension. It did work in the past, but I don't find it anymore. Any hint on how to be able to use it again? Thanks
  • (2021-10-27) 凯禹王: 非常好用,偶然间看到有人推荐这个插件,本来是还准备弄一个其他平台的知识库没想到还支持joplin,插件优化非常好,非常好用,如丝般顺滑 就是希望能加入阿里oss的图床支持,不过问题也不大,用joplin自己的然后再全部用picgo上传也可以 总体非常满意,赞,以后有机会会多多打赏
  • (2021-10-26) 冷面: 最强的剪藏插件!
  • (2021-09-09) LIANG: Onenote无法登录
  • (2021-09-02) Irish Panda: 很不错,尤其是可以手动选择页面区域,但是有些网页抓取的时候会丢失图片,不知道为什么?
  • (2021-08-26) 无阻畅行: 不知道为什么,在用于 Joplin 应用时,保存按钮是失效(灰色,未激活)的
  • (2021-08-24) rio n: 非常棒
  • (2021-08-03) 邓伟: 特别喜欢这个插件,但是能不能在图床那边支持自定义图床呢?提供的几个图床在公司网络下都被屏蔽了,没办法同步到图床,很烦躁。
  • (2021-07-27) Enzooy POP: cool~~试了好几个,终于找到能解决我需求的啦~~
  • (2021-07-16) 猜猜猜: 原来印象的那个用不了,很是苦恼,自从发现了这个,神清气爽,超级好用,太感谢啦


20,000 history
4.5989 (182 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-27 / 1.39.0
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